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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Weekly Livestreams on YouTube on Wed nights at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific with hosts Ashley Swearengin and @UnconventionalPastorPaul, Paul Swearengin. She served as mayor of a city, Paul was an evangelical pastor. Together, they were deep in the middle of the rise of Christian nationalism. Come join us as we discussing a spirituality that reaches beyond the walls of a church building and connects deconstructing people of faith to a renewed identity and a beautiful connection to divine love and ...
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A Igreja Evangélica Luterana Redentor foi fundada em 11 de julho de 1932. Herdeira da Reforma Protestante iniciada por Martinho Lutero no século 16, a Redentor é filiada à Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB), denominação cristã fundada em 1904 como resultado do trabalho missionário iniciado no Brasil em 1900 pela Igreja Luterana – Sínodo de Missouri, dos Estados Unidos. Rua Prof. Vilalva Jr, 97 Moinho Velho - São Paulo - SP CEP 04285-120 | Tel.: 2063-0844 CULTOS Sábados, 19h (PRESENC ...
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Our weekly messages recorded LIVE each week and made available Free of Charge to the World from Soul Purpose Evangelical Church, located at 11 Certified Dr. Middletown, NY 10940. Office: (845) 956-0133 Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
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evangelical 360°

Host Brian Stiller

A timely and relevant new podcast that dives into the contemporary issues which are impacting Christian life and witness around the world. Guests include leaders, writers, and influencers, all exploring faith from different perspectives and persuasions. Inviting lively discussion and asking tough questions, evangelical 360° is hosted by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance. Our hope is that each person listening will come away informed, encouraged, challenged a ...
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Uma igreja que prega o Evangelho com equilíbrio! A Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata confessa que somente CRISTO salva, salva somente pela GRAÇA, somente por meio da FÉ, e declara que somente a Escritura Sagrada é a fonte de autoridade final, nossa única regra de fé e prática. A Maranata faz parte da família evangélica Pentecostal, enfatizando o novo nascimento, seguido de um profundo despertamento espiritual, a vivência de uma fé operante, encorajando a todos os crentes a busca de uma ...
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Sermons from Grace Evangelical Church in Germantown, TN USA (Memphis area). Please feel free to visit our web site at www.graceevan.org to find out more about us. The mission of Grace Evangelical Church is "reaching an unchurched world through maturing Christians". You may contact us regarding the podcasts at podcast@graceevan.org
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show series
Tema – A FÉ QUE OPERA MILAGRES. Quarta-feira – 08/01/2025 Pregador : Bp. André BarbosaNo sermão do Bispo André Barbosa, somos encorajados a viver uma fé que opera milagres, baseada na promessa de Deuteronômio 31:8: "O Senhor vai adiante de ti." A mensagem destaca que a fé nos conecta às promessas de Deus e nos capacita a superar desafios, vencendo …
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Prioridade máxima - Pr. David Pereira by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te abençoe…
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Trienal C – 1º Domingo após Epifania | O Batismo de Nosso Senhor – Lucas 3.15-22. 🌟 O EVANGELHO DA SEMANA 🌟 [Muitas pessoas vinham até João Batista, aderindo à sua mensagem de arrependimento e pedindo para ser batizadas por ele. Eram tantos os que atendiam à mensagem de João que as pessoas começaram a se perguntar se não seria ele o Salvador que De…
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There are things in the Christian faith on which we can and must be dogmatic, despite the world’s constant pressure to maintain an open mind. Two of those things are the recognition of Who it is that we follow and the signs that accompany our faith. Join Dr. James Boice on The Bible Study Hour as he reiterates John’s affirmations of what it looks l…
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Join Reverend Eric Alexander in a thought-provoking exploration of the most controversial chapter in the Book of Revelation. Understand the significance of the thousand years, the binding and defeat of Satan, and the glorious hope of this passage for all believers. This episode of Hear the Word of God offers a perspective that promises to enlighten…
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In this In-Studio TALKS Episode, Tim engages in a deep conversation with Dr. Matthew Taylor, a scholar of Christian nationalism. They explore the implications of Christian nationalism in the context of the 2024 election, the nature of populism, and the dangers posed by populist authoritarianism. Dr. Taylor shares insights on the role of evangelical…
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World-renowned pastor and author Rick Warren joins host Brian Stiller for an intimate conversation where he unveils the remarkable journey behind The Purpose Driven Life, a book that reshaped his life and ministry. Discover how Rick transformed his unexpected fame into a mission of generosity, becoming a "reverse tither" and channeling his wealth i…
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Trienal C – 1º Domingo após Epifania | O Batismo de Nosso Senhor – Romanos 6.1-11. 🌟 A EPÍSTOLA DA SEMANA 🌟 [O apóstolo Paulo usa a figura da morte e da ressurreição para falar sobre a nova vida, que agora temos porque "fomos batizados para ficarmos unidos com Cristo Jesus" (Romanos 6.3). No batismo, ficamos unidos com a morte e o sepultamento de C…
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Trienal C – 1º Domingo após Epifania | O Batismo de Nosso Senhor – Isaías 43.1-7. 🌟 O ANTIGO TESTAMENTO DA SEMANA 🌟 [O povo de Judá — o Reino do Sul, cuja capital era Jerusalém — vinha sendo repreendido por Deus há um bom tempo. Isaías 42 ilustra bem isso. Os habitantes de Judá haviam abandonado a Deus, quebrado a aliança e seriam castigados por is…
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Trienal C – 1º Domingo após Epifania | O Batismo de Nosso Senhor – Salmo 29. 🌟 O SALMO DA SEMANA 🌟 [Uma das principais divindades pagãs que os israelitas encontraram ao chegar em Canaã foi Baal, cujo significado é "marido" ou "senhor". Os cananeus o adoravam como o deus das águas, dos trovões, relâmpagos e tempestades e a ele traziam suas ofertas e…
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Of all the great sermons that have ever been preached since the beginning of the world, there’s no greater sermon than the sermon that Jesus preached in his home town of Nazareth. It was a sermon for bringing people to saving faith, for giving them hope in trouble, for helping them to see the glory of the Son of God.To support this ministry financi…
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A president, king, or CEO will often choose his most qualified, trusted and capable associate to serve as his right hand man. Jesus is now at the right hand of God the Father interceding for His people. Christ is the only one qualified, trustworthy and capalbe to be his Father's right hand man. Do you trust in Him as your mediator and your advocate…
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In the first TALKS Episode of 2025, Tim candidly converses with historian Jemar Tisby about the complexities of remaining in or leaving white evangelical churches. They explore the historical context of race and religion, the structural issues within evangelicalism, and the implications of Christian nationalism. The discussion also touches on perso…
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Philippians 2:1-5 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than y…
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Tema A Palavra que o Senhor falou se cumprirá. Domingo – 05/01/2025 Pregador: Ap. Miguel Ângelo Neste sermão inspirador, o Ap. Miguel Ângelo destaca o poder transformador da Palavra de Deus e o papel central de Cristo na vida dos fiéis. Com base em passagens como Deuteronômio 31:8, Romanos 12:2 e Jeremias 29:11, a mensagem enfatiza a importância de…
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Hello and welcome to Bethel Evangelical Church in Gorseinon and thank you for checking out this weeks sermon recordings. The 5th of January saw us host our Sunday morning service from the church building, with a livestream available via Facebook. The service was led by our pastor, Dafydd Williams, who led us into the 85th […]…
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Hello and welcome to Bethel Evangelical Church in Gorseinon and thank you for checking out this weeks sermon recordings. The 5th of January saw us hold our evening service from the building, with a livestream available via Facebook. This evening, Dafydd took us back into the book of Psalms, this time looking at chapter 33, […]…
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