Find out the truth behind popular, bizarre legends. Expedition Unknown, a podcast from Discovery, chronicles the adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe. With direct audio from the hit TV show, you’ll hear Gates explore stories like the disappearance of Amelia Earhart in the south Pacific and the location of Captain Morgan's treasure in Panama. These authentic, roughshod journeys help Gates separate fact from fiction, and learn the truth behind th ...
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Expedition Arbeit ist das Community Radio zur Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt moderiert von Florian Städtler. Der Podcast erscheint mindestens einmal wöchentlich und präsentiert Nachrichten und Meinungen rund um die Themen Arbeit und Zusammenarbeit. Die Inhalte kommen aus ausgewählten Quellen und von unseren Mitgliedern selbst. Immer mittwochs treffen sich unsere Mitglieder in einer einstündigen Online-Session und diskutieren die “These der Woche”. Mehr Informationen findet Ihr unter www.expediti ...
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Arved Fuchs bricht seit über 45 Jahren regelmäßig zu Expeditionen auf, er hat dabei manchen Superlativ erlangt, zum Beispiel ist er der erste Mensch, der innerhalb eines Jahres zu Fuß Nordpol und Südpol erreicht hat. Im Laufe der Jahre ist er bei all seinen Touren unfreiwillig zum Zeitzeugen des Klimawandels geworden. Um ein Bewusstsein für die dramatischen Veränderungen in der Natur zu schaffen, stellt er seine Expeditionen deshalb seit einigen Jahren unter das Motto OCEAN CHANGE. Ende Juni ...
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Expedition Business shares the highs & lows of our inspirational South African Entrepreneurs’ and what they do to keep the flame of business adventure burning. We believe that every South African Entrepreneur has the power to change the world for good. We believe in the positive impact of South African Entrepreneurship on the environment, society, and on ourselves. We believe that it is possible to get more South African Entrepreneurs to their own mountain tops. More info: www.expeditionbusi ...
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The Expedition Retirement by Golden Reserve podcast is for every-day retirees. We challenge financial advisors and the fees the trillion-dollar industry takes from your hard-earned savings. Join us each week for straight shooting, honest insights on protecting your assets from taxes, market risk, fees and long-term care. We'll also challenge financial advisors and the fees the trillion-dollar industry takes from your hard-earned savings. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Lear ...
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Come and join explorer and adventurer Mark Evans around the campfire on The Jewel of Arabia Expedition as we follow the route taken by British explorer Bertram Thomas in 1928 from Ras Al Hadd, the most easterly point of the Arab world, along the coast to Salalah, the second largest city in Oman as we meet and talk to the young Omani’s transitioning Oman into a sustainable global green energy hub. From ancient turtle nesting grounds to internationally recognised migration pitstops for thousan ...
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Welcome to the RockyStarcruzer’s Intergalactic Expedition podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A food & travel lifestyle podcast from a culinary voyager-slash-educator who works both on land and at sea!
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Many fun games, interactive moments and a few random segments.
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Marketing Expedition Podcast with Rhea Allen, Peppershock Media
Rhea Allen, CEO, Peppershock Media
Marketing Expedition Podcast—Your Roadmap to Brand Growth & Business Success Looking for expert marketing strategies, branding insights, and the latest trends to grow your business? The Marketing Expedition Podcast, powered by Peppershock Media, delivers actionable tips, inspiring interviews, and cutting-edge techniques to help you market smarter and stay ahead of the competition. Hosted by Rhea Allen, President/CEO of Peppershock Media, adjunct marketing professor, sought-out speaker, and i ...
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Welcome to Expedition Schnekser where we will journey together as an expedition team through the world of education! I can’t wait to share my expeditions with you and have you join in on the excitement! #ExpeditionSchnekser
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William S Windstrong tells his story about the 1889 expedition to the Arctic.
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Ahoi. Lass mich dich auf Expedition mitnehmen. Lass uns die Luft, die Zeit, die Welt, dich - neu entdecken. Treffe mich gerne auch auf Instagram unter "captainkaj". Gefällt dir was du hörst, so folge und empfehle mich gerne. Motivation | Inspiration | Minimalismus | Nachhaltigkeit | Vegan
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🎙 Bienvenue dans "Un genou à terre", le podcast qui explore la résilience et ces moments où tout bascule. Les façades des réseaux sociaux sont souvent lisses, parfaites, presque irréelles. Alors que la vraie vie, celle qu’on ne montre pas toujours, est faite de hauts, de bas, d’épreuves, et de ces moments où il faut puiser au fond de soi pour avancer. Entrepreneurs, sportifs, artistes : leurs parcours ne sont pas toujours simples, mais ils nous rappellent qu’après chaque chute, il est possib ...
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Discover and learn with me how to help and change the environment in your every day life.
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Welcome to the ExpedITioners podcast brought to you by Fleet. This podcast is dedicated to helping IT and security professionals get ahead of the curve and prepare themselves and their organizations for what lies ahead. In each episode, Zach Wasserman will interview an IT or security leader to learn how they are succeeding at managing their devices today and how they are preparing for tomorrow.
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Discussions Regarding Expedition One LLC including Topics of Product Development, Off-road Travel, Overlanding, and much more
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Anthony Potter (AP) Christian Castro moved out to LA to pursue their dreams, and come together on a late night Podcast to discuss Life and ideas, discover more about the world them, plus it helps great friends. Enjoy
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Amigo Treks and Expedition, a trekking agency based in Kathmandu, is rapidly expanding and leading the industry. They provide and organize a variety of adventure and cultural tours in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Their objective is to offer exceptional trip packages, and they achieve this through a team of carefully selected professionals who are highly skilled and have local experience. With their expertise, passion, understanding of the sites, and innovative ideas, they can safely guide you t ...
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A Weekly Live Radio Call-in Bible Study Program
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Hey, ich bin Dennis, Fotograf, reiselustiger, Hundefreund, Motorradfahrer und vieles mehr. In diesem Podcast geht es um das Leben, was ich vom Leben erwarte, wo meine Reise hingeht und was meine Ziele sind. Wenn auch du deine Horizont erweitern möchtest, lade ich dich herzlich ein diesen Podcast zu folgen und über deinen persönlichen Tellerrand zu schauen. Las uns gemeinsam neues entdecken und mehr aus unserem Leben machen.
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Life is an expedition, a journey filled with twists and turns. Each experience, a lesson; each challenge, an opportunity for growth. We navigate through uncertainty, seeking meaning and connection. Embrace the unknown, for it shapes u
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Elevating the mind through discussion with successful innovators, entrepreneurs, athletes, professionals, creators, and deep talks between hosts Liam Kauffman and Michael Setiawan.
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Dig into the stories behind the expeditions. Learn surprising details from historians and guides as we take you behind the scenes of the TV show all about lost Texas history.
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A true B2B conversation from the chef perspective, uncovering why trends are set, how they grow and how chefs respond to them. Let's explore what makes a trend take off, and why chefs are such an integral part of the process. We will have guests that are from all walks of the industry to deliver a complete perspective and we finish with a speed round of "Improv Innovation" where we pitch our ideas on todays topic.
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Discovery Expeditions: Embark on Unforgettable Kayaking Adventures in Telegraph Cove At Discovery Expeditions, we invite you to unlock the door to adventure and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Telegraph Cove. Located in the heart of British Columbia, Canada, Telegraph Cove is a hidden gem renowned for its breathtaking scenery and abundant marine wildlife. Our mission is to provide you with extraordinary kayaking experiences that allow you to con ...
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Welcome to the “Embellished Expeditions” Podcast. Telling you the crazy adventures of explorer Jack Muzzi during his journeys throughout the world! A former Merchant Mariner, Jack Muzzi has had tons of travel opportunities to go on many expeditions worldwide and often times has led to some very interesting and content packed stories along the way. He is here to share with you some of his most exciting journeys to inspire other like minded adventure seekers who want to live life to its fulles ...
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Welcome to McBirdo’s expedition into the unknown and terrible. We have been stuck here in the ice for an eternity. Come into the Captain’s Cabin and warm yourself before you head back out to the decks. Listen to stories from "The Past Said It Better" to "Storytime with McBirdo" to "Shipwrecks We Didn't Do" (Coming soon!). Also check out our Youtube channel if you want to see this all in video!
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1872. Un explorateur breton, une espionne belge et un philosophe bantou remontent le fleuve Congo à la recherche d’un savant disparu.Une fiction inédite en 10 épisodes d'Emmanuel Suarez et Sophie-Aude Picon. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Ein Podcast, der dem Thema «Geschlecht» in all seinen Facetten auf die Spur geht. Vom Stapferhaus in Lenzburg – raus in die ganze Schweiz. Neugierig, überraschend, lustvoll. In jeder Episode geht ein Mitglied des Stapferhaus-Teams auf die Reise. Ausgangspunkt ist ein brisantes Geschlechter-Thema, das auch persönlich bewegt. Unterwegs treffen sie spannende Gesprächspartner:innen. Im Gepäck: eine grosse Portion Interesse und die Offenheit, auch Widersprüchliches zu entdecken.
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Follow our scientific expeditions as teams of scientists and crew aboard the JOIDES Resolution drill deep below the ocean floor to study climate change, geology and earth's history. Learn about the science, hear about ship life, and get the latest updates here!
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Expedition History is dedicated to telling the greatest adventure stories the world has ever known, dispelling the belief that history is just a series of ”boring old dead people”. Tune in for each new episode and indulge yourself in tales of perilous voyages, exotic expeditions, and far flung campaigns. Whether you’ve been a student of history your entire life, are new to the subject, or are simply looking for exciting entertainment, you’ve come to the right spot. Email - expeditionhistoryp ...
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Tiny Expeditions - A Podcast about Genetics, DNA and Inheritance
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
Tiny Expeditions is all about taking little journeys into the tiny science of genetics, DNA and inheritance. This podcast doesn't shy away from science, but it's produced with you in mind. Everyone should be able to listen and walk away feeling smarter about the genetic code that defines the world around us.
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After their successful expedition to Heard Island, the team arrived in Fremantle and took a few days to unwind. The Northern Corridor Radio Group (NCRG) hosted a BBQ at the Neil Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre where all 14 members of the team were interviewed on Saturday 23 April. Penguins, Seals, Glaciers and Gales made for a once in a lifetime adventure.
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The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery -TIGHAR – presents “The Earhart Expeditions”. This multi-season series of podcasts reveals the never-before-told story behind the investigation that has made international headlines with discoveries that answer aviation history’s greatest riddle – what really happened to Amelia Earhart? Premiering April 15th
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Welcome to The Scouting Expedition Podcast, courtesy of the Cascade Pacific Council of the Boy Scouts of America This is more than just a podcast. It’s an adventurecast! Here, we’ll share stories and insights about the lifelong adventure, real-world grit, and personal growth only found through Scouting here in the Cascade Pacific Council. We’ll have guests here indoors but also head outdoors to meet those that make the Scouting Expedition come to life for thousands of local youth here in Nor ...
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Choosing the right polar expedition ship is an essential stage of planning your cruise to the Arctic or Antarctica. You may think the vessel is just something to get you to all the amazing places in the polar regions, but that’s not entirely true. On polar cruises with Poseidon Expeditions - you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the amenities our m/v Sea Spirit offers. Sensible comfort combined with a generous amount of adventure always makes for a perfect expe ...
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Expedition Enthused is a podcast by Sam (of Expedition Theme Park) and Jackie (of Super Enthused), where they share their lives as theme park and travel enthusiasts living in the theme park capital of the world! Join them for fun conversations about hot topics in themed entertainment, their unconventional life in Orlando, Florida, and their experiences visiting theme parks and attractions all over the world. Our YouTube channels: Super Enthused & Expedition Theme Park
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Actual play of our old school D&D game using the Moldvay Basic Rules (B/X DND).
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Our podcast is about 4 cities in the western part of Russia and also describes what places to visit in those cities. The four cities/ states we chose were St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, Kazan. We also have some facts in the beginning about Russia itself.
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The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the Fram, 1910-12 by Roald Amundsen
Loyal Books
In contrast to Scott’s South Pole expedition, Amundsen’s expedition benefited from good equipment, appropriate clothing, and a fundamentally different primary task (Amundsen did no surveying on his route south and is known to have taken only two photographs) Amundsen had a better understanding of dogs and their handling, and he used of skis more effectively. He pioneered an entirely new route to the Pole and they returned. In Amundsen’s own words: “Victory awaits him who has everything in or ...
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Direct from the Tiki Room Bar, this podcast is dedicated to all those who aspire to give their family the greatest vacation in the greatest place this side of the second star to right, Walt Disney World. Grab a drink and join us while we discuss everything from the Parks to Pins, Movies to Music, the Food and Libations, and anything else Disney.
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Welcome to the Expedition Marriage Podcast! We’re glad you’re here! We're Chris and Jamie Bailey, and we are Christian counselors and marriage coaches. We’re here to help you put God in the center of your marriage by sharing some solid biblical truth, along with some practical marriage tips. So, no matter where you’re at in your marriage, start getting excited, because we’re here to help you Enjoy the Journey!
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The Heart of Arabia Expedition is a two-stage 1,300km journey across Saudi Arabia, loosely following the route of the explorer Harry St John (Abdullah) Philby. Just as Philby did on his travels across Arabia, The Heart of Arabia Expedition will gather primary field data, supporting three specific areas of research. Our podcasts will enable you to follow our progress, learn about the endeavours and achievements of the explorer Philby, and discover the extraordinary beauty and diversity of Arabia.
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FSI Expedition: "It's the End of the World As We Know It": Local Responses to Global Climate Change
Mr. Lubos
At the Franklin School of Innovation, an EL charter school in Asheville, North Carolina, 9th grade students embarked on a learning expedition that had them learning about the causes and impacts of climate change, going out in the field to interview local professionals and experts from local businesses and organizations, and then creating podcasts to address the industries that affect and are affected by climate change. In this year's series of podcasts students also included a call-to-action ...
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Life lessons, tools, and wisdom for living well in the face of adversity. The most valuable life lessons are often hidden along the roughest roads. This podcast documents conversations exploring the extremes of human experience with people who live extraordinary lives, both good and bad. From them, we can learn much wisdom. Also features experts who have uncovered knowledge and information that are useful tools against the trials of life. Youtube - Instagram - ...
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Welcome to Expedition Photographic, my name is Cameron, a software developer by day and a weekend worrier come Friday afternoon. I am passionate about travel and photography and more recently cinematography while documenting wild destinations and the extraordinary journeys we take to get there. I travel with my wife Amy who is an award-winning wildlife photographer and who also has a great eye for framing and detail. We were both grew up in Durban South Africa where we enjoyed access to the ...
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Using AI and Automation to Build a Lean Marketing Engine with Sarah Noel Block | Marketing Expedition Podcast
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41:45Meet Sarah Noel Block, your Marketing Strategist friend. Sarah has rocked the content world for 16 years. She's supported big shots like and Prudential, but her heart lies with small teams. As the creator of the StrategicSpark Workshop, the StrategicStory, and Tiny Marketing Framework, she's a master at helping tiny teams achieve big…
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Josh Gates investigates a unique Dead Sea Scroll etched with riddles that could lead to an ancient treasure. Following new leads, Josh treks into the punishing Jordanian desert in search of the potential fortune. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Finding the Illegal Bananas in Your Retirement Plan
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5:09If you are traveling internationally, you have to know the rules about what you bring home. That story brought us to discussing the unknown rules we all need to know about retirement. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for…
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Schon auf seiner ersten Arktisreise verfiel Arved Fuchs der Faszination des Nordens. Beim Anblick des gewaltigen grönländischenInlandeises ist es um ihn geschehen. Der „Arktisbazillus“ wurde zu seinem Lebenselixier. Seither hat er Grönland auf unzähligen Expeditionen bereist, die Ost- und Westküste erkundet und das Inlandeis mit Schlittenhunden dur…
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[Hors-série] #3 - Un cancer rare, une détermination hors norme : l’histoire de Charles Delobel
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28:15❤️ C’est un réel honneur d’avoir accueilli Charles Delobel à mon micro. Atteint d’un cancer primitif inconnu (CPI), une maladie rare touchant environ 7 000 personnes par an en France, il a choisi de transformer cette épreuve personnelle en une cause collective. 🤟🏼 Avec son association Rock4Life, Charles mobilise l’énergie de la musique pour sensibi…
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Dr. Mohab Al Hinai, Vice President of Sustainability and Circular Economy at Oman Environmental Services Holding Company - Be’ah is a self-confessed sustainability junkie, leading transformative initiatives that drive sustainability and circular economy principles across The Sultanate. His diary is so busy that I only managed to catch up with him a…
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Tersia Burger - The Business of Stepping Stones
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44:37In this episode of Expedition Business, we delve into the inspiring journey of Tersia Burger, CEO of Stepping Stone Hospice. Founded in 2013, this Alberton-based hospice was born from a deeply personal promise Tersia made to her late daughter, Vicky, who suffered from Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Vicky’s dying wish was for her mother to create a haven …
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Why are there so many financial advisors in my small town? | What is stagflation? | Tony Robbins has problems with your 401(k) | Many people have a planned date for their retirement, 60% of them go early ...
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56:35On this episode: Watch out, financial advisor fees are coming for you. What is stagflation and is that where we are headed? What is missing from your 401(k)? Forced early retirement is very common. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See…
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Josh Gates travels to the Holy Land to dig in with an archaeologist who has recently discovered new Dead Sea Scrolls. Josh also sees cutting-edge technology restore scroll fragments in a way that could change how we read the Bible. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The HOT STOVE of Retirement Accounts
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11:43The 401(k) comes with lots of rules and most of them are telling you not to touch it until the Government says you have to. How is that making your retirement better? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy informat…
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In Retirement, It’s OK to Be Selfish | What Can Hurt You More, Too Much Debt or Too Much Risk? | Mom’s Lesson about Your 401(k) | Mailbag: I Don’t Trust My Advisor Anymore
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57:22On this episode: For once in your life, it’s all about YOU! Trying to hit a financial homerun before retirement. You save it, why can’t you spend it in retirement? Uncle Sam is hungry, how do you keep more of your retirement money? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, Linke…
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Understanding the Audience and Other Keys to Effective Marketing with Jennifer Radke | Marketing Expedition Podcast
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56:39Jennifer Radke is an international speaker, author, and business leader with over 20 years of experience in sales and leadership. Known for her practical solutions and expertise in coaching and training, she’s a sought-after speaker for businesses of all sizes. As the owner of the National Institute for Social Media (NISM) since 2016 and OMCP since…
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Josh ventures into the heart of the former Third Reich in search of an elusive Nazi fortune hidden with a code allegedly created by Hitler's private secretary and embedded into a piece of sheet music. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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What Chef is in Charge of Your Retirement Planning?
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11:50Just because the chef wears a white smock doesn’t make them a great cook. Just because your financial advisor says they do retirement planning doesn’t make them proficient at it. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for priv…
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Wetland reserves, raptor restaurants, camera trapping and an emotional school welcome
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34:20From the massive wetland reserve of Bar al Hikmann to the man made reed beds filtering polluted water. From Oman’s first wind farm to the opening of raptor restaurants. From camera trapping hyenas to the rapturous welcome and start of the expedition legacy at Knowledge Gate International School Muscat. In this second of a two-part podcast, Expediti…
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Starlit skies, sustainable camping, turtles and the call to prayer.
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27:23From the shores of The Indian Ocean to the starlit skies of 1000 night camp. From the sounds of the desert to the call to prayer. From protected turtles to the very first all-terrain wheelchair in The Middle East. In this first of a two-part podcast, Expedition Leader Mark Evans looks back on some of his personal highlights from the 30 day expediti…
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Is Your Retirement Planning Chef the Right One for You? | How Our Roadmap for Retirement Helps with More Than Finances | Is this the Golden Age of IRA-to-Roth Conversions? | Is the Stock Market for Suckers ...
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58:59On this episode of Expedition Retirement: There are a lot of levels of chefs. There are a lot of levels of retirement planning. Do you have the right chef? Many people have a hard time making the emotional adjustment to retirement. How can our Roadmap for Retirement help? If the Trump Tax Cuts aren’t renewed, the window for lower taxes and conversi…
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Inspiration gelungen: Warum Christina Schmidt aus Bad Bramstedt in der Antarktis forscht
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27:50Da ist der Funke wirklich übergesprungen: Im Sommer 2010 nahm Christina Schmidt, die aus der Nähe von Bad Bramstedt kommt, am Jugendcamp von Arved Fuchs teil - heute arbeitet sie als Ozeanografin in Tasmanien. Sie hat gerade ihre Doktorarbeit abgeschlossen und bricht nun mit einem australischen Forschungseisbrecher zur nächsten Forschungsreise auf.…
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Josh Gates explores the case of lost World War II hero Gertrude "Tommy" Tompkins of the Women Air Force Service Pilots, who went missing when her P-51 Mustang crashed. Josh joins search teams using cutting-edge technology to bring the lost hero home. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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One financial talking head said "This is a time for risk management, not risk avoidance." What does that mean, and does it apply to you? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy information.…
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Developing that Big Juicy Paycheck in Retirement | 85% of People in This Survey Said They Would Be Fine to Pay More Taxes if This Happened | The Great Lie of the 401(k) | A Retirement Lesson from Tom Brady ...
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1:00:11On this episode: 4 ways to develop income in retirement. Would you trade higher taxes for more retirement security? How the 401(k) comes up short. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy information.…
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Improving Lead Quality through Data-Driven Optimization with Joe DeVita | Marketing Expedition Podcast
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45:09Joe DeVita, founder of Moving Traffic Media, began his journey into e-commerce after graduating college and working at an outdoor gear start-up. While initially attracted by the gear discounts, he quickly discovered a passion for e-commerce that transformed his career. Over five years, Joe contributed to every aspect of the business, from packing b…
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Josh dives into the notoriously rough waters of Lake Huron to find the final resting place of The Griffon, the very first vessel used to explore the Great Lakes and one of North America's most sought-after shipwrecks. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Expedition Arbeit #248 - Klaus Eidenschink im Gespräch
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1:07:15Shownotes zur Sendung 248 Klaus Eidenschink bei LinkedIn Klaus Eidenschink, Website Silke Luinstra bei LinkedIn Silke Luinstra, Website Wolfgang Pfeifer bei LinkedIn ht…
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Chantelle Botha - Stop Asking Why & Start Asking What's Next
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51:10Chantelle Botha, also known as The Catalyst, is a powerhouse of transformation and unapologetic authenticity. Having overcome addiction twice and rebuilt her life with purpose, she now empowers others to reclaim their true identity. She is the author of Phoenix Rising and creator of Reclaim the Flame, a journey designed to help women embrace their …
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The Top 6 Reasons People Choose NOT to Use a Financial Advisor
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8:04Many times people who seek help planning for retirement are more successful than those who don’t. So why do 75% of people NOT use a financial advisor. We go through the list and show how Golden Reserve is changing the story. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and…
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Do We Need to Buckle Up For a Rough Year in the Market? | Could You Use AI to Get an Edge on Investing? | Vanguard With a Major Announcement on Fees | Could You Really Get 1.5 million in Social Security ...
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59:03Golden Reserve Founder Greg Aler and Retirement Planner Phil Huff discuss markets, risk, AI, investment fees, and the real story behind your Social Security benefit. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy informati…
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Expedition Arbeit #247 - Reinhard Karger (DFKI): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von KI-gestützten Chatbots
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1:22:09Show Notes Sendung 247 Reinhard Karger bei LinkedIn DFKI - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von KI-gestützten Chatbots Themen dieser Episode u.a.: Chatbots & KI: Warum aktuelle KI-Modelle wie ChatGPT keine echten Gesprächspartner sind…
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Josh Gates stalks prey that has eluded capture for 25 years, the Golden Owl. A book of riddles gives cryptic clues to where the Owl statuette, worth half a million dollars, is hidden. Josh joins treasure hunters using new leads to chase the fortune. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Is it time to rebuild your retirement plan?
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8:45After the Super Bowl, every team is looking to rebuild or refresh for next season. Is it time for you to do the same thing with your retirement plan? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy information.…
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“It’s not the journey, it’s the message” – Expedition Legacy
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20:25In the days after the end of the expedition the team have dispersed and travelled home. Nigel to the Lake District in England, Ana-Maria to Switzerland, Dikra and Ibrahim to their families in Oman. But before they left, Mark, took a moment to get them all to look back on the expedition, their personal highlights, and the things that have really str…
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Im Sturm um Kap Hoorn - Arved Fuchs' ultimative Herausforderung
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38:05"Nie habe ich solche Angst gehabt, ich fühle mich als Fremdkörper, den das Meer mit aller Kraft auszuspeien versucht. Wenn mein Herz in den vergangenen Tagen mehrfach in der Hose saß, so sitzt es jetzt mindestens in den Gummistiefeln", so beschreibt Arved Fuchs in seinem Tagebuch die dramatische Etappe rund um Kap Hoorn. Mit dem Mut der Verzweiflun…
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What’s Missing from Your Current Retirement Plan? Figuring Out the Taxes When You Inherit Money | Flat Fee or Fee-Based Advisor? | Do You Have Financial Amnesia?
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55:11On this episode: What do we usually see when people come in for a second opinion? Don’t be Bad Santa when passing down money. How Golden Reserve is different with how you pay for services. As you plan don’t forget what happened in 2008. Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, …
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Demystifying Marketing for CEOs and Founders with Jennifer Sutton | Marketing Expedition Podcast
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1:01:01Jennifer Sutton is a 3x founder and 4x mom. Jennifer is an accomplished marketing and advertising expert who has dedicated her career to helping businesses grow and thrive. After two decades of working in large advertising agencies, she decided to take the leap and establish her own marketing and advertising agency in 2013, Bright Marketing, growin…
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Mark goes back to school in Muscat – Expedition Legacy
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12:59Now the physical expedition has drawn to an end the legacy and engagement aspects of the Jewel of Arabia ramp up. Over the last 3 days Mark and the team have spoken to over 1,500 young Omani’s about the expedition, how they have been following it, but most importantly, how they will look to the future from what they have learnt. To find out what yo…
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[Hors-série] #2 - Renversé par la vie, porté par la rage de vaincre : Axel Alletru
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32:39Un accident, une chute, un verdict sans appel : la paraplégie. Pour beaucoup, c’était la fin d’un rêve, mais pour Axel Alletru, ce n’était que le début d’un nouveau combat. Ancien pilote de motocross promis à une carrière fulgurante, il s’est relevé autrement, porté par une force intérieure inébranlable. Du fauteuil aux podiums, il repousse chaque …
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How to Figure Out Your Paycheck in Retirement
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6:45You’ve saved and saved over the years. What does that mean you will get per month in retirement? Social Security is one part, what about the rest? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See for privacy information.…
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A civic welcome to Salalah and honeybadgers – Expedition Diary Day 30
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20:43Mark and the team have arrived at their destination, the 2nd city of Oman, Salalah. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of visits from students from British School Salalah, joining The British Council hackathon and something very special captured on the daily trail cameras set near their overnight campsites. In amongst all of this, the te…
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Arabian wolves, Wadi Darbat and leopard reintroductions – Expedition Diary Day 26
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16:28On the last walking day of the expedition, the team followed Thomas’s diary notes to trace his route down into Wadi Darbat, Which during the monsoon season becomes raging torrent of a river. Of course, this amount of water brings with it life. So after the team had scrambled and crawled their way down to the wadi bed through thick thorny undergrowt…
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How much is too much to pay for a financial advisor? | Don’t be bad Santa with your inheritance | When your business is your retirement plan | How to figure out your monthly need in retirement
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58:12On this week's show: Evaluating what you pay and what you get from your financial advisor. Don’t saddle your kids with a huge tax bill. You want to sell your business to fund your retirement? Timing is key. What will your paycheck be each month in retirement? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follo…
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Paradise in Southern Arabia – Expedition Diary Day 25
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13:24Now in the southern region of Oman, Mark and the Jewel of Arabia team have arrived in the region Bertram Thomas referred to as Arabia Felix. Mark describes this as one of his favourite places in the world. The landscape has changed from rough, rocky and arid desert to rich, lush green, almost tropical looking . The wildlife has changed too, they ca…
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Turning landfill sites into raptor restaurants – Expedition Diary Day 24
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25:41Oman lies on a major migratory flyway between Arabia and Asia. It is also blessed with a huge diversity of indigenous birdlife. But for many species over many years, the easiest and most abundant source of food was found at landfill sites. For many reasons this wasn’t ideal. But furthermore as Oman has reduced the amount and type of waste sent to l…
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Frankincense at Wadi Dawqah World Heritage Site – Expedition Diary Day 23
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16:44Spread across 3,500 acres in Oman’s Dhofar region, Wadi Dawqah is home to the world’s largest protected Boswellia sacra forest, a place where thousands of frankincense trees have flourished over the centuries. This is where the most sustainable, ethical and transparent source of frankincense begins its thousand-year-old journey into the world. Afte…
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How much should you have in the stock market in retirement?
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8:11In your 20s, 30s, 40s and even 50s, you may have put a lot of money into the stock market. But in retirement they tell you to pull back on that risk. Is there a percentage that most people use? Subscribe or follow so you never miss an episode! Learn more at or follow on social: Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. See…
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Ubar, The Atlantis of the Sands – Expedition Diary Day 22
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18:21From the edge of the Rub’ al Khali Mark tells the story of the ancient lost city of Ubar, the legendary lost city in the largest sand desert on earth. In his previous expedition, The Heart of Arabia, Mark retraced Philby’s effort to find Ubar, which ultimately failed, but considering the significance of the place, the Jewel of Arabia team wanted to…
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Oman’s first wind farm at Harwheel - Expedition Diary Day 21
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20:57Today the team passed the Harwheel wind farm, which is Oman’s first wind farm and made up of 13 turbines. With a target of achieving net zero by 2050, the transition to a renewable and sustainable future is underway; Oman has set itself the challenge of becoming a global green energy hub, and a regional and world leader in the production of green h…
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The kindness of strangers – Expedition Diary Day 20
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10:51The British explorer, Wilfred Thesiger wrote that it’s impossible to be alone in the Arab world. This is a sentiment echoed by Mark and the team as they have travelled through Oman. After the toughest day of the expedition so far yesterday, day 20 of the expedition was the complete opposite. The day started with a walk along a beautiful, deserted b…
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Expedition Arbeit #246 - Gitta Peyn “Pogofähigkeit” | Roger de Weck “Journalismus retten"
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1:18:20Shownotes zur Sendung 246 Gitta Peyn bei LinkedIn Gitta Peyn, Website Formwelt Ellen Key, “The Century of the Child” (1900),societal%20conditions%20affecting%20their%20upbringing Joe Elster, Lar…
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How much should you have in the stock market in retirement? | The Question Every Financial Advisors Asks, That You Can’t Answer | If you do an IRA to Roth conversion, how do you pay the tax bill? | The ...
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59:39On this week's show: Having your money at risk may be ok when you’re young. What should your stock market risk be in retirement? The financial question no one can answer. Should you pay your conversion tax bill with savings or your IRA? Is your future annuity payment in danger because your insurance company is stretched? Subscribe or follow so you …
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Wind, rain, triliths and sabkha – Expedition Diary Day 19
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11:55At the end of a long and tiring day, Mark talks to us from one of his favourite campsites in all of Oman. He is sitting in a cave, ospreys are circling overhead and the team are about to bed down, exhausted. 24 hours ago they were looking at looking at night sky when they noticed the stars disappear and felt the first drop of rain. The rain came an…
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