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show episodes
Este é o podcast essencial da liderança, para quem quer liderar no nível mais alto de excelência, a Liderança De Elite! Neste podcast falamos de propósito, liderança, gestão, governança, comunicação, networking, empreendedorismo, negócios, alta performance. Ou seja, tudo aquilo que ajuda você a se tornar um líder de elite! Um grande abraço! Carlos Hoyos - Liderança De Classe Mundial
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The Carlos Whittaker Podcast

That Sounds Fun Network

In a world more connected— yet lonelier— than it's ever been, Carlos Whittaker is bringing humans together all over the world. Backed by the power of a massive Instafamilia, his enthusiastic social followers tune in daily and join forces with Carlos to find connection, do good, and be in community. In this podcast Carlos creates a space where people are safe to engage in conversation about the topics that matter most. His motto: Don't stand on issues, walk with people.
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Reflexões diárias do Evangelho feitas pelo Pe. João Carlos, SDB - Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil. O conteúdo em texto pode ser acessado em Querendo receber diariamente o conteúdo, basta ingressar no grupo especial clicando aqui: ou através do whatsapp 81 3224-9284
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Welcome to Carlos’ Thoughts Podcast, a podcast where the conversation goes wherever my mind takes it. I’m your host, Carlos Alvarado, and here we’ll dive into whatever’s on my mind, sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s random, but it’s always real. Whether I’m reflecting on life, talking about what’s happening in the world, or exploring big ideas, this is a space for honest, unscripted conversations.
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The Blank with Carlos & Ryan.

The Blank with Carlos & Ryan

Where comedy and real talk ensue. Join Carlos and Ryan as they discuss (as Carlos rants and Ryan babysits), explore, teach, and learn about what's going in the world around them. Whether it regarding politics, social media, and pop culture. These two are going to need all the hints they can get to solve the world's problems.
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Púlpito Reformado Semanal con el Pastor Carlos Cruz Moya

© Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc. Copying and sharing is encouraged.

El programa en vivo de los sábados con el pastor Carlos Cruz Moya en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de San Juan. Para mas información, llama la iglesia a los (787)-649-8253 / (787) 410-7899 o visíte Carlos Cruz Moya también es anfitrión del programa "Púlpito Reformado" en vivo los sábados a las 8 p.m. en La Roca.
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Carlos Inspire Show

Carlos Siqueira

Carlos Siqueira: Unleashing Potential, Championing Change Welcome to the world of Carlos Siqueira, a relentless force for positive transformation and a beacon of inspiration. As an esteemed author, premier speaker, and strategic mastermind, Carlos is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to excel. His podcast, a hub of innovation and insights, is where he shares his wealth of knowledge on wealth strategy, business acceleration, and personal growth. Carlos’s journey in life is fu ...
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Buena tarde compañeros, e siguiente podcast tiene como objetivo saber cuales son las consideraciones mas importantes, así como lo que implica una auditoría a empresas Pymes y Startups. Cecilia Bernal Auditora con 18 años de experiencia en el ámbito de calidad en el ramo de TI. Me gustaría saber sus opiniones, comentarios o anécdotas.
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Carlos Jonay Suárez Suárez

En los diferentes episodios de mi canal de Podcast quiero compartir contigo mis experiencias, impresiones y opiniones sobre Estrategia Digital, Tecnología y Trabajo Remoto. Sin filtros y sin chorradas: - Resumenes de herramientas que uso o testeo en mi día a día. - Entrevistas sin cortes, ediciones, ni historias... Pura miga. - Episodios de opinión sobre temas de actualidad vinculados con Estrategia Digital, Marketing Digital, Tecnología y Trabajo Remoto. Si te mola lo que lees... imagínate ...
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Els Viatges de Carlos Carlos

Carlos Carlos Ripo

En cada capítol vos proposarem un viatge cultural. Podeu seguir tota l’activitat a: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Medium:
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show series
Joseph joins us to share about his career as an ethical hacker. First of all, I didn’t know that there were good hackers out there. What a relief! You’re going to love this conversation. We cover everything from hacking to faith and AI to international adoption. This stuff is all so fascinating to me, and it was so fun to get to share these thought…
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No “Estadão Analisa” desta quinta-feira, 06, Carlos Andreazza fala sobre a nova ministra das Relações Institucionais, Gleisi Hoffmann, que tem reagido com bom humor sobre o risco de radicalização à esquerda do governo, com a sua ida para o Ministério de Lula. Leia a coluna:…
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📆. 06 de março - 🚨. Meditação da Palavra do Senhor em Lc 9,22-25. 🔔. Se alguém quer me seguir, renuncie a si mesmo, tome sua cruz cada dia e me siga (Lc 9, 23) ​👉. O próprio Jesus, ontem, nos deu três indicações para vivermos bem este tempo da Quaresma: oração, penitência e caridade. 📌. Evangelho e meditação estão aqui: https://www.padrejoaocarlos.…
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¡Nuevo episodio #288! ¿Crear inteligencia artificial puede considerarse un arte? En este episodio, tenemos de vuelta a viejos amigos y colegas para explorar a fondo cómo podemos definir el arte en la era de la IA. Además, revivimos los recuerdos de nuestra increíble experiencia en Europa. ¡No te lo puedes perder! #Arte #IA #Europa #Negocios…
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Carlos Antonio Vélez, en sus Palabras Mayores del 5 de marzo de 2025, habló de Néstor Lorenzo y la convocatoria que se debería hacer en la Selección Colombia. Vélez analizó la victoria de Nacional sobre Fortaleza en la Liga BetPlay y se refirió al enfrentamiento que tendrán Once Caldas y Millonarios en la Copa Sudamericana.…
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Join Carlos as he dives into an inspiring conversation with Andrea Quigley, a woman who left behind the fast-paced world of managing multi-million dollar empires to help others rediscover their true essence. Andrea shares her journey of realizing that true fulfillment comes not from accumulating wealth or achievements but from aligning with one's s…
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Envíanos un mensaje queremos saber de ti. 🔥 Ordenanzas: Más que rituales, experiencias de poder 🔥 El Bautismo en Agua y la Santa Cena no son simples tradiciones, sino momentos que transforman nuestra relación con Dios. ¿Estás viviendo una fe activa o solo siguiendo una rutina? Descubre cómo renovar tu compromiso con Jesús hoy. 📖 Versículos clave: M…
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Carlos and Ryan discuss in today's episode: taking secrets to the grave, Apple's new DEI hires, and Hooter's downfall (don't blame the youth because we're all about the junk in the trunk now a days). If women can get a procedure done to make themselves feel better, why can't men (Ryan's on his way to LA to get the surgey done). RIP to Gene Hackman,…
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Carlos Alberto Sardenberg discute a relação entre a inflação e os preços. Ele explica que a inflação continua alta, especialmente em setores como alimentos, serviços e educação, o que gera desconforto na população e afeta a popularidade do governo. Ouça.
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I LOVED this conversation with my new friend Joe. Joe reminds us how radical curiosity can be, especially when we work to stay curious about the things we come face to face with every day. Joe shares a piece of his story of a time when he and his family were unhoused, living in a car. He’s going to challenge a lot of your ideas about homelessness a…
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In this episode, I start off trying to figure out which animated movie characters would actually survive a horror film, because let’s be honest, most of them wouldn’t make it past the opening scene. Then, I get into my childhood fear that swallowing a watermelon seed would turn me into the Hulk (and a small part of me still kinda believes it). Fina…
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💭 ¿Nos volvimos más frágiles o más sabios? 🤔 🔥 Generación de Cristal vs. Generación de Hierro 🔥 Antes se decía "¡aguántate!" y ahora hablamos de salud mental, emociones y límites. ¿Eso nos hace más débiles o simplemente evolucionamos? 🤷‍♂️ En este episodio de “¿Y ahora de qué vamos a hablar?”, Juan Carlos y Rocío debaten sobre las diferencias entre…
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