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いらっしゃいませ。本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」のポッドキャスト専用ブログです。2週間に1回更新!(←あくまで目標)日ごろ何気なく感じた「これって何?」という疑問に、どうでもいい2人が何も考えずに素直にチャレンジしています。雑談あり! マニア話あり! 下ネタあり?老若男女、みなさまが楽しめる番組作りに努めます!番組に関するご感想やネタの投稿は、本編ブログへどうぞ。(分かりやすいように、本ブログと同日同内容にしています)
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Kassy Dillon (Daily Wire, TheHill, Lone Conservative) explores what it means to be politically conservative through the stories of people in the conservative movement from around the globe.
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show series
このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第306回放送です。 めっきり寒くなりました。 夏から秋を飛び越して冬に着地したような気分です。 いや、秋を飛び越えながら、秋の味覚は拾っていっていたのですけど。 今回のListening Pointは…… ローテーション! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this podcast episode, Kassy Pajarillo Braganza reveals the big pivot of her show, now rebranded as the Driven and Ambitious Show Podcast. She shares the lessons she's learned in 2023 and explains why she's reopening a community group called "The Driven & Ambitious Course Creators Hub." Kassy discusses her decision to move away from Facebook grou…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第305回放送です。 Kassy号「ヤッテキ!!」としては実に14年ぶりにオフ会を 開催しました。参加者の皆さんありがとうございます。 企画者として緊張の連続で、実は今も浮ついていますww 今回のListening Pointは…… 気まずい! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第304回放送です。 客先に向かうのにGooglemapを利用するオイラ。 道案内というよりは到着時間の目安を知りたいのですが、 早着した分、休憩時間に割り当ててやろうという魂胆です。 今回のListening Pointは…… 離合! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第303回放送です。 オイラは基本的にはぐーたらなズボラ人間ですが、 細かく見ていけば几帳面な部分もたくさんあります。 それがO型の典型的なタイプなのです。 今回のListening Pointは…… モチベーション! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第302回放送です。 各所で夏祭りや花火大会が開催されています。 4年ぶりの開催だからこそ、男子の皆さんも 浴衣で風情を味わってみませんか。 今回のListening Pointは…… モテますよ! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第301回放送です。 暑さがいよいよ本番です。暑さに負けて モチベが激減することってありますよね。 でも負けない!! コテンパンに負けてるけど。 今回のListening Pointは…… 超熱帯夜! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this episode, we wrap up our conversation with Kristina Mand-Lakhiana, leaving listeners with a powerful parting message. We spoke of embracing curiosity, women's equality and empowerment, making dreams come true, and encouraging replacing judgment to significantly impact on transforming your life. We also spoke about her book Becoming Flawsome …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第300回放送です。 本来であれば3年前の今ごろに迎えていたはずの 300回記念ですが、やっとで到達することができました。 というわけでトークテーマは「遅刻」ですw 今回のListening Pointは…… 4時間! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this episode, we explore the importance of setting goals, OKRs, and KPIs for coaches, consultants, and business owners seeking growth and success. We discuss how aligning personal values and vision with business goals can break the cycle of feeling directionless after financial success. We dive into the concepts of OKRs (Objectives and Key Resul…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第299回放送です。 自分のことを思い出して、また遊ぼうと言ってくれる そんなお友だちは、ずっと大切にしたいものですね。 今日はそんなノリのいい年下の女の子のお話です。 今回のListening Pointは…… 中洲! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第298回放送です。 恒例! 年間で最もジメジメした梅雨がきました。 トークしているうち、30年前の甘酸っぱい過去まで 思い出してしまいました。あの時はゴメンね。 今回のListening Pointは…… きまじめ! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第297回放送です。 ワタクシにとってのターニングポイントは 大うそつきだった自分がバカ正直になった 小学3年生じゃないかと思うわけですよ。 今回のListening Pointは…… レッテル! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this podcast episode, host Kassy Pajarillo-Braganza discusses the process of integrating personal vision and values into a business. She emphasizes the importance of having a separate vision for the business, as it serves as a guiding light and outlines the long-term goals and aspirations. Kassy highlights the need for entrepreneurs to understan…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第296回放送です。 学校に行きたがらない子どももいるんだから、 大人だって会社に行きたくない時もある。 年に1~2回ぐらいは……いいじゃんね! 今回のListening Pointは…… たちまち元気! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第295回放送です。 怒鳴られてけなされて強くなる人もいると思うのですが、 ワタクシは間違いなく「褒められて」のせられると 図に乗って限界以上のパワーを出しちゃう人間です。 今回のListening Pointは…… あっという間! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第294回放送です。 喜んでもらおうと思って仕掛けたサプライズ。 もしあなたが“仕掛けられた側”だったら? 誰しも一度は体験したことのあるサプライズについて語りました。 今回のListening Pointは…… せぇーの! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this episode,Kassy shares the importance of casting a vision for your life and business in order to achieve the freedom and fulfillment you desire. By defining your ideal life in 12 major dimensions, you can separate yourself from the business and create a roadmap to success. Learn how to identify your desires, set goals, and stay on track towar…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第293回放送です。 だって思っちゃったんだからしょうがない。 そしてそれを鬼姉には未だに打ち明けられない。 でもそのおかげでKassyは、今日も無事に生きています。 今回のListening Pointは…… がんばれ母校! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this episode, Kassy shared why transitioning to a High Ticket Group Coaching Program is a better strategy than selling low-cost offers that need a bigger audience and constantly creating marketing that can be exhausting. If you want efficiency and a better level of conversation, listen to this episode. Welcome to the podcast Discussing the value…
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In this podcast live session, I aim to share valuable tips for coaches to magnetize ideal clients through personal stories, valuable advice, success stories, Q&A sessions, free resources, and collaborations. Learn how to establish authority and build trust with potential clients and make your ideal clients message you to apply for your coaching pro…
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Are you sharing content people can google or cheat your way for answers through Chatgpt (or any artificial intelligence)? if so, you're missing the point. In this episode, Kassy shared 3 tips on how you'd be able to elevate your content and magnetize high-ticket clients who can afford $3k above through your content and why it's important for you to…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (パーソナリティ:Kassy) 第292回放送です。 ピンチをチャンスに! なんてできればいいけれど ミスはしないほうがいいに決まってる。 この抜けた性格をなんとかしたいと本気で願う放送です。 今回のListening Pointは…… こつこつ! 番組に関するご意見・投稿は、 本編「それゆけ!! Kassy号~♪」で受け付けています。Oleh 姫 with Kassy
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In this juicy episode, you will be coached on how to structure your sales calls as you present to welcome your best dreamy soul-aligned clients into your high-value programs with work-life integration in mind.__Would you want to learn how you craft, launch, and scale using group coaching for your coaching and consulting business? Hop on inside your…
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[VIDEO PODCAST] In this episode, Kassy coaches you on an actionable and implementable strategy in order for you to start reeling in high-value clients for your group coaching program. These three simple tweaks will sell your offer like hotcakes and give you the best dreamy soul-aligned clients to work with. _____ Would you want to learn how you can…
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[VIDEO PODCAST] In this episode of the Ambitious Tribe Podcast, Kassy Pajarillo shared how she declared 2022 as the year for her coaching and consulting business to be the year for consistent $20K cash months without compromising client results and a 10hrs work week to boot. You will learn the embodiment and the exact step-by-step strategy you can …
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Earning $20k a month may be a massive thing for most people, but this is nothing unusual for some who are already making this much and even more. Especially for the coaches and consultants who chose to break the boundaries and design their own destiny, there is really no need for a ceiling when it comes to cash months - be it $20k, $30k, or even $5…
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In this session, Kassy Pajarillo shares what she believes are the priorities you should double down on and take charge of your energy aside from getting things done. This is all about having to master harmony through work-life integration. She shared what her revenue-generators are as she runs a high-level group coaching program and an online busin…
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So, what is it really required of you in order for you to sign consistent clients? Especially for high ticket offers? Listen up, will break it down for you on how we’ve been singing up 1-3 high ticket clients every single month in our business since last year despite the world’s curveballs and hopefully this will support you in identifying the gaps…
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In this episode, we talk about how you can have that quick cash infusion from the gold mine that's already available in your business assets and how you can actually leverage on your zone of genius right now and make monthly recurring revenue. Stop worrying about recession and inflation. While you're at it, apply for your breakthrough call and let'…
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___Join Your ADVANCED PRIVATE TRAINING by applying through the link below and get to learn how you can create, launch and scale a group coaching program and have monthly recurring revenue year-round. We make millions as our new normal. It's now yours to have.APPLY HERE -> http://www.kassypajarilo.com/businessaudit--- Send in a voice message: https:…
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You may be spending your time searching for a client now and squeezing family responsibilities in between, all while facing a mountful of debt and yet you're still facing the day enthusiastically. That's very brave of you and you deserve all the praises that you're getting. And I'm here to say that I am beyond proud. But imagine if you have a very …
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What is really the correlation of our health and wellness in the certainty of our success? In today's episode, we are having Mindvalley’s head of health and fitness, the trainer of Vishen Lakhiani and the co-founder of Mindvalley 10x course and certification Holobody fitness program - Ronan Oliveira.We are going to talk about the vital role of havi…
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What is the difference between a coach or a mentor, a consultant, and consulting? Aren't they all but the same? In this episode, you'll be able to learn the key differences of these crisis-proof career options and get to realize how you can be a hybrid of two or of all. Whether you decide to be a coach, mentor, consultant or get into consulting, al…
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In this episode, Kassy unveils the 30 days challenge on how you can craft and sell your private coaching or group coaching program without launching and yet still get to bank $5-$20k with monthly recurring revenue. You'll be able to take away the foundational pieces you'd need in order for you to get started as you build and scale your coaching pra…
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In this episode, we’re going to talk about something people don’t often boldly talk about yet we all need to understand and dissect -- SEX, not that egocentric indulgence but rather the wide array of its erotic activities that includes movement of energy between partners bodies - the meditative pleasure beyond what we see on Hollywood movies or the…
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Having to fill my journal with lessons I've learned in 2021 is one tough cookie to put together in one episode, after listening through other people's "year in review", let me share my own with you. I hope this also supports you as you choose to continuously elevate into becoming your next-level self and as you choose your hard when it comes to lif…
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In this very special episode, we are having Noel Abelardo, the co-director of Transportify who is a very good friend of mine, and whom I believe I share the same passion in entrepreneurship as well. We talked about starting and scaling. Listen now to learn more about his journey. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/…
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On today’s episode, we’re going to dive deep into health and what it takes to really take great care of your body, reverse both internal and external aging, and resolve chronic health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ambitioustribe/message…
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In this very special episode, we will have my very first yoga mentor, the yoga rebel, ford model herself, the entrepreneur extraordinaire, Tara stiles. I’d say she’s one of the OGs on the youtube space sharing the yoga love and everything that entails loving yourself, feeling good, and feeling better. Pinch me -- I still can't believe she said yes …
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In this episode, we will be having the Senior Manager of the Global Learning and Development at McCormick and Company, Jorge Acuna. He's an experienced speaker, trainer, instructional designer, e-learning expert, learning strategist, change agent, innovator and an author of Viral Leader. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/p…
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For the 3rd episode of The Ambitious Tribe Podcast's client series, we will have Badette Araullo, the ambitionnaire who hurdled through a painful breakup by breaking her own limiting beliefs. She eventually became a successful speakers manager and habits coach and is now driven to change the lives of her mentees as well.--- Send in a voice message:…
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In continuation of our client series, we'll have our serial content creator, and whom I am very very proud of, Clark Vinoya.----We just wrapped up our HIGH TICKET NEXT LEVEL MASTERCLASS AND IT WAS A BLAST! Get the replay here in case you missed it: https://bit.ly/letmeapplyJoin us inside the Ambitious Tribe now and launch your calling through digit…
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When you hear the word seductive, what comes directly into your mind? For most people, seduction is associated with dating, relationships, and marriages. But for Sariah Ordinario, seduction can also be applicable to entrepreneurship - marketing, to be exact.As we celebrate the Ambitious Tribe Podcast's 1st anniversary, get ready for a client series…
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One of the most important skills you need to master as an entrepreneur is the ability to create a strong community backed with the same vision, mission, and passion as yours. In this episode, Mindvalley's Head of Premium Coaching and Global Events Coordinator Liubov Shlapai shares her secrets to how she was able to bring vision-driven people togeth…
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Are you the type of business owner who, despite earning more than enough, now has to work during ungodly hours just to fulfill all these biz responsibilities?Girl, if you're business is running YOU instead of you controlling it, it's time to part ways with your old system and make way for work-life integration.In this week's podcast episode, I will…
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Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Fortunately enough, we live in a generation where more and more people are openly advocating for this right, using their own power and resources to help amplify the voices of the unheard. At such a young age, it was alr…
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When Veejay Floresca, a world-renown fashion designer and transwoman, made the decision to pursue greater heights in the United States, she was convinced that she'd found her second home. As she was finishing her master's degree there, everything aligned in the perfect array: she finally got to change her identity (even got her paperwork changed to…
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Before the pandemic, we are used to living a fast-paced life. We go around doing what we do best to provide for our family, and it has become a normal routine to wake up, hustle, and go back to sleep again. Until today that the need to stay at home forced us to stop this routine and reconnect with ourselves, particularly our emotions. So how else c…
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PR is the Persuasion Business. It's for storytellers with strong conviction, advocacy, and mission. Get to learn from the PR extraordinaire who took most of the icons in the coaching and consultancy space (including Mindvalley) stories, advocacies, and voice by storm, Natasha Zo. Do you really need PR? Absolutely. PR is the best image shaper and cr…
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