Each week we will talk about Paranormal news and tell our favorite paranormal stories, its informative, fun, and freaky.
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Az Álmok Álmodói podcastban olyan magyar embereket mutatunk be, akik világmegváltó ötleteik révén képesek voltak hatni az emberiség életére.
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Ein Podcast mit Henke, Niklas & Dominik. https://new-base.de/impressum
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A daily 5-minute podcast with comedian Jamie Jackson
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Podcast by Jeff Stein
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Will Angus & Liam Cullagh are immortal wizards that have played a major role in human development for centuries and this is their podcast.
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THE ALMANAC IS TAKING HIS FLOWERS Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thealmanacshow/support
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Joel and Spencer’s 4th season (Previous seasons on Akira Kurosawa, Spike Lee, and the French New Wave) is dedicated to the Spanish Cinematic Icon Pedro Almodovar! They will cover his work and things that complement, inspired, or in any way loosely connected to the work Almodovar.
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A podcast about poisons- all types, throughout history, including modern application and future implication. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/goldstar002/support
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Radio News From The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension
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Interesting conversations with interesting people about religion and faith.
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Der Podcast-Klassiker schlechthin auf Rocket Beans TV: Almost Daily. Budi, Etienne, Simon, Nils und ausgewählte Gäste sprechen über Lebensweisheiten, Halbwissen, Erfahrungen und Absurditäten des Alltags.
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Alimento del Alma: Textos, Homilias, Conferencias de Fray Nelson Medina, O.P.
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Un espacio para ser y estar; para escuchar, respirar y conectarse... El alma de la música nos acompaña para afrontar la noche con serenidad e inspiración
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Programa de historia, artístico, cultural, de divulgación sin ánimo de lucro, centrado en la Edad Media y sus episodios más desconocidos, presentado por Álvaro Rodríguez y con la colaboración fija del periodista y humanista privado de Almas del Medievo.
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This show explores how almond growers, handlers, and other stakeholders are making things work in their operations to drive the industry forward. Host Tim Hammerich is visiting with almond leaders throughout California who are finding innovative ways to improve their operations, connect with their communities, and advance the almond industry. Hearing the voices of these industry leaders might spark a connection or idea you can use in your own journey. That’s why we want to feature these stor ...
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El podcast “Breves lecturas para el alma” te invita a disfrutar de una nueva forma de leer escuchando...
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A Spanish language nationwide syndicated program about health and the benefits of natural products. en español.
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Charla semiformal de los aspectos sociales de la medicina. Dr. Jorge Isaac Cardoza Encinas, Cirujano Ortopedista. Una Producción de Apex Medical y NOICE!
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Join cinephiles Ryan and Joe as they dive into the making and history behind some of cinema's forgotten gems. From Hats Off Entertainment.
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Alman Arabica - Staiy und Karl, zwei hochgewichtige Urdeutsche mit ausgeprägter suburbaner Sprachkultur pressen erfrischend polarisierende Meinungen satirisch in perfekt maßgeschneiderte Siebträger, um sie wohltemperiert mit 8-10 Bar in eure Gehörgänge laufen zu lassen. Ehrlich, direkt und ohne Scheu. Dies ist Satire, wir beleidigen hier nicht die Privatperson/en, sondern die öffentliche Kunstfigur/en.
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Marketing, analytics, data science, and AI - daily content from Christopher Penn
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Welcome to Almost 30 - a supportive space to fuel your conscious evolution. Join us, LA-based best friends Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik, for heart-centered, hilarious conversations and real, raw, impactful interviews with brilliant guests. We dive deep into topics like modern spirituality to health and wellness, aliens to entrepreneurship, social justice, and self development. With every episode, our mission is to empower you, expand what you think is possible and, make you laugh - a l ...
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Thoughtfully curated new music spanning the genres of experimental, avant-pop, electronic, folk, world, and hip-hop featuring interviews on the subjects of art, politics, the environment, and community in Calgary, Alberta and beyond. Sponsored by the Establishment Brewing Company Alternates with What's Your Niche every Thursday morning.
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¡Somos un pueblo apasionado por estar en la presencia de Dios! Es el sentimiento más bello de la tierra. Somos Refrescando el Alma!
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Quick and easy tips for band teachers.
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Na voz de Margarida Cardoso, este é um podcast de pensamentos e reflexões sobre temas ou questões que nos levam a um diálogo interno de ajuda ao crescimento da nossa alma.
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This podcast will use the benefit of hindsight to look back at past Academy Awards and determine which winners have stood the test of time, and which have aged poorly. Andrew and revolving guests will debate who should have won the major Oscars from every ceremony!
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The Christian History Almanac is a daily 5-minute podcast that highlights those stories- sometimes well known, other times less so- that have shaped the history of the church. Hosted by historian and author Dr. Daniel van Voorhis, each daily podcast concludes with a piece of prose or poetry and the reminder that because of the Good News, everything is going to be ok.
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Living the dream as an almost professional filmmaker. Hosted by Blake Calhoun. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/almostprofessional/support
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Almost Yesterday is a glimpse into the rich history southeast Missouri. Dr. Frank Nickell takes listeners on a journey to specific moments in time. A gifted storyteller and local historian, Dr. Nickell’s wit and love for the past are combined with sounds and music that augment his narrative.
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Two pals, video game topics to chew on. Come get ready for the weekend with us! Email us at: itsalmosttheweekendpod@gmail.com
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Follow me on X (Twitter) & Instagram @ItsAlma_T and my Facebook page Alma T
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A podcast hosted by Peter Thomson and Stewart Grant, two clinical psychologists who are interested in almost everything.
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Estrategias para el bienestar integral a través de la meditación, creatividad y balance emocional. Encontrarás temas relacionados con Psicología, Budismo, Neurociencias, Arte, Sustentabilidad, Yoga, Entrevistas, y más, con Alma Ayón, maestra certificada de Meditación y Balance Emocional. Quien después de estudiar arquitectura y pintura comenzó una búsqueda que la llevo a estudiar una maestría en psicología, filosofía budista y a realizar varios retiros en Asia en las tradiciones del tibetana ...
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The War Report w/ G-N-S is comedy a podcast about the news that matters; but also the news that doesn't. We cover Joe Biden and Joe Budden with equal energy and professionalism. The best news and pop culture podcast - period. Hosted by comedians Shalewa Sharpe and Gastor Almonte. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/warreportpod/support
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Imagine two smart curious friendly and basically truth-seeking people, but from very different intellectual traditions. Traditions with different tools, priorities, and ground rules. What would they discuss? Would they talk past each other? Make any progress? Would anyone want to hear them? Economist Robin Hanson and philosopher Agnes Callard decided to find out.
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Four friends compete to be the funniest and most knowledgeable. Mostly they want to avoid punishments! Short stories, personal embarrassments and hilarious trivia. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ryan248/support
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Real. Unedited. Radio. We are a radio type bi-weekly podcast with a bunch of regular folks who come into our humble backyard studio (and sometimes live but not live broadcasts) with an array of fun topics that tend to go astray often!
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A show for families seeking to raise children who love and follow Jesus, hosted by Jennifer Dennis, Children's Director for the CityRise Network, and produced by Justin Kellough, Media Arts Pastor for the CityRise Network.
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Join non-diet dietitians Meg and Susan as we chat over food and body issues and help you find ways to defend your family against dieting, disordered eating and navigate a really difficult food culture.
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Die Legende lebt weiter. Nach dem Abriss der alten Industriehalle an der Willstätterstraße – wo Alma seit 1995 Fitness-, aber auch Partygeschichte geschrieben hatte – residiert der Alma Sports Club seit dem Frühjahr 2020 nun unweit der alten Stätte in seiner neu erbauten Anlage. Mit großer Trainingsfläche mit viel Platz und den modernsten Geräten, zahlreichen Kursräumen für ein Kursangebot, das seinesgleichen sucht, großzügiger Wellness-Area, Performance-Center, Beachsport, Club-Events und - ...
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As deutsch as it gets
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Are you ready to rethink the Bible and challenge easy answers? Join guests like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Marianne Williamson, Tim Mackie (BibleProject), Jon Foreman (Switchfoot), Rainn Wilson (The Office), and Rob Bell as we dive into complex conversations about faith, moving beyond conservative and liberal camps. If you don’t fit neatly into either space, you’ll fit in just fine here. Hosted by Nate Hanson (former Crazy Love pastor) and Shelby Hanson (MA Biblical Studies & Dead Sea Scrolls), Al ...
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“Alma en conexión” es un espacio de consciencia diseñado para ti, un lugar en donde encontrarás un montón de herramientas de las que podrás echar mano para reconectar con tu ser esencial. A pesar de nuestro ego obstinado el alma siempre sabe por dónde ir, a veces sólo necesitamos darnos el espacio de escucharnos para redireccionar, se trata de “darnos cuenta” para así movernos del miedo a la magia.
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My wife's been away for one day and I've found it very stressful thankyouvery much. Basically.
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Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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#LaudesFrayNelson para el Domingo I de AdvientoOleh Alimento para el Alma
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LECTIO 2024/12/01 – aa01 – De las Catequesis de San Cirilo de Jerusalén, obispo
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LECTURA ESPIRITUAL: #LectioFrayNelson para el Domingo I de AdvientoOleh Alimento para el Alma
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El profeta Isaías nos muestra cómo todo debe reunirse en torno a Jesucristo; cómo en Él está la verdadera reconciliación y unidad de la familia humana.Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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Patreon Preview: Welcome to Marwen (2018)
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For the Patreon after-show following our episode on Miracle Mile earlier this year, we decided to dig into our Patreon mailbag and pick a movie that was sent to us by a listener. Did you know that our supporters on Patreon can send us movies at our PO Box? For just $5 a month you'll also get monthly bonus episodes just like this one, chances to vot…
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Foodborne Illnesses: Salmonella, Typhoid Mary, and Botulism.
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Poison friends! Hi! It was a week of turkey laden frivolity or whatever as Thanksgiving was this past Thursday, and I could not help but feel the need to cover some foodborne illnesses that can range from annoying and gross to deadly. Come on a journey through time and...microbiology? as we discuss, Salmonella, Typhoid Mary Mallon, and Botulism. It…
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Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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The CHA Weekend Edition Presents: the 2024 Christmas (and Advent) History Almanac, Volume 1
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Weekend Edition for November 30-31, 2024 Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi Junk Drawer Jesus By Matt Popovits Listen …
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Primeras #VisperasFrayNelson para el Domingo I de AdvientoOleh Alimento para el Alma
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Ep 732 - The Rowdiest Room in Christendom
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Back from MCing a rowdy room and I talk about it. What else do you want? This is it. Mostly.
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Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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Músicas con alma - Calendario de adviento - 29/11/24
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“Mantén la esperanza y el universo te abrirá puertas donde solo había paredes”, Joseph Campbell. Selección musical con obras de Johann Sebastian Bach, Gregor Joseph Werner, Alessandro Scarlatti, Fanny Mendelssohn, Edward Elgar, Kerry Turner, Morten Lauridsen y Arvo Part. Escuchar audio
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#LaudesFrayNelson para la Fiesta de San Andrés, apóstolOleh Alimento para el Alma
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LECTIO 2024/11/30 – sand – De las Homilías de San Juan Crisóstomo, obispo, Sobre el Evangelio de San Juan
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LECTURA ESPIRITUAL: #LectioFrayNelson para la Fiesta de San Andrés, apóstolOleh Alimento para el Alma
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PRIMER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO, CICLO C La esperanza en este momento es fundamental porque el mundo la necesita, porque este Año Santo que empieza con el Adviento está sellado por la esperanza y porque estamos iniciando el Adviento.Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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Alma Sports Club Podcast 21: "Jahresausendspurt", Kinderkram, Kunst im Studio, Alma-Jubiläum u.v.m.
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In Folge 21 unseres Alma Sports Club Podcast sprechen wir unter anderem über Kurse für Kinder, den Weihnachtsbasar und eine Vernissage im Studio (die Kunst ist zurück bei Alma!). Außerdem laden wir zum Silvesterlauf mit Umtrunk (erst laufen, dann trinken), präsentieren die Aktionen zum 30jährigen Alma-Jubiläum, droht Alex mit 1.000 Burpees für Part…
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Some say the best part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers. Turkey sandwiches, casseroles and other delightful dishes are part of the tradition of the holiday. Nebraska Extension Food, Nutrition and Health Educator Nancy Urbanec offers storage tips to help you make the most out of the big meal.Oleh Nebraska Extension
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www.ricoperez.com Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma es el programa de salud para avanzar nuestras vidas utilizando los mejores conociemientos y consejos de la ciencia, para vivir mas y mejor en el nuevo milenio. Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma is a health show to advance our lives using the best scientific knowledge and advice, to live longer and better in this new mi…
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Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we remember Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, one of the most powerful churchmen in England, who died on this day in 1530. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: B…
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#VisperasFrayNelson para el Viernes XXXIV del Tiempo OrdinarioOleh Alimento para el Alma
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Iowa Almanac -- Friday, November 29, 2024
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Oleh Jeff Stein
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141: Game Club Spotlight: UFO50
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We're here!! It's UFO50! Did we like it? Maybe!Oleh Joe and Daz
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A lovely gig and a very late round up. Basically.
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Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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Músicas con alma - Pensar demasiado - 28/11/24
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“Cuida tus pensamientos, porque se convertirán en tus palabras. Cuida tus palabras, porque se convertirán en tus actos. Cuida tus actos, porque se convertirán en tus hábitos. Cuida tus hábitos, porque se convertirán en tu destino”, Gandhi. Selección musical con obras de autores como Francesco Gasparini, Johann Joachim Quantz, Johannes Ockeghem, Víc…
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#LaudesFrayNelson para el Viernes XXXIV del Tiempo OrdinarioOleh Alimento para el Alma
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LECTIO 2024/11/29 – i345 – Del Tratado de San Cipriano, obispo y mártir, Sobre la Muerte
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LECTURA ESPIRITUAL: #LectioFrayNelson para el Viernes XXXIV del Tiempo OrdinarioOleh Alimento para el Alma
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In today's episode, Gastor and Shalewa talk about Drake's lawsuit, holiday traveling safety, and Trump making calls on unsecured lines. Follow the Team on Social Media Instagram: @WarReportPod @SilkyJumbo @GastorAlmonte Twitter: @SilkyJumbo @GastorAlmonte Theme music "Guns Go Cold" provided by Kno of Knomercyproductions Twitter: @Kno Instagram: @Kn…
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LA GRACIA 2024/11/30 Lo que el Apóstol Andrés nos enseña
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FIESTA DE SAN ANDRÉS, APÓSTOL San Andrés nos enseña que para llegar a la gracia debemos pasar primero por el arrepentimiento; que si llegas a Jesús adquieres el deber de llevar a otros a Él, y que servir al Señor implica hacer y desaparecer.Oleh Alimento para el Alma
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#531 | Welcome to the BARBER-SHOP
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Eigentlich wollte Eddy endlich mal über Celebrities sprechen, aber igendwie kommen Budi, Simon & er in der heutigen Ausgabe von ALMOST DAILY auf Styling zu sprechen. Und die große Frage: Soll Eddy sich was trauen? Bart ab, oder was? … um es mit Budis Worten zu sagen. Lustige Bilder werden rausgekramt und getestet, welcher Style gut sein könnte, ode…
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C 3-4 “Qué hacer con estos pedazos”
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Capítulos 3-4
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Diesel Tractor Fuel Efficiency and Exhaust Emission Standards
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Diesel engine performance and costs represent crucial factors for agricultural producers. University of Nebraska - Lincoln Associate Professor of Ag Economics Cory Walters talks about diesel engine efficiency and new EPA emission standards.Oleh Nebraska Extension
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Actor and comedian Sam Brown from The Whitest Kids U’ Know joins the pod to talk sh*tting your pants, trebuchets, and the peak of the fedora. Will and Liam also offer their best Thanksgiving advice. SUPPORT BLANDINO'S PIZZA: https://fridaybeers.shop/collections/... FOLLOW OUR SOCIALS: https://www.flowcode.com/page/almostf... FOLLOW SAM: https://www…
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www.ricoperez.com Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma es el programa de salud para avanzar nuestras vidas utilizando los mejores conociemientos y consejos de la ciencia, para vivir mas y mejor en el nuevo milenio. Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma is a health show to advance our lives using the best scientific knowledge and advice, to live longer and better in this new mi…
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Talking with a Man Who Returned from the Dead (with Paul Zucarelli)
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This is my second conversation with Paul Zucarelli who died in 2017 and returned from the dead through the intercessory prayer of Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix and the faith of his family. Since his resurrection, he has been serving God as a lay evangelist. In the earlier interview, we talked about his new book, One Lord, One Faith, One Church: …
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember Kamehameha IV and Emma, King and Queen of Hawaii, on their feast day in the Episcopal Church of America. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517…
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Iowa Almanac -- Thursday, November 28, 2024
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Oleh Jeff Stein
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Este estudio nos invita a sumergirnos en los poderosos mensajes de cambio y transformación que encontramos en el libro de Hechos 17. A través de la exposición de las escrituras, descubrimos cómo el mensaje del evangelio, capaz de alterar el orden natural, causa un impacto radical en aquellos que lo reciben. Desde la perturbación de las estructuras …
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Músicas con alma - Poder poético - 27/11/24
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La poesía es la respiración de la vida, el soplo de lo invisible”, Gaston Bachelard. Selección musical con obras de autores como Antonio Draghi, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, Claudio Monteverdi, Maurice Ravel, Thomas de Harmann y Robert Schumann. Escuchar audio
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I had to cancel a gig as I have two at the same time. Like a gig threesome. But now a twosome. Or something. Basically.
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Take notes while listening to this episode because it will give you things to talk about with your family at Thanksgiving day dinner!Oleh Curt Sandvig
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www.ricoperez.com Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma es el programa de salud para avanzar nuestras vidas utilizando los mejores conociemientos y consejos de la ciencia, para vivir mas y mejor en el nuevo milenio. Salud En Cuerpo Y Alma is a health show to advance our lives using the best scientific knowledge and advice, to live longer and better in this new mi…
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Buffet style dining can be a great option for thanksgiving, allowing family and friends to get just the right amount of food. Nebraska Extension Food, Nutrition and Health Educator Nancy Urbanec talks about ensure the safety of your buffet with these essential food safety tips and best practices.Oleh Nebraska Extension
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O som é uma das energias mais antigas do Universo, uma frequência que pulsa no centro de tudo o que existe. Ao abrirmos os nossos corações e mentes para essa frequência, ao escolhermos sons e músicas que nos elevem, permitimos que a nossa consciência se expanda e que a cura aconteça. ★ Support this podcast ★…
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