Predigten aus den Gottesdiensten der Freien evangelischen Gemeinde Fischbacherberg in Siegen. Immer mal wieder lassen wir uns abseits der bekannten Pfade von den Texten der Bibel inspirieren. Hör doch mal rein.
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Angeln zum Hören aus Österreich! Reportagen, Interviews und Analysen rund um Karpfen, Raubfisch und Forelle. Unregelmäßig, vielfältig – aber immer mit Schmäh. Herausgegeben von Stefan Tesch.
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Zwei Menschen, eine Unterhaltung, hunderte Themen. Dieser Podcast wird euch unter Garantie nicht hübscher machen, es könnte jedoch sein, dass ihr was lernt oder euch unterhalten fühlt. Möglich ist ja bekanntlich alles.
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Welcome to DFP I post video interviews that are completely focused on documenting the stories of fascinating guests. My job is to ask insightful, well informed questions and then SHUT UP and let the guest tell their story. Thank you for your support and enjoy the show! @daltonfischerpodcast on all social media
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Insight Meditation teacher, Shell Fischer, founder of Mindful Shenandoah Valley, offers her 25+ years of study and experience in these weekly talks about meditation practice, and how it can help us nurture more compassion, kindness, joy, and calm in our lives.
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Angel-Legende Horst Hennings trifft auf Angel-Noob Jochen Dominicus. Unterschiedlicher können die Voraussetzungen nicht sein. Horst hat fast 40 deutsche Meistertitel und viele weitere internationale Auszeichnungen. Jochen nicht mal eine eigene Angel. Das soll sich ändern. In diesem Podcast taucht Jochen in die Welt von Horst ein und entlockt ihm unglaubliche Angelgeschichten. Aber beide haben ein gemeinsames Ziel. Jochen fit machen für seinen ersten Fisch.
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Lisa Fischer has always had aspirations she’d be somebody. And she was. In high school, she peaked early and reached the pinnacle of achievements when she won Most Talkative for her high school yearbook. She has lived up to that title with her long storied career in radio and tv broadcasting since shoulder pads were in style (1986). Lisa is a certified health coach, multi-podcast host, a journalist and future TikTok sensation. Her greatest accomplishments? Married to the same man since 1988, ...
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Award winning author, songwriter, and speaker discusses culture, religion, and current events with a variety of guests.
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Der Stand-Up-Comedian Ole Lehmann plaudert über Dinge und Themen aus seinem Alltag.
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Fans of the game and followers of the major league, Patrick Harris and Joe Fischer give you the latest in baseball with stories, stats, and usually with a beer by their side. With a fresh perspective on America’s past time, The Hot Corner is your home for coverage on all things baseball!
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Eine humoristische, gesellschaftskritische Auseinandersetzung des alltäglichen Wahnsinns
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Fischkopptalk ist eine Laber- und Comedy Show mit Rolfi, Höffi und Tobi. Die norddeutschen Laberbacken bringen ein wenig unbekümmerten und farbenfrohen Humor in diese trübe Welt um dir deinen Tag ein bisschen zu versüßen.
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Im Stimme wirkt!-Podcast von Arno Fischbacher geht es um die Wirkung, die Deine Worte und Deine Stimme in uns auslösen. Wir sprechen über die unbewussten Gründe, die Menschen davon abhalten, interessiert zu sein. Du hörst, welche „unwiderstehlichen“ Sprachmuster Du einsetzen kannst, um mit schwierigen Kunden, Partnern oder Freunden gut und erfolgreich zu kommunizieren. Egal, ob Du Einsteiger bist oder bereits viele Erfahrungen mit Stimme, Körpersprache und Rhetorik hast, hier findest Du auf ...
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At a particular time in our evolution, God chose to enter into our world and a story was born. It has been carefully written, proclaimed and pondered. It possesses the power to awaken a knowing that has always been in us…the ability to experience the God who is, and to know a love that exceeds all others. Msgr. Don was ordained a Catholic priest in 1967. His preaching ministry grew beyond his parish work, and in 1987 began a Sunday radio broadcast that ran for 36 years on WRR in Dallas, TX. ...
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Im Interview mit dem Investmentpunk reden wir über Immobilien, London und den ab 2017 von ihm angebotenen Masterstudiengang. Hört rein und hinterlasst einen Kommentar!
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Welcome to the Meilin Fischer podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Christopher Burns on Unsplash:
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about the dankest memes
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Are you a fan of all things Film, Music, Horror, Sci-Fi, Theater, and the Arts, then you are going to want to swim down to the deepest depths of the sea and join Sam Fisch in the Fisch Bowl; where all your favorite aspects of the entertainment industry are covered.
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Tim Fischer brings us the latest on all things rail - industry news, history, anecdotes, passions and behind-the-headlines info
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A weekly Podcast where no topic is off the table. Support this podcast:
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This is State Soundscapes Sessions with Fischer & Miethig. Fasten your seatbelts for finest trance music in the mix.
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Join Jon Fisch each week as he interviews a different guest from the world of comedy with producer Dan Allen and sidekick Dan Shaki.
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Full Court with Fischer & Kaye features college basketball voices Jenny Fischer and Cara Kaye breaking down the NCAA men's and women's basketball landscape, and exciting guests from the world of college hoops.
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Louisville, Ky., Mayor Greg Fischer and host Graham Shelby discuss the city's challenges and unique potential in each episode. Produced by Louisville Metro. Music by The Pass used with permission of Sonablast Records.
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A Video Blog about the Vero Beach, FL Real Estate Market for buyers and sellers by Vero Beach's premiere Realtor Kelly Fischer.
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Life is a quest for logic and reason. It is a quest to find balance between science and faith. Life is a quest for knowledge and understanding. But most importantly it’s a quest for personal discovery. Whatever your quest, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. This podcast will show you how we know what we know through interviews with people that have incredible stories of dedication and perseverance. Curiosity is part of what makes us human. And there's still so much we don't kno ...
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Die beiden leidenschaftlichen Seebären Fischer & Fritz haben die Leinen los gemacht und steuern volle Fahrt voraus - in Richtung der nächsten Partynacht. Damit den beiden Wasserratten die Arbeit auf und unter Deck leichter von der Hand geht, hat sich das DJ-Team Achim Reichels Alltime-Party-Klassiker vorgeknöpft und in ein zeitgemäßes Soundgewand transportiert. Damit bleibt garantiert kein Tanzbein still stehen und gute Laune ist dabei ebenfalls vorprogrammiert – auf Wasser, an Land und auf ...
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Join actor Jenna Fischer (The Office) and director Lee Kirk as they discuss their new film, The Giant Mechanical Man, an offbeat romantic comedy about a silver-painted street performer and the soft-spoken zoo worker who falls for him.
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Ein selbstbestimmtes Leben als Selbstständiger bzw. Unternehmer ist der Traum vieler Menschen. Ich selber habe bereits mit 14 Jahren davon geträumt nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, und mir mein eigenes Business aufzubauen. Heute gibt es für angehende Unternehmer mehr Chancen als je zuvor. Trotzdem bleibt die finanzielle Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit für die meisten ein unerreichbarer Traum. Doch woran liegt das? Dank angesagter "Geschäftsmodelle" wie Amazon FBA, Dropshipping und Affiliat ...
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Wie verändert sich die Arbeitswelt in den nächsten 10 Jahren? Welche Kompetenzen brauchst du, um in der Zukunft beruflich und privat erfolgreich zu sein? In diesem Podcast geht es um die wichtigsten Skills von Morgen und darum, wie du diese erlernen kannst. Ich mache dich fit für die Arbeitswelt von morgen!
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Immobilien Investor Podcast: ValueCashflowBankingAnkaufEntwicklungExitAlex Fischer
Alex Fischer: Immobilien Investor, Business-Stratege & Videoblogger aus Düsseldorf
Alex Fischer vom Blog enthüllt hier, wie man durch schlaue Immobilieninvestments zu zeitlicher, örtlicher & finanzieller Freiheit gelangt. Dabei ist es egal, ob Du nur nebenbei Immobilienvermögen aufbauen möchtest, aktiv an Deinem Vermögensaufbau arbeiten oder ob Du sogar mit Immobilien ein richtiges Business aufbauen möchtest. Hier bekommst Du all die wertvollen Informationen und Alex`s Insiderwissen aus über 20 Jahren Erfahrung als Privatinvestor, Ankäuf ...
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Wenn ihr eine harte Woche hattet oder einfach nur eine Menge A****löcher euren Weg gekreuzt haben und es euch nach Liebe gelüstet, Felix und Lena haben 66 Minuten lang über genau dieses Thema gesprochen. Weil, Weihnachten, Fest der Liebe, Klingglöckchen, Jingle Bells. Liebe ist ja nicht gleich Liebe. In welche Kostüme gewandet sie sich bisweilen, w…
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Horst hat blutige Hände. Was machen die auch im Gebiss eines Hechtes? Horst war übrigens auf der größten Angelmesse Europas in Berlin. Es war voll aber toll. Und Heinz hat eine Menge Bücher an die Fans verteilt.
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Dirk und Stefan besprechen in dieser Folge, was im Angeljahr 2024 passiert ist. Die Themen: neue Gesetze bzw. Beschränkungen in Norwegen Fisch & Fang trennt sich von Matze Koch Kontrollor mit Schreckschusspistole Bestand der Boddenhechte geht bergauf Fischerstammtisch in Wien (wer dabei sein will, schreibt an neue DVDs von M…
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Msgr. Don discusses the shadow of religion and what God really wants from us for his love. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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On this week's show, Patrick and Joe react to the flurry of big MLB trades between the Yankees, Cubs, and Astros, debate whether Juan Soto is worth all that money that the Mets gave him, and more.
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In Hour 2, Patrick and Joe break down where they think the New York Yankees are headed in 2025, discuss the potential of Luis Castillo leaving Seattle, and more.
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In this week's edition of Fair Or Foul, Patrick and Joe wonder if Juan Soto is worth all the money the Mets gave him, debate whether or not the Mariners will trade Luis Castillo, and more.
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In Hour 1, Patrick and Joe break down what the Chicago Cubs plans are after trading away Cody Bellinger and acquiring Kyle Tucker, wonder what the future of the Houston Astros is, and more.
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Why did the Houston Astros choose to move on from a very talented young right fielder in Kyle Tucker?
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Lisa Talks Intermittent Fasting with Laurie Lewis
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Lisa talks to an intermittent fasting rockstar who lost 50 pounds with intermittent fasting and has kept it off. Laurie Lewis is a fasting coach and author of LAURIE’S WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: …
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HOMILY • The Third Sunday of Advent
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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Wie ein kaltes Stück Eisen im Bett
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Muss man es sich gefallen lassen, wenn die Teams-App einen ungefragt siezt? In welche Richtung fährt die U7 wirklich? Wie oft hört man es in dieser Folge knallen (schreibt's in die Kommentare!)? Ihr bekommt Antworten auf alle diese Fragen und könnt Zeug:innen werden, wie Lena beim Ratespiel der 5 meistverkauften Alben der Welt grandios scheitert. U…
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Msgr. Don talks about why it is important to start listening and trusting the voice that sits deep inside of you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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On this week's show, Patrick and Joe react to Juan Soto signing with the New York Mets, wonder if Yankees fans are living in the past or not, and more.
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In Hour 2, Patrick and Joe laugh at all the Yankees fans upset about Juan Soto signing with the New York Mets, wonder if Max Fried got too much money, and more.
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In this week's edition of Fair Or Foul, Patrick and Joe try to guess whether or not the New York Mets will regret such a large contract for Juan Soto, debate whether or not a 20 year contract will ever be handed out in MLB, and more.
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In Hour 1, Patrick and Joe break down Juan Soto's 15 year contract with the New York Mets, discuss whether or not they will regret such a large contract in the future, and more.
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Juan Soto has officially signed with the New York Mets. Is his deal good for baseball?
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Lisa Talks to Two Inspiring Content Creators
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Lisa talks to Lora McLaughlin Peterson @lorafied and @positivelycathy, two women are providing great content on social media. LORA’S WEBSITE: LORA’S FACEBOOK: LORA’S INSTAGRAM: CATHY’S INSTAGRAM: EPISODE SPONSOR: ht…
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Ex-Arms Dealer Exposes Government Corruption, CIA Black Budget, Dick Cheney | David Packouz
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TIMESTAMPS IN DESCRIPTION BELOW David Packouz was Arms Dealer during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was a partner at AEY, a major weapons contractor for the US. Government, where he and his partner Efraim Diveroli won a $300m government contract to arm the Afghan National Army. At the time, David was just 24 years old, and Efraim was 21. The …
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HOMILY • The Second Sunday of Advent
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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Msgr. Don reflects on how our willingness to be completely open to God is when he is able to help us most. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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On this week's show, Patrick and Joe discuss how far the Los Angeles Dodgers can actually go with deferred contracts, debate where Juan Soto will end up, and more.
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Meet The Newest Sensation From Japan!
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In Hour 2, Patrick and Joe introduce MLB fans to the latest ace pitcher from Japan, debate whether or not the league will implement a stupid rule, and more.
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In this week's edition of Fair Or Foul, Patrick and Joe debate whether or not Pete Alonso has a legitimate chance to end up in Seattle, discuss the possibility of a "Golden At-Bat" in MLB, and more.
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In Hour 1, Patrick and Joe debate whether or not the Los Angeles Dodgers are mortgaging their future with such a large amount of deferred money, wonder how much better Blake Snell makes them, and more.
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Are the Los Angeles Dodgers crippling themselves in the future by deferring large amounts of money in player contracts?
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Lisa Talks to Light Expert Carrie Bennett
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Lisa talks to light expert Carrie Bennett of and why you should be wearing those silly orange lenses the minute the sun sets every day and so much more. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE: PODCAST: https://open.spotify.c…
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01.12.2024 Predigt Christian SpiertzOleh Freie evangelische Gemeinde Fischbacherberg
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HOMILY • The First Sunday of Advent
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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Das emotionale Innenleben einer Hyperschallrakete
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Wir sind es, die lustigen Zwei von der Fischtheke! Drei Wochen hat sich die eine Hälfte des Standards in Köln rumgetrieben während die andere Hälfte in Berlin einen Weltrekord im Ingwersud-Eimersaufen aufgestellt hat. Dann haben wir uns ungelogen erst (!!!) heute morgen hingesetzt und gemeinsam entschieden, wie man am leckersten die Jingle-Bells-Sa…
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Zuegegeben der November hat vor allem hier im Norden ekeliges Wetter mitgebracht. Stört Horst aber nicht. Der packt sich warm an und zieht los. Mal nen Zander, mal nen Hecht, mal garkein Fisch. Völlig egal. Auch im Winter ist das Angeln für Horst ein echtes Erlebnis. Welche Klamotten er anhat und welche Tipps für den Winter er hat, gibt es in diese…
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#28 Weiche Köder, harte Burschen (Oder: Der Piefke und der Ösi)
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Eine nicht ganz ernst gemeinte Podcast-Episode der beiden Fischerspezln Dirk (der Piefke) und Stefan (der Ösi). Ohne Konzept für einen Podcast und ohne Fang – dafür mit braunem Fleischfurzer-Teig, Einblick in einen chaotischen Kofferraum sowie räuberischen Vogelbeobachtungen. Der Piefke und der Ösi wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Anhören! Mehr von Fis…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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A Catch Conversation with Brian Zahnd
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Brian Zahnd is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church, a non-denominational Christian congregation in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Brian and his wife, Peri, founded the church in 1981. Brian is also the author of several books, including, Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, Water to Wine, A Farewell To Mars, Beauty Will Save the World, Unc…
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Lisa & Natalie Sanderson Jones Talk About What They’re Watching
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Lisa sits down with Natalie Sanderson Jones to discuss all of the crazy and not so crazy things they are watching this fall. Follow Natalie and Put Your Books Down on social media: Put Your Books Down Podcast: Facebook: Instagram: https:…
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HOMILY • The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Msgr. Don Fischer
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Instead of resisting, denying, or trying to ignore a big change in our lives or in our world, the Buddhist teachings invite us to open up to it and deeply acknowledge: “This Is It,” and then ask ourselves: “now what?” Meaning, what’s the wisest, most compassionate response to this change? How can I relate in a way that is going to open my heart, ra…
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PRI Reflections on Scripture | Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
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Gospel Luke 20:27-40 Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us, If someone’s brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother. Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman …
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PRI Reflections on Scripture | Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
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Gospel Luke 19:45-48 Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out those who were selling things, saying to them, “It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” And every day he was teaching in the temple area. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people, meanwhile, were see…
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Erfolgreiche Chef-Gespräche - 5 Tipps für Gehaltsverhandlungen und Konfliktlösungen // Folge 420
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In der heutigen Episode tauchen wir tief in die Welt der Mitarbeitergespräche und heiklen Verhandlungen mit Vorgesetzten ein. Wir beleuchten, wie du dich optimal auf solche Gespräche vorbereitest, deine Stimme und Körpersprache effektiv nutzt und potenzielle Konflikte entschärfst, bevor sie entstehen. Besonders spannend wird die Diskussion, wenn es…
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PRI Reflections on Scripture | Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Gospel Luke 19:41-44 As Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If this day you only knew what makes for peace– but now it is hidden from your eyes. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. They will smash you to the ground…
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PRI Reflections on Scripture | Wednesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
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Gospel Luke 19:11-28 While people were listening to Jesus speak, he proceeded to tell a parable because he was near Jerusalem and they thought that the Kingdom of God would appear there immediately. So he said, “A nobleman went off to a distant country to obtain the kingship for himself and then to return. He called ten of his servants and gave the…
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On this week's show, Patrick and Joe debate whether or not they agree with the choices for ROTY or not, debate Ichiro's chances at a unanimous Hall Of Fame induction, and more.
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Stephen Vogt Wins Manager Of The Year
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In Hour 2, Patrick and Joe argue about who won manager of the year in both leagues, wonder if Ichiro will be unanimously elected into the Hall Of Fame, and more.
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In this week's edition of Fair Or Foul, Patrick and Joe wonder if Juan Soto will actually go to the highest bidder or not, discuss Ichiro's chances of being unanimously elected into the Hall Of Fame, and more.
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In Hour 1, Patrick and Joe question who the AL and NL Rookie Of The Year Awards were given to for 2024, discuss the Yankees possibilities of success without Juan Soto, and more.
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How did Pirates starting pitcher Paul Skenes win the NL Rookie Of The Year award by such a wide margin over Padres OF Jackson Merrill?
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PRI Reflections on Scripture | Tuesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
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Tuesday, 11-19–24 PRI Reflections on Scripture | Tuesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time === Gospel Luke 19:1-10 At that time Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town. Now a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man, was seeking to see who Jesus was; but he could not see him because of the …
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