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show episodes
Experience Colorado's Premier Rock Station In A Whole New Way. Travel Back And Forth Through Time With Interviews, Events, Bits, And Air Checks From KILO's 40+ Years Of Rocking.
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die Kilometerfresser

Jonas Thoß, Tarik Ulubay

Vielleicht kennt ihr uns von YouTube, vielleicht aber auch noch nicht! Tarik von den Elektrobays und Jonas von JÖNOHS reden wöchentlich gemeinsam über alles, was den beiden Auto-Verrückten so in den Sinn kommt! Als E-Auto-Experten wird es wohl öfter um Stecker, als Tankstellen gehen, aber es ist alles andere, als Lobhudelei von E-Nerds ;)
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Kilowatt is a podcast about electric vehicles (EVs) that covers various topics related to EVs, including the latest news and developments, the benefits and challenges of EVs, and the future of transportation. The podcast features interviews with experts in the field and provides in-depth analysis and information about EVs. It aims to educate and inform listeners about the latest trends and innovations in the EV industry. Support this show Support the show ...
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The Reddy Kilowatt Hour

Reddy J Kilowatt, your rock and roll servant

From Beautiful Downtown Merrifield in the shadow of the Mosaic District, it’s the Reddy Kilowatt Hour, presented Thursdays at 9 pm ET on Radio Fairfax (Fairfax, Virginia) and on Saturdays at 8 pm CET on WBRS Belgium. Hosted by a washed-up college DJ that is demonically possessed by a discredited cartoon spokesman for the electric industry. Reddy J Kilowatt is your rock and roll servant, featuring alt-rock, progressive rock, soul, occasional punk rock, deep tracks, forgotten classics, and bra ...
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El running nostálgico con humor e información (aunque esta última, no necesariamente). Nos reiremos juntos de muchas de las cosas que sucedieron, para poner en valor el presente. Porque en una cosa estáis de acuerdo tu abuelo , tu padre y tu , y es que ANTES SE CORRIA MEJOR. Todo contado con el estilo "@contadordekm". PUEDES TENER CONTENIDO EXTRA ENTRE OTRAS VENTAJAS HACIENDOTE"ACCIONISTA": Puedes seguirnos en nuestras redes social ...
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Bienvenido/a a Kilómetro 226: un podcast de Adrián Aira en el que hablamos de Triatlón, salud y deporte de resistencia. En la primera temporada el objetivo fue la meta del Ironman de Hamburgo, algo que ya habrás podido escuchar. Después de eso, continuamos con retos, entrenamientos, entrevistas y pruebas de material y consejos desde la perspectiva del deportista amateur. Aquí tendremos invitados especiales que nos acompañarán para hablar, como siempre, de esa gente normal que hace cosas extr ...
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Join spiritual teacher and author Scott Kiloby as he offers unique insights on a variety of topics (consciousness, inquiry, trauma, emotional repression, ending suffering, extra-terrestrial/dimensional phenomena, culture, politics, and LGBTQIA issues). This podcast will bust myths, shatter illusions, and welcome a greater depth of understanding and heart-centered wisdom around consciousness and this absolutely crazy, profoundly beautiful unfolding we call life! Take this free repression test ...
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Join the team for a weekly wander through the world of electric cars. Whether you’re charging, relaxing, or trying to look busy for the boss with your headphones on, our round-up of the electric week is the perfect way to spend half an hour. Discover what the team has been up to, driving, reviewing and complaining about. We discuss the topics that really matter alongside the ones that really don’t. If you love electric cars or are merely window shopping, this is the podcast ...
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Höhenmeter pro Kilometer

Kimi Schreiber & Ida-Sophie Hegemann

Die beiden Profi-Trailrunner Ida-Sophie Hegemann und Kim Schreiber unterhalten sich in diesem Podcast wöchentlich über Rennen, Training, aktuelle und kritische Themen aus dem (Trail) Running Sport und geben Einblicke in das Leben als Leistungssportlerinnen. Ehrlich, (selbst-) kritisch und ungefiltert wird hier von Wettkampfoutfit über Preisgelder bis hin zu zyklusbasiertem Training alles thematisiert, was kein Tabu-Thema sein sollte. Zudem werden sie das ein oder andere Mal den Blick über de ...
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Welcome to Kilowatt-hour, EV Chronicle's podcast. Bringing you current electric vehicle news, reviews, interviews with other EV enthusists, adventures, and a little road noise.
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Happy Kilos


Natürliche Blüten ohne Pestizide oder Herbizide sind gesünder für uns und umweltfreundlicher. Happykilos legt großen Wert auf die Reinheit ihrer Blüten und stellt sicher, dass ihre Produkte 100 % natürlich sind und keine Zusatzstoffe enthalten. Durch den Verzicht auf Pestizide und Herbizide trägt Happykilos dazu bei, eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zu fördern und schützt unsere Gesundheit.
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In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Welt des Radfahrens, der Solidarität und der kreativen Spendenideen. Gemeinsam mit seinen Gästen – von leidenschaftlichen Kilometersammlern bis hin zu Unterstützern und beeindruckenden Persönlichkeiten – spricht er über persönliche Geschichten, besondere Aktionen und die Motivation, Gutes zu tun. Was bewegt Menschen, für andere in die Pedale zu treten? Wie entstehen einzigartige Spendenprojekte? Und welche k ...
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Welcome to the Bravo Kilo Advisors Podcast, hosted by the insightful Brad Kaufman! In this engaging series, Brad draws on his extensive personal and professional experiences to guide listeners through the intricate world of business advisory services. Specializing in the DFW, North Dallas, and Collin County areas, he’s dedicated to helping clients navigate the complexities of buying and selling businesses. At Bravo Kilo Advisors, Brad believes in treating clients with dignity and respect, en ...
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The Kilo Loco Show is a podcast about topics in development, content creation, and entrepreneurship. The host, Kilo Loco, works in all three of these areas and use's this show as a creative outlet for relevant topics. Support this podcast:
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Kilograme de fericire

Kilograme de fericire

Kilograme de fericire este un podcast născut din experiența mea cu obezitatea, prin care îmi propun să aduc inspirație în viața oamenilor care se confruntă cu kilogramele în plus. Vei găsi aici discuții cu specialiști dar și cu oameni care au o poveste relevantă în ceea ce privește implementarea unui stil de viață sănătos. Să îți fie cu inspirație.
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Life beyond kilograms

Niranjan Vijay Deshpande

Hey there, I share valuable action tips which will help you become emotionally, mentally and physically fit, positive, strong and confident. My holistic approach towards fitness has helped many, and hopefully, will help you too!
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80 kilometer per uur

Omroep Gelderland

In deze podcast gaan journalisten Lisanne van Sadelhoff en Rosanne Sies op zoek naar het verhaal achter een bermmonumentje langs een Gelderse N-weg. Ze stuiten op ongeluk na ongeluk, en beginnen zich af te vragen: wat is er met deze weg aan de hand? Benieuwd naar onze andere series? Zoek op 'Omroep Gelderland' in je podcastapp.
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Three women with different backgrounds and stages in their lives coming together discussing love in its entirety. From unconditional love, self love and even heartbreak, we share our stories in a hope of giving hope to others on their own personal quest to find their own love.
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Mr Kilowatt

Radio 24

E' fin troppo facile prevedere che, tra i temi cruciali del XXI secolo, un ruolo di primo piano toccherà a quello della sostenibilità energetica. Per oltre 200 anni, dall'inizio della rivoluzione industriale ad oggi, tanto le tecnologie che i modelli di sviluppo sono stati elaborati su un presupposto che oggi mostra più di una incrinatura: la disponibilità di materie prime e combustibili fossili a basso costo. La trasformazione che ci attende, perciò, è estesa e profonda; ed è ormai comincia ...
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20 kilo geleden zat ik niet lekker in mijn vel. Ik had een laag zelfbeeld en zorgde niet goed voor mezelf. Dat is allemaal veranderd na het zien van een aflevering van Obese, die mij inspireerde om mijn leven om te gooien. Mijn eigen Lifestyle Change is nu meer dan 10 jaar geleden, en sindsdien heb ik de eer gehad om honderden mensen te helpen ook grip te krijgen op hun gewicht. In iedere aflevering van mijn podcast geef ik alles wat ik heb om jou te helpen de strijd met de kilo's ook te winnen!
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XXL-Helden - Abnehmen mit über 100 Kilo | Essgewohnheiten ändern & gesund abnehmen

Tim Gelhausen | Abnehmcoach für Schwergewichte, Lizenzierter Fitnesstrainer & Experte für gesunde Ernährung

Zeigt deine Waage eine 3-stellige Zahl an? Dann bist du goldrichtig hier. Nachdem ich 70 Kilogramm abgenommen habe, plaudere ich im XXL-Helden Podcast über meine Erfahrungen, Hürden und Probleme beim Abnehmen als Ex-Schwergewicht. Ich zeige dir, wie gesundes Abnehmen auf Dauer funktioniert, wie einfach gesunde Ernährung sein kann und wie Du einen schlanken und gesunden Körper erreichst - ohne dabei zu hungern, stundenlang in der Küche zu stehen und OHNE im Endeffekt wieder rückfällig zu werd ...
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Move For Kids - 100 Kilometer, die mein Leben veränderten!

Dennis Dolecki - Move For Kids - Der Podcast

Was macht man, wenn man von einem Freund, der extreme Herausforderungen liebt, unwissentlich zu einem 100-km-Marsch angemeldet wird? "Sich eine Ausrede ausdenken, warum man an ausgerechnet diesem Wochenende nicht kann!" Das war auch mein erster Gedanke. Das der erste nicht zwangsläufig immer der beste Gedanke sein muss, wurde mir durch das gezeigt, was ich erleben durfte. Eben weil mir keine gute Ausrede eingefallen ist, warum ich keine Zeit haben könnte. Ich stellte mich der Herausforderung ...
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Was genau machen die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Archiv? Wer nutzt die Akten und warum? Wie diskutieren ForscherInnen, Zeitzeugen und Interessierte über die DDR und das Wirken der Stasi? Der Podcast gibt Einblicke in die Arbeit des Stasi-Unterlagen-Archivs und sucht den Dialog mit Nutzerinnen und Nutzern der Akten. Episoden mit Gesprächen wechseln sich ab mit Veranstaltungsmitschnitten zu historischen und aktuellen Themen aus der Beschäftigung mit dem Archiv und seiner Geschichte. Je ...
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Jamie MacDonald, the comedian you might know better as That Funny Blind Guy, found out that during lockdown the devil does not, it turns out, make work for idle hands; he makes pies and pints. In the first eight weeks of the coronavirus crisis lockdown in the UK, Jamie ate and drank heartily and put on 10 kilograms. His mental health might have suffered too, but he was too drunk to notice. Deciding enough was enough, he enlisted the help of Fran and John of FSR Personal Training to get back ...
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show series
Description: This episode explores the evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy. I discuss the Trump administration's removal of EV chargers from federal buildings, Rivian's recall of over 17,000 vehicles for faulty headlights, and BYD's major battery storage contract in Saudi Arabia. We introduce bi-directional EV chargin…
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | zzzahara | In Your Head 9:03 PM | The Jam | That's Entertainment 9:06 PM | The Jellybricks | Dreaming in Stereo 9:11 PM | Brown Horse | Corduroy Couch 9:15 PM | The English Beat | Too Nice to Talk to 9:19 PM | Barry White | Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe 9:25 PM | Midnight Oil | Whoah 9:29 PM | The Something Specials |…
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Join Scott in this thought-provoking episode as he tackles the complex question: Are we responsible for the bad in others? Delving into emotional repression, Scott explores how buried anger made him fixate on the bad in others. While acknowledging the real issues and suffering present in the world, Scott aims to help listeners understand how emotio…
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Abrimos las Podnights Madrid 2025 con tres historias muy singulares: -Maikel Gomez de La Milla, nos cuenta la sorprendente historia de Ron Hill, un corredor que corrió mas de 19000 días seguidos, pero hizo muchísimas cosas más! - Jorge Depe, nos cuenta la historia de Abdel-Kader Zaaf, un ciclista que se agarro un épico pedo ( sin querer) en el Tour…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I explore the latest developments in the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors. I reflect on Nikola's surprising Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and its implications for the market. Then, I discuss Hyundai's strategy to boost U.S. production amid potential tariffs and what that means for electric vehic…
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der Februar bringt E-Autos ohne Ende und wir ordnen sie für euch ein!Über den neuen VW Transporter, die Antwort aus Korea in Form von KIA und unseren kurzen ersten Eindrücken wie beispielsweise DS8, Elroq, ID.1 und einem Ausblick aus Göteborg reden Tarik und Jonas in der bereits 28. Folge!danke, dass wir den Titelsong verwenden dürfen!Song: Henk We…
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¡Estoy de vuelta en Kilómetro 226! Han pasado tres meses desde el último episodio, y en este tiempo mi vida ha cambiado por completo: he sido padre, he replanteado mis prioridades y sigo con el gran desafío del Ironman de Copenhague 2025. En este episodio, hablo de cómo estoy gestionando la conciliación entre deporte, familia y proyectos personales…
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Ida und Kimi sind bei der Aufnahme noch wie gewohnt in Innsbruck und München, doch nach der Aufnahme geht es für Ida auf die Insel. Sie wird beim Trans Gran Canaria ihren Coach Jon crewen und danach noch ein paar Wochen in der Sonne trainieren. Kimi erfreut sich derweil wieder bester Gesundheit und lässt es dennoch langsam angehen, lieber nichts ve…
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Scott shares his vision for ‘freedom at all costs’ without the financial and health costs of spiritual bypassing and for his teaching overall in 2025 and beyond. See the free resources below. Save these resources in your own playlist because more are coming. Watch for new short videos on Scott’s social media channels showing you these 1D and 2D too…
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In this podcast, Scott simplifies seemingly complex topics such as avoidant or anxious attachment styles, unmet needs, and other forms of suffering at the surface, connecting them to some very basic conditioning in the body that can be summed up as "I need your love, but I'm afraid of it." If you resonate with the topic of this episode and are inte…
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This week, Ginny, Mike and Tom discuss the new Volkswagen Transporter (or is it a Ford Transit?), the arrival of yet another £40k Chinese SUV and the return of the Volvo Cross Country badge. The team also discuss the latest videos going live on the YouTube channel and help listeners with their car buying questions. This podcast is also available on…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I discuss my recent technical challenges with podcasting software and the perseverance required to resolve them. I clarify my choice to keep politics separate from the EV discussions, focusing instead on industry advancements. I cover Tesla's latest news, including the new seven-seater Model Y and full self…
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In preparation for Scott's upcoming podcast with co-developer Dan McLintock on the critique of the 12-step program, Scott explains what authentic recovery means for him. He shares that his journey began only when he started processing the buried emotions that were creating his addictions. The K I Way of recovery is different from many forms of reco…
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Send us a text 9:00 PM | The Marshall Tucker Band | Heard It in a Love Song 9:05 PM | Permanent (Joy) | I Wanna Go Home 9:09 PM | Canyon Lights 9:13 PM | Eye Candy | Don't Feel at Home in the World Anymore 9:15 PM | 10,000 Maniacs | Trouble Me 9:18 PM | Merce Lemon | Foolish and Fast 9:24 PM | Andy X | When Uncle Putin Comes 9:28 PM | Royel Otis | …
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In this exciting episode of the podcast, Scott is thrilled to welcome his co-author and fellow KI co-developer and trainer, Toshi Matsunaga. Scott and Toshi co-authored the book *Awake but Sick: The Myth of Immediate Freedom and the Dangers of Spiritual Seeking and Finding.* They've worked closely together for years developing and simplifying KI em…
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In dieser inspirierenden Folge des Radeln und Helfen Podcasts spricht Mario Jantsch, ein engagiertes Mitglied und begeisterter Botschafter von Radeln und Helfen über seine beeindruckende sportliche Reise und sein Engagement für den guten Zweck. Mario teilt seine Erfahrungen von der Leidenschaft für das Mountainbiken bis hin zu seinen aktuellen Proj…
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bezahlbare Elektroautos sind da und werden richtig gut!In dieser Episode nehmen wir euch mit auf die Hyundai Inster Fahrveranstaltung in Frankfurt und sprechen über den neuen Kleinwagen, der den E-Auto-Markt ordentlich aufmischen wird! Außerdem sprechen wir über den Volvo EX30 Cross Country und unsere aktuellen Testwägen, das Tesla Model 3 LR RWD u…
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Description: In this episode, I discuss the evolving electric vehicle (EV) landscape while managing my busy schedule. Insights from my appearance on the Daily Tech News Show include the rise of affordable EVs from China and GM's potential discontinuation of the internal combustion Chevy Blazer. I highlight Hyundai's advancements in solid-state batt…
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Ski-WM & Night of the Trail - am vergangenen Wochenende war viel los. Ida durfte als Gästin von Innsbruck Tourismus einen besonderen Tag in der Welt des Skifahrens erleben, Kimi hat sich eine ordentliche Erkältung eingefahren. Man darf sich nun fragen, welche der Beiden glücklicher aus dem Wochenende geht. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über unsere d…
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Scott was falling asleep one night while listening to something on YouTube when he suddenly woke up to something appalling. He heard a social media influencer, who is very popular but struggles with anger repression, bamboozling her entire audience by not owning her anger repression. Instead, she acted overly empathetic to lure in and maintain her …
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En el programa de hoy comenzamos con unDATO RANDOM de laMedia Maratón de Fuencarral, que ha tenido un detalle muy bonito con uncorredor. Inauguramos, casi dos temporadas despuésLA TONTULIA: la tertulia delcorrer con “el palillo en la boca”. Analizamos el fenómeno Estefanía Unzu, quees como nos gusta a nosotros llamar aVerdeliss. Hablando de “deport…
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This week, Tom discuss the new Volkswagen ID.1, Abarth's price cuts and a clever car tax hack. The team also discuss the latest videos going live on the YouTube channel and help listeners with their car buying questions. This podcast is also available on the YouTube channel (…
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In this episode, Scott dives deep into building trust through authenticity. He addresses a question from an audience member who is considering engaging in KI but feels hesitant about trusting Scott and the method. Scott shares his own experiences with distrust, which stem from buried anger, and emphasizes that self-trust has been a crucial aspect o…
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Almost 1 Year To The Day, Dusty Slay Returns To The KILO AM Show. What A Year It Was... His Netflix Special "Working Man" Was A Top 10 Stream And Now He's Moved From Comedy Clubs To The Big Theaters (including a May 2025 date at our own Pikes Peak Center). Who Are His Comedic Influences? What's His Definition Of A "Terrible Gig"? Has He Ever Been B…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I engage in a compelling discussion with Andrew Weisselberg, VP of Marketing at SoundHound AI, focusing on the latest advancements in voice AI technology showcased at CES. We explore how SoundHound is transforming the automotive sector with its sophisticated voice assistant technology, enhancing user intera…
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | Momma | I Want You (Fever) 9:04 PM | Summer Salt | Fire Flower 9:09 PM | Peter Gabriel | Steam 9:16 PM | Panda Bear | Defense (feat. Cindy Lee) 9:21 PM | Squid | Crispy Skin 9:29 PM | Shilpa Ray | Portrait Of A Cat Lady 9:34 PM | Djo | Basic Being Basic 9:36 PM | The Beaches | Edge of the Earth 9:40 PM | Carole King | It's …
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In this episode, Scott explores the hidden dynamics of avoidant attachment style and why individuals may cheat in relationships. This episode is a result of many people asking Scott about the common infidelity among spiritual teachers and how they often don’t address it directly and maturely. Many people have also asked Scott about their cheating s…
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der A7 wird jetzt doch zum A6 und bei NIO fahrt ihr zwei Jahre kostenlos!Live aus Lappland berichten Tarik und Jonas über den Volvo EX90, die aktuelle Situation bei NIO, neue Namen bei Audi und Tariks erste Eindrücke vom HYUNDAI Inster. Außerdem hat BMW den iX geupdatet und Tarik schwärmt von Ford!danke, dass wir den Titelsong verwenden dürfen!Song…
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Diese Woche gibt es ein kleines ChatGPT Spezial. Welche Werte oder Lektionen haben wir aus dem Laufen mitgenommen, die wir auch im Alltag nutzen? Oder wie oft haben wir uns schon gedacht: ‘Ich höre auf mit dem Mist? Außerdem gibt es unser wöchentliches Training der Woche und zwei Songs für die Playlist. Du hast eine Frage für unsere Community Rubri…
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In this episode, Scott delves into the intricate factors that shape human motivation and behavior, drawing insights from his recent blogs on Medium. He discusses how our genes, environment, cultures, and conditioning are inseparable, but emphasizes the often-overlooked role of emotional repression in our suffering. The episode examines various pers…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, we talk about Volkswagen's disappointing decision to forgo the ID.7 in North America and highlight Volvo's upcoming models with ‘plug and charge’ capabilities. I discuss Hyundai's Ioniq 9, set for pre-orders in South Korea, and Tesla's insurance discounts for full self-driving users in Texas and Arizona. Ad…
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Scott shares his personal story of transformation as a non-duality teacher, reflecting on how his teachings, while initially beneficial, often helped others sidestep their own unresolved feelings by pointing to presence. This approach inadvertently created an inauthentic experience of compassion and empathy, which he unknowingly transmitted to thos…
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The Atlanta GA Boys Found Themselves Along Way From Home On A Snowy Cold Saturday In Colorado Springs, But It Didn't Stop Them From Making It Into The Studio To Hang With Hatcher And Deliver A Killer Studio Performance. You Get 2 Songs From The Band's Debut Album "Greetings From Suffocate City", "Suffocate City" and "Holy Water". They Also Talk Abo…
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | Public Image LTD | (This Is Not a) Love Song 9:05 PM | Sex Pistols | Anarchy In the U.K. 9:08 PM | LCD Soundsystem | Daft Punk Is Playing at My House 9:15 PM | Delivery | The New Alphabet 9:19 PM | The Rolling Stones | Can't You Hear Me Knocking 9:29 PM | Modest Goddess | Strange Days 9:34 PM | Still Woozy | Lucy (feat. Odi…
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In this episode, Scott delves into a unique and often unexplored topic of how witnessing phenomena coming and going to awareness can perpetuate suffering through the ruminating effect of that kind of practice. For years, Scott lived in the seeing of the waves coming and going to the ocean of awareness, but the question of why the waves were appeari…
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Description: The Q4 2024 earnings call for Tesla, led by Elon Musk, provides insights into the company's production milestones and strategic future directions. Musk highlights Tesla's record vehicle output, particularly the Model Y's success, and outlines ambitions in autonomy and AI robotics. The discussion emphasizes advancements in Full Self-Dri…
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Scott is excited for listeners to hear this interview with Mark Vicente. Mark Vicente is an author, speaker, and award-winning Writer/Director/Producer from Johannesburg, South Africa. His filmmaking journey began at a young age, leading him to become the Director of Photography for the musical *Sarafina!*, starring Whoopi Goldberg, and one of the …
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ÚLTIMO AVISO! 1-Entradas ya a la venta para ver el podcast en directo elpróximo día 01/02/2025 en Madrid a las 21:00 Entradas: 2- Puedes apoyarnos en Spotify en este enlace y en Ivooxdándole al botón azul de apoyar: https://creators.s…
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E-Autos werden günstiger und Teslas darf man nicht mehr kaufen?Wir sprechen in der 25. Episode über die CO2 Steuer für Autohersteller und die damit verbundenen günstigen E-Autos 2025, wie unsere Erfahrungen bei schnellen Langstrecken waren, was Tarik vom Leapmotor C10 hält, wie wir zu Elon Musk stehen und wieso Tarik keine Teslas mehr zeigen wird!d…
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Ida steckt in den letzten Zügen ihrer Uni-Abgaben und weiß schon genau, wie sie diese feiern wird: laufend, ohne Termine im Hinterkopf. Der von Kimi vorgeschlagene alkoholfreie Sekt wurde dankend abgelehnt. Kimi selbst ist zurück in München und verzweifelt am Instagram-Algorithmus, wobei dennoch eine allumfassende Zufriedenheit überwiegt. 'Eine zuf…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, We discuss Nissan's plan to secure 20 gigawatt-hours of batteries from SK for 300,000 North American EVs and their $500 million investment in their plant in Mississippi. We cover Kia's recall of 80,000 Niro models due to safety issues, and Hyundai's partnership with GM for rebadged commercial EVs. I explore…
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In this episode, Scott calls narcissism "needism" to help reduce the stigma surrounding the subject. He emphasizes that we all have narcissistic tendencies, even if some exhibit more extreme, diagnosable forms. By owning the mechanisms of emotional repression that create a sense of falseness in our lives, we can begin to recognize that we are often…
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In this podcast, Scott delves into how making conscious the mechanism that creates suffering is our opportunity to experience our authentic being and live life without suffering. We have to continue suffering until it feels safe for us to feel and express all that's true, but when it does, we feel chemically balanced and sustainably regulated. We f…
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With The Band Fixing To Hit The Road, For A Kinda Acoustic Tour, To Celebrate The 26 Years Of TOAD, Frontman Tyler Connolly Joined Ross On The KILO Morning Show From His Home In LA (where he's still laying low and hoping his place will be safe). Hear About The Bands Fist Gigs How Theory DId In Their First Battle Of The Bands Contest, And Ross Gets …
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This week, Tom and Mike kick discuss the new Alpine and Renault 5, the Škoda Elroq and the results of's survey about Elon Musk and Tesla. The team also discuss the rebrand of Ora, and chat about latest videos going live on the YouTube channel. The duo also find time to help listeners with their car buying questions. This podcast is…
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In this podcast, Scott shares his insights on borderline personality disorder (BPD) and explores the mind-body connections related to emotional repression that contribute to the fear of abandonment and other distinct patterns associated with BPD. While Scott is not a therapist or a doctor and does not diagnose or treat any conditions, his backgroun…
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | BLEAKNEY | Darkness Convention 9:04 PM | Winona Forever | Dream Harder 9:08 PM | Sam & Dave | Hold on I'm Comin' 9:12 PM | Peter Cat Recording Co. | Foolmuse 9:17 PM | Wet Willie | Keep On Smilin' 9:21 PM | Menno Versteeg | Don't Look Away 9:27 PM | The Weather Station | Neon Signs 9:32 PM | Taxi Girls | Rainy 9:35 PM | Des…
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