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Today, I want to speak to you about the importance of guarding your heart or (protecting your) heart. I also want to take some time to explain what that actually means. When I say “guard your heart”, I’m not talking about the organ that beats in your chest. That’s your natural heart, that pumps blood through your body and keeps your physical body a…
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Recently, I released a prophetic word stating that “your winter ❄️ is over”. I stated that you’re about to give birth to some dreams, that you thought had been aborted, dead, and were gone forever. I mentioned that, although you thought they were dead, they weren’t dead, they were just hibernating for the winter. I also told you that your season wa…
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Today is Resurrection Sunday. This is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This past Thursday, Jesus had His last supper with His disciples, He went to Gethsamane to pray and to prepare for the sufferings that were about to take place. He was then betrayed by a man He called friend; named Judas. On Good Friday, He wa…
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The martial relationship supersedes all other natural relationships. Even the relationship between parents and children. The child is the parents responsibility up until they get married. After that, husbands and wives are to care for and provide for one another. Leaving their mother and father, and cleaving to one another. That, of course, doesn’t…
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Last week, I mentioned that you have to be prepared and processed to receive the blessings of God. Why? Because someone that is not prepared and processed for His blessings, will (ultimately) lose the blessing due to mismanagement. That’s why you can’t leave a million dollar inheritance to a five year old child. Its not about love, but about the ab…
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Last Sunday, I know that dropped a bomb 💣 on you by saying that, you don’t have what you’re believing for, yet, because you’re not ready for it. Last week, I mentioned that you have to be prepared and processed to receive the blessings of God. Why? Because someone that is not prepared and processed for His blessings, will (ultimately) lose the bles…
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This is my real point. You have to be prepared and processed for the blessings of God. The reason why you don’t have what you want right now, is not because God doesn’t want to bless you with it, (but) because you’re not ready for it. You have to go through the process of being made, so you can be ready for His blessings. You don't want to miss thi…
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Your success or failure (in life) will be determined by how you handle provocation, jealousy, and envy. Provocation is an action or speech that makes someone angry; especially deliberately. With that being said, have you ever been provoked by someone? Has someone ever told you that you can’t do this or do that? Has someone ever told you that you’re…
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I was in prayer recently, and I heard the Lord say that there is a difference between “FAKE Blessings” and “FAITH Blessings”. He said that FAITH blessings are created by sowing seeds of faith. Seeds of faith, just like any other seed, take time to grow up, because they grow downward first (to develop a root system), then they grow up out of the gro…
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The amazing thing about “current trouble” is that it can make you forget about past triumphs. I mean, just a day prior, the Israelites witnessed God destroy Egypt and kill every firstborn male child. You would think that the Israelites would not be worried about Pharaoh and his army anymore, but they’re completely terrified. At this moment, they’re…
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Today, I want to take this message a step further, because having “NOW Faith” is not enough. Once you start having faith, your faith must be constant. Your faith must then be released through your words and actions. Doubt must be eliminated from your heart. No matter what happens, no matter what the enemy does, you must continue to have faith in Go…
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As you all know, today is Christmas Day. Today, people (from all over the world) will be giving and receiving gifts and I think that's beautiful. I love to give gifts and I love to receive gifts. But, I just wanted to remind everyone about the real reason that we have this season. His name is Jesus. Today, I want to talk about what we can give Him …
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How you ever found yourself in a situation like this? Everything around you is dead? In other words, nothing is working and nothing is happening. Everything around you looks hopeless and helpless. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt like there was no way out? Have you ever thought to yourself, “what am I going to do to get ou…
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Also, change doesn’t happen in your life, just because God loves you. Change will only happen when you decide that change needs to come, and you do something about it. There are many people that have been waiting years for their life to change, but they’re in the same place they were 10 years ago. Why? Because they haven’t done anything to cause a …
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For that last couple of weeks, we talked about the fact that fruit of your life begins with what you think (on a regular basis), which produces the fruit of your lips (or your words), and (ultimately) produces the things you do (or your actions). This is the fruit that grows out of our lives. These are the things that God is looking at. These are t…
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Last Sunday, we talked about the fact that fruit of your life is defined as; What you think 🤔 (on a regular basis), what you speak 🗣, and (ultimately) what you do. This is the fruit that grows out of our lives. These are the things that God is looking at. These are the things that we will (ultimately) going to be judged by, so we better make sure t…
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This past Thursday, on “Let’s Talk with Pastor Gavin Taylor”, Pastor Todd ministered on the fact that not everyone is going to heaven. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, make sure that you go back and watch it. One of the things that he mentioned was the fact that we had to be producing good fruit, not bad fruit, to make sure that we make it in.…
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I recently went down a “rabbit hole” as I was studying the scriptures. As I was in my personal study time, my eyes fixed on one statement and I couldn’t let it go. That statement was “God is Faithful”. I know that’s a simple statement, but it really stuck out to me, so I began to research how many times the Bible states that “God is Faithful”, and …
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Today, I want to specifically speak to those that are feeling weary and are overwhelmed with life. I want to speak to those that are feeling like they don’t know how they’re going to make it. Those that are struggling and need help. Now, this might now be for everyone right now at this moment, but we will all need to know what to do when we reach t…
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The Bible says that God “is able to carry out His purpose” in our lives. Let’s just stop there for a moment, so I can say this. God is going to do everything that He said that He would do in our lives. Not just because God wants to, but because He’s able to. You see, a lot of people have good intentions, but they lack the power and authority to bri…
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This anniversary marked the completion of year number 9. The number 9 in the scriptures means divine completeness or finality, harvest, and fruitfulness. In the natural, a full term pregnancy last 9 months. Then, the woman gives birth. For this past year, I believe that we’ve been in a birthing position, carrying and developing the promise to full …
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There are rewards for our service to the Lord, and I’m not just talking about heaven. Heaven is the ultimate reward. But God has also made provisions for us on earth. The Bible states that if we would seek the kingdom of God, FIRST, than all the other things, that we’re believing for, will be added to us. Your work for the Lord is not in vain. Neve…
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In a horse 🐎 race, horses wear blinders to prevent them from being distracted. Many racehorse trainers believe that blinders keep horses focused on what is in front of them, encouraging them to pay attention to the race rather than the distractions, such as crowds. Horses sometimes need to be made to focus and blinders keep the horse’s eye focused …
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Last week, I mentioned that you (as born again believers) already have everything that you need to live a successful and Godly life. God has left us with His Word and His Spirit to ensure our success in life. Those two things are all we will ever need to live a wealthy, healthy, and holy life. God made sure that we had all the help we would ever ne…
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Last week, I mentioned that you (as born again believers) already have everything that you need to live a successful and Godly life. God has left us with His Word and His Spirit to ensure our success in life. Those two things are all we will ever need to live a wealthy, healthy, and holy life. God made sure that we had all the help we would ever ne…
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First of all, you have to settle it in your mind and in your heart that God wants you to prosper. In fact, this scripture states that above all things, God wants you to prosper (financially) and be in good health (physically, spiritually, and emotionally). In fact, He “delights” and “takes pleasure” in your prosperity. I’m mentioning this because i…
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Today, I wanted to talk about the importance of being in the presence of God. There is protection and safety that comes with abiding in His presence. In His presence, God is able to protect you from danger that’s happening around you. His presence is like an invisible bubble that you’re living in. You’re physically in the presence of danger, but yo…
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One of our great missions in life is to find the door that God has opened for us. Oftentimes, we waste time trying to open doors, that God hasn't opened for us. This leads to a great deal of frustration in our lives. If we focus on finding the doors that God has already opened for us, our lives would be a whole lot easier.…
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How many of you have prayed the Lord’s Prayer? I’m sure that most (if not all) of you have. If you have, did you realize that literally asked God to forgive your sins in the same way that forgive others sins? I suppose that would be a good thing if you are the type of person that’s quick to forgive others for their wrongdoings; but, if you don’t, d…
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I am making a distinction right now between natural wisdom and Godly wisdom. Natural Wisdom, as we discussed earlier, is the ability to use knowledge accurately for results. In other words, Natural Wisdom is when a person does what he knows to do. That is what makes a person wise in the natural. Knowledge is the attaining of accurate information, b…
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Quitting is the only thing that can stop you from receiving God’s promises, and the devil knows that. That’s why he is working overtime to distract you. He is trying to trip you up as you’re running your race. You know when most people fall? When they’re not watching where they’re going. Most people trip and run into things, when they’re distracted…
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When Israel was about to take possession of the Promised Land, God told them to kick every enemy out of the promised land. They were supposed to "drive out all the inhabitants of the land, destroy all their figured stones and all their molten images and completely demolish all their [idolatrous] high places, and take possession of the land and dwel…
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This past week, I mentioned that God is not into quantity, but He’s after quality. In other words, God is not into numbers. We may be into numbers, but God isn’t. He doesn’t need a lot of people to do a great work. He just needs people that will trust Him and that are willing to be used in a supernatural way. Now, if you want to be one of the “few”…
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As I was preparing for this message, it became very obvious to me that God is not into quantity, but He’s after quality. In other words, God is not into numbers. We may be into numbers, but God isn’t. He doesn’t need a lot of people to do a great work. He just needs people that are willing to be used in a supernatural way. He gives us the exact rea…
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This upcoming Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins Passion Week. The following Sunday will be Easter Sunday. To kick this off, while still continuing with the theme of our last service, about the things that can hinder us from receiving God’s best, I thought it would be appropriate to minister this message tonight. I’m going to talk about the births…
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The only way to stay focused is to look away from everything that will distract you, and to fix your eyes on a target. That target is our Lord Jesus Christ. We focus on the fact that He completed His race, by staying focused, and now He has been exalted to the highest position ever created. He is now seated at the right hand of God, as the undisput…
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We serve a God that is a covenant keeping God. A God that has backed everything that He has said that He would give us with a promise and an oath. Both of these things, the Bible says are immutable (or unchangeable). That just means that when He makes you a promise, that’s backed by His oath, you can take it to the bank. You see, when you’re trying…
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Alright, so this is the first week of the 2021 and God gave me some fresh revelation about creation. There was a lot of scripture to pick through, but these are the things that really stuck out to me. There is so much to dissect, but I believe that God is really speaking to me (and us) through the book of Genesis. Things that will help us to prospe…
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Without a question, this year has been an extremely trying year for many people and I don’t want to stand up here and downplay that at all. Many people have struggled to get through this year. Many have watched their friends and loved ones go home to be with the lord. Without a doubt, many people have shed many tears. With all that being said, ther…
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Right now, many people are concerned about the pandemic and what it has done, and the fear of what it may do to our economy. Many are believing that we’re heading for a severe recession, or maybe, a depression. Many people have lost their sources of income, due to this pandemic, and many people fear that it will just get worse. Today, I want to enc…
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Today, I won't be focusing on the person of Jesus. My goal is to talk to you about the power that resides in the name of Jesus, and the privilege that we’ve been given, as believers, to wield that power. Now, the name “Jesus” means “Jehovah Saves” or rescues, defends, delivers, preserves, avenges, and brings the victory. This name also means to suc…
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"The Lord Who Sanctifies or Consecrates”. To sanctify or consecrate means to set apart, or separate, or to declare holy. Being consecrated means to be separated for God's purpose. When you become one of God’s children, He separates you from the rest of the world. This separation is for your protection and because He wants to bless you. When He sepa…
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Throughout the scriptures God makes himself known, to His people, by many names. These names were all representative of an attribute of His character and His power. They were descriptive of what He is able and what He’s willing to do in the lives of His people. He used these names to paint a picture of Himself, so that you and I would know that we …
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