Latest messages from Calvary Chapel Signal Hill and Pastor James Kaddis.
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This is part 2 of the series “The Promise Of Christmas Rarely Told!!!” Today, we’ll talk about how the very first Christmas promise would be put into motion and why it matters to us today! We cannot forget this promise because if we do, we’ll end up being cursed. The Promise Of Christmas Rarely Told! - Part 2 Sunday Night Bible Study Genesis 12:1-4…
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The real war that we fight every day cannot be seen but everything is effected by it! Today we’re going to learn about a critical part of that battle, and more than ever, we must pay special attention to what’s happening in that realm or we will suffer great loss.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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This May Be The Highest Price You’ll Pay, But You MUST PAY It!!!
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We all must pay. Nobody escapes it. No matter how you cut it, there is always a price. Just remember; you get what you pay for so make sure you pay a premium. Sound cryptic? Watch this video and it will make sense!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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God warns us. Again and again and again. When we don’t listen, He extends his grace by giving us another chance through his warnings. When we harden our hearts, the writing appears on the wall and it’s over. It’s that simple.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Be careful what you choose to worship because God will let you have it, and when you get it, you’ll wish you never did. Why is that? Because anything you choose to worship that isn’t the true and living God, will eventually destroy you. That’s a fact!
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Timing is everything in the way we live our lives and all of that can come crashing down if that timing isn’t submitted to God. This is what you need to understand in order to take advantage of God’s perfect timing.
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It’s Time To Get Your House In Order!!!
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Time is going by super fast and it’s only getting faster and busier. More than ever, we must avoid distraction and focus on the things that matter. We can’t turn to the left or to the right! Too much is at risk!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Some people will hear this study and be greatly disturbed by my conclusions but so be it. This one is important and can’t be ignored. We must understand what just happened. Everything hangs on it.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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God always demonstrates His righteousness by honoring His word. When we refuse to obey or follow it, we create grave consequences for ourselves. You can’t fake a genuine work of God, and the more you try, the greater the problem. This is why God’s judgement is the best teacher and class is in session!…
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Thank God This Is Happening!!!
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We have so much to thank God for, and at the top of our list are things we know nothing about! Why is that a big deal? Our lives hang in the balance!!! Special Thanksgiving ServiceOleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Join us as we gather for our all church prayer night!!! We have a lot to pray for so please join us for a very important time!
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This may be one of the most important stories in the Bible because it reminds us of something we always seem to forget. Watch this video and you’ll learn all about what NOT to do when it comes to this very important issue.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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That’s a question that many people still ask today and it was certainly one of the questions that was regularly asked back then. Stay tuned because the answer will not only surprise you, it will bless you!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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This Is The Best Advice You’ll Ever Hear!!!
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Believe it or not, what you are about to hear may be the best advice you’ll ever get regarding some of the most critical issues in life. This is not an exaggeration, nor is it an attempt to sensationalize anything. Take it for face value. It will change your life.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Women's Bible Study - Gospel of John
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Karyn Johnson shares key insights from the fifth and sixth chapters of John.Oleh Karyn Johnson
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When the government speaks do we always obey? I hope the answer to that is no! If you agree and say “no,” why? Is there ever a time when you should say “no” according to the Bible? The biblical answer may very much surprise you!
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God has spoken and His directive is clear. You must decide. What will you do. Each decision has significant consequences. What decision will you make? Be careful; be very careful!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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We live in a world that seems to be dedicated to hiding what is real. God is in the business of disrupting that effort by declaring the truth at every level and in every way!!! Today we’ll show you an example of that very thing happening!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Get Ready For A Very Special Current Events Bible Q and A!!!
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Guess what? We're taking questions today and we expect that it's going to be a fantastic time!!! Join us and ask a question or two (yes ladies, you can participate)!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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What you are about to hear is one of the most spectacularly profound prophesies in the Bible! The details are staggeringly accurate and the only natural recourse is to be moved to action!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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We have a choice in front of us and many don’t even know the opportunity exists. What you decide at this moment will set the path for your future. Choose wisely; your family depends on it!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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One of the greatest tools of our enemy is to get you to believe there is no war, this making you a casualty of it! This is something that we must study. That’s what we’re doing today!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Women's Bible Study - Gospel of John
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Karyn Johnson shares key insights from the third and fourth chapters of John.Oleh Karyn Johnson
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God Gave It To Us; Don’t Let Them Take It Away!!!
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Join us for a very special service as we take some time to learn what the constitution says about a very special aspect of our freedoms here in the United States of America! You may be shocked to learn some of the things presented in this class. Don’t miss out on a fantastic opportunity!!!
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This is one mistake that none of us want to make. Doing this one thing can stand to rob us of every wonderful opportunity that God wants to put in front of us, and we can’t afford to make that mistake. The consequences are brutal. On the other hand, there is something else you can do that would make all the difference in the world!…
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God is in the business of showing up. He is always present and never absent. He’s always doing something so the question is simple; do you see it? If you do, are you ready for what He’s bringing?
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Join us as we gather for our all church prayer night!!! We have a lot to pray for so please join us for a very important time!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Whether or not anyone notices it, God shows up on a regular basis. The problem comes when others don’t see it or even worse, refuse to see it. When you do notice it, what happens next? What will you do next? Watch this and find out!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Intention is almost always followed by distraction and disruption. This is especially true when it comes to the business of the kingdom of God! Why should we be intentional? To defeat the effects of disruption and distraction, and to find the place consistency and obedience.
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One of the Bible’s MOST INTENSE Warnings From God!!!
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Jeremiah the prophet spoke to the children of Israel in a time of severe rebellion and departing. We have an account not only of God instructing him to speak on his behalf, but also tells him the outcome of their rebellion and it is sobering. Besides these warning we see clearly the similarities between their actions and what we see on a large scal…
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Women's Bible Study - Gospel of John
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Karyn Johnson shares key insights from the first and second chapters of John.Oleh Karyn Johnson
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The passage that we’re about to discuss may be one of the most profoundly vivid examples of how God will clearly intervene when man turns to Him for help. The best part in this case was to see just how well God solves the problem!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Whether or not anyone notices it, God shows up on a regular basis. The problem comes when others don’t see it or even worse, refuse to see it. When you do notice it, what happens next? What will you do next? Watch this and find out!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Today we’re going to learn the lesson of someone else instead of learning our own the hard way!!! Don’t miss what you’re about to see because it’s life changing!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Walk In Fear. You Won’t Make It If You Don’t!!!
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The Bible changes everything and this is especially true when it comes to Fear. If you don’t take this seriously, you’ll already be in trouble!!! Be very careful!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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hat do you do when your world falls apart? That’s a question everyone wants an answer to but can’t seem to find. The story of Daniel gives us every answer we need and in this case, we can learn a lot!!! Get ready for a GREAT STUDY in an exciting subject!!!
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From the beginning of the existence of the nation of Israel we have seen attempt after attempt to destroy the people of God and those attempts always fail. Not only do they fail, the people of God grow. This is especially true of Israel!!! Today we’ll see an example of this in the upbringing of Moses. Don’t miss out on an extraordinary study!!!…
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This is not a joke. We truly are talking about a life and death issue and this is one place when Ignorance IS NOT bliss! Please watch this because it will set you down a path of growth like you’ve never seen. Remember; this is all about not just surviving, but conquering and even being more than conquerors.…
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Something VERY BAD Is About To Happen!!! Are You Prepared?
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The question is not “if,” it’s “When?” If you know what I just write to be true, the real question should be are you prepared? I sincerely hope you are! If you’re not, watch this and get yourself ready!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Today we’re going to dig into the book of Daniel. We’ll start with an introduction and survey and what you learn today will set the tone for everything you learn in the future. This book will transform your life so hold on! Great things are coming!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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The greatest empire in the world destroyed itself quickly when it gave itself to do two things. 1) Destroy the lives of innocent babies and 2) Curse God’s chosen people; the Jews. There are lots of lessons we can learn from this and every one of them are important.Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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It’s Time To Stop The Bleeding!!!
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We’re about to finish the book of Jude and what you see in the end is powerful. As a matter of fact, the most powerful message so far in Jude is found in this passage. Get ready, because this one is life changing!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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God has spoken and the ultimatum has no recourse. You either listen and Live or rebel and perish. There’s only one choice to make and that choice with either cost you greatly or benefit you. Proverbs 13:7-10 Tuesday Night Men's Bible StudyOleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Join us as we gather for our all church prayer night!!! We have a lot to pray for so please join us for a very important time! 09-29-2024
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Today, I have the joy and honor of being able to introduce the book of Exodus to you. Exodus is an extraordinary book that catalogues the journey of God’s chosen people, and gives us an exemplary picture of what happens when we choose to walk against the purposes and call of God on our lives. The children of Israel were called by God to step away f…
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We Have A Live Israel Update With Major David TaL!!!
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Join us as our dear friend David TaL gives us a very important Israel update with an important Biblical message about what we Can do to help Israel and bless God!!! Don’t miss out on this important update!!!
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How To Avoid Failure As A Christian!
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In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke about where Christians find what they need to survive and succeed. His words are powerful and explain something extremely useful, yet often overlooked and misunderstood. Studying this Bible passage will change how you approach God and what you seek from Him.Oleh Pastor Dale Quimby
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It’s Going To Happen To You And This Is How You Prepare!
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The question is not “if,” it’s “when.” Make no mistake, this is inevitable and it will happen to you. The question is simple. Are you ready?Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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The world is turning against Jews and Christians in a way we’ve never seen before! The good news is that God told us this would happen and were given instruction on what to do. What you see here is important so take care to watch every minute!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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Now is the time. We don’t have the luxury of wasting that time and whatever we do, we must make the most of it as God calls us to. Today, we’re going to talk about what that looks like and how we can be the most effective in following the words of wisdom given to us here!!!Oleh Pastor James Kaddis
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