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Lifehouse exists to invite all people to live an uncommon life by following Jesus, doing life together, getting in the game, and leaving a legacy. For more information visit
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Lifehouse Japan

Lifehouse International Church

ライフハウスインターナショナルチャーチのメッセージポッドキャストへようこそ。日本のライフハウスチームによる、聖書に基づいたインスピレーションと励ましに溢れたメッセージとティーチングを毎週配信しています。メッセージは英語と日本語のバイリンガルで語られ、あなたの信仰の成長と豊かな人生を送るための助けとなることを目的としています。 Welcome to the message podcast for Lifehouse International Church in Japan. Join us each week as we share inspirational, encouraging Bible-based preaching and teaching from the team at Lifehouse. Messages are bilingual (English & Japanese) and aimed to help you grow in your faith and live a fulfilled life. ライフハウスチャーチと繋がる / Connect ...
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LifeHouse Church

LifeHouse Church

Welcome to the Podcast Channel of LifeHouse Church led by Senior Pastors Richard and Helen Kobakian. LifeHouse is a vibrant, growing church located in Melbourne that loves seeing people connected to Jesus and growing passionately in their faith. We hope these messages inspire you to live your life with purpose!
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Lifehouse Church

Lifehouse Church

Lifehouse exists to reach people with God's love and message of hope. We have a vision and mission to see lives changed, restored, and set free. . . Lifehouse is led by Pastor Patrick Grach and is a part of the Lifehouse Network of churches. . . With multiple service times and locations in the quad-state area (MD-PA-WV-VA), Lifehouse is a place for people of all ages and backgrounds. We hope you'll join us for a weekend service soon. . . For more information about services and times, visit: ...
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Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jordan and online. Find out more about Lifehouse Hong Kong at 香港生命堂是一間位於佐敦,充滿活力、愉快和熱誠的雙語(英丶粵)教會。 我們目前每週日上午 11:30 在佐敦現場舉行崇拜以及在線上進行直播。 歡迎你加入我們!瀏覽更多有關香港生命堂的資訊:
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Weekly Messages from the Team at Lifehouse Adelaide. Each week we dive into the word to provide inspiration, guidance and support for all, whatever your situation. To get in touch with us, please go to:
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Welcome to Lifehouse Church, Chesterfield podcast. We are so glad you found us. We hope these messages inspire you, encourage you and give you hope for the future. We host services online and in-person (9:30 & 11:30 am) which we would love for you to attend. We are located on Chatsworth Road in the centre of Chesterfield. If you want any more details about Lifehouse church please visit
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show series
How do we balance serving others with maintaining healthy boundaries to avoid burnout or enabling unhealthy behaviors? ..Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 5 | Pastor Patrick Grach | March 2, 2025..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online Campus: Lifehouse.OnlineOnline Website: / lifehousechurchorgInstagram: / lifehou…
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が “「これだけは絶対に譲れない!」真理の帯によって、ブレない強さを得る” について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Tasuke talks about “I Will Not Give in to This!” Stand Firm With the Belt of Truth in these 3 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. エペソ 6:10-14 JCB / Ephesians 6:10-14 NLT ダニエル 3:7-12 JCB /…
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Jesus meant what he said when he challenged his followers to "love your neighbor." But when we feel overwhelmed by the needs around us, we may wonder how one person can make a difference when the problems seem so big...Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 4 | Pastor Spencer Jackson | February 23, 2025..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online Campus: Li…
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What do we do when conflict arises with those we're trying to love, especially our neighbors?..Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 3 | Pastor Patrick Grach | February 16, 2025..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online Campus: Lifehouse.OnlineOnline Website: / lifehousechurchorgInstagram: / lifehousechurchorg..Your gene…
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Forgiveness is powerful! It’s not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it takes strength to forgive and love as Jesus did. Join us as we learn how to practice some daily habits of forgiveness. It will change your attitude, and most importantly your relationships 原諒是充滿力量的!原諒並不意味著軟弱。恰恰相反,像耶穌一樣去原諒和愛是需要很多力量的。加入我們一起學習如何養成原諒的習慣。這會改變你的態度,甚至是你的關係。…
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは登牧師が「赦しは神様の文化だ!」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Noboru talks about "Forgiveness is God’s Culture!" in these 3 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. マタイ5:23-24 ERV訳 / Matthew 5:23-24 ERV ルカ 7:44-48 ERV訳 / Luke 7:44-48 ERV エペソ4:26-27 / Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV コロサイ3:1…
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Love is strong. It doesn’t celebrate evil but finds joy in the truth. Join us as we dive deep into the meaning of love through powerful scriptures, real-life examples, and the strength we gain from God’s truth. 愛是充滿力量的。愛不支持邪惡,而是在真理中找到喜悅。加入我們,一起在充滿力量的經文,真實的生活案例,和我們從神的真理之中所獲得的力量裡探索愛的真諦吧。Oleh Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではロド牧師が「強い愛」について以下の4つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Rod talks about "Strong Love " in these 4 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. 1 コリント 13:6 JCB / 1 Corinthians 13:6 NIV マタイ 19:4-5 ERV / Matthew 19:4-5 NIV 創世記 2:15-18 JCB / Genesis 2:15-18 NIV 創世記 3:1-5 JCB / Genesis 3:…
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Living out the great commandment to "love our neighbor" requires us to go where we wouldn't normally go to do what we don't like to do; we need to be willing to get into messy, unexpected situations even when it's least convenient...Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 2 | Pastor Patrick Grach | February 9, 2025..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online…
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What is true love? It’s not just a feeling—it’s patience, kindness, and choosing to love others even when it's challenging. This week, our prayer is that you will experience the transformational power of God’s love. 真正的愛是什麼?愛不僅僅是一種感覺——愛是耐心,善意,愛是選擇在困難時仍然去愛他人。本週我們的禱告內容是希望你能感受到有著改變一切的大能的神的愛。Oleh Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が「あなたへの神様の計画は愛に満ちている」について以下の4つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Tasuke talks about ”God’s Plan For You Is Filled With Love” in these 4 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. 創世記24:7 ERV / Genesis 24:7 NLT 創世記24:11-15 ERV / Genesis 24:11-15 NLT 創世記24:17-21 ERV / Genesis 2…
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Why is it so hard to make time for meaningful relationships when life feels too busy and people seem like burdens rather than opportunities?..Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 1 | Pastor Patrick Grach | February 2, 2025..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online Campus: Lifehouse.OnlineOnline Website: / lifehousechurc…
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Love God, love yourself, and love others. True friends support each other through everything. Let’s be the kind of friend who lifts others up! 愛神、愛自己並愛他人。真正的朋友是會互相扶此的。讓我們成為那種會互相支持的朋友吧!Oleh Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「どうやったらより良い友だちになれる?」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Monty talks about "How Can I Be a Better Friend?" in these 3 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. マタイ 22:37-39 ERV / Matthew 22:37-39 NIV マタイ 7:12 ERV / Matthew 7:12 NIV マルコ 2:1-12 ERV / Mark 2:1-12 NIV…
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There are lies in our minds that shift our perspective on generosity: "I don't have enough to give", "What's mine is mine", "It won't make a difference." But when we understand that we give because we ourselves have been the recipients of generosity, we can spread and multiply what we give for a much wider impact...What Fills Spills - Week 4 | Past…
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How does God protect his church? How can we find strength in difficult times? Find out this week as we discover how God’s strength can help us in any situation. 神如何保護他的教會?我們如何可以在困境中找到力量?本週與我們一起發掘神的大能怎樣在任何時候都能幫助我們吧。Oleh Lifehouse Hong Kong
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