Hosted and Produced by Widian Nicola, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, the Lived Experience Project explores unique and evocative narratives rarely heard in mainstream media. Each season focuses on a lesser known and marginalized population and how these individual oral histories unveil the often complex nature of the shared human experience. Visit for more info.
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Like Mateo's and Angela's narratives, in this episode, we hear the final raw and fascinating narrative. As we close the first season of the LEP, we meet Anthony, whose story reveals the enduring pain that comes with being forcibly returned to the other side of the of the border.Oleh Lived Experience Project
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In this episode, we meet Angela, whose story introduces us to the nature of ambivalence and the ironies of love and connection.Oleh Lived Experience Project
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In this episode, we meet Mateo who risked leaving his family behind in pursuit of the American Dream. Like immigrants before him, his story reveals just how this American Dream has been transformed since its inception.Oleh Lived Experience Project
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This episode introduces Nicole, a social worker, wife, and mom confronted with the realities of the undocumented immigrant experience in her own home. From practice to personal experience, Nicole's story leads us into an enriching discussion of identity and othering.Oleh Lived Experience Project
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Season 1:Episode 1 - "Undocumented"
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This episode introduces the many facets of the undocumented immigrantion debate. We consider historical roots, theoretical assumptions, and ask the compelling question of how a nuanced approach might shift the conversation from political to personal.Oleh Lived Experience Project
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