Hi I am Master Kay-Spiritual Teacher-Master Life Coach-Therapist-Soul Connector and Healer...Im here to Awaken you to your Own Inner Power! You are a Spiritual Being having a short Human Experience-and You are Amazing All of Life's Answers are inside of you...Its time to Find those Answers-and for You to Find Your Greatness! My Podcasts are about just that! Welcome Soul Family
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Trailer advertising my latest podcasts on Energy!
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6:20We are here to master energy and to master the matrix codes that hold us back - Energy is all around us,we are energy and so is this universe - in this latest podcast I introduce some of my future podcast episodes on energy that will soon be going up live!
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Guided Affirmation Meditation by M.K.
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12:47A lot of people ask me how can I start Meditating? Is it easy? Will my mind wonder? My answer is this = if your not used to doing Meditation yes your mind will wonder this is why I have put this simple relaxing Guided Affirmation Meditation together for you-just relax and follow along! / Do NOT listen to this Meditation while Driving or using any t…
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Today I show you how to Manifest with water and to put your Intent into it...so grab your glass of water think of what you want to manifest into your life and let's go! (Peace out M.K.)
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Hands in the air forget your problems for a few minutes and let's refresh our souls together...plug your earphones in and let's go soul family let's dance and raise our vibrations! (Love out M.K.) ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯
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Give yourself permission to just relax with this amazing Shamanic Drum Meditation! Plug your earphones in for a better listening experience-Music by Audionotix (Navajo Night)
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GREAT THINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY! (Powerful Manifestation Techniques)
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13:00Great Things are Coming Your Way-YES THEY ARE-So Start Manifesting what you want into your Life-In this Podcast I show you a Few Things that will make your Manifestations Super Strong! - Love & Enlightenment MK
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Looking at Anxiety-and Letting Go of the Things that No Longer Serve YOU!
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8:57In this latest Podcast we look at the Things that are Not Serving You in your Life-I name 6 things that perhaps its time to get rid of-Life is so Short and you need to save your Energy for Yourself! Have a Beautiful Day and I will see you very soon! MK
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Overcoming Roadblocks in your Life,by Master Kay
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7:26We all get Roadblocks in our Life-they come from Third Party's-Money-So called Friends-things that broke down and so on...in this Podcast we look at how to cope with a Roadblock in our Life! / Music from (Audionoutix.com-In a World) Stay tuned for my next Podcast about keeping your Structure in this Lock-down (Thank you for Listening) https://teesp…
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UN-STRESS Meditation to Bring your Anxiety Down
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10:07With this latest Pandemic going on at the moment, Peoples Anxiety is Sky High Fear is all around and so is Stress-So I have decided to replace the Closing Down Meditation for this one...People are Panicking and Need Calming Down right now...So come on if you have Anxiety or Panic Attacks because of the Corona Virus Please do this Gentle Guided Medi…
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Be Careful what you say out Loud-because it just might come TRUE!
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12:51Our Words have POWER! What we say=WE CREATE! In this Podcast I talk about our Words and how they Affect the Law of Attraction and our own Manifestation of things! - Ive also Given you a 24 Hour Homework so that you Study yourself-the way you Think and the things you say out LOUD!
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Welcome to my 3rd Podcast-Called-EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK! This Podcast goes out to all the People that are going Through a Hard Time in their Life Right Now! Things Covered in this Episode are Depression-Anxiety-Loneliness-Shadow Work-Death-Bad Health-Divorce and Breakup- Money-Our Job-and more! Listen in because if you are going through any o…
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Welcome to my Second Podcast- Are You Feeding Your Soul? This Audio is taken from my latest You Tube Film of the same Name (Going up this week) As Humans we Work so Hard don't we,Giving our Time Away to Others most of the Day-But are we just Surviving or are we Actually Living and enjoying our Life? In this 10 minute Podcast we look at some Simple …
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Hi in this First Podcast I have Just come to Say Hello and to tell you about other Podcast that are on there way to you...As a Spiritual Teacher you will find me on other platforms Advising and Teaching Others on how to Stay more Positive in their Life! But I have always wanted to do Podcast,so here I am-Welcome to my very First Podcast!…
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