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The HotSeat by StartUp Hutch combines storytelling with practical advice about business by sitting down with real Reno county residents and asking them questions about their entrepreneurial journey. How did they get started? What were the keys to their success? What obstacles did they have to get over along the way? you'll hear from both new start ups and longstanding successful businesses and in between we will sprinkle in some conversations with other experts as well.
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The Exec Hotseat Podcast [Executive]

BRD | Brand Revival & Design Inc.

Your go-to guide for business leadership, offering an insider look into the world of business and entrepreneurship through interviews with industry shaping leaders and CEO’s. From starting a small business to running a large corporate organization - from finances to mindset, to building community, we cover it all; diving into the principles and practices that can help you understand and navigate the ever - changing business landscape. While sharing story’s, business leader to business leader ...
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The Investor Hotseat

Psychedelic Invest

On Investor Hotseat, VC and Founder of Iter Investments, Dustin Robinson, asks CEOs the challenging questions serious investors need to know the answers to. This bi-weekly interview series is not designed to promote companies but rather to educate the audience about the information that matters most. These conversations can cover the most interesting, and sometimes most controversial, topics. Regardless, you can bet these CEOs need to enter the Investor Hotseat prepared and ready for the fire!
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This Podcast is about meditation & wisdom tradition. I will share passages from ancient books on spirituality intended to bring inspiration and learning to smart, wisdom-seeking experts, thought leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs, and everyone interested in the topic. I will interview extraordinary people from all kinds of backgrounds in meditation & healing practices. It will also be about philosophers, modern physics, and last but not least, about psychedelic journeys.
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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: LINKS to Access TPNW Coverage: Recap of 2023 interviews at 2MSP with International Politicians Against Nukes JAPAN’S FUKUSHIMA STUPID DEBRIS TRICKS Photo of the fabled Fukushima debris particle removed from Reactor 1. Note the lack of comparison for scale – it’s not a boulder; it’s only 0.7 grams, or the equivalent..…
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Keystone Photo: President John F. Kennedy signing the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. We haven't had an atmospheric nuclear test since 1962. BUT under Project 2025, atmospheric tests - and their attendant health-destroying radioactive fallout - may soon resume. Journalist Karl Grossman spells it out.Oleh Libbe Halevy
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This Week’s Featured Interview Activists from around the world gathering to demonstrate against U.S. nuclear weapons housed at the Buchel Air Force Base in Germany (Susan Crane far right, Nukewatch’s John LaForge behind Nukewatch banner in red hat) Libbe’s Play ATOMIC BILL AND THE PAYMENT DUE Coming to Wilmington Peace Resource Center in Ohio! Numn…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness) A trifecta! From the Onion… and then unfortunately, NOT the Onion: New Orleans has a National Nucleaer Security Administration helicopter scanning the city for nuclear weapons (say what? In Mardi Gras beads?); and NRC’s updated mission statement turns the a…
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The Executive Hotseat Podcast | Episode 07: Insights from Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham In this episode, hosts Lisa Thompson and Amanda Buhse sit down with Winnipeg’s 44th Mayor, Scott Gillingham, for an in-depth conversation about leadership, innovation, and community. Elected in October 2022, Mayor Gillingham shares his journey from growing up …
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Join Executive Director Jackson Swearer as he gets on a call with Kira Chereé Cobb of Entrepreneur Business Basics (EBB). Together they discuss programs EBB offers including the JUMP© cohorts as well as Kira's own entrepreneurial journey, and the importance of investing in yourself. Learn more about EBB and JUMP© at Kira and Jackson also …
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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Anti-nuke icon Harvey Wasserman is a veteran of five decades of activism against nuclear reactors. He has authored books, organized demonstrations that deeply impacted the movement, helped successive generations of activists to learn the issues, the talking points, and the actions they can take. In recent years, he h…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: We all accept as proven scientific and medical fact that human exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapons and their production is damaging to human health. But how do we know that? Who figures out how bad it can be? How much radiation we can be exposed to without risking our...…
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Ace Burpee on Building a Brand, Giving Back, and Staying Grounded The Executive Hotseat Podcast | Episode 06: Ace Burpee with Virgin 103.1 In this episode, hosts Lisa Thompson and Amanda Buhse sit down with the legendary Ace Burpee, celebrated radio personality and host of Winnipeg's premiere morning show on Virgin 103.1. Ace shares his fascinating…
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This Week’s SPECIAL: NUKES AND FIRE – California Wildfires and Nuclear Dangers Libbe’s Story: I live in Los Angeles in the foothills less than a mile away from what became the Eaton (Altadena/Pasadena) fire Evacuation Warning zone. There was no new Nuclear Hotseat last week because after the Eaton fire broke out on Tuesday, I...…
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This Week’s SPECIAL Year-End Feature: Numnutz of the Year! It’s been a year, all right, with plenty of Numnutzery to go around. We look back on 2024 through the lens of Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness) – the nuclear stories that made no sense, defied logic, infuriated me, touched my “Despair” button,...…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: A new book, THE SCIENTISTS WHO ALERTED US TO THE DANGERS OF RADIATION, is a devastating look into the history of radiation harms and the scientists who attempted to reveal the truth by defying political and institutional pressures. It explains how those who tried to warn us were censored and discredited...…
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Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations. Three Hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) were in Oslo, Norway to accept the award. Link: This Week’s SPECIAL Feature: The first ever Outrider Nuclear Reporting Summit drew together more than 100 reporters, editors, nucl…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: Physicist and Activist Lynda Williams – a foe of nuclear greenwashing Lynda Williams is a Hawaii-based physicist, activist, writer and performance artist – AKA The Physics Chanteuse. She battles against nuclear greenwashing (aka lying) with public presentations, lectures, theatre, and a ferocious activist spirit. Lyn…
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The Executive Hotseat Podcast | Episode 5 Human-Centric Leadership: Empowering Community through Innovation, Collaboration & Heart - Insights from Loren Remillard, CEO, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. In this episode, hosts Lisa Thompson and Amanda Buhse engage in a compelling conversation with Loren Remillard, President and CEO of the Winnipeg Chamb…
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SPECIAL PROPOSAL! #Nuclear80 The 2025 Campaign to Reclaim the Nuclear Narrative 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the start of the Atomic Age and all the ensuing nuclear madness covered by the show every week. We already know that the media is going to make a “thing” out of this, because it’s an anniversary that...…
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The Exec Hotseat Podcast | Episode 4: Dr. Norman Silver / Dave Berkowits of QDoc In this episode, hosts Lisa Thompson and Amanda Buhse dive into an inspiring conversation with Dr. Norman Silver and Dave Berkowits, CEO + CTO, of QDoc Virtual Healthcare. Dr. Silver, a seasoned healthcare leader and innovator, shares his journey from pediatric emergen…
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This Week’s Featured Interview Part 2 of a talk with Doug Brugge and Aaron Datesman, authors of a brilliant new book, Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change. Last week was Part 1. This week, we focus on new information about the health dangers of so-called “permitted” radiation releases from operating nuclear reactors in...…
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Map of radiation doses at Three Mile Island – new information from the book Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change: This Week’s Featured Interview: FREE download of pdf of the book: Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change. Numutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness:...…
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Cold War Horse, sculpture by Jeff Gipe – the only acknowledgement of the radiological history of Rocky Flats nuclear factory present at the site. This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): Nuclear Regulatory Commission “apologizes” for “misinformation” about – OOPS! – radioactive water from Montice…
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Lead Story: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2024 to the Japanese organization Nihon Hidankyo. This grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also known as Hibakusha, is receiving the Peace Prize for its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for...…
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BREAKING NEWS: MARY OLSON IS OKAY! Mary Olson of Gender and Radiation Impact Project ( is alive and well! She lives in Asheville, North Carolina, and we hadn’t heard from her since before Hurricane Helene ripped through that town on September 27. As of October 9, Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear reports that Mary is...…
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The Heartland Regional Food Business Center helps farm and food enterprises start up, grow, and make supply chain connections needed to serve growing demand for local and regionally produced food. The Heartland Regional Food Business Center is one of 12 across the nation established in 2023 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to support the devel…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: TOTALLY FICTITIOUS WESTINGHOUSE ANIMATION OF A 116 WEEK BUILD SCHEDULE FOR THE AP 1000 NUCLEAR REACTOR. Taken from the Westinghouse website in 2014. Westinghouse has long since taken it down.NO WONDER! IThis is a LINK to the video.) Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: Let’s applaud climate activists wi…
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We’re excited to welcome the queen of candles herself, Amanda Buhse, founder and CEO of Coal and Canary (and our very own co-host )! Join me as Amanda shares her incredible story of how she went from health scare, as a graphic designer to founder/entrepreneur - crafting delightful candles with her BFF, to growing a massive product based retail busi…
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Today, I'm excited to welcome Smita Joshi, an award-winning author and transformation coach. Smita is the author of the 'Karma & Diamonds' series, which draws from her own life experiences to guide readers on a profound journey of self-discovery. With a career that spans from leading roles in the tech industry to impactful teachings on personal and…
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Three Mile Island This Week’s Featured Interviews: Eric Epstein of Three Mile Island Alert with Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy at the 40th anniversary of the nuclear meltdown – March 28, 2019 Scene of the Crime: Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy in front of the cooling towers at Three Mile Island The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge...…
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This Week’s Featured Interview: The next United Nations Climate Change conference, COP 29, is scheduled to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 to 22 November, 2024 – an annual bone tossed to those who are striving to reverse the climate catastrophe despite not having any power to do so. Incessant pro-nuclear doubletalk has infested...…
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Prof. Robert “Bo” Jacobs and his brilliant book NUCLEAR BODIES: The Global Hibakusha This Week’s Featured Interview: This is a. SPECIAL full-length interview with Prof. Robert “Bo” Jacobs on his book, NUCLEAR BODIES: The Global Hibakusha.Oleh Libbe Halevy
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This Week’s Featured Interview: Links from the Interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: Russia’s war in Ukraine has put another nuclear power plant in danger: their own. The ICAN Update with Alistair Burnett Monthly update on issues and actions regarding the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear War from ICAN –...…
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Poster for film FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Downwinder Tina Cordova demonstrating outside entrance to Trinity site. From the film FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO. Links from Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): The Democrats went wild for Harris and Walz… but nobody was talking …
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Canada Pushing for Nuclear Waste Repository on Indigenous Lands: Tons of radioactive waste from nuclear reactor operation keeps piling up, with no resolution in sight. What to do with the waste? Canada has been making plans… but they’re bad ones. Here to explain how we got ourselves into this problem, what’s wrong with Canada’s current...…
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We were thrilled to sit down and welcome Todd Burns, the founder and CEO of Cypher Environmental Ltd. Todd is a trailblazer in cleantech, leading the charge with innovative road management solutions that are transforming industries and improving communities worldwide. 🌍💡 With Cypher's products used in over 50 countries, Todd's impact is global—and …
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Dawn Chapman of Just Moms StL (l) and Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy at symposium on West Lake Landfill issues in North St. Louis, February 19, 2016. Keystone Photo – activists Dawn Chapman and Kay Drey on-site at radioactively contaminated Coldwater Creek in N. St. Louis, MO. February 19, 2016. This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear...…
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The remains of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb destroyed the city, 1945 ATOMIC COVER-UP – Director Greg Mitchell is the award-winning author of a dozen books including 2020’s “The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood–and America–Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” His previous books on the atomic bombings were “Hiroshima in America“ (with..…
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A map of the San Onofre nuclear waste station, showing earthquake faults and the 50 mile radius that would be most impacted by an accident with the current on-site storage of radioactive waste. This Week’s Special Feature The Samuel Lawrence Foundation, in cooperation with the Scripps Oceanography Institute, held a one-day symposium on Radioactive …
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The shuttered Zahn’s Corner Middle School, shuttered for contamination with nuclear materials from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, only 3 miles away. And now the school district is trying to auction it off “AS-IS” without explaining what the “AS-IS” is?!?!??? This Week’s Featured Interview: To contact Dr. Michael Ketterer and Others Re: POR…
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Annual walk to commemorate Church Rock uranium tailings pond disaster on Navajo Nation land – from 2019. Site of the mine and tailings pond in the background. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders Advocating for Justice – Tina Cordova: Trinity Downwinder Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles...…
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This Week’s Features: LINKS from this feature: Radioactive Contamination of U.S. Food and Water and What Congress Can Do About It – Upcoming Webinar An interview with Kimberly Roberson, founder/director of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) and lead organizer for this Congressional briefing. WHERE & WHEN? The briefing will be held via Zoom …
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A symbol of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Anti-nuclear activists are often isolated from each other because we focus on what’s most important to us – a local issue with radioactive waste dump, or uranium mining, or weapons, or a spike in health...…
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