Cerita tentang sebuah petualangan dari Ramdan Nahdi di dunia Mistis dan Penuh dengan cerita dan kisah horor yang tidak masuk akal. Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata yang diceritakan kembali dengan sebuah kisah awal berjudul Teror Nek Ipah, teror yang datang dari mahkluk jahat dengan meminjam tubuh seorang nenek bernama Nek Ipah.
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Matt. 7: 7-11Oleh Dr. Rhett Payne
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Sunday SermonsOleh Sunday Sermons
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"God's Protection" in Matt. 6:9-13
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1:21:36Matt. 6:9-13Oleh Dr. Rhett Payne
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fpcmeridian.comOleh Sunday Sermons
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Sunday SermonsOleh Sunday Sermons
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Hi apa kabar? Bertemu lagi akhirnya, aku kangen pengen cerita ke kamu. Sekarang aku lanjutin lagi ya. i really missing You. Setelah Dani kehilangan sesosok anak kecil itu, akhirnya Dani bisa bertemu dengan nya. Nah gimana tuh pertemuannya dengan sosok anak kecil bernama Dirga itu? Yuk ikuti ceritaku selanjutnya di episode 18 ini. Semoga berkenan ya…
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Akhir cerita petualangan misteri Dani kecil (season 1), tunggu kelanjutan cerita Dani remaja hingga dewasa yang semakin menengangkan di season selanjutnya. Buat kamu yang belum sempat mendengarkan kisah awal Dani ini, yuk dimulai dari Episode 1 - Pertemuan Pertama
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Bagaimana kejadian sebenarnya sukma Irma diculik? Dengarkan penuturan Irma selengkapnya disini. #terornekipah
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Sukma Irma diculik sesosok misterius. Adakah yang mampu menemukannya? Bagaimana dengan Dani? #terornekipah
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The Book of Romans - Part 20"How to Be Saved"Romans 10:1-21Dr. Rhett Payne IIIOleh Sunday Sermons
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Korban Baru Nek Ipah
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Kisah Nyata Dani, semakin menegangkan. Banyak kejadian aneh yang dialami.
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Kisah Nyata Dani, yang tidak kuat dengarkan harus cari temen untuk nemenin yah, soalnya serem ceritanya. petualangan misteri dani, gak bisa didengerin sendirian. yuk share juga ke teman-teman kamu.
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Kisah Nyata
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#terornekipah #suaratonni
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#terornekipah #suaratonni
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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Dani semenjak kejadian aneh itu, selalu dihantui perasaan aneh. Menyeramkan, bagaimana kisah danni selanjutnya? berani dengerin? lanjutin terus kisahnya. #terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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Kisah tentang Teror Nek Ipah #terornekipah #suaratonni
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#terornekipah #suaratonni IG : @terornekipah
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Series: We Hope In The Lord: Truths For A Troubled World Part 3: “While It Is Still Today!” Verses: Hebrews 3:7-19Dr. Rhett G. Payne, IIIOleh Sunday Sermons
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Truths For A Troubled World: The God Who Gets Me
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32:59We Hope In The Lord“Truths For A Troubled World” Part 2“The God Who Gets Me”Hebrews 4:14-5:6Dr, Rhett G. Payne, IIIOleh Sunday Sermons
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Truths For A Troubled World: Our Anchor
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36:27We Hope In The Lord “Truths For A Troubled World” Part 1“Our Anchor” Hebrews 6:13-7:3Dr, Rhett G. Payne, IIIOleh Sunday Sermons
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“Where Courage Comes From” Acts 4:23-31Mr. Chip CowsertOleh Sunday Sermons
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Easter Sunday Message“When In Doubt” John 20:24-29Oleh Sunday Sermons
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Series- Journey to the Cross: “The Daily Events Surrounding Holy Week” - Part 6Title - Friday: A Day of Passion Verse - Matthew 27:11ffOleh Sunday Sermons
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Journey to the Cross - “The Daily Events Surrounding Holy Week” - Part 5Thursday: Failing SuccessfullyLuke 22:31-34, Mark 14:27-42Dr. Rhett G. Payne, IIIOleh Sunday Sermons
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Series - Journey to the Cross: The Timeline of Events Surrounding Holy Week - Part 4Sermon - Wednesday: A Day of ContrastsScripture - John 12:1-11Oleh Sunday Sermons
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Series - Journey to the Cross: The Timeline of Events Surrounding Holy Week - Part 3Sermon - Tuesday: Who’s in Charge Here?Scripture - Luke 20:1ffOleh Sunday Sermons
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Series - Journey to the Cross: The Timeline of Events Surrounding Holy Week - Part 2Sermon - Monday: This Is My HouseScripture - Mark 11:12-19Oleh Sunday Sermons
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Sunday: The King Who Comes in Peace
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28:17Series - Journey to the Cross: The Timeline of Events Surrounding Holy WeekSermon - Sunday: The King Who Comes in Peace Scripture - Luke 19:28-44Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 18“The Comfort of God’s Faithfulness”Romans 8:28-39Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 17“Hope When There Seems to Be None”Romans 8:18-27Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 16“God Our Father”Romans 8:5-17Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 15“No Condemnation”Romans 8:1-4Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 14“Divided Loyalty”Romans 7:14-25aOleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 13"Can't You Read the Sign?"Romans 7:1-13Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 12“Slaves of Christ”Romans 6:15-7:6Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 11The Imitation of ChristRomans 6:1-14Oleh Sunday Sermons
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“Who’s Really In Charge”Psalm 127:1-5Mr. Chip CowsertOleh Sunday Sermons
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Christmas Eve - “The Light of the World”
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27:44“The Light of the World”John 1:1-5, 9-14; John 8:12Oleh Sunday Sermons
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All About Christmas - Part 3“Christmas Loneliness”Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-23Oleh Sunday Sermons
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All About Christmas - Part 2“Christmas Depression”Lamentations 3Oleh Sunday Sermons
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Christmas Fantasia 2019: The Child of the PromiseFPC Worship Director and Conductor - Michael Howard GibsonOleh Sunday Sermons
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All About Christmas - Part 1“Christmas Stress”Matthew 1:18-24Oleh Sunday Sermons
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The Book of Romans - Part 11“Cause, Then Effect”Romans 5:12-17Oleh Sunday Sermons
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