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By, for, and about Asian American Christians, the AACC Podcast is the official podcast of the Asian American Christian Collaborative. To find out more about AACC’s work, donate, or learn more visit asianamericanchristiancollaborative.com.
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The Joy! A.A.C.T. podcast is your weekly guide to transforming heartache into joy after divorce or breakup. Accredited breakup & divorce coach Dr. Lisa Summerour guides successful women through relationship transitions using her proprietary A.A.C.T.™ framework: Accountability, Alignment, Communication, and Trust. Whether you're navigating a fresh breakup, going through divorce, or sensing changes in your relationship, this podcast provides practical strategies, authentic support, and transfo ...
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Die Stars der Reitszene hautnah erleben – das geht künftig nicht mehr nur an den zehn Tagen beim CHIO Aachen in der Soers, sondern ab sofort auch regelmäßig im CHIO Aachen Podcast. In diesem lassen besondere Gesprächspartner Marc Eschweiler hinter die Kulissen schauen und geben ganz persönliche Einblicke in ihr Privat- und Sportleben.
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Aack Cast by Jamie Loftus


Aack! Cathy, the iconic and much-maligned comic strip by Cathy Guisewite, chronicled the day-to-day tribulations of its titular working woman for 35 years, met with equal praise and derision. In this podcast, Jamie Loftus (Lolita Podcast, My Year in Mensa) weaves between reporting and fiction, putting a cruelly treated cartoon everywoman in context.
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響響是一個強調系統性溝通訓練的協會,由語言治療師、特教老師及相關人員組成,運用輔助科技(Assistive Technology,簡稱AT)之相關策略、服務、設備和介入計畫來改善個案所面臨的問題,希望提供一個學術及實務應用交流的學習平台。 支持溝通障礙者AAC服務 響響愛心碼85945 有溝通輔具的問題可與我們聯繫sataaacteam@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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AACR Scientific Podcasts

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

In the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) scientific podcasts, we provide interviews with cancer researchers about their latest work as well as recordings of AACR teleconferences.
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GROWING AS MATURE SONS INTO THE KINGDOM WE WILL STUDY Traveling in spiritual dimensions Reigning as King and Priest Utilizing ancient spiritual practices Engaging heavenly beings Operating from thrones and places We will dive into the Mysteries of the Scriptures regarding all of these topics
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The purposes of Relief Society are to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and provide relief by seeking out and helping those in need. Women fulfill these purposes as they seek, receive, and act on personal revelation in their callings and in their personal lives.
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The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. Experience The Book of Mormon in audiobook format. This provides the ability to skip to your desired chapter, and bookmark where you left off, all within the same file.
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The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of divine revelations and inspired declarations given for the establishment and regulation of the kingdom of God on the earth in the last days. Experience The Doctrine and Covenants in audiobook format. This provides the ability to skip to your desired chapter, and bookmark where you left off, all within the same file.
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„Hür ens“ heißt der neue Podcast der Stadtbibliothek Aachen. Ein Mal im Monat gibt es hier viel Spannendes zu erzählen, zu diskutieren und zu hören. Dabei möchten wir Menschen zu Wort kommen lassen, die hinter der Stadtbibliothek stehen oder mit ihr zu tun haben. Dabei reicht der Bogen von Mitarbeiter*innen bis hin zu Akteur*innen der Kultur- und Bildungslandschaft. Es geht um Neues, Unbekanntes und tolle Projekte und Geschichten.
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AACE Clinical Conversation Series - Podcast

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (c) 2006

Watch as Dr. Carlos Hamilton asks the tough questions in these 15 minute topical discussions. Each Conversation is a fast-paced discussion between leading experts and is focused on topics that are important to you. You'll hear leading experts explore new research and provide insights into how emerging data affects your clinical practice
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The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Experience The Pearl of Great Price in audiobook format. This provides the ability to skip to your desired chapter, and bookmark where you left off, all within the same file.
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Recolección de escritos inspirados (de textos escritos en griego) acerca de la vida y el ministerio de Jesucristo, de los Apóstoles y de otros seguidores de Jesucristo. Por lo general, el Nuevo Testamento se divide de la siguiente manera: los Evangelios, los Hechos de los Apóstoles, las epístolas de Pablo, las epístolas generales y el libro de El Apocalipsis.
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La Perla de Gran Precio es una selección de materias o temas de gran valor que se relacionan con muchos aspectos importantes de la fe y de la doctrina de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. El profeta José Smith preparó estos temas y se publicaron en los periódicos de la Iglesia en su época.
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show series
For Dale Bozzio and Eli Brickell’s birthdays, cover stories for there amazing bands they fronted! (59 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Words The Echoing Green 3:52 Hope Springs Eternal Missing Persons iTunes I Would Die 4 U (Keoki Remix) Missing Persons 3:37 Party O' The Times …
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This week, we Share Chris’s interview with Saffron Murphy-Mann, Helen Hewson, and Andrea Sharples! Saffron Murphy-Mann is a specialist AAC teacher with a background in music, working in both mainstream and specialist settings to support young AAC users in accessing education and demonstrating their knowledge. Helen Hewson is an AAC user born with c…
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On this episode of the AACC Podcast, we begin a series of discussions on the topic of Asian Americans in White Evangelical Spaces. We will be hearing from a variety of Asian American leaders from a range of contexts (church, academy, non-profit, etc) on their experiences working in predominantly White spaces. In this conversation, Raymond Chang spe…
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In this episode of 'The Joy Act,' Dr. Lisa Summerour, an accredited breakup and divorce coach, explores the concept of 'friendly fire'—how ending a romantic relationship can impact friendships. Dr. Lisa delves into why some friendships dissolve post-breakup while others persist, providing insights from both sides: friends and the person going throu…
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Wenn Isabell Werth über prägende Momente in ihrem Leben spricht, gibt es da natürlich die vielen Erfolge und Medaillen sowie einzigartige Rekorde bei Championaten und Olympischen Spielen. Es gibt aber auch Zeiten, die die Dressurkönigin vor große Herausforderungen gestellt oder ihr für kurze Zeit den Boden unter den Füßen weggezogen haben – beispie…
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In this episode of The Joy! A.A.C.T™, Dr. Lisa Summerour, an accredited breakup and divorce coach, discusses the crucial role that family and friends play during a breakup, separation, or divorce. She shares personal experiences and insights on how loved ones can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and encourage growth. Dr. Summerour emphasiz…
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A tribute to the music of Roberta Flack, and a Cover Story for, now 80, Mitch Ryder! (53 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Killing Me Softly The Congress 5:25 The Loft Tapes Roberta Flack 3 iTunes Amazon Feel Like Makin’ Love the Indigo 3:34 My Fair Melodies Roberta Flack 3 Amaz…
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Join Dr. Lisa, a breakup and divorce coach, as she delves into the anxiety and discomfort around being alone post-breakup or divorce. She addresses the common mistakes of dating too soon, not vetting potential partners, and staying in unfulfilling relationships to avoid loneliness. Dr. Lisa emphasizes the importance of connecting with oneself, disc…
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Birthday cover stories on today’s show – for Howard Jones (70), Walter Becker of Steely Dan (would have been 75), and Smokey Robinson (85)! Enjoy! (63 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy No One Is to Blame Emile Millar 3:59 Stay Here Howard Jones 4 iTunes Things Can Only Get Bette…
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Isabell Werth ist die erfolgreichste Olympionikin Deutschlands und die erfolgreichste Reiterin der Welt. Als lebende Legende im Dressursport hat sie schon so ziemlich alles erlebt - große Erfolge, aber auch diverse Rückschläge. In der sechsten Folge des CHIO Aachen Podcasts erzählt Isabell Werth, was sie zu Höchstleistungen motiviert, bei welchem E…
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In this episode of The Joy! A.A.C.T., Dr. Lisa Summerour, your accredited breakup and divorce coach, explores the often-overlooked impact of divorce on your career. From lost productivity to emotional challenges, she shares practical strategies for navigating divorce at work without letting it define your career. Learn how to communicate effectivel…
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For his 75th birthday, which is today, some artists show how they see Peter Gabriel’s music, in their eyes. (82 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy In Your Eyes Flaw 5:00 Revival Peter Gabriel 67 iTunes Amazon Sledgehammer Gavin Castleton 5:49 Covers Peter Gabriel 12 iTunes Don’t …
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In this episode of The Joy! A.A.C.T.™, Dr. Lisa explores the vital connection between sleep and stress, particularly for those navigating post-divorce life. Drawing from personal experiences and research, she highlights the importance of a good night's sleep, detailing how inadequate rest makes stress and emotional turmoil worse. Learn about REM sl…
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This week, we present our TWT Live episode, “Vibes of AAC”! TWT Live episodes include interactions with the audience, including feedback and questions. This week, Chris and Rachel discuss the critical role of modeling language for AAC users, emphasize the importance of coaching communication partners, and highlight the significance of fostering a m…
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Inhaltswarnung: Wir schweifen kurz in aktuelle Diskurse über das Fehlverhalten eines bekannten Urban Fantasy Autoren ab. Wenn ihr das nicht hören wollt, haben wir Kapitelmarken. (Wenn euer Podcatcher keine Kapitelmarken kann, dann überlegt euch diesen anzuschaffen. Kapitelmarken sind toll) Wir starten in eine neue Serie, die sich schon länger gewün…
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Your divorce or breakup doesn’t define you—but how you rebuild does. In this episode of The Joy! A.A.C.T.™ Podcast, Dr. Lisa Summerour, a Master Practitioner breakup and divorce coach, shares powerful insights on how to recognize and leverage your skills to regain your financial, emotional, and professional independence. Whether you’re navigating t…
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For what would have been Michael Hutchence’s 65th birthday, a set of INXS covers! (63 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Don’t Change The Polyphonic Spree 4:24 Afflatus INXS 9 iTunes Need You Tonight Gilli Moon 4:15 Woman INXS 8 iTunes Amazon Mediate IfIHalvedAHiFi 3:07 May 2019:…
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This week, Chris interviews Dr. May Aguis! Dr. Aguis is a speech and language therapist with the National Assistive Technology Team in Malta!, She is also involved with the World Health Organization as a member of their Assistive Technology Advisory Group, and serves as a lecturer at the University of Malta. Dr. Aguis shares about her doctoral work…
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Pursuing an education is a political act. Working in a registrar’s office means providing service. In the currently divisive political climate, with an ever diversifying student (and faculty and staff) population, how can we provide the kind of servant leadership our communities need? Key Takeaways: Being a servant leader is about treating people w…
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Parenting through divorce or separation can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way with everything. In this episode of The Joy! A.A.C.T.™, Dr. Lisa Summerour, an Accredited Breakup and Divorce Coach, shares personal stories, practical advice, and essential tools to guide you through supporting your child as you navigate the changes t…
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This week, a salute to Billy Ocean, who turned 75 a couple days ago, and a Patron-submitted set from JD Friedland! (70 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Caribbean Queen a&r 3:13 SoundCloud Billy Ocean 3 Soundcloud Red Light Spells Danger Top Cats 3:37 Heartache Billy Ocean iTune…
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This week, we share Chris’s interview with Dr. Sam Brydon! Dr. Sam Brydon is a speech-language pathologist and researcher based in New Zealand who works with Torque Link, a nonprofit that conducts AAC assessments and provides support and training across the country. She balances this role with efforts to disseminate her doctoral research, which foc…
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One of the enduring challenges institutions face is how to assess the learning that an individual acquires when they are not enrolled at an institution, and whether and what to award as credit toward a degree in recognition for that learning. In this episode we revisit the concept of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), and its outcome, Credit for Prio…
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Welcome to The Joy! A.A.C.T., where we explore the transformative power of Accountability, Alignment, Communication, and Trust. In today’s episode, Dr. Lisa Summerour discusses the potential pitfalls of excessive positivity and the importance of staying true to your emotions during challenging times. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, d…
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Every once in a while, I have to do a cover story for the OTHER Elvis! (54 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Don’t Be Cruel Holmes 2:26 Covers Elvis Presley 6 Amazon Can’t Help Falling in Love (feat. Brooke) [DARK] Tommee Profitt 2:49 Covers, Vol. 1 Elvis Presley iTunes (You’re …
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This week, we share Chris’s interview with Ceanna MacGregor and Melanie Boyd! Ceanna is an AAC specialist and teacher working with CALL Scotland, an organization that supports staff and pupils in overcoming barriers related to assistive and communication technologies. Melanie Boyd is an AAC consultant who runs her own consultancy called Communicati…
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In this episode Dr. Lisa Summerour discusses fire preparedness with actionable steps you can take today. From documenting your valuables to checking your home for fire hazards, learn how to protect what matters most. Tune in for practical advice and reflections on taking responsibility in uncertain times. You can't prevent certain things but there …
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The music of R.E.M., for Michael Stipe’s 65th birthday! (72 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Losing My Religion The Rescues 4:18 Losing My Religion - Single R.E.M. 14 iTunes Driver 8 Love Canon 6:37 Cover Story R.E.M. 3 iTunes Amazon Fall On Me Bain Mattox 5:06 Finest Worksongs…
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This week, Chris interviews Owen McGirr (enaboapps.com), a software developer who is a passionate advocate for accessibility in technology! Living with cerebral palsy and using adaptive switches himself, Owen has dedicated his career to creating tools that empower people with disabilities. His innovations include apps like Switchify (switchifyapp.c…
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In this New Year's episode, Dr. Lisa guides you through a transformative exercise to identify the people, spaces, and places that enhance your life—and those that don’t. With actionable tips and heartfelt examples, you’ll gain the tools to simplify, assess, and take charge of your journey toward joy and fulfillment. Start your year with intention a…
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So, ich hatte das ja noch angekündigt. Hier ist die Besprechung des aktuellen Wahlrechts, auch damit man es schön weiterreichen kann. Hinweis: Das ist eine geänderte Folge. Es war etwas im Original falsch. Diskussion dazu in den Kommentaren. Shownotes Bundeswahlgesetz Erklärung ÜberhangmandateOleh Thomas Brandt
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Andi und ein leicht kränkelnder Thomas treffen sich, um nach euren Prompts Klappentexte zu entwerfen und dann darüber einfach weiterzureden. Wir hoffen wir können euch zwischen den Jahren gut unterhalten. Shownotes Weird Al Yankovic – The Night Santa Went Crazy Critical Role – The Night Before Critmas Amal El-Mohtar und Max Gladstone – This is How …
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In this episode of The Joy A.A.C.T., Dr. Lisa Summerour speaks directly to those navigating a difficult breakup or divorce. If you've always been the "strong one," receiving help might feel unfamiliar or uncomfortable. But what if receiving isn't a sign of weakness, but a gateway to deeper strength and connection? Listen as Dr. Lisa unpacks: Why it…
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Here is it, the last episode of the year, and the biggest! Counting down the top 20 covers of the year, all the way down to number one! And as always, a special bonus. (84 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Dancing Queen (Cyberpunk) Melodicka Bros 3:18 Dancing Queen (Cyberpunk) -…
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Time to start counting down the 40 best covers of 2024, and this is part one! (88 minutes) Download Episode (AAC) Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Good Luck, Babe! senses 3:30 Good Luck, Babe! - Single Chappell Roan iTunes …Baby One More Time (from Kung Fu Panda 4) Tenacious D 3:12 Kung Fu Panda 4 (Original M…
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