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Earn your OT CEUs by listening for free to our episodes, then logging into the OT Potential Club to take a quiz and earn a certificate. In each episode, we discuss new OT-related research and invite an expert guest to pull out actionable takeaways. Perfect for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Episodes are released every other week.
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The CEU Press Podcast , hosted by Andrea Talabér, aims to delve into various aspects of the publishing process: from crafting a book proposal, finding a publisher, responding to peer review feedback on the manuscript, and the subsequent distribution, promotion and marketing of academic books. We will also talk to series editors and authors, who will share their experiences of getting published and talk about their series or books.
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Podcast de todos los programas de Onda Cero Ceuta. Toda la información de Ceuta. Noticias - RADIO ONDA CERO. España, Europa, UE 2012.
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CEU Cast

Edmond Counseling and Professional Development

CEU Cast is the podcast for Oklahoma Mental Health Professionals. Learn invaluable content to improve your practice, connect with other professionals, and earn continuing education just for listening to the show!
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The CEU Review of Books Podcast Series explores the questions that affect us all through in-depth talks with researchers, policy makers, journalists, academics and others. We bring the most current research linked to Central Europe through these discussions. At the CEU Review of Books, we encourage an open discussion that challenges conventional assumptions to foster a vibrant debate. Visit www.ceureviewofbooks.com to read our latest reviews, long reads and interviews. Write for us! Our aim ...
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Tudo de Bom em Pod Cast que vem dos "CÉUS" Vc encontra em nosso "BAÚ": Leitura do P.D.(Princípio Divino) e demais literaturas do M.U.M. (Movimento de Unificacão Mundial) Conferências de Exposição do Ideal de Unificação, Canções Sagradas, (Vocal e Instrumental) etc. Idioma: Português, Para receber notificações de Novos Episódios Via Whatsapp ou Telegram, adicionem o contato marcioultimo@gmail.com +5584991130001
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show series
What happens when universities shift from being spaces of critical thinking and public knowledge to institutions shaped by market logic? In this episode, we explore the transformation of higher education under neoliberalism—how academia has moved away from its traditional role and into a system driven by efficiency metrics, privatization, and corpo…
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La Delegación del Gobierno pide al Partido Popular ceutí que adopte una postura responsable y apoye la redistribución de los menores extranjeros no acompañados en el Congreso. La institución de la Plaza de los Reyes insta al diputado Javier Celaya a que vote en la cámara baja a favor del real decreto ley que modifica el artículo 35 de la ley de Ext…
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El ministro de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, Ángel Víctor Torres, ha anunciado que el reparto de los 4.400 menores migrantes empezará en la primera quincena de abril. Por ello, ha vuelto a recordar a las Comunidades Autónomas que disponen hasta el 31 de marzo para presentar un informe técnico en el que se detalle y certifique el númer…
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Ocho migrantes, dos de ellos menores de edad, han conseguido entrar a nado a Ceuta en las últimas horas aprovechando las condiciones meteorológicas adversas por la borrasca Martinho. La Guardia Civil tuvo que auxiliar a varias de estas personas en el Tarajal. Precisamente para poder atender mejor todo lo que ocurre en la ciudad y en su entorno fron…
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La ministra de Sanidad, Mónica García, defiende la gestión que se está llevando a cabo en Ceuta y Melilla. Asegura que desde que existe el Gobierno de coalición las dos ciudades autónomas tienen más profesionales y mejores infraestructuras. Mónica García señala que el Partido Popular, durante sus años de Gobierno, congeló las plantillas. Escuchar a…
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Nearly one third of people experience sleep disturbances. And, about 23% of adults experience mental health illness. These high percentages mean that both sleep and mental health are global, public health challenges in their own right. However, emerging research suggests we should not think of these challenges separately. They are more intertwined …
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El Gobierno local ya ha recibido el documento aprobado ayer en Consejo de Ministros que contempla el traslado de menores extranjeros no acompañados a otras autonomías. El ejecutivo asegura que el Real Decreto confirma la protección del interés superior del menor como una obligación inexcusable de las Administraciones Públicas. Para el Gobierno, el …
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El Gobierno, gracias al apoyo de Junts, ha aprobado en el Consejo de Ministros por decreto la modificación del articulo 35 de la ley de extranjería, que va a permitir el traslado de los menores migrantes no acompañados desde las zonas más tensionadas como Canarias y Ceuta a otras comunidades autónomas. Se trata de una medida estructural, definitiva…
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In this interview, Grzegorz Pac, Professor at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, discusses his on-going research into the cult of saints and canonisation in Medieval Poland. Through a case study of the canonisation of St Stanislaus of Krakow, Grzegorz focusses on how a saint, particularly a popular and highly venerated saint, could…
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Hoy se cumple el plazo fijado por la ministra de Hacienda para enviar al presidente de Canarias una propuesta de financiación para el traslado de 4.400 menores extranjeros no acompañados de las islas y de Ceuta. En el último encuentro celebrado con el objetivo de agilizar la salida extraordinaria de estos niños hacia otras comunidades autónomas, Ma…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo II da Quaresma C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 15 de Março de 2025. Génesis 15,5-18; Filipenses 3,17 – 4,1 e Lucas 9,28-36. Instagram © Duke Ellington, Second Sacred Concert (Fantasy, Inc., 1990) – Praise God and Dance © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) – Near…
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Hoy 14 de marzo, se cumplen 5 años de la pandemia, hacemos el informativo territorial desde el salón de actos del Ayuntamiento. Hemos elegido este sitio por ser el lugar donde la población empezó a vacunarse. Este especial es una oportunidad para recordar lo vivido y para ofrecer un tributo a quienes estuvieron en la primera línea de lucha contra l…
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A mintegy 700 ezer Szovjetunióba vitt hadifogoly és civil internált sorsa abszolút tabu volt a szocializmus évtizedei alatt. A rendszerváltás után azonban berobbant a memoár irodalom, és megalakultak a fogságba esett magyarok és elhurcoltak emlékét őrző szervezetek is. A szovjet fogság története mára a második világháborúval kapcsolatos kutatások l…
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El presidente de Canarias, Fernando Clavijo, se reúne con la ministra de Hacienda, María Jesús Montero, para abordar la financiación del traslado de unos 4.400 menores migrantes no acompañados de las islas y de Ceuta, a otras comunidades autónomas. El Gobierno espera que se llegue a un acuerdo. Escuchar audio…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo I da Quaresma C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 8 de Março de 2025. Deuteronómio 26,4-10; Romanos 10,8-13 e Lucas 4,1-13. Instagram © Duke Ellington, Second Sacred Concert (Fantasy, Inc., 1990) – Praise God and Dance © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) – Near Far…
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Starting a side hustle private practice is one of the best ways to safeguard your career, pursue a niche interest, and meet some of the many unmet needs in your community. But, let’s be honest: the process of getting going can be daunting. In this Ask Me Anything (AMA), we are welcoming Carline Reaume, OTD, OTR/L, DipACLM, PMH-C, PCES back to the p…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo VIII do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 1 de Março de 2025. Ben Sira 27,5-8; 1 Coríntios 15,54-58 e Lucas 6,39-45. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 20…
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In this episode, we explore the often-overlooked struggles of at-risk scholars, focusing on the absence of Belarus in discussions on academic freedom, the gendered dimensions of displacement, and the systemic exclusions within global academia. Tania Artemovich discusses how Belarusian scholars have been marginalized in protection programs, despite …
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Juan Gutiérrez, exsecretario general del PSOE de Ceuta e integrante de la Comisión Ejecutiva Regional de UGT, ha anunciado hoy que presentará su candidatura a la Secretaría General del sindicato en la ciudad autónoma. Gutiérrez apuesta por un sindicato unido, moderno, transparente y cercano al trabajador. Objetivos por los que ha decidido dar un pa…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo VII do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 22 de Fevereiro de 2025. 1 Samuel 26,2-23; 1 Coríntios 15,45-49 e Lucas 6,27-38. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Record…
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects quality of life in 1-5% of people. The first step in treatment of carpal tunnel should be non-surgical treatment, which includes education, often a steroid injection, and therapy. But what should that therapy look like? In this live webinar, we will discuss carpal tunnel education, assessment and treatment with Rachel…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo VI do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 15 de Fevereiro de 2025. Jeremias 17,5-8; 1 Coríntios 15,12-20 e Lucas 6,17.20-26. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Recor…
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In this episode of Protecting Academia at Risk, we explore the urgent challenges facing universities today, from the rise of right-wing movements in Europe to the ongoing struggles of displaced and at-risk scholars. Together with Andrea Pető, Dina Gusejnova, Bernhard Kleeberg, Tania Arcimovich, Nadiya Kiss, and Elena Trifan, we discuss how universi…
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A pesti gettót hozták létre utoljára a II. világháború alatt. Ebben az előadásban a gettó rövid történetéről, illetve a gettólakók által átélt érzelmekről van szó: milyen fontosabb eseményekhez, helyszínekhez kapcsolódóan számoltak be érzéseikről a túlélők? Hogyan írták le azokat? Milyen szerepük volt az érzelmeknek a gettólakók életében?…
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In this episode, host Andrea Talabér (CEU Press) sat down with Andrea Chandler to talk about her new book with CEU Press, Canada and Eastern Europe, 1945–1991: Meeting in the Middle. In the podcast we talked about why the relations between Canada and the countries of the Eastern bloc have so far been underreseached, about the large Central and East…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo V do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 8 de Fevereiro de 2025. Isaías 6,1-8; 1 Coríntios 15,1-11 e Lucas 5,1-11. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) …
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J’ai rencontré Vanessa Lépinard chez elle à Paris, le 24 janvier 2025. Vanessa Lépinard est cheffe cuisinière spécialisée en fermentation et elle enseigne à l’école La Source située à Pantin depuis 2021. Après un premier ouvrage intitulé Desserts et ferments paru aux éditions Ulmer en 2022, elle a tout récemment publié La Fermentation au rythme du …
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Apresentação de Jesus | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 1 de Fevereiro de 2025. Malaquias 3,1-4; Hebreus 2,14-18 e Lucas 2,22-40. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) – Nea…
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Childhood feeding problems are one of the most common complaints raised during primary care visits. Which is not surprising, given that the prevalence of pediatric feeding disorder is around 1 in 37 children under age 5. Feeding disorders overall are common in the pediatric population, with a prevalence of 25% of children in the general population …
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In this interview, Merike Kurisoo, Director, Niguliste Museum, Tallinn, discusses her work on the Rode Altarpiece and how it enables ‘time travel’ to the 1480s.The Niguliste Museum (branch of the Art Museum of Estonia) is based in the medieval St Nicholas ( Niguliste ) Church in central Tallinn. One of the most important items in its collection is …
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In this episode of Protecting Academia at Risk, we explore the evolving landscape of risk in academia. Instead of framing risk only as a threat to individual academics facing persecution, this conversation expands the lens to examine systemic risks to academic institutions, knowledge production, and academic freedom. How do shifting political lands…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo III do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 25 de Janeiro de 2025. Neemias 8,2-10; 1 Coríntios 12,12-30 e Lucas 1,1-4:4,14-21. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Reco…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo II do Tempo Comum C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 18 de Janeiro de 2025. Isaías 62,1-5; 1 Coríntios 12,4-11 e João 2,1-11. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) …
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | semana I – Quinta | Lisboa, 16 de Janeiro de 2025. Hebreus 3,7-14 e Marcos 1,40-45. Instagram © Gabriela Montero, Bach and Beyond (EMI Records Ltd., 2006) – Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana Records, 2017) – Near Far António Pedro Monteiro…
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However you think about group strength it probably is not broadly enough. Grip strength is NOT just about hand strength. It is NOT just an indicator of upper body strength. It is NOT just about overall strength. Grip strength is associated with: mortality psychological health functional disabilities hospitalization morbidity The article we are revi…
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In this episode, Elena Trifan, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Erfurt, delves into her research on at-risk academics within the Romanian higher education system. With a background in anthropology and sociology, Elena offers a unique lens shaped by her academic journey and personal connection as a first-generation scholar.Her research exp…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Baptismo de Jesus C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 11 de Janeiro de 2025. Isaías 42,1-7; Actos 10,34-38 e Lucas 3,15-22. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Narrado por María Valverde) © M…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Epifania – Quinta-feira | Lisboa, 9 de Janeiro de 2025. 1 João 4,19 – 5,4 e Lucas 4,14-22. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Narrado por María Valverde) © Mammal Hands, Shadow Work (Gondwana…
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We’ve all known for a while that the current fee-for-service models that most occupational therapists operate under are bad for patients and bad for healthcare. Why? Because it incentives volume of services over quality of services. If you’re like me, you may feel like you’ve been waiting for years for value based care to really take hold in the Un…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Maria, em dia primeiro | Lisboa, 1 de Janeiro de 2025. Números 6,22-27; Gálatas 4,4-7 e Lucas 2,16-21. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Narrado por María Valverde) © Mammal Hands, Shadow Wo…
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