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show episodes
Farbrengen is Art. Art of the soul. It is a living palette of heart and mind, mixing the modern Chassidic culture and contemporary issues ….which perhaps we rather not talk about. Add honesty and simplicity, and you have a Street Farbrengen.“Our canvas is the Street corner we cherish - common sense, heart, and the spirit of adventure. Its what is ChabadLife.” Co- hosts Reuven Flamer and Zacharia Lipitz talk about what normally lives underground...Gimmel Tammuz.
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show series
It is Kabbalistic thinking that the creation “recedes” on Rosh Hashana and awaits the prayers and the sound of the Shofar to begin creation anew. Not only is the world waiting for a spectacular creation for the next year, each individual is integral to this new creation process. Each must also must want to create again. Street Farbrengen peeks into…
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Chassidic transformation ( avodah) boils down to molding G-d into your best friend. More so , G-d is your spouse as alluded in many ways beginning in Shir Hashirim, Song of Songs.. But your therapist? Street Farbrengen lies down on the couch. Who do I trust and expect to hear guidance from more? My therapist or G-d?…
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Elul and Tishrei are a basketful of obligation. Is that my focus at this time of year? There is another option. Elicit the power of the 'one who is obligated' - after all, I've been asked to make it all happen! In this week's episode of Street Farbrengen we explore the connection between things we should do, the things we are being asked to do, and…
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You can set the bar so high that no one shows up for the track meet! Have chassidim inadvertently set the cruising altitude so high that we don’t join the voyage to begin with Reuven and Zacharia tackle Avodah in 5784.... are we in or out? Are we ready or not?Oleh
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Elul. Chabad owns the month, characterizing it as “the King is in the field.” Is the King not “in the field” all your round? What does this month mean to you and me? What am I supposed to do? Reuven and Zachariah work through the “month of Elul” and conclude, it is about stepping out of control.Oleh
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There is an emphasis in Chassidic literature on limiting one’s participation with the physical environment, to measure what is necessary and what is extra and luxury. We call it eskofia, holding back. Is this practice relevant today? Does the Chabad culture encourage or train our children and ourselves to “ avoid what’s permitted”? What is the reas…
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After fire destroys his home Reuven wonders about his calm and joy. Shouldn't I feel guilty or some sort of contriteness for some actions that led to a fire burning down my house? Zacharia and Reuven talk fire, Tisha B'av and the manner the Rebbe directs to approach and look at the ups and downs and surprises of life.…
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Every Geulah is fashioned from a prison. “The Rebbe # Tammuz 5710” Zechariah suggests that “prison” is associated with “Nisayon,” a test, different then birurim, extracting the good from the negative. The Rebbe states that the work of birurim is finished. Does this mean that today is the work of “nisyaon”? Why is our time to be approached with the …
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Gimmel Tammuz is a real modern challenge for the serious Chassid. How do I relate to who and what is the Rebbe himself beyond ‘scholar’? Is Rebbe the writings and videos left ‘below’? Zacharia and Reuven attempt to understand a 4th level of Rebbe-Chassid paradigm refer to as Maor and Ohr.Oleh
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How deep a dive inside must I take, and how specific do I engage with my darker side? Do I need to know the source of why I am triggered by something or why I have a specific type of desire or failing? In other words, how do I conquer my city as the Alter Rebbe writes in Tanya? Do I inspect my landscape before I begin to conquer it? How do I avoid …
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The blessing given for Shavuous is to receive the Torah B'pnimius - integrate the Torah from within. What exactly is this core that integrates this Torah? How do I incorporate Torah in such a manner? A heart to heart talk on Street Farbrengen on pnimius and making it work on Shavuous.Oleh
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Zacharia and Reuven take a different look on the day of the 28th of Nissan. In place of a response to the message of the day by finding ways to convince the public of the agendas the various factions that Chassidim have developed over the years - “tut altz “ do what you can, how about a response of being all you can….and mentor. You will want to li…
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In this week’s Street Farbrengen we ponder freedom. Are we really free if we are in the habit to make weak or wrong choices ? Can we be free if we are afraid to make choices ? This Street Farbrengen concludes that freedom is Pesach and of all things freedom begins with sweeping, scraping and making our houses and cars and backyards free of the drea…
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“The older I get and the more Chassidus I digest the more I realize just how lazy and stupid I can be...And that’s going to change in Adar. I have all the tools! Why don’t I use em!???” There are two approaches to Chassidic material. One is ready for “what is it saying should be”! The other asks “what will this be asking me to do?” When you hit a w…
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“I admit I have a PHD in sarcasm” Reuven tells Zacharia. The use of sarcasm at some chassidic gatherings is common enough to be a concern for discussion on this week’s episode of Street Farbrengen. Sarcasm is a cover for something very important that must be addressed: do we feel capable to live up to the standards and goals of Chabad Chassidus?…
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Reuven opens tonight's farbrengen with the theme song from a hit movie during the 1960’s, “The Good The Bad and The Ugly.” "It came up for me as part of our farbrengen topic tonight: I’ve been thinking for awhile: I am not interested in religious organization …. even Chabad Lubavitch.Oleh
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Religious people in general , Chassidim in particular, and Chabad Chassidim specifically, are often accused of being dreamers. Often enough they even may be considered mildly delusional! Zacharia asks when do you know you dreams are real and when they are not? The finger of delusion often points to Moshiach. But as the song goes, “you don’t have to…
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What is your framework which contributes to your approach to Chassidus? Is Chassidus a system of thought? Is Chassidus the system for personal transformation ? Perhaps it’s the key to being a member of your particular clan? This week”s episode of Street Farbrengen concludes Chassidus is an invitation to “meet G-d”…
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"That year, during Tishrei, the Rebbe was extremely joyful. He mentioned to the chassidim who were close to him that he had not yet made a seudas hoda'a for his geula, as one is obligated to do, al pi halachah. From this, they understood that the coming Yud-Tes Kislev would be something out of the ordinary.” What do I learn and use as a guide that …
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One generation comes and another goes. Do the expectations to be considered a chassid from one Rebbe to the next stay the same (and get increased) or is the slate wiped clean? Reuven and Zecharia ask if the desire of the Mittler Rebbe’s stated request that he have Chassidim who when they meet will speak about Yichudah Ilaah and Yichudah Tataah (Upp…
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Picking up where we left off last Farbrengen, we continue about living with extremes both within and on the outside . Does cancel culture apply when one side wants to sweep the other under the rug? Or is it time for them to learn how to coexist? The answer is with the one who decides......Oleh
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How do you deal with the stark reality of war while miles away from the rockets and the fighting? Do you seek ways to explain the evils with Torah sources Moshiach mentions or Prophecy predictions? When you find them, do you feel better? Zacharia and Reuven dive into the emotional sides of "theology and reality".…
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The military runs “ a post mortem” report on military operations performed in battle . In this week of Ki Tetzei - when you go to battle- Reuven and Zacharia review some thoughts and feelings about the three weeks. The focus is on breaking walls and making walls. Sometimes you just need to want to go to war!…
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Chassidus focuses extensively on the emotions: How does mind interact with emotions, what is the source of mind and heart? What sort of emotional response is there in the mind itself and because of the mind? At the base of it all, emotions have a major role in spiritual work and perhaps are the driving force of the work. Too often the spotlight shi…
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The hallmark of Matan Torah is the stance the nation chose na'ase v'nishma. As I prepare for Shavuous this year, in what way do I reignite “we will act and then understand”? And how do I understand the Baal Shem Tov's love of “a posheter” yid - simple can still be quite sophisticated!Oleh
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The 28 Nissan Bike Ride Do you remember learning to ride a bicycle, when your coach/trainer let go of his or her grip on the seat? " I am solo!" When you realized you are on your own, what did you do? How did you feel? Scared? Exhilarated? Did you fall? Zacharia and Reuven dive into the generations' most important bicycle ride: 28 Nissan and we are…
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Countless teachings of an unprecedented style and amount. Correspondence through letters are in the hundreds of thousands. Hours of private audience with people from all walks of life, Jewish and not. He even answers millions of people until today! Rabbi Adin Steinsalz once remarked that “the most remarkable thing about the (Lubavitcher) Rebbe - wa…
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Do you ever run your life like there is a mountain over your head? Habits become the driver and routine becomes your chariot? Zecharia want to know what's on Reuven's mind. "Purim", suggests Reuven, "is all about personal choice. Do I feel like I am choosing my life or do I go along with the flow?"Oleh
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The essence of all Chassidic Red Letter Calendar dates is Rebbe and Chassidus. The two are united, as the Rebbe once said: the spokesperson for Chabad is the Maamar. Chassidus is life, not simply a theological or political platform of sorts. In this episode Zacharia and Reuven grapple with how to approach Chassidus as consciousness and not just inf…
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How do you define being a chassid? Is a chassid defined by who the Rebbe is or who he or she is? Sounds like a strange question. In truth it's important to know how you understand who you are in order to clarify who the Rebbe is! Reuven and Zacharia dive into the bitul of a Chassid in our generation as we come close to Yud Shevat.…
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Hei Teves is a “red letter” date on the Chabad calendar. Its significance at the time was enormous. Many years later is its celebration simply adding to your personal library? Zechariah explains his unique understanding of what the day truly means for him and the rest of us. His opinion is a surprise, as is his custom: “Hei Teves is not about the R…
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Reuvan and Zechariah are challenged to continue the conversation. Joined by Moshe Friedman who answers the question, "what do I do when negative emotions try to disconnect me from my relationship to G-d? What place do my emotions have in serving G-d and how far can we extend it?" Where is my safe space?…
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This week Zacharia and Reuven are with Dovid Losh, Moshpia at Achi Tmimim. How can we, as a moshpia, a parent, a friend, sit across the table without judgement and help each other move forward in life? At what point do we stop numbing out our lives and finally say (yell, cry, scream) "I want to change!"…
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Zacharia and Reuven are with Eli Erenthal, Director Of Operations Director Of Operations of Our Village - Sober Living. "What needs to be done" explains Eli, "is creating a safe non-confrontational space for each other, a Community which supports and nurtures." Can a farbrengen fulfill the instructions of the Previous Rebbe “But this reproving at a…
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The cultural waves of interest and participation with , psychedelics, legal marijuana, and the long time acceptance of alcohol, is now part of the Jewish religious culture in general and Chabad specifically. What fuels the increased use of mind altering substances in the community? What is found in psychedelics which cannot be experienced in Jewish…
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Reuven reaches the Big 65. He struggles with his Time Line. So many different decades all with their own color and hue. How do you incorporate your past with the present and the future? How do you connect the folly of youth with the maturity of your later years? Is it futile to live young, when as the great musical poet Leonard Cohen writes " my ha…
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Can you evaluate performance and success without a standard to compare to? Can you be accountable without a system to do so? Street Farbrengen invites you to join Zecharia and Reuven to join Street Farbrengen's Whats APP program Three 4 83. Dedicated to support develop strategies and accountability for your most successful year possible Three 4 83 …
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We take an honest look at Elul/Tishrei Season. Why will this year be different than what I did last year? Can we control the outcome better than ever? Reuven and Zacharia grapple with what to do to make this year's New Year season have more impact than ever. They both commit to planning for the next year. You are invited to join in. A Kasiva Vchasi…
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Zacharia and Reuven continue the discussion on Chesbon Hanefesh - evaluating who you really are is a behavior check list or something different? Who are we anyway? Does my behavior define who I am? What if what I am doing on a regular basis is not who I really feel to be? Is finding my true identity a " Mission Impossible".…
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It is Zacharia’s birthday! This means its time for a farbrengen. It is time to make decisions, soul level decisions for the next year. Time for making accounts, ‘ taking inventory’ on where you are at, and where you wish to be this upcoming year. Reuven and Zacharia take an inward dive into “ why am I here” and 'what will I now do? ‘ in real time, …
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What do we walk away with after Yud Beis, Yud Gimmel Tammuz. Venerate : regard with great respect; revere. Generate: cause (something, especially an emotion or situation) to arise or come about. Are you in the habit to venerate your Chassidic life or generate it? Zaharia and Reuven continue to drill down on the idea of living from your core. In the…
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The ultimate work is to inject light into darkness, or in Chassidic terminology " enclothing light in vessels. How do you bind together two diametrically opposed states? The Rebbe explains there is a meeting point . Zacharia and Reuven struggle to apply this to Gimmel Tammuz. Can Gimmel Tammuz be light rather than what it appears to be ?…
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