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show episodes
Every weekday our global network of correspondents makes sense of the stories beneath the headlines. We bring you surprising trends and tales from around the world, current affairs, business and finance — as well as science and technology. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For ...
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Russ Roberts

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused th ...
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Niets is wat het lijkt in de economie. De realiteit verrast altijd. Marike Stellinga en Maarten Schinkel gidsen je elke week langs dubbelzinnige cijfers en de economische krachten die ons leven beïnvloeden, en helpen je onderscheid te maken tussen waan en werkelijkheid. Marike Stellinga is econoom en journalist. Ze werkte zes jaar als politiek verslaggever voor NRC en schrijft nu over politieke economie, sociaal-economisch beleid en klimaatbeleid, onder andere in de column ‘Zo simpel is het ...
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Economics Explained

Economics Explained

On Economics Explained, we take a look at interesting countries, policies, and decisions from the point of view of an economist. The world is an interesting place and we hope to uncover some of this intrigue in our short, informative podcasts.
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The Economics of Everyday Things

Freakonomics Network & Zachary Crockett

Who decides which snacks are in your office’s vending machine? How much is a suburban elm tree worth, and to whom? How did Girl Scout Cookies become a billion-dollar business? In bite-sized episodes, journalist Zachary Crockett looks at quotidian things and finds amazing stories. To get every show in our network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, sign up for SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts at
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Deutschland schmiert ab. Die deutsche Wirtschaft und Industrie stagniert, die Stimmung unter Unternehmern ist mies, Investoren machen einen weiten Bogen um den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Dieser Wahlkampf müsste die Wirtschaft ins Zentrum rücken, aber kaum jemand traut sich. Wie viel „Afuera“ braucht das Land und welche Art von Kulturkampf, damit Deutschland wieder boomt? Der Ökonom Daniel Stelter und WELT-Chefredakteur Ulf Poschardt diskutieren über eine Volkswirtschaft im Niedergang – ...
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Join Reuters journalist Carmel Crimmins every week as she and her guests pick apart a key economic principle behind the world’s news. Get beyond buzzwords and technical terms to understand the ideas and debates shaping the global economic agenda.
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The World in Brief tells you what’s on the global agenda in the coming day, what to look out for in business, finance and politics and, most importantly, what to make of it. Economist Podcasts+ subscribers and digital subscribers to The Economist should log in at for access to the full World in Brief. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ here: For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how ...
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Tous les jours, du lundi au jeudi, Christophe Dansette et les autres chroniqueurs de France 24 décryptent un grand thème de l’actualité économique en France et à l’étranger.
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"Le brief éco", rendez-vous quotidien consacré à l'actualité économique où Emmanuel Cugny propose les dernières informations économiques indispensables pour comprendre la journée à venir Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Neste podcast falamos dos temas económicos que marcam a atualidade. Todos os dias resumimos o que precisa de saber sobre os números nacionais e internacionais em episódios de poucos minutos. E ao sábado, as grandes notícias são discutidas pelos jornalistas de Economia do Expresso. Oiça e subscreva o Economia dia a dia em qualquer plataforma de podcasts ou siga em
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We are living through a paradigm shift from trickle-down neoliberalism to middle-out economics — a new understanding of who gets what and why. Join zillionaire class-traitor Nick Hanauer and some of the world’s leading economic and political thinkers as they explore the latest thinking on how the economy actually works.
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Chaque samedi, Bruno Faure ouvre les grands dossiers de l’actualité économique internationale avec les spécialistes du service Économie de RFI et les meilleurs experts. La globalisation et ses enjeux, l’émergence du continent africain, les mutations technologiques, les crises internationales, leur impact sur les situations économiques locales et sur les populations sont au programme d’Éco d’Ici, Éco d’Ailleurs. *** Diffusions le samedi (vers toutes cibles), à 10h10 TU et 23h10 TU.
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Cuéntame de economía

Grupo Expansión | Sonoro

Economía para no economistas. Con un tono lúdico , pero con rigor, la redacción de @ExpansiónMX explica los temas económicos más relevantes de la semana, por qué son importantes para ti y cómo te afectan. ¿Tienes dudas? Escríbenos a @ExpansiónMXy a @ExpEconomía.
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Compartimos sobre las principales aplicaciones de Bitcoin como moneda, red monetaria y Blockchain de una forma fácil, relevante y práctica. Sé parte de la nueva economía descentralizada. Escríbenos al Whatsapp +502 5890-5858 y encuéntranos en
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show series
Ils ont amassé des sommes colossales et veulent désormais gouverner la planète : les milliardaires comme Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg et bien d'autres dans le monde sont désormais sous le feu des projecteurs politiques. Leurs prises de parole, leur choix ont une influence de plus en plus forte sur les dirigeants, au risque d'une ingérence…
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durée : 00:02:56 - L'édito éco - par : Dominique Seux - L'Europe est trop discrète face aux ingérences des milliardaires de la tech. Thierry Breton nous manque. C'est un vrai dilemme qui se joue entre liberté d'expression et régulation face aux enjeux économiques et politiques liés à l'influence des réseaux sociaux.…
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Le groupe Meta fait un revirement complet de sa politique de modération. Mark Zuckerberg, le patron de la maison mère de Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et Thread fait ainsi un geste pour se rapprocher de Donald Trump à moins de deux semaines de l’investiture du nouveau président américain.Oleh FRANCE 24
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Indonesian courts have seen a steady increase in climate litigation over the past decade. Last year alone, the indigenous Knasaimos peoples in Southwest Papua won a long fight for legal land rights, while citizens in South Sumatra sued three pulpwood companies for burning in their concessions that contributed to toxic haze air pollution.While these…
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Yuri Neri comenta caso de 'deep fake' do qual Fernando Haddad foi vítima nesta semana. O vídeo manipulado traz o ministro falando em cobrança de impostos para donos de pets, grávidas e até para a compra de dólares, algo fraudulento que não será implementado pelo governo. Neri também dá dicas de como identificar vídeo manipulados por inteligência ar…
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Elon Musk has taken an abiding interest in Britain, and a hard line against its prime minister. It reveals a division within British politics that may hold lessons for elsewhere. Our series The World Ahead concludes by assessing Europe’s security challenges in 2025 (11:14). And remembering Chiung Yao, whose many novels taught the Chinese all about …
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Elon Musk has taken an abiding interest in Britain, and a hard line against its prime minister. It reveals a division within British politics that may hold lessons for elsewhere. Our series The World Ahead concludes by assessing Europe’s security challenges in 2025 (11:14). And remembering Chiung Yao, whose many novels taught the Chinese all about …
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In economically depressed regions of the US – the “heartland” – President Trump’s 2018 trade war was a popular decision: “We’re going to bring jobs back to our country,” he told voters. Did the tariffs he imposed generate jobs? And what was the impact of the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China? David Dorn talks to Tim Phillips about the recent his…
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Le « test du verre d’eau » est une technique subtile utilisée par certains recruteurs pour évaluer le comportement d’un candidat sans poser de question explicite. Il consiste à observer comment le candidat réagit lorsqu’on lui propose ou lui donne un verre d’eau (ou une autre boisson) pendant l’entretien. Ce test peut se dérouler avant, pendant ou …
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What will Donald Trump's second term as US president mean for the NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine and Israel's war on Gaza? How will his tariffs affect the economy? To discuss, political economist Radhika Desai is joined by Anatol Lieven, director of the Eurasia Program at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.VIDEO:…
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Kia ora, Welcome to Friday’s Economy Watch where we follow the economic events and trends that affect Aotearoa/New Zealand. I'm David Chaston and this is the international edition from And today we lead with news China and Japan seem to be in the process of swapping places. But first, following a much better than expected rise in Oc…
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The world’s most populous country is at the front line of climate change. Our deputy editor explores the many ways it is adapting—because it must. Our series The World Ahead continues by examining the plausibility of the incoming Trump administration’s policy promises (10:26). And the robots that can at last help with grape harvesting (18:26). Get …
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The world’s most populous country is at the front line of climate change. Our deputy editor explores the many ways it is adapting—because it must. Our series The World Ahead continues by examining the plausibility of the incoming Trump administration’s policy promises (10:26). And the robots that can at last help with grape harvesting (18:26). Get …
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This week, Noah Smith and Erik Torenberg explore the possibility of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, Xi Jinping's political future, U.S.-China tensions, Trump's and Biden's policies, the 2019 global protests, China's economic troubles, and the challenges facing Western nations, while also emphasizing the need for bipartisan cooperation on U.S. industr…
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En este episodio Diego Villeda nos comparte los principales acontecimientos en el entorno de Bitcoin en el 2024 y algunas de las expectativas para el 2025. Se parte de la comunidad de Bitcoin Economics escribiéndonos un mensaje al Whatsapp +502 5890-5858 y guarda ese número dentro de tus contactos.Oleh bitcoineconomics
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durée : 00:02:13 - Le brief éco - Le ministre de l’Industrie Marc Ferracci était sur place, mercredi dans les Hauts-de-France, pour apporter le soutien de l'État au groupe, en grande difficulté depuis la guerre en Ukraine. Le sort de l'usine française est aujourd'hui dans les mains du tribunal de commerce de Lille.…
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De aandelenbeurzen bleven de afgelopen jaren maar uitbundig stijgen, terwijl er ook best veel slecht economisch nieuws was. Oorlogen, dreigende handelsconflicten en kwakkelende economieën, zoals de Duitse, de Franse en de Chinese. Hoe kan het dan dat het op de beurzen zo goed lijkt te gaan? Zit er logica in de stijgende koersen? Of zitten we op een…
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Dix ans après l'attentat tragique de janvier 2015, Charlie Hebdo continue de publier chaque semaine, témoignant d'une résilience notable. Cependant, sa situation financière a évolué depuis le pic de soutien observé après l'attaque. Évolution des ventes et des abonnements Après l'attentat, le journal a connu un afflux massif de soutien, avec des ven…
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Kia ora, Welcome to Thursday’s Economy Watch where we follow the economic events and trends that affect Aotearoa/New Zealand. I'm David Chaston and this is the international edition from And today we lead with news long term interest rates are rising and have much further to go. But first, American private businesses added +122,000 …
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Si una de tus 12 uvas fue para mejorar tus finanzas personales, tienes que escuchar este episodio. Aquí te decimos qué es VERDAD y qué es un MITO sobre: Para empezar 2025 con el pie derecho, debes evitar cualquier gasto que no sea comida, renta o hipoteca, servicios y transporte. Si tu año va a incluir viajes, comienza a planearlos inmediatamente y…
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A Meta anunciou o encerramento do programa de checagem de fatos. A mudança já trouxe uma queda de 1,48% nas ações da empresa no fim do pregão de terça-feira (7) e tem gerado discussões acaloradas, inclusive nas próprias redes sociais. No 'Pod,isso meninas?', Nathália Larghi fala sobre essa novidade e pontua que a queda inicial nas ações reflete a p…
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Os jovens com até 35 anos podem pagar menos IRS sobre rendimentos até cerca de 28.700 euros anuais. O impacto no salário pode ser imediato, caso o trabalhador avise a entidade patronal e cumpra os requisitos See for privacy information.Oleh Juliana Simões
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