A podcast devoted to the UK comic 2000AD, Judge Dredd and all associated stuff!
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CHICKEN CAM! Rossy is back from his Lemon Party and spills the beans (Texas beans, that is!). You won't catch John breaking at the wrong time! Stranded! 'Electric State'. All this and the Prog review.
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ROSSY IS THE SCATMAN! Remember to take your Visa! Steven Seagal is Chuck Norris or something, something! All this and the Prog Review!
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JOHN SLEEPS IN! Rossy talks about his latest B Movie crush! Flint takes a trip to Trumpland! John watches 'The Gorge' so you don't have too! All this and the Prog review!
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ECBT2000AD Ep768: Progs 2419 & 2420
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2:45:13DANCE MONKEY DANCE! Rossy puts his foot in it again, innit? John likes Ketchup and Flint fills in the 5 things he's done this week! Congrats to The77 for another successful Kickstarter! All this and 2 Prog Reviews!
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ROSSY GETS THE CALL! Only one story in the Prog that the lads look forward to reading...can you guess what it is, listeners?
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ECBT2000AD Ep766: Progs 2416 & 2417
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2:48:29WICKY, WICKY, WILD WILD WEST! Back from a break the lads have a new section...Adventures in Trumpland! (Fast Forward that one for 20 minutes!) Guess how much Johns lunch cost? When is Star-Crash not Starcrash? All this and two...yes...TWO prog reviews!
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Another Blast from the Past! The Original Blurb: 'With Flint unavailable, Rich pulls in Iz to see how someone who actually jumped on at prog 1700 is coping with the current storylines. They go through progs 1703-1706 and of course take time to take the piss out of the absent Irishman. This one was recorded slightly differently to normal, so apologi…
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OH NO! IT's TRUUUUMMMPPP!!! We have a new segment...'Adventures in Trumpland'. Fast Forward to 47 minutes if you are the 'Triggering' or 'Virtue Signalling' type that posts stuff like 'First they came for my brown bread and jam etc'... John gets another scammer on his phone. Rossy and Flint talk Kickstarter Korner with a small focus on The77's 'Red…
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ECBT2000AD Ep763: The Golden Age Begins!
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1:32:56Flint makes a rookie mistake about recording on Inauguration Day and the lads run out of time before they can do the Prog review! But not before Rossy talks about Diamond going into Bankruptcy and John gives us his Deathwatch and movie rundown!
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THE BURNING MAN! Rossy gives us a run down on the California wildfires near his home. Not all heroes wear capes...some wear squirrel masks and a smoking jacket! Micronauts!!! Flint talks about the current country 'Vibe' and John talks about whatever he wants...He's John! All this and the Prog review!!!…
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IT'S THE XMAS PROG! Rossy talks about Retro Sci-Fi. John Talks about Kent and Flint doesn't care for Lisa Frank! All this and a Zarjaz Prog Bumper Review!
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NEW YEAR, SAME OLD GITS! The boys are back from the Christmas/New Years break.
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ECBT2000AD Ep759: RETRO - The Progcast of Christmas past
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3:06IMPRESSIONIST ROSSY! Rossy reads the opening to 'Santa Claus Conquers The Martians' from wayback in 2016!
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FLINT IS BACK! Flint is back from Ireland and he brought back the Flu! Rossy goes AWOL as he is technologically challenged. John has a great weekend out with just himself and Sam! All this and the Prog review!
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BLAST FROM THE PAST! While Flint is away in Ireland visiting family & friends...here's one from the ECBT Archive.
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PARDON ME? John 'It's a fair Cop!' Burdis goes to London for the Southern Contingent and gives a quick look at the new 2000ad Annual. Rossy and his Conspiracy Predictions. Flint is standing in the street waiting for a bus!
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MySPACE! Rossy rejoins Tom, John strolls along on the seaside, Flint is Flint! All this and the Prog Review!
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GARBAGE! Rossy reads some bad comic books, John has trouble with his box and Flint is still on Cloud 9! All this and the Prog Review!
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ROSSY MESSES UP THE PROGCAST! Mr. Ross is technically challenged and causes the Podcast to be recorded on tin cans and a piece of string. John and Flint try and do their best to keep things afloat. But, alas, things are completely out of whack because Mr. Ross can't plan ahead. Oh Well! Flint and John talk about invisible voters. Rossy is confused …
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ARRIBA, ARRIBA! John gets in the mood for Mexican food! Rossy talks about Chibi! Flint gives the latest update on Kickstarter. Oh...and there's the small matter of a little Election going on somewhere. All this and the Prog Review!
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MEDIA MADNESS Who did Notzi that coming? Rossy does a review of 'This Comic is Haunted #3', Drokktober is coming to an end. All this and the Prog Review!
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RENT-FREE! Rossy does a quick run-down of latest The77's This Comic is Haunted. John talks about pop stars. Flint has never worked and McDonalds! All this and the Prog review
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mr. ROSS! Flint reads out Rossys 'Micronauts' letter. John is 'mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore' or...'Johns Adventure with Amazon!'. All this and the Prog Review!
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8 ACE ROSSY! Rossy unleashes the mad beast inside him by drinking alcoholic Kombucha! John is sad to see one of his favorite series end. Flint revisits an old movie and himself and John have a non-spoiler review of the new 'Salem's Lot' movie! All this and the prog review!!!
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CHEWING THE CUD! Congrats to The77 and 'This Comic is Haunted'! The guys talk more nonsense and review the Prog!
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CROSSOVER CALAMITY! Desperate times call for desperate measures. In a move to increase the sales of the failing Megazine...Tharg approves of another 'Crossover'. We review both the Prog and the Judge Dredd Megazine for the latest Multiverse nonsense. Remember, if you're a bad guy...always wear a name tag saying 'Bad Guy' on it! 'Perfect Couple', 'T…
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RANTARAMA! The hosts turn into rantaholics! Flint rants about bias, John rants about Amazon and Rossy rants about old fart movies! All this and the Prog review!
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AT THE EARTHS PHWOAR! Rossy talks about his new purchases. Fried Keyboard! THE'77 #10! John gets Shirty! Arthur Ranson APEX Edition! All this and the Prog review!
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3D Modelling Scam! Who wants a life-size Samantha Fox! Ip or not IP, that is the question! Vlad the Beluga! Short one this week because Rossy (Arthur Wrightus) has to leave for his bus!
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Context is important!This is a loooong one! Oo-er, Missus! Mr. Burdis goes to London! Anyone for Ennis? No sez Mr Ross! Flint sets the record straight! Rossy reviews 'Misty!' and we all review the current Prog!
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ECBT2000AD Ep742: Progs 2394 - 2395
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2:07:54JOHN GOES TO THE MOVIES...LITERALLY! Rossy talks 'YOR!'. Congratulations to The'77's latest Kickstarter success with 'Penny Pentagram'! Also we review not one...but TWO Progs!!!
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John does some gardening! Rossy sez 'Stop liking the bad Guys!'. Flint gets the Prog review in quick!
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MORE MADNESS... Shortish progcast this time as Flint has family out to visit. We cover Kickstarter Korner with Penny Pentagram and White Heat #3. Plus the usual Prog review! Back to our mega length progcast next week!
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COMIC-CON! John rocks and Rolls! Rossy loves Tyranny Rex! Flint is faint! Plus the Prog review!
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DROKK & ROLL! John, Caz and Sam rock out at the Maid of Stone Festival! Kickstarter Korner: Penny Pentagram and the pre-Launch of White Heat #3
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IT'S NOT COMING HOME...AGAIN! Hello John...got a new motah! An Iconic moment in History. Micronauts...ding, ding, ding! And the usual Prog review.
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The Usual Madness from the Gang! Plus the Prog review.
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BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Flint has a had a busy week! The walking, talking cadaver! Top Rise White House! John watches 'The Acolyte'. Plus the Prog Review.
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RIP Star Wars Rossy watches 'The Acolyte' and it's not good! The 2000ad Crossover/Multiverse/Fanfiction Specials because the Meg is DOOMED! John gets on his Soapbox. Flint despairs at some of the worst 2000ad artwork he's seen. All this and the Prog Review!
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ECBT2000AD Ep733: LOLZ with Dave Heeley and Prog 2385
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2:27:30DAVE HEELEY 'LOLZ' The77's very own Dave Heeley joins us to talk about the Kickstarter 'All Ages' title from THE77 Publications. Also, great news about Ian Gibsons 'Lifeboat'. John has seen Disneys 'Acoylte' and it's not good. Flinr has seen 'Sweeth Tooth' and 'Franklin'...both Thumbs Up! Rossy listens to 'Film Threat' again.…
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Rossy shares his love of Doomcock! Frank Miller - American Genius! D-Day Docs! 'Lolz' Kickstarter and the Prog review!
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John's Lawless Experience 250 years is a good run! The'77's 'LOLZ' Kickstarter campaign! Rossy wrote a Guinea Pig script!
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CLASSIC JULIUS! Listen to Ep397 from 2018! Julius Howe joins the gang for some craziness!
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MORE MADNESS! Same old, same old. Plus the Prog Review!
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ECBT2000AD Ep728: LAWLESS '24 An Interview with Su Haddrell
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40:01TEN YEARS OF LAWLESS COMIC CON Su Haddrell pops by the give Flint all the news and information about this years Lawless Comic Con. The convention takes place on the 25th & 26th of May and tickets are selling out rapidly! To get your tickets go to https://lawlesscomiccon.co.uk/.
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ENOUGH says Rossy! John switches jobs and watches the rest of The Seven Golden Vampires which is better than his viewing of Madame Web. Oh Dear!
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AMAZON NO-MORE! ...a Rossy conspiracy. When is an Omnibus NOT an Omnibus? When it's only 144 or 176 pages!!!! John has watched 'Monkeyman'. Flint gives another Kickstarter update. And the usual Prog review!
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ECBT2000AD Ep725: Prog 2378, 2379 & Blazer #4
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3:08:16MICRONAUTS! The usual shenanigans and malarkey plus a review of two progs and the UK indie darling 'Blazer' issue 4.
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DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS! Rossy is back from visiting his friend. John gives his local politician and what for! Flint gives a 'Caretakers Tales' update. All this plus the Prog review! And yes...we are playing catch-up again!
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ROSSY IS AWAY! Rossy is in Texas getting branded! John and Flint steer the show away from the usual chaos when Rossy isn't there.
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