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Podcast mingguan berisi seonggok obrolan ringan-ringan berat yang di-host oleh Ryo Wicaksono, Molen Kasetra dan Bobby Mandela. Disclaimer: Podcast ini berisi obrolan absurd. We respect your right to be offended, therefore please respect our right to offend you. Konten 21+ NSFW Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
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Be Healthy, Be Happy! merupakan Podcast yang berisi informasi kesehatan. Dengan mendengarkan Podcast ini, Anda setuju untuk tidak menggunakan isi Podcast ini sebagai nasihat medis untuk mengobati diri sendiri/orang lain. Podcast ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan tatalaksana dokter. Konsultasikan dengan dokter untuk masalah medis yang mungkin Anda alami. @DeddyAndaka
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Menjadi mahasiswa itu bukan sekedar milih jurusan yang tepat aja, tapi gimana caranya kita menjalankan peran sebagai mahasiswa yang benar dipenuhi dengan persiapan yang akan dihadapi untuk tantangan selanjutnya!
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Curhat Babu

Ario & Nucha Pratomo

Curhat Babu adalah Curhat BApak & iBU. Kami mengerti bahwa menjadi orang tua itu .. well,.. "seru". Kadang membahagiakan, kadang menantang. Kadang lucu, kadang mau marah. Sehingga, curhat itu penting. Dan selain itu, kadang kita pun layaknya "babu" anak kita. Oleh karena itu, kami di sini hadir untuk mendengar curhat para BaBu lain di luar sana. Bukan untuk menghakimi, Bukan untuk menasihati, Cuma sekedar berbagi. It's okay to complain, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to cry, it's okay not to ...
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Ketika orang banyak bilang “Life begins at forty”, ya tak ada salahnya kita bikin podcast untuk bahas “Life being a forty”, kan? @avev dan @luqbaehaqi bersepakat untuk bercakap setiap hari Jumat. Untuk ikutan berdiskusi atau sekedar colek colek bisa lewat email: atau bisa juga lebih mesra lewat voice message di:
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Hello Strangers! Disini bakalan bahas banyak personal things antara saya, teman-teman saya dan kamu. This is the beginning story of strangers knew each other! I know we would like keep being stranger but hey why can't we share stories?
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Novia Afsani

Tentang hidup. Kehidupan menyajikan skenario yang tak terduga. Manis, lembut, dan menyenangkan atupun sebaliknya pahit, keras, dan menyedihkan. Enjoy and be grateful. About love, life, dream and happiness
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We Are Women

WAW adalah tanah subur untuk bibit spirit belajar untuk tumbuh. Muncul dari buah pikiran @rindangs & @thelmakisela bahwa mindset maju saja tidak cukup, tapi manusia selalu butuh positive circle. Enjoy WAW, be WAW!
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Sarana berbagi cerita, ide, ataupun berdiskusi tentang apapun, termasuk berbagi sajak. Untuk kalian yg ingin berbagi denganku, silakan DM via twitter @debrinadian. I wanna be ur good listener, i'm waiting :)) Thank you. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Yogi Pramadani

Podcast karya @yogi_pramadani seorang pengusaha muda yang bergerak dalam bidang bisnis sarang burung walet. Yogi adalah CEO dari RAFLESIA CORP yang telah memimpin 700 karyawan saat berusia 23 Tahun. Be Strong and Never Give Up...!! *LAYANAN KONSULTASI (081381944272)
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Dwi Talks

Sri Lestari

Podcast dengan nuansa obrolan santai yang membahas fenomena dan kegelisahan yang terjadi dalam lingkup sosial dan kehidupan pelajar di pandu oleh @srii_lestariii_ dan @irmaseptiama. Feel free to drop a DM to share ideas that should be discussed next in this podcast.
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Andrew Japar

Ngomongin apa aja bebas, yang penting ada isinya. Podcast ini hanyalah sebuah alasan untuk ngobrol dengan temen-temen yang lebih berpengalaman untuk menambah wawasan dan melihat perspektif yang berbeda. If you want to submit a feedback, just DM me on Instagram @andrewjapar. Will be very happy to hear that. Thanks a lot!
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Berbagi obrolan, pengalaman personal, dan cerita seputar kehidupan diaspora di berbagai negara. Eksplorasi berbagai topik dari mulai kultur, gaya hidup, dunia akademik dan professional. Podcast ini direkam selama host @cherikanh lagi jalan-jalan. Conversations about personal experience and stories about diaspora’s life in different parts of the world. Exploring various topics from culture, lifestyle, academic and professional life. This podcast is recorded when the host @cherikanh is on her ...
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Berisi obrolan berat ringan yg dipandu oleh Ivan Eka, Rizky Andofa & Ilham Majid. Don't be offended, kadang sopan kadang explicit trash talk. Info lanjut. 📩 Instagram: @postal.indonesia Support this podcast:
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Merupakan Podcast dari @AndikaSutoroPutra . Putra adalah seorang entrepreneur dan investor sejak berusia 15 tahun. Sesuai judulnya "Anak Muda Miliarder" Podcast ini akan banyak membahas tentang bagaimana menjadi miliarder di usia muda, mengelola keuangan, investasi, bisnis, gagal dan bangkit kembali. Be ready, relax & Subscribe!
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Cerita Ana

Christiana Novianty

Life can be boring and tiring tapi bukan berarti we can't find any good thing on it. Di podcast ini, gue pengen ngajakin kalian untuk diskusi dan ngetawain our daily life bareng. What can you expect in this podcast? Daily life stories, rants and humour, and sometimes movie reviews terutama horor movies HAHAHA. Jadi, semoga podcast ini bisa menghibur di hari-hari dimana kalian butuh hiburan :) thank you for joining me in Cerita Ana
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Aryo Bagus S.

Random Thought by Aryo Bagus (RaTAB) Podcast yang bakal share random conversation. Bisa aja tentang isu terkini. Bisa aja tentang hal-hal yang lagi viral. Bisa tentang kerecehan hidup. Trust me, it can be anything! Enjooooy~~~ Support this podcast:
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akbar savio (@akbarsavio)

Berbagi kisah dari setiap pertemuan, merekam cerita dari karya anak muda Indonesia. Serta menyampaikan opini dari setiap keresahan. Kontak saya di : |
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show series
Quest. I had many more questions about baptism, and I thought it would be wise to address them in another sermon. And generally, don’t say this, but it would be worth your while to listen to the first one. We’re going to cover a new ground this morning, and that one I gave the Old Testament underpinnings the baptism as well as a discussion of infan…
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Fultz kinds of sermon. I recognize one sermon will not cover all of your questions. If you look around, we are a congregation from newborns to 90 with people of all kinds of church backgrounds. Some have thought about these issues in a deep and serious way, and others, this may be brand new. So all I have to say, extend charity, not just to me, to …
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Join me as we pray for the reading of God’s word. Father, we give you all thanks and praise for you have brought us through this advent season in which while we were preparing for your first coming, your incarnation, the word became flesh and dwelt among us. Lord, we were also to be training our thoughts on your second coming. And Lord, we thank yo…
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Росіяни завдали удару по Запоріжжю, ворог б’є по промисловій інфраструктурі – Федоров Пізно ввечері 26 грудня російські війська завдали удару по Запоріжжю, за словами керівника військової адміністрації області Івана Федорова, ворог атакує промислову інфраструктуру області. Федоров у Telegram Пряма мова Федорова: "Росіяни завдали удару по місту. Вор…
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Last week, we looked at the Messiah’s message pronounced in Isaiah 61. And today, we are considering the temptations Jesus endured as part of his preparation for his Ministry of Redemption. We look through the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Living God, we ask that you would help us to hear your Holy word that we truly under…
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Україна виробила близько сотні ракет “Пекло” Нова українська крилата ракета "Пекло" пішла в серію. За останні три місяці компанія-виробник виготовила близько 100 штук. Про це йдеться у матеріалі ЕП. У тексті написано, що після завершення розробки та кодифікації ракета "Пекло" одразу ж пішла у серійне виробництво. Контракти укладають ті самі підрозд…
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Look to the reading of God’s word, if you please join me in prayer. Father God, indeed, you are the source of all light, and by your word, you give light to our souls. We ask then that you would pour out upon us a spirit of wisdom and understanding. That being taught by you in holy scriptures, our hearts, minds will be open to know all that pertain…
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We’re given to us in Genesis 3:15, all the way to the birth of John the Baptist. And today we’re going to see the Messiah is the King in the line of David, as well as the Messiah is the Prophet like Moses. The shadows of the Old find the reality in the light of Christ. We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Father of…
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Sebagai jantung keluarga, perempuan harus #BanggaJadiBunda. Karena, jika bunda bangga dengan perannya, maka keluarga akan selalu diajak bertumbuh ke arah yang lebih baik lagi. Namun semua pertumbuhan baik itu tentu tidak lepas dari peran support system di sekitar ibu. Yuk, dengar lebih lanjut cerita Ario Nucha bersama Saskhya, seorang psikolog dan …
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See, there are multiple scriptures this morning in your bulletin we’re looking through. We consider advent, and we remind ourselves that advent is not simply a countdown to Christmas. It is not a reenactment. It is first and foremost, a celebration and a reminder of the person and work of Jesus Christ in his full gospel power and glory. His first c…
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DESKRIPSI: Suami biasanya dituntut serba bisa, termasuk soal bangun rumah sampai urusan air dan kelistrikannya. Padahal urusan listrik ini nggak boleh ditangani sendiri, harus pakai konsultan listrik yang sudah tersertifikasi. Nah, buat memastikan sertifikasi konsultan listrik, kalian bisa cek di website resmi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Min…
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It’s an X and an R. It looks like a P, but this is the word for Christ. The first two letters is C-H. Even you see the symbol here, the IHS. It’s Latin taken from Greek, and it’s just the first three letters of Jesus and the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The church has used colors from the beginning because the Lord has instruct…
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Punya pasangan kompetitif itu rasanya bisa bikin makin kompak atau malah kapok… kalo nggak bisa ketemu di tengah. Tapi memang sifat kompetitif ini perlu banget dijaga dan diajarin ke anak karena bisa membantu tumbuh kembang anak jadi lebih resilience. EF, melalui kompetisi Spelling Bee yang diadakan, bisa banget jadi ajang Parents untuk melatih men…
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As a church intern, I saw something firsthand. A family had taken on a high niche child. I can’t remember if it was a foster adoption, something to that degree. The wife particularly had asked, maybe demanded a lot of help from others in the church. Several families had come together and brought meals. They arranged for extra care, and they really …
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So today’s a topical message, looking at a component of biblical Anthropology. It’s a fancy way of saying we’re going to talk about our feelings today. It applies to everyone who’s still breathing. Sometimes we think of these types of conversations and it’s like, Oh, not one of those. But again, the reason for it is this affects all of us. There’s …
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Psalm 1:19. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we ask that you would remember your word to us, your servants, and that it would be that in which you have made us hope. That it would be a comfort in our affliction, that your promises would give us life. That when we think of your rules from of old, that we would take comfort, O Lord. Lord, that your stat…
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Зеленський: Україна досі чекає на винищувачі МіГ-29 від Польщі В ОБСЄ опублікували висновки щодо порушень на виборах у Грузії "Серйозний результат": вчені знайшли ще один позитивний ефект відомих препаратів від ожиріння Support the showOleh Ukrainiangrammar A-Z
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Speaking of true friends, everyone has their own definition. Well, I have mine. I’m hoping to take a moment to show gratitude for this episode and be open about the feelings that have been bothering me lately. It might be easier to leave them unspoken, but talking about it in this episode will show that I’ve been facing these emotions, and soon the…
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Let us pray. Father, we do ask that your steadfast love would come to us, Lord, that your salvation would be according to your promise. Then we shall have an answer for those who taunt us, for we will trust in your word. Lord, take not the word of truth utterly out of our mouths, for our hope is in your rules. We desire to keep your law continually…
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We’ve seen Paul’s final greeting and final caution. Next week, we’ll be looking at the doxology at the end of chapter 16. We’ll be finishing out our series in the Book of Romans. We look through the reading of God’s word. If you would please join me in prayer. Blessed, trying Lord in your great and kind providence, all holy scriptures were written …
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Marriage is not scary, but it can be scary. Yang bikin ngeri bukan pernikahannya, tapi orang yang kita pilih sebagai pasangan. Tapi.. kalau semua dipersiapkan dengan baik, yang awalnya scary bisa terasa berseri-seri dan nggak makan ati lagi. Marriage is scary kalau yang berjuang kamu sendiri. Yuk nonton sampai habis bareng pasangan biar lebih siap …
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The Minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the Priestley service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy spirit, by the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and all the way around to Illyricum, I have fulfilled the ministry of the gosp…
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Perasaan pertama kali jadi orang tua, dan pengalaman membesarkan anak pasti jadi sesuatu yang nggak pernah terlupakan. Suka dukanya, jatuh bangunnya, semua membekas di hati. Dijalani tanpa ada buku panduan, perjalanan mengasuh anak ibarat nyontek ke teman sebangku tapi sama-sama nggak menemukan jawaban. Nucha Ario diajak untuk nostalgia momen-momen…
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A common meme or satire of beauty pageants is the contestant’s answer of world peace in the interview question. The greatest thing our society needs may indeed be peace, but nobody really thinks that it’s going to come about by something inspired through a beauty pageant. It’s not going to bring the world together in harmony. A while back, NBA bask…
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Romans 14. Paul continues to speak to the practical ways. This is not currently working. I am on… It’s working? Can you hear me? Yeah. All right. I can hear you. Paul is speaking to the practical ways that love works its way out in the church. He’s addressing, particularly, the weak and the strong. Romans 14:13-5:7. Can you please join me in prayer…
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