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Ariyanti Tjiang

Kumpulan dari tulisan-tulisan yang audibel, dapat berupa apapun: perjalanan, impian, karir, relasi pribadi hingga sosial, dan hal-hal yang mungkin tidak mampu diceritakan sebatas satu halaman.
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Kotatsu Chatsu

Kotatsu Chatsu

A Japanese Girl and a Canadian Boy discuss their lives living in Tokyo, and Japan. We also talk about everything from: Dating and Relationships, to Fashion, Food, Travel, learning Japanese, Entertainment, pop culture, and even Terrace House.
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Hey, Keeper fans! Welcome to KOTLC Envisioned! I make podcasts about my favourite book series KOTLC (Keeper of The Lost Cities)! I discussing the books, the new books, and the MOVIE UPDATES! Yes, there will be a movie! - For those who were wondering! HOW EXCITING!!!! Come join me to talk about the amazing adventures of Sophie Elizabeth Foster! Listen to my podcasts for more information!!! https://anchor.fm/mahum2020/message - Leave me a voice message! https://kotlc-envisioned.blogspot.com/ - ...
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Kotaku Australia's managing editor David Smith and reporter Emily Spindler take listeners through the games they're currently playing, with honest reviews, clear-eyed critique, and a uniquely Australian sense of humour. See (and hear) games differently.
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বাংলাদেশের প্রথম গে/ ট্রান্স / ইন্টারসেক্স / এলজিবিটিকিউ + পডকাস্ট! বাংলাদেশী গে-কাপল তানভীর ও জুবাইর কথা বলছেন তাদের জীবন, সমকামীতা , ডাল-ভাত, লাল-সবুজ এবং সবকিছু নিয়ে। আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া জানান kotipona@gmail.com First-ever queer/gay/trans/intersex/LGBTQ+ podcast in Bangladesh is finally here! Bangladeshi gay couple Tanveer & Zubair talk about being brown, gay, daal-bhaat, laal-shobuj and everything in between. Let us know your feedback at kotipona@gmail.com
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Magasinet +KOTE

Magasinet +KOTE

Magasinet KOTE er et uavhengig tidsskrift drevet av studenter og nyutdannede. KOTE er til for meningsytringer, fag, debatt, og formidling av kunnskap om våre fysiske omgivelser. Vi ønsker å belyse omgivelsene våre på en nyansert måte med bidragsytere fra ulike fagfelt, profesjoner og institusjoner. Her finner du oss i lydformat.
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The biggest video game blog in the world, Kotaku.com, brings you an hour of talk about the best (and worst) video games around, the stuff you play, the stuff you should play, and the games you should avoid at all costs.
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Kota Kembang Production

Kota Kembang Production

Selamat datang di Kota Kembang Production, sebuah podcast yang akan membahas tentang Kota Kembang dalam tongkrongan, diselingi obrolan yang garing tapi penting. Untuk berbagi cerita silahkan email : kotakembangprod@gmail.com
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show series
V podcastu Zorni kot je bil naš sogovornik dr. Domen Mongus, redni profesor in vodja Centra za pametna mesta in skupnosti na mariborski Univerzi. V akademski karieri je za svoje raziskovalne in pedagoške dosežke prejel številne nagrade. Z njim smo se pogovarjali o umetni inteligenci; med drugim tudi o tem, kako umetna inteligenca vpliva in bo vpliv…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je bila naša sogovornica Matea Brečko, baletna učiteljica iz Slovenske Bistrice, sicer pobudnica in koordinatorica projekta Vseslovensko petje s srci. Ta že tradicionalna prireditev bo letos 21. in 23. aprila, torej čez nekaj dni. Z njo smo se pogovarjali o projektu, pozitivnih učinkih petja in o tem, da ima slovenski narod pet…
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Radio Kotagiri's Manickam interviews Bojan farmer in Kerkambai:I am Mani, a dedicated farmer with years of experience in agriculture. Throughout my career, I have encountered numerous challenges in the field. Currently, we are grappling with a pressing issue this summer: water scarcity. The inadequate water supply in the river poses a significant t…
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V podcastu Zorni kot smo se pogovarjali z Vanjo Jus, ki je že nekaj let zapored članica strokovne komisije za izbor najboljših inovacij Podravja, ki ga že leta organizira Štajerska gospodarska zbornica. Jusova je med drugim tudi zastopnica za modele in znamke pri Uradu za intelektualno lastnino Republike Slovenije in državna prvakinja v hitrem bran…
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Radio Kotagiri's Manickam interviews Mani farmer in Kerkambai:I am Mani, a dedicated farmer with years of experience in agriculture. Throughout my career, I have encountered numerous challenges in the field. Currently, we are grappling with a pressing issue this summer: water scarcity. The inadequate water supply in the river poses a significant th…
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My name is Kannan, and I am a farmer in the Kerkampai region. I am engaged in cultivating carrots, and other crops. Regrettably, my previous attempt at carrot farming resulted in substantial losses. Despite this setback, I have reinvested a total of one lakh rupees into carrot farming this time. It is with great disappointment that I observe the la…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je bila naša gostja Hadeja Adeva Horvat, direktorica Zavoda za opolnomočeno in prijazno družino Livija iz Maribora, ki nudi staršem individualno in unikatno podporo skozi program sedmih korakov. Sogovornica, sicer vzgojiteljica po izobrazbi, je delila z nami zanimive in poučne misli o izzivih, s katerimi se starši soočajo pri v…
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I am Thangapan, and I work as a farmer. I have been involved in agriculture for 10 years and have worked in various areas. Eventually, I chose agriculture as it proves to be more profitable than other ventures. While we do face occasional losses, two months ago, we experienced a significant decline in profit margins due to a drop in carrot prices, …
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Radio Kotagiri's Sneha interviews Bindhu, a working woman in Kesalada:My name is Mrs. Bindhu, and I live in Kesalada village. I work as an IT team leader in a call center job at Nawa company, and in the evenings, I conduct a "ILLAM THEDI KALVI" class for school students in my town. I have been married for 12 years and have witnessed many changes si…
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V sodelovanju s Štajersko gospodarsko zbornico enkrat mesečno v podcastu Zorni kot gostimo gospodarstvenika z mariborskega območja oziroma Podravja. Tokrat je naš gost Rok Snoj, generalni direktor Kraftpalovih podjetij v Avstriji in Nemčiji. Sedež podjetja, ki proizvaja palete, ki izgledajo in funkcionirajo kot lesene palete, je v Londonu, v Maribo…
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Radio Kotagiri's Manickam interviews Raju a farmer in Beragani: "I am Raju, and I work as a farmer. Unlike the olden days, we don't have the same agriculture practices in the Nilgiris. This change isn't due to the people, but rather because of the farming methods. Since the farming methods in the Nilgiris are poor, we should stop using harmful chem…
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🚀 Dive into the Compose multiverse with the latest episode of Talking Kotlin! 🌐 In this insightful conversation, our hosts, Seb and Hadi, bring on a special guest, Adriel Café, to discuss two powerful libraries in the Kotlin ecosystem – Lyricist and Voyager.🎼 Lyricist: The Missing Piece of Jetpack ComposeAdriel shares the journey behind Lyricist, a…
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Radio Kotagiri's Manickam interviews Vijaya, a farmer in Kookalthorai: My name is Vijaya, and I come from a family with a long history of farming. Last year, I had a successful carrot farming season that brought me good income. However, this year has been a bit challenging in terms of financial returns. With the unwavering support of my parents, I …
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On Radio Kotagiri 90.4 MHz, during the "Vanakam Kotagiri" live program discussing how to mentally prepare students for public exams, Anaka, a counseling psychologist from our Keystone Foundation, shared insights into various mental health issues faced by students and parents. During the event, he highlighted the common sources of stress for student…
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Radio Kotagiri's Manickam interviews vijaya, a farmer in KookalthoraiMy name is vijaya . And I am a farmer and a tailor . As a farmer we face lot of struggles in the agriculture and we have a lot of struggles in field level our crops get damaged by the wild animals . And since we no knowledge about the wild animals We are unable to control them . w…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je naša gostja uršulinka sestra in misijonarka Andreja Godnič. Pred leti je bila predstojnica sester uršulink v Mariboru, nato je vrsto let preživela na misijonih v Peruju in Venezueli. Pred nekaj meseci se je vrnila v Maribor, v skupnost tukajšnjih sester uršulink.Oleh RTVSLO - Radio Maribor
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V sodelovanju s Štajersko gospodarsko zbornico bomo odslej enkrat mesečno v podcastu Zorni kot gostili sogovornike s področja gospodarstva iz naše regije. Naš prvi sogovornik je Anton Zupančič, direktor podjetja Systemair iz Maribora, ki se ukvarja s prezračevalnimi sistemi. Z njim smo se pogovarjali med drugim o njegovi oceni gospodarstva v Maribo…
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🚀 Immerse yourself in the world of Kotlin as the latest podcast episode unveils the inner workings of the Kotlin Foundation! 🎙️ Join Sebastian and Hadi and a stellar lineup of guests, including Ksenia Shneyveys, Trisha Gee, Kevin Galligan, Charles Anderson, and Jeffrey van Gogh, as they share exclusive insights into the foundation's mission, projec…
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As consumers, we often purchase vegetables such as carrots, beetroot, and others, specifically requesting varieties like Ooty carrots or Ooty potatoes. However, it raises questions about whether our local farmers receive adequate compensation for their hard work. It is crucial to evaluate whether our farmers are receiving the right prices for their…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je bila naša sogovornica nekdanja novinarka Večera Ana Lah. Približno pred letom dni je Lahova, ki je leta 2021 prejela nagrado Društva novinarjev Slovenije za izstopajoče novinarske zgodbe, pritegnila pozornost javnosti, ko ji Večer - kljub drugačnim zagotovilom – ni podaljšal pogodbe za določen čas. Po odhodu z Večera Ana Lah…
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Podcast Zorni kot smo posneli v Socialno varstvenem zavodu Hrastovec. Naša sogovornica je bila srednja medicinska sestra v tem zavodu Sonja Vogrin, ki je pred dnevi prejela srebrni znak Društva medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Maribor. V Hrastovcu dela od začetka svoje poklicne poti, že več kot 40 let. Pogovarjali pa smo se o delu…
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V Slovenski policiji že dobro desetletje delujejo policijski zaupniki – policisti se lahko obrnejo nanje za svetovanje ali razbremenilni pogovor, če se znajdejo v stiski. Raziskave namreč kažejo, da je poklic policista eden najbolj stresnih poklicev, saj se srečujejo s stresnimi in travmatičnimi situacijami. O vsem tem smo se pogovarjali s policijs…
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Sogovornica v podcastu Zorni kot je Sabina Fras Popović, ki je nedavno prejela državno Čopovo diplomo za življenjsko delo za širok prispevek k bibliotekarski stroki, zlasti na področju bralne kulture in pismenosti. V okviru Mariborske knjižnice je sodelovala pri številnih akcijah spodbujanja branja, vodila je tudi Center za spodbujanje bralne pisme…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je sogovornik Marko Lukić, direktor in lastnik nadvse uspešnega mariborskega podjetja Lumar – gre za vodilnega slovenskega proizvajalca skoraj nič-energijskih montažnih hiš. Podjetje letos praznuje 30 let obstoja; ozrli smo se malce v njegovo preteklost, govorili o montažni gradnji, prednostih lesa kot gradbenega materiala, pa …
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Join us in this exciting episode of Talking Kotlin as we dive into the world of Kotlin Multiplatform with three special guests, Mike Nakhimovich, Yigit Boyar, and Matthew Ramotar, the minds behind the popular library 'Store' — a Kotlin Multiplatform library for building network-resilient applications.We explore the journey of 'Store' from its earli…
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Sogovornica podkasta Zorni kot je pedagoginja in galeristka Melita Ragolič, ustanoviteljica in vodja Šole umetnosti in Galerije Atilem v Mariboru. Pogovarjali smo se o delu z mladimi v njeni likovni šoli, ob katerem zelo uživa in jo izpolnjuje, pa tudi o težki življenjski preizkušnji, iz katere je izšla še močnejša – o njenem boju z rakom.…
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Sogovornica v podcastu Zorni kot je bil Maja Plaz, predsednica Društva SOS telefon za ženske in otroke – žrtve nasilja. Nasilja v družini je veliko; lani so prejeli šest klicev dnevno, kar opažajo strokovnjaki in je spodbudno pa je, da je vedno več prijav nasilja s strani očividcev oziroma sosedov. Govorili smo tudi o knjigi, ki je nedavno izšla in…
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Welcome to another engaging episode of Talking Kotlin! In this edition, we dive into the dynamic world of Android development with Colin White, the creator of the widely acclaimed Coil library. Join us as we discuss the latest developments, insights, and the exciting roadmap for Coil.🚀 Highlights from this Episode:Learn about Colin's journey in dev…
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