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show episodes

The Hacker's Cache

Kyser Clark - Cybersecurity

The show that decrypts the secrets of offensive cybersecurity, one byte at a time. Every week I invite you into the world of ethical hacking by interviewing leading offensive security practitioners. If you are a penetration tester, bug bounty hunter, red teamer, or blue teamer who wants to better understand the modern hacker mindset, whether you are new or experienced, this show is for you.
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Cacher Audio

Cacher Audio

Cacher Audio is cacher stories linked together revolving around a central theme. Our current theme is, "What made your first cache most memorable?" We have a physical cache to find - find the cache, use the recording device inside to leave your personal cacher audio. Or you can email yoru audio to us at Or call our voice mail - 2146998973. Come back to this site periodically and listen to your posted audio. As our cacher audios grow, you will be able to listen to even ...
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Heart of Cache

Robot Cache

Searching for the heart of play, a gamer talks to other gamers in the official podcast of Robot Cache, the first platform where you can buy, earn, and sell digital games.
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Cache Chat

Marianna & Rebecca

A podcast about being women in tech, from a college perspective. It's hosted by Marianna Mikhael and Rebecca Kahn, two juniors at Clemson University. Music: Sunrise Expedition by Joseph McDade
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Face cachée

Radio Gaspésie

Face cachée, c’est des rencontres, mais c’est surtout des moments avec des gens qui partagent leur métier ou leur passion qui sortent de l’ordinaire avec Maïté. Cette série est tout d’abord disponible en ligne sur et diffusée à tous les mercredis 20h sur les ondes de Radio-Gaspésie.
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Cache Flow

Brian Dainis

The Cache Flow podcast is built for high-growth tech-focused companies looking for creative and effective ways to solve their product development challenges. On our show we’ll discuss how to solve everything standing in the way of boosting the performance of your development team.
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The Cache

Jak Fierro

Solo or not, I rant & ramble about current topics and whatever is on my mind at the time. Please excuse my language and humor. Feel free to add me on Instagram: JakP108 and/or email me at if you have any thoughts or concerns to share. Thanks & enjoy the show!
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Interviews, discussions and best practice sharing in Health, Social and Early Years care and Education. Join the CACHE Alumni team, as they interview interesting people from across the caring sector. Find out about the highs and lows of nannying, how to organise your workload in social care and about the importance of self-care when working in community engagement. A podcast for everyone, from the sector experts in Care, Health, Education and Childcare.
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A programmer's audio scrapbook, from Avdi Grimm. Short selected readings from books and papers at the intersection of code and ethics, sociology, psychology, politics, history, and systems thinking.
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The History Cache Podcast


History better than fiction. The History Cache podcast excavates through the deepest interiors of the human experience with in-depth research, and an intelligent narrative that weaves history with storytelling. A history podcast crafted for the most curious of minds.
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Comment recentrer nos bâtiments sur le bien-vivre ? 2050, une ville 100% circulaire ? Dans 30 ans, la neutralité carbone aura-t-elle mis toute l’industrie mondiale d’accord ? Découvrez Le Pouvoir caché des matériaux, le podcast de Saint-Gobain qui explore les enjeux et solutions pour construire un avenir durable. Is Net Zero Building an achievable goal? Are Prefab Homes the Future of Housing? How to fight against thermal sieves in France? How to rehouse 30 million people in Brazil? Discover ...
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Face cachée ‐ RTS

RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse

NOUVELLE SAISON : NOS ESCLAVES Du 16ème à la fin du 19ème siècle, plus de 10 millions d’Africaines et Africains ont été déportés aux Amériques dans le cadre du commerce transatlantique des esclaves. Bien que la Suisse n’ait jamais possédé de colonies ni entretenu de flotte négrière, ses marchands et financiers ont participé activement à la traite des Noir.e.s. Ses colons ont exploité des personnes esclavagisées. Ses mercenaires ont été engagés dans la répression des révoltes. Les autorités f ...
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show series
Sally Durant Plummer: Victoria Clark Young Sally: Katie Klaus Phyllis Rogers Stone: Donna Murphy Young Phyllis: Jenny Powers Heidi Schiller: Lucine Amara Young Heidi: Leena Chopra Stella Deems: JoAnne Worley Hattie Walker: Mimi Hines Solange LaFitte: Yvonne Constant Carlotta Campion: Christine Baranski Emily Whitman: Anne RogersBenjamin Stone: Vict…
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Burnout sucks, but what if it's actually a sign of growth? In this episode of The Hacker’s Cache, I break down why burnout isn’t always the enemy and how pushing yourself to the limit can actually make you better. Just like lifting weights to failure builds muscle, hitting burnout and recovering makes you mentally stronger. I’ll share my own experi…
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En esta edición de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos sumerge en una fiesta llena de cumbia, axé y clásicos tropicales. Desde la energía de Los Palmeras, Amar Azul y Ráfaga, hasta el ritmo brasileño de Sergio Mendes y Timbalada, este episodio no da tregua. También hay espacio para la nostalgia con Dalila, Rigo Tovar y Margarita La Diosa de la Cumbi…
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Getting laid off can feel like the end of the road, but what if it’s actually the beginning of something bigger? In this episode of The Hacker’s Cache, Justin Mahon shares his journey from military IT to offensive security, including how he bounced back after a cybersecurity layoff and landed in a better position than before. We break down the real…
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En este episodio de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos sumerge en un festín de cumbia, salsa y rock latino. Arrancamos con Los Charros, Ráfaga y Dalila, seguimos con hits noventeros de Vilma Palma, Bacilos y Chichi Peralta, y subimos la temperatura con la salsa de Celia Cruz, Grupo Niche y Gloria Estefan. Cerramos con una explosión de ska y rock fe…
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In this episode of The Hacker’s Cache, I sit down with Constantinos Kaplanis, a senior penetration tester who took an unconventional path into cybersecurity. With no prior IT experience, he grinded his way into the field—applying to 500 jobs, enduring countless rejections, and proving his skills through sheer persistence. One of his biggest accompl…
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En esta nueva edición de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos lleva por un recorrido cargado de nostalgia y fiesta. Desde los clásicos noventeros de Commache, Gilda y Sebastián, hasta la cumbia ricotera de Los Fundamentalistas y La Delio Valdez, este episodio está lleno de sorpresas. También hay espacio para la salsa con Lalo Rodríguez, Willie Colón …
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(in English) The Vixen: Lesley Garrett The Fox: Christine Botes The Forester's Wife: Lyn Cook The Innkeeper's Wife: Jane Whitehead The Chief Hen: Rachel Cowan The Hens: Moira Clark, Jane Whitehead, Karen Harper, Eileen Shaw The Forester: Norman Bailey The Schoolmaster: Terry Jenkins The Parson: Mark Richardson The Poacher (Harašta): Nicholas Folwel…
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(in English) Goriantchikov: John Cheek Alieja: Philip Creech Filka Morosov (Louka Kouzmitch): Richard Cassilly Skuratov: Donald Grobe Chichkov: Norman Mittelmann Chapkine: Richard Brunner Commandant: Andrew Foldi Old prisoner: Steven Cole Short prisoner: Harry Dworchak Young prisoner: Grayson Hirst Tall Prisoner: Jon Frederic West Whore: Catherine …
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Many aspiring penetration testers believe that earning the OSCP is the ultimate proof of their skills—but what happens when they step into a real-world engagement? In this episode of The Hacker’s Cache, Tyler Ramsbey joins me to break down the hard truth about OSCP, the gaps it leaves in real-world pentesting, and why experience always outweighs ce…
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Der alte Graumann: Bernd Zettisch Seine Frau: Yehudit Silcher Grete: Anne Schwanewilms Fritz: Robert Künzli Der Wirt/Ein Polizeimann: Gerd Wolf Ein Schmierenschauspieler: Klaus Häger Dr. Vigelius/Der Baron: Wolfgang Newerla Ein altes Weib: Uta Priew Der Chevalier/ Ein zweifelhaftes Individuum: Stephan Rügamer Der Graf/Rudolf: Hanno Müller-Brachmann…
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If you want to be an expert in cybersecurity, coding isn’t optional—it’s essential. In this Q&A episode of The Hacker’s Cache, I break down why learning to code separates the entry-level professionals from the true experts and how AI is shifting the skills needed in offensive security. I also dive into the different career paths available after lan…
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En este nuevo capítulo de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos sumerge en un maratón de cumbia, cuarteto y fiesta sin frenos. Arrancamos con el inconfundible Grupo Sombras y Antonio Ríos, seguimos con clásicos de Los Palmeras, Gilda y Ráfaga, y cerramos con la explosión de Bersuit Vergarabat y Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. ¡Un recorrido perfecto para bail…
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Kyser Clark sits down with senior penetration tester Spencer Alessi to discuss a skill that separates top-tier pentesters from the rest—client communication. While technical prowess is essential, Spencer shares how clear, proactive communication can make or break a pentest engagement, impact client trust, and even determine career growth. They also…
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En este episodio de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos lleva por un recorrido explosivo de cumbia y ritmos bailables. Desde la nostalgia de Pocho La Pantera y Gladys La Bomba Tucumana, hasta los infaltables de Los Palmeras, Grupo Sombras y Karina, la fiesta está garantizada. También sumamos nuevas voces como Luck Ra, Emilia y Nicki Nicole, fusionan…
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Are cybersecurity bootcamps worth the hefty price tag, or are they just another overhyped shortcut to nowhere? In this episode of The Hacker’s Cache, I sit down with Keith Coleman, a seasoned cybersecurity professional with experience in pentesting, security engineering, DevSecOps, and more. We break down the true value of bootcamps, why many gradu…
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En este episodio de El Cachengue, Humphrey Inzillo nos lleva por un recorrido festivo con clásicos del rock latino y la cumbia santafesina. Desde Los Pericos, Kapanga y Bersuit hasta los infaltables de Leo Mattioli y Los Del Bohío, la noche está garantizada para el baile. Cerramos con una explosión de salsa y merengue de la mano de Celia Cruz, Juan…
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K. 369 “Misera dove son” (Edith Mathis—1961) K. 374 “Ah questo seno deh vieni” (Ann Murray—1982) K. 418 “Vorrei spiegarvi oh dio” (Louise Lebrun—1979) K. 419 “No, no, che non sei capace” (Jodie Devos—2018) K. 420 “Per pieta, non ricercate’ (Leopold Simoneau—1956) K. 431 “Misero, o sogno” (Cesare Valetti—1959) K. 490 “Venga la morte” (Margaret Marsh…
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Kyser Clark is joined by Paul Nieto, a seasoned penetration tester with over 22 years of experience spanning physical and cybersecurity. Paul shares his journey from physical security to offensive security, detailing how his curiosity and drive for challenges led to a successful career pivot. They discuss the importance of networking, the debate be…
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El episodio 40 de El Cachengue explora una amplia variedad de ritmos latinos y cumbias con clásicos como “Ya Me Da Igual” de Los Auténticos Decadentes y “Amor Clasificado” de Rodrigo. Desde la energía murguera de La Batucada hasta los sonidos brasileños de Os Paralamas do Sucesso y MC Kevinho, este capítulo es una verdadera celebración multicultura…
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