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Marriage Coach and HSP Love Expert Hannah Brooks teaches sensitive women how to not only have an easier marriage but to have a marriage where love, understanding, lightness, and connection gets deeper every day. Highly Sensitive people have unique differences that lead to predictable challenges in committed relationships, and sometimes even the deterioration of love. Right now your marriage might feel difficult: you may get upset easily, feel weighed down by resentment, hurt, irritation. It ...
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show series
178 If you're unhappy enough in your marriage to be questioning if you should stay or go, you probably feel uncertain, confused, afraid. You're too scared and unsure if it's the right thing to do to actually leave, but you also know you don't want to go on living like this with your spouse. What if your spouse CAN improve? What if you CAN connect i…
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177 There are three major things I learned from my first marriage ending in divorce that have allowed me to create an amazing fulfilling marriage with my second husband. And they have to do with understanding my sensitivity so much better. As I've worked with hundreds of other highly sensitive women, I've noticed the struggles I had in my first mar…
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176 When things are feeling less connected, loving and supportive in your relationship than you want them to as a highly sensitive person, there is an excellent chance a lot of it is coming from chronic dysregulation and emotional overload. In other words, stress. As Hsps, it is hard to NOT feel overstimulated or stressed in our modern lives. I’ve …
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175 Ever felt that stinging (or punch-in-the-gut) feeling when your partner says or does something hurtful? Or maybe it’s something he doesn't do that leads to you feeling like he just doesn’t care. Like you don’t matter. Like you aren’t loved. Normal for everyone, for highly sensitive women and deep-feeling women, this is extra oh-so-common. It ma…
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174 This is a slightly revised episode, updated and re-released because of its importance! Here’s to not tolerating mistreatment, and how to begin the process of influencing your partner to treat you best! As modern women, we’ve been encouraged to not let ourselves be “doormats” in our relationship with our significant other. And we want to be stro…
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173 Releasing this one early to help you reduce any Thanksgiving related stress! We have a TON of sway over how we feel on a daily, hourly, and even minute by minute basis–-as well as on our ability to connect in the deepest, sweetest, most loving ways with our loved ones. So very much of this comes down to which part of our nervous system is activ…
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172 If there was one thing I could shout out from the rooftops right now to help all intimate relationships –and really all of humankind and our very planet– what I share in this episode would be it. It is that important. Have you ever felt a sense of your spouse being “against” you, almost like they’re an enemy, a nemesis, a “bad guy” at moments, …
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As a sensitive or deep feeling person, your nervous system is more reactive. This matters. Because, importantly, your nervous system is the foundation of not just your emotional well-being, but also your relationships well-being— or it’s lack of well-being! A chronically overstimulated, stressed out nervous system (which, let's face it, most of us …
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171 If you've ever felt AT ALL uncomfortable to express yourself in any way in your relationship, this episode is for you. Because, even if you want a loving affectionate marriage, a weird thing may happen that I’ve seen again and again with women I've worked with (and I’ve done it myself, too!) : You may edit your loving impulses, stop yourself fr…
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170 If you have any chance of having a great –or even just a decent– marriage, there will inevitably be times in your relationship that you need to take a look at your self and how you are approaching your relationship. To self-reflect and take ownership of the ways you are contributing to a less-than-great relationship. Even if you know how essent…
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169 This is the first in a re-boot of some of the most essential episodes of the podcast that I will be releasing occasionally. Whether you’re newer to the podcast, or if you’ve listened to every episode, this one is a must listen (or re-listen). Because often, as humans, we go about trying to improve our marriage backwards: we're more focused on c…
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The connection and closeness we so deeply want with our partner can dissipate for a variety of reasons, but often it comes from a slow hardening of our hearts towards our spouse in response to the arguments, the many moments of irritation, or the mistakes we feel they are making, and the disappointment we feel from it all. If that resonates at all …
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167 You want to look forward to your life with your significant other into the future. Imaging a bright future with each other is part of what keeps a relationship vibrant and alive in the present. An important (and sometimes overlooked) piece of that is spending time dreaming into that future together with your spouse. Sharing and supportively wor…
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Many women I talk to feel as though their husband doesn't contribute enough domestically, like with the household chores like dishes, laundry, etc, or with the kids. If that is going on at all for you, you probably feel resentful about it, and a sense of burden at having to do the lion's share of the domestic load. Who wouldn’t?! This episode will …
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165 If you are tired, as so many women–and especially highly sensitive women—are these days, then it IS affecting your relationship – for the worse. When we are tired, depleted, or burnt out, we HSPs tend to feel especially burdened, irritable and even resentful. And unfortunately it is just so easy to get tired, depleted or burnt out in our modern…
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164 All marriages have ups and downs. It's in large part how you handle the downs that determines the overall quality of your relationship, and whether it grows more deeply loving and stays that way, or it disintegrates. In this episode I candidly share how I recently applied my own coaching teachings to my own marriage during one of those harder t…
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163 Understanding this one thing about relationships can truly make or break your marriage: What we practice grows stronger. And in our relationship, we are, consciously or unconsciously, always practicing. We practice having arguments, or finding our way to a solution. We practice reactive communication, or choosing to communicate more consciously…
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162 Today you'll hear about one of the big things my husband and I do once a year that just lights up our marriage–it’s like a total connection, attraction, and intimacy rejuvenator for us. And it can be for you, too. Although usually the most important work you can do in your marriage is about small actions and changes made on a regular basis, I’v…
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161 Today is a quick dip into an absolutely ESSENTIAL part of building and maintaining a great relationship with your significant other: consciously fostering fondness of them. (You’ll do it in just 5 minutes!) And yes, you CAN absolutely feel more warmth, admiration and love for them on purpose, and build in more of all the good stuff between you …
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160 A common question I have heard from women I work with is, “How can I hold my partner accountable?” And the internet is full of people saying we need to hold our husbands accountable. But what even does that really mean when it comes to an intimate relationship? And how do you actually do it? That’s what you will learn here today. The truth is, …
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159 Almost all of us instinctively approach our intimate relationships in mixed ways: ones that generate more loving intimacy and harmony, and ones that drive division and pain, which I call the Backfiring Tactics. To have the marriage you want, it will take cultivating more of the first, and minimizing those Backfiring Tactics. This is always one …
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If you don't feel your partner loving you, or sometimes your partner’s supposed love isn’t matched by his actions, this episode is for you. Women often share with me that this is a common experience for them, and they are hurting because of it. And without some insight into what is really going on in these instances, their relationship just feels w…
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157 There are many “micro” things you can do on a regular basis to keep your relationship strong (and so you don't need larger “interventions” that take a lot more time and energy in order to get things back on track). And a very important one? Micro repairs. Today we dive into just how to make them, as well as how to make micro re-directs that wil…
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156 An episode for both you and your spouse, especially if communication isn’t always the easiest thing between you or if one or both of you ever feel misunderstood or unheard. If you want to give your marriage the best chance to be the fulfilling connected one you want–the NEW marriage we talked about last episode– and your partner the very best c…
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155 Sometimes you hear something that changes everything, and puts you in a state of mind that leads to finally being able to bring a big dream to life. This must listen episode may very well be that for you. Because if you are like most of the women I talk to and work with, you want a new level of intimacy with your spouse: a real partnership that…
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154 Other people in your life ( friends, family members', and even professional "authorities" in your life) are going to have opinions on your spouse and your relationship, and they may share them with you. If you don't know how to handle this well, you may end up making things even harder in your relationship. As highly sensitive people it can be …
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153 As women, we often go to our friends and other people in our lives when something isn't going as well as we want with our partner, or when an issue comes up. And it’s only natural to want to get support that way. But, it is all too easy when we do that to fall into the toxic trap of griping, venting and male-bashing — even WITH the big sensitiv…
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152 Not feeling as connected as you want to with your spouse? Feeling like you're not on the same page much these days, or you have sort of evolved AWAY from each other? I have been there and it doesn't feel good. But there is a way back that’s simple and straightforward. In this episode, you’ll hear a great remedy to bring more connection into you…
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151 Most of the highly sensitive women I talk to mention wanting their relationship to feel "lighter"-- easier, more carefree, more warmhearted. And that IS a place where a lot of joy can be found in our intimate relationships--if we can access that lightness. . . The challenge is, as HSPs, we can tend to take things pretty seriously. Not a bad thi…
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150 I put out a call to you listeners for questions, and today I am going to answer three of them! All three highly sensitive women’s questions are very relatable and have a somewhat similar theme: How to handle being bothered by things their spouse does or ways he is, so they can feel better AND work with their spouse effectively in these situatio…
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149 After 32 years of marriage, and the help of many different marriage counselors, Kathy was looking at apartments and thinking of a future without her husband. She just could hardly imagine being happy with him again. Nor did he seem interested in getting help for his side of the issue they had between them. But, after just a week or two of start…
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148 If you're a woman between the ages of 35 and 55, you are going to want to catch this episode–and bring your spouse! Because this is a big transitional time for women and couples of this age range. And, even though the hormonal shifts that happen during this time have a bad rep, they actually bring along with them a big opportunity to grow the l…
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If you are at all curious about or interested in what coaching can do for you and your relationship, or even what it IS, this bonus episode will help clarify that, and what my specific version of it, for highly sensitive people, is all about. Since I have changed a few things over the years in what and how I offer marriage coaching, I wanted to upd…
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147 Gina, a client who worked with me in Treasured, had been totally disconnected from her husband and lonely in her marriage for 20+ years. The connected intimacy we love as sensitive people? There wasn’t any of it. She wasn’t sure she could change things much after all those years, or how totally disconnected they were, but she was clear she didn…
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146 What can you realistically expect to feel in a good and healthy relationship? In this episode I spill the beans. Listen in to hear one potent bit of clarifying medicine to help you lean away from all the painful worry and doubt that comes up around your relationship, to relieve you from all the questioning you may be doing about whether this ma…
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145 If you sometimes (or often) can't quite feel love for your significant other, I totally get it. I have felt that, too, many a-time, and I know it DOESN'T feel so good . Because, of course you want to feel love for and connection to the person you spend your life with, right? So I want to share a personal story with you that will help. Dive into…
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144 If you’ve ever been frustrated by slow or no change in your relationship–either on partner's end or your own, and you want to stop falling into those same old painful dynamics with your partner again and again, and instead SEE things actually getting better over time… … you’ve got to understand how change works. Because it really is a process, …
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143 If you are like many other women, deep down you probably LOVE your partner, but it can feel like you DON’T LIKE him very much sometimes, yeah? I’ve been there, too, and it doesn't feel great… because who wants to not like the person they’re planning to spend their whole life with? By now, it shouldn't come as a surprise that this can be even mo…
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142 Developing Self-Compassion is one of the key ingredients to building a truly thriving marriage as an HSP. It is embedded in everything I teach and will be forever, because it is just so essential. So I invited Lori Cangilla, a psychologist and HSP specialist, to have a conversation about it with me, share stories and some laughs, and dive deepe…
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141 This episode should be required listening for anyone in an intimate relationship! With many years under my belt as a marriage coach, one of the biggest and most common problem-causer I’ve noticed again and again that causes disrespect, pain, and discord in marriages (and more so in HSP marriages) is the tendency to not know the difference betwe…
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140 We all want a life full of what is most important to us, full of “Wealth” of the emotional, relational, and also financial, kind–or what my guest, Mark Yegge, a “wealth architect” and money manager, calls “balanced abundance”. In other words, we want the wealth of feeling good, feeling secure, feeling healthy, feeling connected, loved, and fulf…
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139 It's time for FREEDOM FROM HURT WEEK. Learn more and join us here. There are 2 categories of emotional pain in our relationships, and although neither of them is “wrong”, one of them tends to push us apart, making our marriages HARDER (if we don't know how to work with it)… …and the other, if we let it, can actually fuel the love and connection…
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138 One of the underlying causes of my first marriage ending was because of what I call Care Distortion. It wrecked me, leading me to feel like my husband didn't care about me enough, and took a huge toll on how good my then hubby and I felt with each other. Today, I tell you all about my story with it, and how it is very possibly affecting your re…
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If you are at all discouraged in your relationship, you must listen to this episode. (I’m calling it a bonus episode simply because I’m giving it to you today as it contains time-sensitive info and I’m going to be on a short podcast break –talk to you again in several weeks!) If: you feel like there’s not much chance for growth in your marriage, yo…
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136 Today I bring you some scientific researched- backed HOPE for you and your marriage. If you are an HSP, this is essential knowledge about yourself and what’s possible for you. Did you know that being an HSP makes it more likely for you to arrive at the happiness you want in your marriage, when you put certain conditions in place? Because you ha…
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135 Last chance to sign up for the free workshop below! Even if you aren’t feeling happy now in your relationship, and all the joy and love of those early days of the relationship feels faded, there is hope for your marriage yet! In fact, you can have something even better: An even more genuine, more sustainable, deeper love and connection than eve…
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134 Don't miss the free workshop I announce inside (link below)! If there were 1 research-backed thing that takes only 20 seconds that you could do to generate those warm hearted deep connected feelings between you and a significant other, grow the security and ease in your marriage, AND bring your nervous system into regulation ( i.e. make you fee…
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133 Being a highly sensitive person obviously means we are more sensitive than others. This has real ramifications in our love lives— both wonderful and challenging. Luckily, we can support our sensitive selves in ways that amplify the best parts of our sensitivity, and make the challenges of it so much easier. This will involve caretaking your sen…
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132 When your significant other has done something that anger or hurts you, you may want to share a complaint-–or what I call a grievance– with them, especially if it is eating away at your or you feeling it is coming between you as a couple. Sharing a grievance with your partner can be an important part of building a relationship that is full of l…
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131 Today we are revisiting the topic of anger in our relationships, because it is so often a destructive force that leads to an unraveling of connection. But it doesn't have to be. If you often (or just sometimes) feel frustrated, resentful, aggravated or resentful towards your significant other, get this episode in your ears. Because your anger m…
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