Ep 450: Seeing the 'Impossible' (Thinking + Believing Higher)
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Welcome to Day 1 of my brand new 5-day virtual LIVE event, called: Offer Week!
In this episode, my goal is to stretch your thinking beyond what 'seems' reasonably or likely....even beyond what you THINK is possible. Dream big. Write out the long-term vision for your business (ie, what impact will you make? will you work with 100s? 1000s? will you get on stages? podcasts? tv? will you write a best-selling book?)
Get clear on your vision. Because until you SEE it, you will not achieve it.
By the end of this episode, you will have the opportunity to make powerful decisions (take me up on my dares and watch your business accelerate)
Put simply, listen to understand who YOU need to be in order to succeed as a business owner. When you fully embrace who you are in Christ...and live your faith with intention, boldness & courage....watch the Lord move!
>> Grab your FREE ticket inside Offer Week (it's not too late): https://www.judyweber.co/offerweek
Ready to make your first $100K? Join the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator to curate, market & sell an irresistible higher-ticket offer, as you become a faith-fueled CEO!
Is 2024 the year you scale from 6 to 7 figures? Join the Joyful Scaling Mastermind and master Advanced Marketing, Selling & Operations strategies to 2x your profit, while reducing your workweek by 20%
>> Submit your business-growth questions to [email protected]; you may WIN a ‘hot seat’ with Judy to be heard on the Joyful Scaling Podcast
Connect with Judy: YT: https://www.youtube.com/@JoyfulBusinessforFemaleCEOs LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judyweberco/Instagram: https://www.judyweber.co/instagram
>> Learn how to work with Judy: www.judyweber.co
>> Get text updates by texting COMMUNITY to 610-638-2310 (you'll snag a FREE biz-building resource to welcome you)
527 episode