Film and advertising experts are being hosted by Omar A Rashed in order to share their knowledge and wisdom with those just entering the field.
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GIVING BACK IS DEAD addresses the need to engage the next generation differently than the previous generation. Stover believes that arts institutions and initiatives will lose their funding if arts leaders do not recognize what motivates the next generation. The previous generation has structured arts funding based on participation in an elite and exclusionary social club related to the donor’s wealth. Media focus on the art market and its atmospheric sales prices reinforce that the art worl ...
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A podcast dedicated to gratitude, giving back, and helping those who are going through and have completed divorce
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The Giving Back podcast celebrates the great work of the charities, both the problem they are solving and the impact they have on the people they serve. Our guests talk about how and why they got involved with a charity or cause. Our listeners' walk away from each show with ideas and resources to make a difference on a cause they feel passionate about.
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The Giving Back TV Podcast is a podcast that explores the world of hunting and conservation. Each episode features the hosts discussing their stories, latest news and trends in hunting, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing wildlife conservation. We also provide tips and advice for hunters of all levels of experience. Whether you're a lifelong hunter or just getting started, GIving Back TV Podcast is a great resource for anyone interested in the world of hunting. We're passionat ...
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Join Michael Litzner, Broker/Owner of Coldwell Banker American Homes, as he delves into the dynamic world of real estate. In each episode, Michael interviews industry experts to uncover insights, strategies, and trends shaping the business. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, this podcast offers valuable knowledge and inspiration. Tune in to learn from the best in the business and discover how to work hard, play hard, and give back in the ever-evolving real estate industry.
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While there are new movies that are fun and enjoyable, they just don‘t have the same impact as the Action and Horror Movies we remember as kids/teenagers. So we figured we were not alone in our nostalgia and created a podcast to entertain people who feel the same as us. We will talk about what made certain movies so memorable. We will talk about a movie so cheesy but still makes us smile. We will share a memory of watching a movie for the first time.
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The Give Back Model is a podcast where I have conversations with entrepreneurs who have successfully built a “Give Back” into the heart of their business models. This podcast features chats with businesses who have been able to give back in their own unique ways. The entrepreneurs out there can learn how others have navigated how to team up with charitable organizations and causes, while the shopper who is listening can link their values with their spending habits.
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Nick & FeeFEE Potterson discuss an album and et cetera et cetera.
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Every aspect of life is a process & I’m learning as I go along. Sometimes it feels like I take 2 steps forward 1 step back. I never stop trying but I do pause often. Listen to hear how I try to make the best (or at least the mediocre) of things!
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A Talk On Life.a True View And Honest. Feed Back On Your Question On Name Is Fabian The One Person Who Truely Understands All Of Life Erros And Can Give You A Honest And. A Better View On What ...
angels music
My talk on how people really feel about. The change that is going on around the rights that are being taken away.the statues that were written from the people who help grow the freedom to live free and ask to told the truth about the changes of our rights to be free and ask us that we cant breave the air.and to respect the lives on the ones who died to keep this life of free air to breave not make a dollar from it.
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Big Trouble in Little China - 200th Episode
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1:39:19200th Episode!!!! I'm still toweling off after the explosive love fest the cast had while covering Big Trouble in Little China. So so sticky. Anyways, it should come to no surprise that this is a favorite. It's weird, it's got monsters, kung-fu, guns, magic, sword fighting, I mean, what's not to like. This movie is THE BEST comfort food you could c…
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S2E4 - The Jims Team: A Father-Son Real Estate Duo in Northport
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48:00In this episode of Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back - A Real Estate Podcast, we sit down with Jim McKenna Sr. and Jim McKenna Jr., the dynamic father-son duo behind The Jims Team in Northport, NY. With decades of combined experience, they share: ✅ How they built a thriving real estate business together ✅ The challenges and rewards of working as …
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Once a generation a film comes around that makes such an international impact on pop culture that one can't comprehend a world without it. The Wizard of Oz, Psycho, Jaws, The Godfather and Star Wars are all examples of films that have or will influence generations of creators and fans of the movie industry. We got two of these kind of films in the …
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Did somebody say Future Cops!? Hell no they didn't, but if you're looking for a solid hour of badass 80’s action movie references and hilarious one-liners, we’ve got just the thing for you! 2018’s Commando Ninja! Practical effects, outrageous kills, and more action movie tropes than you can shake a power glove at make this one an instant classic! B…
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I won't say horror was dead in 1996 but it clearly had become stale and good scares with compelling stories were hard to come by. Blame it on Tipper Gore and the Parental Advisory movement or the fact that Hollywood was more interested in making a quick buck off aging franchises, horror in the mid 90s was just...meh. Thankfully some kid at a horror…
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S2E3 - David Marine: Navigating Real Estate Marketing with Anywhere Brands CMO
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45:58In this episode of Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back - A Real Estate Podcast, we sit down with David Marine, Chief Marketing Officer of Anywhere Brands, the parent company behind Coldwell Banker, Century 21, ERA Real Estate, and Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. With over 22 years of experience in real estate marketing, David shares his incre…
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All good things must come to an end and sadly the Month of Pete is no exception. That is unless we can get a social media campaign going to make this the Year of Pete. Hey, that's a good idea! CALL TO ARMS! Fans! Friends! Family! Freaks! We need YOUR help! Please write to us on all the social media platforms (don't forget the upcoming OF site) and …
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There are no Ninjas like the AMERICAN NINJA! The Dudikoff abides in this 1985 action movie classic from the iconic Canon Group. Ninja stars! Ninja Lasers! Ninja Tire Irons! From a French crime boss with his very own evil Power Rangers training facility to Steve James grabbing Ninjas by the balls, there’s no end to the campy badass action in this bl…
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عمرو حداد من creative للاخراج !Amr Haddad is Giving Back!
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1:53:04في الحلقة دي من Giving Back، هنتكلم عن رحلة عمرو حداد، المخرج اللي بدأ دراسته في هندسة الكمبيوتر لكنه اكتشف شغفه الحقيقي في التصميم والإبداع. من الجرافيك ديزاين للإخراج، مرورًا بأكبر وكالات الإعلانات، رحلته مليانة دروس عن التغيير المهني، المخاطرة، ومتابعة الشغف. حلقة ملهمة ومليانة نصايح، متفوتهاش! In this episode of Giving Back, we dive into the jo…
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Season 3 Episode 8 with Dr. Brigitte Nicole Grice
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34:26In this episode of Giving Back Is Dead, recorded at OFFSCREEN in Paris during our third year at the fair, we sit down with Dr. Brigitte Nicole Grice, president and co-founder of Chez Max et Dorothea, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preserving and expanding the legacy of Surrealism. But Surrealism is more than just an artistic style—it’s a way of…
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You never know what film will pop up during The Month of Pete and...well... Pete picked the Bollywood modern classic "RRR" and it broke Nate. Broke him pretty bad. Sadly Anna was out sick and her shoulder wasn't available for Nate to cry on. Brian from Reviewing History returned to the show to sing the praises of the fictional epic featuring two of…
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S2E2 - Marie Asher: From Nursing to Real Estate and Embracing the Company Culture of Giving Back
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39:40What does it take to turn a life-changing decision into a 20-year real estate career? This week on Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back – A Real Estate Podcast, we sit down with Marie Asher, a dedicated Real Estate professional who went from being a nurse to one of Massapequa Park’s most trusted realtors. Marie shares: ✅ Her “aha” moment that helped…
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Bruno Mattei is an infamous Italian director who's catalogue is full of some of the most egregious movie rip-offs of all time and this week's film, Cruel Jaws (aka Jaws 5) is no exception. Thankfully the cast was able to recruit Captain Steve from Bucket of Chum podcast to help us navigate through the confusing disjointed plot lines. Nate abandoned…
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In a post apocalyptic, medieval, steampunk world, a man walking around with his own armory of weapons and a dark past arrives at a trading outpost cursed with a great evil that he's been hunting. Add in some industrial techno music, a gratuitous amount of somersaults, and a gigantic straight razor guillotine…and you've got 1999’s interpretation of …
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من كلام ببلاش لكلام بفلوس! Hani Sharaf Is Giving Back!
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49:32إزاي حد يسيب المحاماة ويدخل عالم الإعلانات بقلب جامد؟ هاني شرف، المدير الإبداعي في BBDO، بدأ رحلته في مجال مختلف تمامًا قبل ما يكتشف شغفه الحقيقي في الإبداع. في الحلقة دي، هيحكيلنا عن رحلته الملهمة، وأهم الدروس اللي اتعلمها، ونصايح مهمة لأي حد عايز يدخل مجال الإعلان. ماتضيعش الفرصة وشوف الحلقة دلوقتي! What makes someone leave law and dive headfirst…
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Hard Ticket To Hawaii - Action
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1:23:57We start the MONTH OF PETE with special guest and fourth or fifth member of the Give Me Back cast, TROY! Now before roll your eyes and run for the hills because Pete is picking all the movies this month don't fear, he promised not to pick all Japanese hentai-body horror films this year. Maybe. Rest assured, however, he will pick four regretful movi…
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رحله عبدالله الهاجري لكرسي المخرج!AbdUllah AlHajri Is Giving Back!
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1:22:56من الكاترينج للإخراج، ضيفنا جرّب كل حاجة! رحلة ملهمة من تجربة كل أدوار الإنتاج، لدروس اتعلّمها من ورش عالمية، لغاية لما قرر يركز 100% على حلمه في الإخراج. حلقة مليانة نصايح لكل اللي نفسهم يدخلوا مجال صناعة الأفلام. ما تفوتهاش! From catering to directing, this guest has done it all! His inspiring journey through every role in production, his valuabl…
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S2E1 - Sheila McKenna Olsen: From Union Painter to Real Estate Leader, Embracing Change and Community
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43:13🎙 Season 2 is Here! We’re kicking off Season 2 of Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back - A Real Estate Podcast with none other than Sheila McKenna Olsen! With over 30 years in real estate, Sheila has seen it all—from shifting markets to major industry changes. In this episode, we cover: 🏡 The biggest changes in real estate over the last 30 years ⚖️ …
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4 Year Anniversary Special - Action and Horror
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1:48:17Four years ago Charlie started a little show that covered both action and horror movies. Today it's still basically an action/horror podcast with a few new voices and a chaos that for some reason keeps YOU coming back every week to listen. In all seriousness, we are humbled that you waste...erm...invest your time listening to our dumb show. I hope …
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Big ass robots fight for territories as an alternative to war in a dystopian future. Need I say more? Ok, fine! Chainsaw penis’, transforming into tanks, rocket fists, a space chase, and barroom brawls! This one gets pretty dark for a kids film, but that’s why we love the 80’s! If that’s not enough then stick around as we discuss the anime inspirat…
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من مسرح الجامعة لعالم الاعلانات!Mostafa Sherif Is Giving Back!
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1:16:01في الحلقة دي من Giving Back، ضيفنا مصطفى شريف، الـ Executive Creative Director في FP7، واللي بدأ رحلته من المسرح كممثل لحد ما بقى مبدع في مجال الإعلانات. هتعرف إزاي بدأ من تدريب صغير وهو طالب لحد ما وصل لوظايف قيادية في أكبر الوكالات، وكمان هيشاركنا نصايح مهمة لأي حد نفسه ينجح في المجال. متفوتش الحلقة دي الملهمة In this episode of Giving Back, we’r…
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Friends, here's the thing, I really enjoy writing these paragraphs but when I run into a show where we start making jokes and the whole thing devolves into a giggle-fest it's really had to put together a coherent thought. How about this, Dustin from Flicks and Friends joins the cast and chaos erupts almost immediately. Your takeaways from this prev…
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Season 3 Episode 7 with Sophie Neuendorf
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24:37In this week’s episode of Giving Back is Dead, we’re joined by Sophie Neuendorf, Vice President at Artnet and Professor at IE University School of Humanities, for an insightful discussion on the evolving role of art in the market, social change and the importance of Giving. Sophie shares how she and her brothers started an artist residency in Mallo…
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Welcome to 2025 and we start out the year celebrating Charlie's birthday month and he kicks off the party with a Bonified action Classic, Total Recall. Anna and Pete get all hot and bothered with the eye candy that is Sharon Stone and Michael Ironsides while Charlie and Nate swoon over a gun. Clearly Anna and Pete are clearly winning the podcast. W…
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من مساعدة مخرج لExecutive Producer! Dina AbdElReheem is Giving Back!
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1:15:56من أول ما بدأت كمساعدة مخرج وهي عندها 18 سنة لحد ما بقت منتجة، مخرجة، وشريكة في تأسيس شركة الإنتاج DNA Films، دينا عبد الرحيم بتتكلم عن رحلتها الملهمة، إزاي وقعت في حب الإنتاج، وإزاي أسست شركة الإنتاج بتاعتها خلال فترة الكورونا. الحلقة مليانة نصايح ومعلومات لأي حد مهتم بمجال صناعة الأفلام أو الإعلانات! From starting as an assistant director at just…
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A Canadian trucker with the ingenuity of Tony Stark and Batman’s desire for justice takes on a family of hillbilly hooligans after they cause the deaths of his entire family! His weapon of vengeance? The biggest, baddest Monster Truck you’ve ever seen on screen! We’ve got bar fights! We’ve got dummy kills! We’ve got big rig crashes! We’ve got Ned B…
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It's official, the first episode of 2025 brings HUGE news as we add Anna as our fourth host. The rumor was that there was an attempt to replace either Nate or Pete with Anna which was met by the simple statement, "Well, why not replace both?" Thankfully Anna insisted we make a foursome out of the show (her words. don't call HR on me) and our first …
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We were bound and determined to end the year with a bang so we devised a poll that couldn't fail. Picking between Bee Keeper, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and Deadpool guaranteed that everyone wins and we would end the year with a bang. Even with some voter fraud, we landed what was probably the best action movie of the year. Bee Keeper is…
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The Hunt for the Death Merchant. Assault on Death Mountain. Shadow Warriors 2. What do these titles have in common? They’re the same film! Parker from Dissect that Film returns from our Assault on Devil’s Island episode to dissect the action and bad acting as it relates to Hulk Hogan himself! Will Dustin defend the Hulksters honor? Will Mickey fina…
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Anna joins us again for this gush fest, or should I say SPURT-fest, for the ridiculous, absurd, many times stupid and infinitely entertaining Jason X. This movie is bad and the cast knows it but could care less because it's AWESOME. Arguably the best in the franchise with the exception of the genre establishing first four movies, Jason X is a joy. …
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توظيف الابداع الشامل في الحملات الاعلانيه مع محمد المصري! Mohamed El Masry is Giving Back!
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1:26:55اكتشف سر الإبداع مع محمد المصري، المخرج والمدير الإبداعي في Takkah Creative Production! من بداية رحلته كمنتج لحد ما عرف يحرر خياله ويرجع يتواصل مع الطفل اللي جواه، الحلقة دي مليانة إلهام. اعرف إزاي بيحوّل أفكاره لعروض مقنعة باستخدام الشعر والغنا أحيانًا! ما تفوتش الحلقة دي اللي مليانة نصايح ومعلومات مهمة من قلب السعودية. Unlock the secrets of creat…
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Ernest Saves Christmas - Action
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1:30:19This week we cover the greatest Christmas Action movie since Die Hard... Ernest Saves Christmas. It's agreed that Ernest is a National Treasure however Nate is a bit of a Christmas curmudgeon. That doesn't spoil the the conversation in the least as we giggle our way through this ridiculous movie. Even Ed Marino thought it was a great show and if Ed…
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من تحت التدريب لمخرج العمل! Amr Berri is Giving Back!
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1:38:23إيه اللي محتاج تعمله علشان تبقى مخرج إعلانات ناجح؟ في الحلقة دي بنقدم لكم عمرو بري، مخرج إعلانات مميز قدر يحول التحديات والرفض لنجاح كبير في مجاله. من الضياع في اللوكيشن لتصوير حملات إعلانية ضخمة، وكمان شغله مع نجوم زي محمد صلاح، رحلته مليانة شغف وإصرار. في الحلقة، هيشاركنا تجربته الفريدة والدروس المهمة اللي اتعلمها ونصايح لكل اللي عاوز يبدأ في مجا…
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If you want peace on Earth, there's only one man that can make it happen, CHUCK NORRIS. B-ACTION takes on Christmas with this week's pick, 1985’s Invasion USA! With this much badassery exploding off the screen we needed back up, and Logan of Video Villa Entertainment answered the call! So deck the bad guys with boughs of fists and bullets and have …
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Brian from Reviewing History and our Scream Queen Anna join the cast to discuss one of the best vampire films ever. Yes, I said ever. No doubt this movie has it's flaws but far makes up for it's shortcomings with a rich story, creepy atmosphere, hopeless scenario and delicious gore. This film is anything but a traditional sexy vampire and the gang …
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توكل على الله وارمي نفسك، هتوصل! Alaa Ismail is Giving Back!
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1:19:25رحلة علاء إسماعيل ملهمة جدًا! من تصميم الحيطان والأسقف، لإعلانات التسويق، لتعلم المونتاج بنفسه وفتح شركة تصميمات. شغفه بالسينما عمره ما اختفى. ومن غير تعليم رسمي، لكن بإصرار كبير، وصل للإخراج بعد ما وثّق لحظات تاريخية واشتغل مع أحمد أمين في بداياته. في الحلقة دي، علاء بيشارك رحلته، التحديات اللي واجهها، ونصايح قوية لأي حد بيسعى ورا حلمه. ماتضيعش ال…
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Die Hard with a Vengeance - Action
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2:08:58Bruce Willis deserves to be included on the Mt. Rushmore of genuine good guys from Hollywood. He's given us so much entertainment over the decades all while being an outstanding citizen and a kick ass father. It breaks our hearts that his health is failing but instead of wallowing in sorrow we're going to celebrate all the joy he's brought to us. K…
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In a galaxy far far away…Aliens beat the hell out of each other for money and fame in the Arena! Can Steve Armstrong, Earth's first legitimate contender in decades, overcome the seedy underground crime syndicate looking for an easy pay day?! Listen to us whisper sweet nothings about fight manger Quinn, recognizing Shorty’s rizz, and praise the awes…
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من إبرة جدتها لstyling المشاهير! Yasmine ElTazi is Giving Back!
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1:11:27ياسمين التازي حولت شغفها لشغل حقيقي! من شغلها كaccount manager في الإعلانات لحد ما بقت واحدة من أبرز costume designer and celebrity stylist، رحلتها مليانة إلهام. اكتشفوا إزاي قدرت تواجه تحديات ترك وظيفة آمنة، وتعلمت من خبرتها في مجال الإعلانات، وبنت اسمها في عالم الأزياء. الحلقة مليانة نصايح مفيدة وأفكار ملهمة لأي حد عايز يحقق حلمه. متفوتوهاش! Yasm…
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Ninja the Violent Sorceror - Horror
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1:23:34We have it on audio recording that this movie is NOT Pete's fault even though he picked the movie. Too bad Pete forgot to send it to Charlie in advance. Friends, this movie is bad. Even bad as compared to other bad martial art movies. It not recommended to see unless this is your kind of bad. The director, Godfrey Ho, is famous for taking the budge…
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توكل على الله وPanic Later! Haitham ElManawaty is Giving Back!
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2:01:38اتعرف على هايثم المناواتي، أيقونة الإنتاج! من بداياته في ليو برنت مصر لحد ما بقى المدير العام لشركة Made in Saudi Films. رحلة مليانة شغل، مرونة، وشغف بحل المشاكل. اكتشف إزاي واجه اختلاف الثقافات، وتألق في طفرة الإنتاج في السعودية، وحوّل شغفه لحياة مهنية ناجحة. وكمان اسمع عن أحدث مشاريعه، Panic Later! متفوتش الحلقة دي، مليانة نصايح مفيدة لكل اللي عا…
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One of the most action packed ninja movies in the past 15 years karate chops us right in the titties as Charlie and Nate gush over this mile a minute freight train of fists, blades and bitchin kyoketsu-shoge. Yeah, we can't pronounce it either but it's one of the coolest weapons we've had the pleasure to discuss. Pete paid respect to the film but r…
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It’s Captain America and The Incredible Hulk vs a seedy underground cage fighting ring! Well, kinda. Reb Brown and Lou Ferrigno star in 1989s Cage, a film Wikipedia calls “Possibly the greatest movie ever made”! Did it live up to the hype? Is Lou Ferrigno possibly the greatest actor of all time? Is Al Leong a bad guy in this one? You'll just have t…
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Season 3 Episode 6 with Masha Bucher
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38:41In this special episode of Giving Back Is Dead, recorded at OFFSCREEN in Paris during our third year at the fair, we sit down with Masha Bucher, Founder and General Partner at Day One Ventures. Masha is an influential investor and entrepreneur whose vision for the future combines the power of technology with the cultural depth of art. Masha explore…
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Ninja November was supposed to be pretty cut and dried. You needed a ninja in either an action movie or a horror movie. To complicate things slightly, Charlie said the movies had to have the word "ninja" in the title. Really not that difficult. This week, Nate was able to burn every podcasting host bridge by not only picking a movie WITHOUT ninja i…
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فن التواصل مع الناس في الاخراج مع حسام حامد! Hussam Hamed is Giving Back!
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1:20:12حلقة خاصة مع المخرج حسام حامد! من فيديو بسيط في الجامعة اتعمل ببراءة، لفترة ضلمة استمرت سنتين، حسام قدر يتغلب على الصعوبات ويسطر اسمه في عالم الإعلانات بمساعدة ودعم من ناس في المجال. دلوقتي بقى من أهم المخرجين المعروفين بقدرته على حل المشاكل وإنتاج أفكار مبتكرة بسرعة. الحلقة مليانة نصايح وحكايات هتشجع أي حد عايز يدخل مجال صناعة الأفلام! Join us as …
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S1E10 - Partnership, Perseverance, and Prosperity: Tom Gallagher's Journey with Mike Litzner
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42:50In the Season 1 finale of "Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back," host Mike Litzner sits down with his long-time business partner and co-owner of Coldwell Banker American Homes, Tom Gallagher. With over 36 years of working together, they delve into the secrets behind their enduring partnership and how they've built an incredible company from a small…
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Ninja 3: The Domination - Action
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1:42:53Cannon does it again. What did they do? They made a movie but in this case it's amazing...but not really...Did we like this? I think so. Maybe not. We brought the whole gang from B Action over to double check as well...did it help... Aww hell. Go watch it.Oleh Give Me Back My Podcast Network
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من تصوير الاحداث للبوسترات! !Ahmed Hayman is Giving Back
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1:31:59في الحلقة دي من برنامج Giving Back، بنغوص في رحلة أحمد هيمن الملهمة، المصور الفوتوغرافي اللي اكتشف شغفه من صغره. كان أحمد مش بيعرف يعبر عن مشاعره بالكلام، فلجأ للتصوير الفوتوغرافي، هواية كانت موجودة في عيلته اللي كانت بتصور علشان تحفظ الذكريات. ورغم إنه رسب في امتحانات الفنون التطبيقية، القدر وجهه لدراسة الإعلام، وهناك تألق وسط زملاء موهوبين. رحلة …
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Billy Blanks and Bolo Yeung in an apocalyptic, dystopian future? Sign us the hell up! Anna and Hanna of the Cinema Slab Podcast use their Chi to help us break down the 1993 Action Sci-Fi film TC 2000! In a future destroyed by pollution the rich thrive underground while the poor fight to survive on the surface. What happens when webs of deception an…
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