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Im myndway Podcast gibt es spannende Tipps und Inhalte aus den Bereichen Führung, Innovation und Good Work in Verbindung mit Achtsamkeit. Die Moderatorin Dr. Martina Weifenbach setzt sich als Autorin, Speaker, Coach und myndway CEO seit Jahren mit Achtsamkeit auseinander. Ihre Vision ist es, durch achtsame Führung Bewegung in der Wirtschaft zu schaffen. Die Podcast Folgen geben einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf eine bewusste Wirtschaftswelt inklusive Tipps und Tools für den Arbeitsalltag. Durch ...
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Hello there! Welcome to The MyndStories Podcast! Here, we share insights and guidance to help every Indian navigate their unique mental health journey. We have open conversations with therapists, gender rights activists, and business leaders, among others. Listen as they share stories about personal struggles and how they overcame them. Join us for new episodes every week. Write to to tell us what you would love to hear about more. Please rate, review, and subscribe t ...
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Willkommen bei MYNDCLOUD Podcast 2.0 - das wahrscheinlich abwechslungsreichste & authentischste Podcast aller Zeiten! Gestern Wolke 7, heute iCloud - doch das was deine Zukunft bestimmt sind deine täglichen Gedanken ! Upgrade deine Gedanken, dein Wissen aufs nächste Level. #Myndcloud ist dein persönlicher mobiler Begleiter auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, zum Strand oder einfach für zwischendurch. Egal in welcher Situation du dich befindest dein Myndcloud enthält alles was du brauchst.
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On ne devient pas celui qu’on veut devenir en restant qui on est. Améliorer ses finances, ses compétences et son niveau de vie est possible. Écoutez le podcast Myndee et optimisez votre réussite !
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MyNDTRAPt Podcast

MyNDTRAPt Podcast

Pod-cast show about allowing those who want to be heard to heard. Authentic communication from the heart and soul. Minding the gap between the differences of the psyche of the minds.
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The Myndful Investor Podcast features real estate thought leaders, active investors and other experts in the real estate industry. Our goal is to educate our listeners on real estate investing and current trends in the market. Find us at
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MyNDTALK with Dr. Pamela Brewer

MyNDTALK with Dr Pamela Brewer

Daily 30 minute relationship and mental health information conversations hosted by Pamela Brewer. Monday focus is men, Tuesday focus is on transitions, Wednesday focus is on women, Thursday (Thoughtful Thursday) we hear from clinical experts, Friday (Friday : On The Psychological Side) takes an expansive look at the world at large from a psychological perspective.
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Welcome to Miracle Myndfulness where we expand our consciousness and discuss many of life's beautiful plights and victories with the intention of healing the mind, body, and soul.
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Dein Experten-Podcast zum Thema Storytelling, Gamification und Innovation versorgt dich mit Hintergründen, Informationen und Interviews mit Menschen die für diese 3 Themen brennen. Denn 2019 haben wir mit dem Innovationskartenspiel Myndset nicht nur ein Produkt kreiert, sondern auch Menschen zusammengebracht die andere inspirieren. Hier ist dein Podcast mit Menschen die wirklich was bewegen und dich mit Inspirationen und Anwendungsbeispielen für dein Business versorgen.
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The Mynde Estate

A young man learns of his estranged fathers death and inherits his estate. On the way to figuring out more about his father and the estate he encounters horrific creatures while coming to terms with reality and himself. A 5 part series, Radio Show / Audio Drama(podcast) based on classic horror/suspense genre. Written By: Kaleb Nelson Directed by: Tonia, Assistant Directors: Julie & Kaleb Presented by: Post Production By: Awkward Audio Adaptations(Julie & Tonia) Starring Tyler ...
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Roberto Forzoni is one of the world’s leading authorities on performance psychology and an acclaimed speaker. Before starting his successful consultancy, Roberto coached football at Crystal Palace, Brentford and Brighton. Whilst helping West Ham United get into Europe and an FA Cup Final, he was invited to take up the National Performance Psychologist role at the Lawn Tennis Association. He regularly appears on BBC TV, SKY TV and other news networks and is an expert adviser to BBC Radio, whe ...
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show series
How do you manage difficult emotions? Kaajal Ahuja has some answers. In this insightful episode, host Smitha Murthy has an unscripted conversation with Kaajal Ahuja about vulnerability, grief, and the importance of sitting with difficult emotions. Kaajal gets refreshingly real about the exhaustion of living behind emotional masks. For years, Kajal …
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Have you ever felt consumed by grief and loss, struggling to cope with the overwhelming void it creates? Whether it's the heartbreaking loss of a loved one, a devastating breakup, or even a job loss that shatters your identity, grief comes in many forms. Yet, there's an unspoken pressure to "move on" quickly, leaving many to grapple with complex em…
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Socializing can be great - it can help build connections, it helps you learn from different perspectives and it can help take your mind away from a bad day. It can also be challenging, especially if you go through social anxiety because it can force you to face your imperfections. If you’re unable to be comfortable in your own skin, things can spir…
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"Die Welt ist mein Campus." - Dr. Thomas Funke ist Gründer der Tomorrow University und spricht in dieser Podcast Folge mit Dr. Martina Weifenbach über die Zukunftsuniversität. Im Gespräch der beiden Innovationsbegeisterten geht es auch um - neue Ansätze in der universitären Lehre, die so neu nicht sind - Sinn, Vision und Mission und warum das für S…
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Attachment styles - we all have one, but do we really understand how they impact our relationships? In this fascinating episode of The Therapy Room, host Smitha sits down with therapist and Unfix Clinic founder Aanandita for an enlightening discussion on the different attachment styles and how they play out in romantic relationships. Whether you're…
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In this thought-provoking and emotionally candid conversation episode, Smitha Murthy talks to Renuka, a mental health advocate and suicide prevention activist, unfolding Renuka's life journey. It's one that has traversed darkness and light, tragedy and renewal, pain and profound healing. Renuka peels back the layers to reveal how creative self-expr…
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Entrepreneurship is a roller-coaster. It’s a journey that takes tremendous courage to even start because there’s nothing guaranteed. In a lot of ways, it’s a great metaphor for life. It teaches you life lessons - how to fail, how to handle adversity, and how to get back up. Ultimately it’s worth it because you get to truly make an impact on people’…
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Mindful Leadership entsteht im Innen und verändert das Außen. In diesem Gespräch trifft Dr. Martina Weifenbach auf Dr. Yana Heussen. Die beiden Mindful Fempreneurs unterhalten sich im Gespräch über - Yanas Artikel - einem Märchen für die Zukunft - im Buch "Erfolgsformel Achtsamkeit" - die Neurowissenschaft zu Achtsamkeitspraktiken und deren Mehrwer…
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Grow with kindness and love in our next English episode. In this episode Dr. Martina Weifenbach talks to Joy Ravelli and Eric Kendall-Sparks, the owners of Purusha Yoga School in San Francisco. In this joyful and deep conversation, you will learn more about - how Eric and Joy serve their yogic and wider community in San Francisco - how they manage …
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Can we outrun loneliness? In The Rider, poet Naomi Shihab Nye seems to suggest that we can. Loneliness can be escaped. The rider, then, is you, me, and anyone who wants to escape this crushing feeling. Loneliness, that most ubiquitous of emotions, goes from abstract to concrete in this conversational, free-verse poem. Loneliness gains a persona and…
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Have you heard of glimmers? They are the opposite of triggers. Glimmers are small moments of safety, joy, love, and contentment. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the sense of wonder essential to finding glimmers that help in enjoying a fuller life. It makes a case for holding on to a sense of wonder and awe and what it can bring to a person’s wel…
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What about joy makes us feel a tad worried about embracing it wholeheartedly? Nightmares about bad luck and the evil eye hold us back from truly enjoying the good times, revelling in them so they leave a shining mark on our souls. In his poem, Little Stones at My Window, Mario Benedetti writes a tender letter to joy, to its miraculous properties of…
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Radikale Entscheidungen treffen - mutig neue Wege gehen. In diesem Podcast sprechen die zwei Power-Frauen Dr. med. Lisa-Marlen Spathelf und Dr. Martina Weifenbach über Überraschungen und Veränderungen im Leben. Sie teilen vor allem eine ganz besondere Überraschung: Das neue Buch "Erfolgsformel Achtsamkeit" von Martina (Hrsg.), das im März 2024 ersc…
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Kindness moves the world. And so does gratitude. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the lasting effects of good deeds and how kindness and gentleness brings joy to everyone. 'Lulah, the Fish, and the Whale,’ is an unusual exploration of the power of gratitude and the magic of empathy all while having a whale of a time! Dear Mynd aims to create and …
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ADHD has challenges. But it also has its superpowers. Join Ankit Narasimhan in this enlightening episode of The Therapy Room as we delve into the complex world of ADHD with Vaishnavi Madarkal, Psychologist, Life Coach and Trauma Therapist. From dispelling misconceptions to exploring the nuanced manifestations of ADHD, Vaishnavi shares her views on …
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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the struggles of everyday life? Do you feel the pressure of being a "good" person? In Mary Oliver's poem ‘Wild Geese’ she urges us to focus on staying true to ourselves. In her gentle way, the poet says, "You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repentin…
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What are mental health conversations without the diversity of neurodivergence? Smitha Murthy talks to Akshay CM, who was diagnosed with C-PTSD and Autism last year. But Akshay is more than that. He tells us just how he leads life through all the invisible disabilities, finds joy in everyday conversations and interactions, and the power of manifesta…
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Dream Big - und warum das gar nicht immer so leicht ist. Darüber unterhalten sich Dr. Martina und Tim Weifenbach in dieser Folge. Dieser Jahresrückblick ist fast schon myndway Tradition. In dem Gespräch erfahrt Ihr von - Martinas und Tims Höhen und Tiefen im Jahr 2023 - dem neuen Buch "Erfolgsformel Achtsamkeit" von Martina als Autorin und Herausge…
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Swati Nair and Srividya Sivakumar dream about buttered popcorn and cold coffee as they talk about books and movies and the indelible connection between the two. Which is better? Books? Or movies? No matter which camp you pledge allegiance to, you’re sure to enjoy this episode. Some of the movies will come as no surprise. The Godfather. Atonement. O…
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Do you think anger is a "bad" emotion? Is there a difference between emotions and feelings? In this episode of The Therapy Room, we talk to Kanika Choudhary, Lead Clinical Psychologist at DocVita about examining our inner selves with curiosity and compassion. Kanika shares some powerful guidelines on understanding emotions, and the underlying needs…
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Wie bringt man Optimismus in die digitale Innovation und Transformation? Darüber sprechen Ulrich Irnich und Dr. Martina Weifenbach in dieser Folge. Erfahrt in dieser inspirierenden Unterhaltung der 2 Innovationspioniere - warum es 4E's braucht, um als Führungskraft Innovation zu treiben - wie die 3 M: Meet, Move, Make Euch in depressiven Phasen hel…
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This was one of the most vulnerable conversations you can find. One where two people who really don't know each other all that spoke about the raw beauty of pain, the small glimmers of everyday gratitude, and the iridescent rays of hope. Quote from the conversation "Just tell people you love them" We talk about Why pain and vulnerability are both e…
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Srividya Sivakumar and Swati Nair dig deep into what makes works of literature iconic and unforgettable. Why novels like Rebecca and Wuthering Heights stand the test of time and how mental health is a strong, enduring theme. Along the way they ask questions about the characterization of women characters in the novels, how mental health is depicted …
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Wie entwickelst Du Power auf Social Media und bleibst dabei gelassen? Darüber unterhalten sich Daniel Zoll und Dr. Martina Weifenbach in dieser Folge. In ihrem Gespräch teilt Daniel - wie er gelernt hat, sich von Social Media nicht triggern zu lassen - warum Social Media ein Spiel sind - wie er aus Großzügigkeit im Netz Energie und Power gewinnt Da…
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In this episode, Smitha talks with author Shreya Ramachandran about writing, books, and mental health. Well, that's a given. Shreya talks about how she managed anxiety from a young age and the process of writing a fictional book about a girl who lives with depression. Shreya gives us simple ways to manage anxiety, including meditation, investigatin…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all: our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of courage in adversity, the sheer dint of self-will and the ability to look at a…
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In this very first episode of our new podcast series, The Therapy Room, we talk to Sanchita Agrawal, a licensed Clinical Psychologist at DocVita for some answers. Very often, every day, we are all dealing with unresolved emotions, past experiences, and behaviors that act as triggers. Sanchita shares insightful tips and outlines grounding and relaxa…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all: our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of the sheer power of solitude, the freedom that comes with choosing one’s own co…
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Was ist das Großartige an Deinem Problem? Diese Frage stellt Felix Hofmann in dieser Folge an Dr. Martina Weifenbach und alle Hörer*innen. In der aktuellen Folge challengt der Innovationsexperte und Autor das klassische Innovationsmanagement. Zudem erfährst Du in der Folge: - warum Felix lieber Studienabbrecher und Gründer werden wollte - warum sic…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all; our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of drug addiction in a 15-year-old. It uses a first-person narrative in a story c…
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What does it mean to be a life coach? What does it mean to be a parent? And how do you balance life around all the things you love? Smitha has an interesting conversation about life, parenthood, life coaching and a lot more with Krusha Sahjwani Malkani an ICF certified life and career coach. This was a long and truly joyful chat with lots of takeaw…
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Was ist eigentlich Glück? Darüber unterhalten sich Dr. Martina Weifenbach und Leonard Gabriel Heygster von in dieser Folge. In ihrem Gespräch geht es - um Glück aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive - darum einen Zugang zu sich selbst zu finden - die Matrix der Verbundenheit - Employer Branding, Unternehmenskulturen und Wohlbefinden…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all; our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of conforming to a norm, and the difficulty of being your own person. It uses a s…
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Trigger Warning: Suicide, self-harm In this story written specially for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, writer Smitha Murthy introduces us to Varsha, a young woman with a life-changing, life-saving mission. The story slowly traces a thread of a conversation, bringing it to an altogether unexpected ending. I Saw Her First explores de…
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Über das Erblühen im Leben geht es in dieser Folge mit Dr. Martina Weifenbach und Lienhard Valentin . In diesem regen Gespräch lernt Ihr mehr über - Lienhard Valentins Weg als Gründer eines Verlags, Vereins und Seminarzentrums - Achtsamkeit als Eltern und Care-Giver - Internal Family Systems und warum wir öfter mit den inneren Kind sprechen sollten…
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Trigger warning: This episode mentions suicide. Please find a list of helpline numbers here with the Suicide Prevention Helpline Directory (India). In this new episode of the MyndStories Minis, Smitha Murthy talks to Shilpa Kulkarni, the founder of Shiv's Third Eye, a non-profit in the US dedicated to the cause of youth mental health. Shilpa is an …
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all; our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of using creativity to explore dreams. It uses a story - Saraswati Learns to Swim…
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In dieser Folge reflektieren die 3 M's Dr.Martina Weifenbach, Marlena Lüneburg und Melanie Lirk den Unterschied zwischen Ablenkung und Entspannung. Hört rein und erfahrt mehr zu Fragen wie - Warum lenken wir uns eigentlich ab? - Welche Methoden helfen uns wirklich zu entspannen? - Was Schokolade mit Dopamin und Social Media zu tun hat? Uns interess…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all; our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of chasing your dreams, against all odds. It uses a story - The Salesman by Shikh…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories and that simple fact that connects us all; our human experiences. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. This episode of Dear Mynd explores the theme of unfamiliar settings. It uses a story - A Helping Hand by Payal Dhar and illust…
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In dieser Podcast-Folge nimmt uns Weltenbauerin und Gründerin der Cosmiq Universe AG Annika Kessel mit ins Metaverse. Mit Dr. Martina Weifenbach spricht sie darüber - was Web 2 und was Web 3 ist - wie wir unsere Schöpferkraft im Metaverse entdecken können - warum es wichtig ist, sich von Konzepten zu lösen, um wirklich bewusst zu leben Lasst Euch v…
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A free-ranging conversation this one, touching on life, parents, childhood, friendship, boundaries, and self-care. It's not often that two people can meet on a podcast, and walk away as friends. But that's what happened. Quote from the conversation "I get this comment saying that sometimes it's okay to let go and chill and enjoy and laugh. And why …
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Hope is the thing with feathers is one of those poems that's immediately associated with the poet. It ranks up there for me with Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou, and Where The Mind Is Without Fear by Rabindranath Tagore. Hope is a vibrant, quiet, ebullient presence in this piece. Details of the episode Things are often difficult but staying strong…
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How can we make kindness the focus of our life? Is it even worth it? What's the difference between being kind and being taken for granted? Or people-pleasing? These were some of the questions that Nirmala Peters Mehendale answered. This was a joyful conversation that shows us that mental well-being is also this: being kind and taking care of oursel…
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In dieser Podcast-Folge spricht Dr. Martina Weifenbach mit Oliver Tappe über das Bewusstsein. Oliver sagt: "Das Bewusstsein ist der Stoff, aus dem alles gezaubert ist." Doch was genau bedeutet das? Erfahrt in dieser Folge - Was hinter der Monroe Methode steckt. - Wie sie Oliver geholfen hat, bewusster zu leben und auf ganz neuen Berufswegen erfolgr…
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Dear Mynd aims to create and encourage conversations around mental health. We do this through stories, through shared experiences that teach us that we are not alone. We are, after all, our stories. And our stories are us. In this intriguing titled ‘The One That Almost Went Away’, writer Smitha Murthy introduces us to Aarav, who seems to be poised …
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None of us want to be weak and none of us want to be seen as weak. But that does not mean we suffer in silence, which a lot of men seem to be doing. There is a big difference between vulnerability and weakness and in this episode we dig deeper into this. Why is depression so misunderstood? What does research tell us about how masculine depression d…
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