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show episodes

The Recipe with Kenji and Deb

Deb Perelman & J. Kenji López-Alt

Hi, we’re Deb Perelman (Smitten Kitchen) and J. Kenji López-Alt (Serious Eats, The Food Lab, The Wok). We’re professional home cooks, which means we can - and will - make the same meal 57 times in a row on the quest for the perfect recipe. Is it crazy? For us, no, because we do this for a living. But for you? Yes, probably. Which is why you should listen to The Recipe with Kenji and Deb. You'll hear us talk about what goes into writing our recipes — the techniques we test, the ingredients we ...
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The Munk Debates Podcast

Munk Foundation / iHeartRadio

The Munk Debates podcast is an extension of the main stage events - in subject, speaker selection, tone and format. It will introduce the iconic brand - and its engaging debates about significant issues of our time. Audiences will hear strong and passionate arguments from both sides of an issue so they will have enough information to make up their own minds about where they stand.
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The Debaters is the hit show where comedians go toe-to-toe in a battle of laughs and logic. Hosted by award-winning funnyman Steve Patterson, the program is a combustible combination of sharply crafted comedic rants and hilarious ad libs. The engaging format is part stand-up, part quiz show and part comedy competition, with the live audience picking the winners.
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Slate Debates

Slate Podcasts

A feed from the Slate podcast network featuring episodes with enlightening conversations, opposing views, and plenty of healthy disputes. You'll get a curated selection of episodes from programs like What Next, The Waves, and the Political Gabfest, with deep discussions that go beyond point-counterpoint and shed light on the issues that matter most.
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Le grand retour du Débat éco le vendredi à 7h45 entre Thomas Porcher, l’un des plus grands économistes français et Dominique Seux, l’un des meilleurs journalistes éco. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Debate Africano

RDP África - RTP

Debate dos temas que marcaram a semana em África com coordenação de João Pereira da Silva e a participação de Sheila Khan, Tony Tcheka e Abílio Neto.Transmissão: 6ªfeira -19h10 com repetição domingo -11h10
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Vi giver plads til uenigheder og dilemmaer, til store følelser og stærke holdninger. Fra klokken 10-12 mandag til onsdag på Radio IIII.
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Tous les samedis et dimanches soir, Pierre de Vilno reçoit des invités pour deux débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes à 19h30 et 19h44 pour décrypter l'actualité. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Toužíme být médiem pro svobodnou, vyváženou, moderovanou debatu, sdílení názorů i úhlů pohledu. Naším cílem je umožnit publiku rozhodovat se a utvářet vlastní postoje na základě co nejcelistvější informovanosti. Obsahově nám jde zejména o publicistiku, podle principů solutions journalism, kdy nehledáme dokonalé řešení. Zkoumáme, jak se lidé s nesnázemi vypořádávají, co funguje a proč.
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Mandy and Deb

Independence Institute

Mandy Connell and Deborah Flora are sisters from another mister, who talk important issues while still managing to have fun. These radio dames make you think, while making you laugh.
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Smash Boom Best is a funny, smart debate show for kids and families from the makers of the award-winning podcast, Brains On! from APM Studios. Every episode takes two cool things, smashes them together and lets you decide which is best: Pikachu vs. Mario, Lollipops vs. Popcorn, Flamingos vs. Axolotls, Mermaids vs. Bigfoot, Cats vs. Dogs, Spiderman vs. Batman, Refrigerators vs. Toilets, Minecraft vs. Lego… the list goes on. Our star-studded line-up of debaters use facts and passion to make th ...
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Open to Debate

Open to Debate

America is more divided than ever—but it doesn’t have to be. Open to Debate offers an antidote to the chaos. We bring multiple perspectives together for real, nonpartisan debates. Debates that are structured, respectful, clever, provocative, and driven by the facts. Open to Debate is on a mission to restore balance to the public square through expert moderation, good-faith arguments, and reasoned analysis. We examine the issues of the day with the world’s most influential thinkers spanning s ...
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Que se passe-t-il en Afrique ? Que se passe-t-il dans le monde ? Chaque samedi, autour de Namouri Dosso, des journalistes et éditorialistes africains débattent de l’actualité vue du continent. Des experts et acteurs africains viennent aussi confronter leurs idées sur des sujets qui font bouger l’Afrique. Journaliste coordinatrice d’émission : Delphine Michaud. Réalisation : Taguy M’Fah Traoré. *** Diffusions le samedi à 08h10 TU vers l'Afrique & FM Paris et à 22h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
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Diandre Robinson

Welcome to our Channel! If you enjoy a good debate and some sass and humor, get ready for NO b.s. Discussions with drafts and brackets Feel free to jump into the discussion in the comments of our episodes. We’d love to know what you think. -Mass-Debaters
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Deb Hutton provides listeners with real talk that cuts through the noise for the early drive home. Her experience in politics and communications brings a fresh common sense perspective on the issues that matter.
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Lost Debate

The Branch

Lost Debate is a weekly podcast from The Branch that brings you news, ideas, and arguments from around the political spectrum. We engage in the good-faith discussions that too much of our society and media miss. It's hosted by Ravi Gupta, a former Obama staffer turned school principal.
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Deb & Kev Pod

Deb & Kev

A Harvard Business School Alum, and her 38 year old son... who lives at home, discuss all things business, family, pop culture and whatever else comes to their minds.
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That’s Debatable!

The Free Speech Union

Welcome to ‘That’s Debatable!’, the weekly podcast of the Free Speech Union. Hosts Tom Harris and Jan Macvarish – both staffers at the FSU – talk about the free speech controversies that have erupted in the past week and interview some of the main protagonists in those dramas. Edited by Jason Clift. Please like, subscribe and share. Thank you.
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Un débat de société où des experts reconnus abordent une question de société et confrontent leurs points de vue. Présenté par Romain Auzouy. Préparation : Florence Pons. *** Diffusions chaque semaine du lundi au jeudi à 17h30 TU vers toutes cibles. (Heure de Paris = TU + 1 en grille d'hiver)
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Norges største debattprogram. Ny podkast tirsdag og torsdag. I podkasten forklarer programleder Fredrik Solvang hvordan episoden ble til og hvilke valg redaksjonen har gjort. På slutten oppsummerer han sendingen. Debatten kan ses på NRK1 kl. 21.15. Alle episodene ligger i NRK Radio. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Debate Hub

Michael Hepburn

This podcast discusses all things related to schools debating: setting up debate clubs, coaching, competitions, formats and more. Hosted by Michael Hepburn, a former competitive debater with 15 years coaching experience who is currently director of Debate Hub.
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Bliv klogere og bliv udfordret på dine egne synspunkter, når P1 Debat tager store og små diskussioner op. Her er højt til loftet og plads til uenighed og nuancer, når argumenterne flyver gennem luften. Du kan blande dig i debatten ved at ringe ind tirsdag til fredag fra 12:15-13:30 på 7021 1919 eller send en sms til 1212.
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Le Débat

BFM Business

Du lundi au vendredi, dans Good Morning Business, le débat de Jean-Marc Daniel et Nicolas Doze. Ils débattent sur le sujet chaud de l'actualité économique, ses enjeux, ses problématiques, ses causes… Grâce à l'expertise unique de l'histoire de l'économie du professeur à l'ESCP Europe vous découvrez le dossier sous un nouvel angle. Retrouvez l’émission du lundi au vendredi et réécoutez la en podcast.
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Deb Hutton provides listeners with real talk that cuts through the noise for the early drive home. Her experience in politics and communications brings a fresh common sense perspective on the issues that matter.
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Being a pop culture fan naturally comes with a lot of opinions. You’ve got your favorites and you’re ready to defend your picks at a moment’s notice. But who’s right, and who’s just plain wrong? That’s what Pop Culture Debate Club is here to decide. Each week, two notable mega-fans square off, ready to convince host Ronald Young Jr. that their opinion on TV, movies, music, and more is the only one that matters. And after carefully considering all the arguments, Ronald picks a winner. Will yo ...
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show series
You’re really only technically eating a vegetable with broccoli cheddar soup — it is insistently not health food, but a giant middle finger to whoever invented the four food groups. It is a “you sure about that?” to the likes of President George HW Bush, who famously and controversially banned broccoli from Air Force One. Plus, we get to the bottom…
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Despite bans, beatings and even the use of facial recognition to pursue protesters… Turkey’s opposition’s out in the streets in its greatest numbers in more than a decade. This… after the jailing of center-left opposition leader Ekrem Imamoglu, the popular mayor of Instanbul charged with corruption and abetting terrorism… … just as he’s been plebis…
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Alors que responsables russes et américains se rencontrent à Riyad en Arabie saoudite pour des négociations, qualifiées de "difficiles" par le Kremlin. Elles visent à instaurer une trêve partielle en Ukraine. Les discussions portent sur un cessez le feu temporaire et partiel : sur les infrastructures énergétiques et sur les navires en mer noire. Le…
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Destiny has a Trump debate with two viewers, Jake & MetaloidSword, covering a variety of topics. YouTube - Merch - Stream - Discord - Twitter - /theomniliberal Kick - Reddit - r/destiny Instagram -/des…
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durée : 00:37:50 - Questions du soir : le débat - par : Quentin Lafay, Stéphanie Villeneuve - La fin de la trêve à Gaza a ravivé les violences, sur fond de calculs politiques, de tensions régionales et de drame humanitaire. La possibilité d’une paix durable semble s’éloigner, est-il encore croire à une sortie de crise ? - réalisation : François Ric…
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En France, la semaine de la presse et des médias dans l’École s’est ouverte ce lundi (24 mars 2025). Cette 36è édition intervient dans un contexte d’actualité particulièrement anxiogène, entre les guerres en Ukraine et à Gaza qui se poursuivent, et les nombreuses interrogations et inquiétudes générées par le début de mandat du Président américain D…
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Ako vidí tému sveta okolo seba Iveta Radičová, sociologička a prvá premiérka SR, ktorá dnes odovzdáva svoj pohľad na spoločnosť vysokoškolákom? Aká je jej životná téma? „Vráťme šancu rozumu, vráťme šancu odbornosti a expertom,“ hovorí Radičová. Každá doba má svoju tému. Svoju tému si nesie aj každý jeden z nás. A každá doba a prostredie možno potre…
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I sidste kunne udenrigsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (M) meddele, at Danmark donerer 660 mio. kroner i humanitær støtte til Syrien. Pengene omfordeles blandt andet i regi af FN, til nærområdeindsatser og danske strategiske partnerskaber. Men FN's Menneskerettighedskontor meddelte d. 11. marts, at de kunne dokumentere drab på 111 civile i Syrien, og…
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Fredag kunne Berlingske fortælle, at en tidligere minister og nuværende topchef i erhvervslivet er tiltalt i en sag om besiddelse af seksuelt overgrebsmateriale mod børn. Det krævede ikke meget mere end et par klik at komme frem til, at sagen med al sandsynlighed drejede sig om den tidligere socialdemokratiske minister Henrik Sass Larsen. Han valgt…
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Which 2000s movie reigns supreme: "The Dark Knight" or "Gladiator"? 🎥 Join us as we debate the ultimate clash of cinematic titans in this high-energy Movie Bracket Challenge! With audience votes leading the charge, we narrow down 104 legendary films from the 2000s, including unforgettable hits like "Superbad," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Iron Man,…
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Modern-Day Debate is launching our own 'Jubilee-style' video series called Outnumbered this June, 2025 and our base for recordings will be in Los Angeles. Stay tuned for details if you're in the LA area as we will be doing casting soon. LINKS TO GUESTS: Justin: @Deconstruction_Zone @WifiGospel Interested in debating on Modern-Day Debate? Here's a l…
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THROWBACK EPISODE - Originally posted March 13, 2017 A throwback to the debate that started it all, Destiny debates youtuber Jontron about immigration, ethnicity, and race. It doesn't go well for Jontron. Destiny streams at this point had text-to-speech, which interrupted the stream content. These have been left in as they are difficult to remove. …
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Tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches soirs, Europe 1 reçoit deux invités pour des débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Oleh Europe 1
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Tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches soirs, Europe 1 reçoit deux invités pour des débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Oleh Europe 1
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Tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches soirs, Europe 1 reçoit deux invités pour des débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Oleh Europe 1
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Tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches soirs, Europe 1 reçoit deux invités pour des débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Oleh Europe 1
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