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Gender Talk

Gender Talk

Chestionăm și explorăm genul. (Re)gândim o lume în care toate identitățile noastre de gen sunt respectate și celebrate. ▴ Gender Talk este o inițiativă comunitară de exploratori de gen, care prioritizează o perspectivă non binară asupra genului, pentru a crea mai mult spațiu și mai multe posibilități pentru noi toți. ▴ Podcastul nostru vine ca o invitație de auto-reflecție asupra propriului gen, din care sperăm să iesim cu mai multă empatie față de identitățile și procesele noastre si ale ce ...
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Prince Eludire Isaac

Have you ever wondered how Gender Inequality has affected the growth of a typical Africa nation? We look keenly into how gender imbalance has affected the societal orientation of a typical Africa child, we believe every African child has a story to tell as regard gender stereotype. A positive story shared, is a break on the wall of injustice. We host a guest interview every week to share there story and find a resolution for a better coexistence, you could hear it Hard from us, but truly the ...
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My generation, your generation, let’s talk gender! A unique new podcast from UN Women’s Europe and Central Asia office connects gender equality activists from across generations and all walks of life. Generations Talk Gender thoughtfully explores issues of common concern for women and girls, all of which lead to one goal: gender equality, everywhere. The views expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily represent the views of UN Women, the United Nations or any ...
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Every week, Ames Beckerman (Mister Bex) brings you a special guest to talk about sex and gender! Guests include sex educators, sex workers, porn stars, kink enthusiasts, and members of the LGBTQ community. Topics pertain to love, sex, gender and LGBT issues!
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Welcome to Coffee & Cream Talk: The intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, and POP CULTURE meet! Come for the COMMENTARY. Stay for the CONVERSATION. Examining thoughts, ideas, stereotypes, and expectations while rejecting foolishness and stupidity along the way. No holds barred! Always honest, all of the time! Make sure you follow and subscribe to Coffee & Cream Talk on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube! @CoffeeCreamTalk on ALL PLATFORMS! Join the mailing list! Go to CoffeeAndCr ...
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LGBTQ+ Stories: The Creative Process: Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Homosexual, Trans Creatives Talk LGBTQ Rights

Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans Creatives: Creative Process Original Series

LGBTQ+ episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. Listen to Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans creatives tell their stories, discuss their lives, work & creative process. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with w ...
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In Deutschland warten über 8.496 Menschen auf ein Spenderorgan – doch wer bekommt es am Ende? Frauen spenden häufiger, doch Männer scheinen mehr zu profitieren. 2023 gingen zwei Drittel aller gespendeten Nieren, Lebern, Lungen und Herzen an Männer. Woran liegt das? Von biologischen Faktoren über Algorithmen bis hin zu gesellschaftlichen Rollenbilde…
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Tampons – ein alltägliches Menstruationsprodukt, das für viele Frauen, Mädchen und trans Personen unverzichtbar ist. Doch wie der Gender Data Gap auch hier zu Sicherheitslücken führen kann, erklären wir in dieser Folge. Wir beleuchten nicht nur die potenziellen Gesundheitsrisiken, sondern werfen auch einen Blick auf die Alternativen und die wachsen…
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Warum gibt es so wenige Frauen in STEM/ MINT-Berufen, und wie können wir das ändern? In dieser Folge tauchen wir ein in die Welt der Wissenschaft und Technik, beleuchten Herausforderungen wie Stereotype, Gender Gaps und fehlende Role Models. Wir sprechen über beeindruckende Frauen, die trotz aller Barrieren Großes erreicht haben, und fragen: Was br…
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Brauchen Frauen tatsächlich mehr Schlaf als Männer? Wir gehen der Wissenschaft auf den Grund und schauen uns an, wie Schlaf unser Gedächtnis, Immunsystem und unsere Emotionen beeinflusst. Außerdem beleuchten wir die verschiedenen Schlafphasen und erklären, welche Unterschiede es dort zwischen den biologischen Geschlechtern geben könnte. Quellen: Bu…
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📢📢📢These black males are NOT HERE FOR YOU!📢📢📢 They are ONLY about themselves, and they've ALWAYS ONLY been about THEMSELVES. That does NOT include YOU.... nor your children... nor your "beloved" Black community! 🤷‍♀️ Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Comment…
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Eizellen einfrieren – eine Technologie, die Frauen mehr Selbstbestimmung über ihre Fruchtbarkeit geben kann. In dieser Folge erklären wir, wie der Prozess des Eizellenfrierens funktioniert und für wen er geeignet ist. Das Einfrieren von Eizellen eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für die eigene Lebensplanung, doch es wirft auch wichtige Fragen auf: Wie vi…
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Beim Schlagwort Autismus denken viele von uns an einen Mann – und das liegt auch daran, dass die Diagnosekriterien historisch stark an männlichen Symptomen orientiert sind. Neuere Studien legen jedoch nahe, dass das Verhältnis von Männern zu Frauen mit ASS möglicherweise näher bei 2:1 oder sogar 1,5:1 liegt. In dieser Folge sprechen wir darüber, wi…
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“This book has a lot of the wisdom of things that feminists and queers have learned in the community about sexuality, but the book is really for anybody who is political, even those just starting out and beginning to realize that there is something wrong with the systems they live under. I want to be in movements. Our movements are made of relation…
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Why is it that we find the courage to boldly confront mainstream societal norms and structures, yet are so often unable to treat romantic partners with care and generosity? Why do we lose our principles when we become insecure, disappointed, or jealous? Why do we act our worst in sexual and romantic relationships? And why do we prioritize romantic …
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When someone shows you who they are, believe them THE FIRST TIME! 🤷‍♀️ Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk on all social platforms! Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and YouTube Go to Coff…
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Tia & Tamera are no longer TWINNING... but are you really surprised? 🤷‍♀️ Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk on all social platforms! Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and YouTube Go to C…
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DDG was never rooting for Halle Bailey... and we all knew it. Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk on all social platforms! Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and YouTube Go to CoffeeAndCrea…
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If a man is serious about YOU, serious about his feelings for YOU, serious about the true, deep, sincere love that he has FOR YOU, then YOU will always be his choice. Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! …
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Still don't believe in the Black Girl Effect? Then look no further than NFL star, Travis Kelce. Before vs. After tells the story, explaining why YOU shouldn't be surprised. Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and s…
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Make no mistake, Jordan Chiles was rightfully awarded the bronze medal because SHE EARNED IT... but white gals aren't happy that "their" image and place within the sport is being erased. Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, …
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Simone Biles has literally just been crowned the most decorated Olympic gymnast in history, so why are YOU (i.e., BLACK FOLKS!) overly obsessed with her hair? Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeC…
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Meagan Good disregarded all logic, didn't listen to any of her friends, and chose to take up with a Jonathan Majors... A CRIMINAL. Don't be like her! Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk …
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Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay was so DESPERATE to become a wife that she settled for a bum! Now she's paying the price, but YOU don't have to make the same mistakes! Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @Co…
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“As a filmmaker, I've always made films about extraordinary women whose lives are faced with extenuating circumstances who've had adversity thrown at them and who've risen to the occasion. And when I began to look at Diane's story, for me, Diane is a fashion designer, but she's so much more. Her central ethos is woman before fashion, and we felt it…
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How can we free ourselves from fear and social barriers to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives? What does it take to overcome trauma and turn it into triumph, and failure into reinvention? How can we shine a light on the marginalized and misunderstood to create social change that transforms the lives of women? Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is an Osca…
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Black males are NOT interested in marrying Black women, so why do YOU still want them? Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk on all social platforms! Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and Yo…
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Black males will defend Caitlin Clark at all costs, and they're mad at YOU because you won't help them! Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share! @CoffeeCreamTalk on all social platforms! Facebook, Instagram, …
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“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a …
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How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity? Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores …
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White Billionaires prefer to marry Black women, and your much desired, overly touted, self-proclaimed bLaCk kINgs are mad at YOU because you don't want to engage in STRUGGLE LOVE with them! Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follo…
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White men wholeheartedly believe that their lives, looks, and overall livelihood improved tenfold by being married to a Black woman, so why are black males mad at YOU? Coffee & Cream Talk -- the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet! Get your Daily Dose of Caffeinated Commentary! Subscribe, like, follow, comment, and share!…
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In dieser Episode erkunden wir das Thema Fruchtbarkeit. Bis Mitte 20 dreht sich alles darum, bloß nicht schwanger zu werden, bis manche dann doch ein Kind wollen und merken, dass das Ganze gar nicht so einfach ist. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die biologische Realität der Fruchtbarkeit, die oft nur mit Frauen in Verbindung gebracht wird. Welche Rolle…
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Eine der führenden Todesursachen weltweit ist die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD), und auch hier zeigen sich Geschlechterunterschiede. Obwohl die Krankheit traditionell eher Männern zugeschrieben wurde, steigt die Zahl betroffener Frauen zunehmend. Durch die Gender-Datenforschung wissen wir mittlerweile, dass sich die Krankheitsverläu…
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In dieser Folge von Hysteria beleuchten wir das Impostor-Syndrom, ein psychologisches Phänomen, bei dem Personen trotz objektiver Erfolge und Kompetenzen das Gefühl haben, ihre Leistungen nicht zu verdienen und als Betrüger entlarvt zu werden. Besonders Frauen und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund kämpfen oft mit diesen Gefühlen. Wir teilen nicht …
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Frauen leiden viermal häufiger an Schilddrüsenunterfunktionen als Männer. Doch wie genau funktioniert die Schilddrüse eigentlich? Warum erkranken Frauen häufiger? Und welche Verbindung besteht zum Gender Pay Gap? In der Folge versuchen wir einerseits diese Fragen zu klären, aber beleuchten auch, dass es noch keine klare Antwort auf die Frage gibt, …
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"That production was really close to my heart because I was a musical theater dancer in the eighties and so that whole storytelling was something that I personally had lived through and really understood. You know, I was that kid at the Pineapple Dance Studios. And gradually, as friends around me sort of began to become unwell, and actually, one of…
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How can intimate scenes be brought to the screen in ways that respect the emotional well-being and privacy of the artists themselves? How do we make sure that we can create a story about abuse without anyone being abused in the process? Ita O’Brien is the UK’s leading Intimacy Coordinator, founder of Intimacy on Set (and author of the Intimacy On S…
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Der Gender Data Gap ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Die Ungleichheiten werden noch gravierender, wenn ethnische Vielfalt ins Spiel kommt. In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in das Thema Rassismus im Gesundheitswesen ein, mit dem Ziel, auf diese drängenden Probleme aufmerksam zu machen. Von Hautkrankheiten über Schmerzempfinden bis hin zu Nierenversa…
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Willkommen bei unserer 2. Staffel! Diese Folge dreht sich um die Bedeutung von Beipackzetteln. Wir erläutern biologische Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern was Medikamente angeht und besprechen, welche Auswirkungen die Vernachlässigung dieser haben kann. Wenn sich die optimale Dosierung und Nebenwirkungen unterscheiden können, sollte darauf da…
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"I had the first ever lesbian makeout scene on network television on a short-lived show called Relativity. That was another role where I felt really honored to be asked to do that, having been in and around the gay community my whole adult life. In the club scene, it was like all my friends were gay. So I was really happy to represent doing that. W…
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How can the arts help us examine and engage with social issues? How do our families shape our views, memories, and experience of the world? From her role as Dr. Lisa Cuddy on the hit Fox series House, to her starring role as Abby McCarthy in Bravo's first scripted series Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce, Lisa Edelstein's range of roles are as diverse …
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What are we willing to give up to find meaning, connection, and a sense of belonging? What happens if we don't self-promote, self-create, and self-brand on social media? Will we find the right partner? Will we get into the right college? Or find the best job? Tara Isabella Burton is the author of the novels Social Creature, The World Cannot Give, a…
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“I was fortunate to be able to be out in Hollywood in the 90s and to be able to work early on seminal LGBT-presenting shows like Tales of the City series, and Six Feet Under with Alan Ball. When it comes to Tokyo Vice, I did push hard for there to be a queer storyline because in the late 90s, in Japan, there was a huge thriving gay subculture. But …
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