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Lady and the Harlot Podcast are two Best Friends who share their own wisdom (Life experiences) about relationships, sex and life as a whole from two single hot moms point of view. Raw and uncut. Sometimes Brutally honest, hilarious and both, but also very open and candid. We will discuss many different topics and advice is applicable regardless of what stage you are in your own life. But at the same time wondering …..... Who is the Lady and Who is the Harlot? Follow us on Instagram (@ladyand ...
Happy 2025! Since our first episode in 2023, we wanted recap on what has transpired for the both of us during the last year in a half. Both relationships have assisted in helping us become someone different. We know we all have been in relationships that have either added to us in becoming a better person; or they have made us become a bad version …
In this week’s special episode of a Lady and the Harlot, we are rolling in Greece. unfortunately we’ve been so busy since you’ve joined us in our last recorded episode. but now we are back joining from Beautiful Elounda Crete Greece! That’s right LATH is going global. In our travels we talk about vacation flings, how hot the men of Greece are and p…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we decided to discuss a topic near and true to us, "Black women's hair and things you should know about it." As two ethnic women who have been in interracial relationships, there are certain rules we have to put in place when it comes to thing we can and can not do with our hair. We know that we can in …
In this weeks episode of the Lady and the Harlot, we discuss Losing the V-Card (Virginity) and womens sexuality. Losing your virginity/ V-Card means having sex for the first time. The idea of virginity can apply to people of any gender or sexual orientation. The most important thing is that you decide when you're ready to have sex. Also learning ab…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss a previous post about 6 examples of Micro-Cheating and what that might look like to some people. Since we received so many mix reviews/comments based on the topic of Micro-Cheating, we decided to dive in further and explain how we see it from our point of view. Please Join Us! If you haven't …
In the weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss Settling for less in a relationship. So what does settling for less mean? Letting go of the very things that define you, the beliefs that reflect who you are, and the values that are at your core. Its about stifling your own voice with in a relationship. Its about accepting something less than…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss would we prefer, "Separate Beds or Separate Homes?? Sleeping apart is more common than one might think. There are no rules out there saying couples have to sleep in the same bedroom, especially if your partner snores and is keeping you up at night, etc. The same goes for separate homes, There…
In the weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we posted a video on our Instagram page, which brought up the topic, "Would you let your partner hang out with friends of the opposite sex alone?" There are two guys in the video, one seems to be fairly confident in allowing his girlfriend to do so, while the other one says its not an insecurity thing bu…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we discuss a video we came across from Dr. Jeff Guenther. He brings up 12 valid personal questions to ask before going on a first date if you are looking for a serious relationship and don't want to waste your time. Listen in as we discuss where we stand on this topic. Please join us as we dive …
This weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot is called "Crossing Boundaries." Crossing/Overstepping boundaries means someone has crossed the imaginary lines we've created for ourselves. Here are some overstepping examples to give you an idea. Physical boundary: This is usually an easy one to tell. It's when someone has invaded your personal space, inc…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we decided to play Tonight's Conversation Cards - Relationship Debates yet again!! We just cant get enough of this game that takes us to the heart of how we may see the world through exciting Q&A on spicy relationship scenarios. We also decided to call these questions of the heart. At the end of…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast, we talk on the topic of the abuse of filters to try to hook a potential partner. Ever go on a dating site and was instantly attracted to someone's appearance and then when you met them they look NOTHING like their picture?? How does that make you feel that you've just been catfished but in a dif…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast, we discuss the games we still encounter in the dating world. By games we mean, when we meet someone and they want to play games instead of keeping it real to us and themselves. The older we get the more we can see through the bullshit. If you found the “perfect person” then why continue to be on…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we decided to get back to the Harlot side of matter and talk about Boosting your Sexual Libido-stimulation. Libido is a persons sexual desire, arousal or appetite. Everyone's libido is different, and the same person's sex drive might fluctuate over time, depending on circumstances. Sometimes it can be i…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss Navigating the Relationship Tree. Let’s face it. Relationships are difficult enough and disagreements are often normal parts of a relationship. However, if arguments continually arise and consistently devolve into your partner criticizing, berating, or attempting to control you, gaslighting- …
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast, We do a Recap on last weeks episode "Story of Betrayal." We focus our thoughts and feelings about how the story unfolded and ended. We also give our opinion on the situation and how we would've handled it. At the end of the day, no one truly knows how they would react unless you're actually in t…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast, we have on a special guest named "Rockstar" who was willing to share his shocking story of Betrayal. Which as the story unfolds, leads into his now ex wife ghosting him. In turn, this triggered him to catfish and ghost her in the end as pay back. We know it sounds horrible however we really want…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we touch upon different types of relationships. Which leads us into our next topic, Companionship vs Situationship and what does that look like. Companionship is the state of being someone’s friend or companion. It can be a platonic relationship between two people who simply enjoy each other’s company b…
In this weeks podcast of Lady and the Harlot, we decided to call this episode, “That’s What Friends Are For.” There are just some friendships which seems to stand the test of time. Recently, we had a school reunion going back over 30 years. We had such a good time reconnecting with everyone, that we decided to talk about these special people we’ve …
It’s all fun and games on this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast. Big Poppa Willie joins us as our guest, while we play the game “RELATIONSHIP DEBATES”. Tune in on the fun and let us know some of your responses to these questions.
Lady and the Harlot presents , "Hero to Zero part 2" We dived into part 1 in our previous episode. Unfortunately, Our host Dagna was unable to completely spill the tea fully but we are coming back around again to continue to discuss her experiences from dealing with a man who turned out not to be the hero she had hoped for in the end. As we mention…
Lady and the Harlot presents our new episode, "Hero to Zero part 1." We have gone through ups and downs in our relationships since we've first started the podcast. Being organically raw and candid with our followers has been our moto. In this episode, Host Dagna discusses her relationship with a man she once called Hero but in the end turned to Zer…
This weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot is called, “Effort & Alignment.” Relationships aren’t easy. Consistency is key in a relationship since it means stability, accountability, honesty, essentially the foundation of a partnership. As long as each person puts forth an effort to be consistent in a relationship, it can lead to growth and the devel…
This weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot is called, “Fools Rush In AKA Making Bad Decision.” Dating someone new can be fun and exciting in the beginning. It’s also likely to cause the most rational, levelheaded people to make really dumb decisions. From rushing into another relationship too quickly, especially if you are not over the Ex, to catchi…
Lady and the Harlot Presents, "Game Show Vol.2." In this weeks episode, we are playing ' Ace Metaphor's Tonights Conversation- Date Night Edition Card Game." We previously played this game and answered few intimate questions of our own in Episode 44," Lady and the Harlot Game Show Vol.1." We had so much playing the first time around that we decided…
Lady and the Harlot Podcast Presents, "Suppressing Your Kinky Side Vol.2."We previously spoke about this very same topic back in September 2022, S01 E27, "Suppressing Your Kinky Side." This was one of our top and best episode. We received so much positive feedback that we decided to do it again, Vol.2. Please join us as we re-visit, "Suppressing Yo…
We decided to do something fun and different for this weeks episode. So we welcome you all to the Lady and the Harlot Game Show vol 1. Where the contestants ( Hosts: Dagna & Sheryl) ask each other some intimate questions. Some of these questions are from the game card: Tonight’s Conversation dating night editions and Tonight’s conversation relation…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we discuss "Living in Denial." Being in denial is a psychological defense mechanism against acknowledging “uncomfortable truths” in your relationship or who you are as a person. Unfortunately when we live in any form of denial, it causes us to not see the reality of what the bigger picture reall…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we discuss the age old question, "What is Love Anyway?" We discuss what do we think love is, since love is different for everyone. Some of us have experienced real love before and some of us long for a true meaningful relationship where both parties are in love. Please join us and help us answer…
In this new episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we discuss the topic "Red Flags." When dating or starting a new relationship, Red flags shouldn't be ignored. Sure, maintaining any relationship requires compromise or sacrifice, but you should never give up your wants and needs or put your happiness at bay. And when we're newly in love, relations…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss, "The Importance of Time." We talk about how time is so important on so many levels. Take time to process and heal from past relationships before jumping into something new. Take time to get to know the person you are with before you can say you are truly "In love". Time to really get to know…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we revisit episode "Can Men & Women Truly Be Friends Without Sexual Tension." Dagna wanted to go back and clarify a statement she made on the original episode. While Sheryl actually had an experience happen to her just a day after we discussed this topic the first time around. Please join us as we Revis…
This weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, is called " Can you truly have a healthy sex life in a full house." Which means if you have a house full of children, family or roommates can you have a free and full sex life? We deep dive into this topic and read the responses from our listeners. We also give our two cents on certain comments made in ref…
In this week's episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, We decided to give a second update/ continuation on our dating love life. We discuss the lack of interest and communication people may face when they first start dating. Which can cause certain red flags and in turn make the relationship seem as if two people are not on the same page after all.…
We usually get a flood of messages on if Lady and the Harlot are single or not. In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot podcast we decided to share our dating love life update. It's funny how we can connect with someone so fast and then the next minute how things change. It all goes back to communication.…
They say, psychologically humans are not capable of being "just friends" with members of the opposite sex. We listened two clips by Steve Harvey & Big Jay Oakerson. Two men who made statements that, "Men and Women can not be friends without sexual Tension." In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we talk about this topic from a woman'…
You might be familiar with many of the obvious signs of emotional abuse and manipulation. But when you’re in an abusive situation/ relationship, it’s easy to miss the subtle early signs that build up to a persistent undercurrent of abusive behavior. In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot we will discuss a more serious topic, “Abusive Relation…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we talk about the response we received on one of our post. We played the lovely game of "How Kinky Are you?" which one would you allow in the bedroom. Listen in and let us know.....How kinky are you?
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss how it is to be two single parents dating. The number one thing many single parents want a potential partner to know is that the kids come first. But unfortunately there are times where the child(ren) are not taken into consideration, and that can either be on the parent or potential partner …
In this week's episode we reflect on past relationships, as well as new ones that have recently ended. We've all dealt with break ups, good and bad. The healing process can be more difficult depending on how deep the relationship was. Join us as we dive in to, "Dealing with Breakups & Healing." Please share your story of your own break up and was i…
Chances are pretty high that you've heard the word "cuckold" before. But how much do you know about what it really means in todays' world? "Cuckolding" or "cucking" is when a man and his partner take sexual pleasure from the woman having sex with men who are not her partner. Cuckolding is a subset of the BDSM kink world. Cuckolding is a sexual feti…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss food fetishes. Food fetishes are where a person gets aroused by situations involving food. For example bananas, cucumbers etc. Sometimes, it's simple things like the texture of the food, or the way it melts or spreads. Either way, it a kinky fun way to play with your partner and spice things …
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss people who suppress their kinky side and why? And what we feel should happen so that side doesn't get push down/suppressed. Please join us as we dive into the topic of "Suppressing Your Kinky Side."
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss every mans dream, Girl on Girl action. Two (or more) women engaged in sexual activities (Lesbian/ Bi-sexual) with one another. We talk about our own sexual involvement with women and how these experiences played out in our past relationships. Please join us as we dive into 'Harlot on Harlot A…
The Art of Wooing, The definition of the word, “wooing” is quite direct and simple: “try to gain the love of (someone, typically a woman), especially with a view to marriage. But Lets start off and focus on the first step "Trying to gain the Attention and Love." There is something sweet about someone just honestly telling you he or she likes you an…
When it comes to relationships, we live in a lawless era where love is love and (almost) anything goes. We are seeing large age gaps in the dating pool and not just the typical older man-younger woman narrative but also older-women-younger men. In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss, "THE AGE GAP." Does the Age Gap really matter i…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss "Workplace Romance Vs Online Dating." Originally this episode was suppose to be about workplace romance only; but quickly we realized its really a question of what do we prefer, Workplace Romance or Online dating. Please Join us and let us know what do you prefer.…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we talk about Controlling Relationships and our past experiences. There are different levels of control but the type we explore is the toxic side. It is suffocating to stay in a relationship where your partner always wants to control your actions but when it turns into mental abuse; Then it becomes a bi…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we discuss the topic "Friends with Benefits." Two people who are physically intimate with one another, yet they are not committed to each other. But how does one deal with this kind of relationship if the other starts to catch feels? In order to make a friends with benefits relationship work, it's impor…
In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot, we have a very special guest....THE GREEK! The 3 of us dive in to a discussion about open non monogamous relationships. If you are unsure what that is? Make sure you Tune in and take some notes. Please let us know, If this is a lifestyle you maybe into or curious about? If so, Reach out and tell us your…