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show episodes

O Mundo a Seus Pés

Ana França, Hélder Gomes, Pedro Cordeiro e Mara Tribuna

Podcast da secção de internacional do Expresso assinado por Hélder Gomes, Pedro Cordeiro, Ana França, e Mara Tribuna. Episódios semanais sobre assuntos que dominam a atualidade mundial, com jornalistas, correspondentes e outros convidados
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Pestka Podcast: Rozmawiamy o kreatywności. W cotygodniowym odcinku podcastu, jego twórca Maciej Pestka rozmawia z twórcami wszelkiej maści o kreatywności. Bo kreatywność nie ma jednego stanowiska, więc może przyjść pani z warzywniaka, celebryta albo art director. I gwarantuję, że każda z tych rozmów może odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czym ta kreatywność właściwie jest. Nie ma tu sztucznej nadymki, jest tylko szczerość w luźnej rozmowie. Każdy odcinek dostępny jest na You Tube oraz Spotify. Nawrzu ...
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Parecia Tão Boa Pessoa

Maria João e Paula Neves

Um podcast de true crime e comédia, apresentado por Paula Neves e Maria João. Em cada episódio a Paula e a João contam uma à outra uma história de crime real, descobrindo todo o leque de facetas do ser humano que vão do "tinha mesmo ar de maluco" ao "parecia tão boa pessoa". Falem conosco através do email:
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Discover Pest Perspectives: The Ultimate Pest Management Podcast with Shaun Muller Welcome to Pest Perspectives, your go-to pest control podcast hosted by Shaun Muller from Oakham Pest Control Ltd. Designed to both educate and entertain, this podcast explores every facet of the pest management industry, offering insights, trends, and stories that keep pest control professionals informed and engaged. Pest Perspectives is your essential guide for: Understanding Pest Control: Dive deep into the ...
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Pest Posse TV

The Pest Posse

Pest Posse TV provides pest management professionals with a trusted independent resource to help achieve better skills and knowledge of the pest control industry. Each week a new episode is released that provides reviews on pest control-related products that you may or may not know about, interviews with industry leaders and so much more. Watch the video versions for free on Pest Posse TV plus other video-based content like Today's PMP, Pest Posse Academy Training, and so much more. Check it ...
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Pesem v žepu


Na robu večera ne potrebuješ nobenih velikih besed, samo greš. Kitara v kovčku, klobuk na glavi in … Pesem v žepu. Poneseš jo na oder ali na cesto; pustiš ji, da poišče pot do tujih ušes. Tudi skozi radijski eter, kjer je našla svoj dom v večerni glasbeni oddaji. Skozi slovensko kantavtorsko in avtorsko sceno se s pesmijo v žepu sprehaja glasbena urednica Teja Klobčar.
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Esse é o Podcast do Reino em Pessoa. Um canal de conteúdo sobre espiritualidade cristã. As demandas da religião cansam e oprimem. A fé cristã é liberdade, alivio, refrigério. O que falta à religião é alma. A alma da fé é a Espiritualidade.
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Comedian Tim Gaither-The Positive Pessimist

Comedian Tim Gaither-The Positive Pessimist

Comedian. 20 years. 18 yrs for a living. Headlining 42 states, 3 countries and yearly in Vegas. Tim is a paid regular at the Comedy Store, Laugh Factory and Comedy & Magic Club in LA. Tim is also a Huge College and International wrestling fan. Ck out some clips of his stand up on Thanks for following!
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Are you tired of unwanted pests invading your Granbury home? Then you need to listen to Pest Control Granbury! This podcast is your one-stop shop for all things pest control in the Granbury area. We'll talk to experts about the latest tips and tricks for keeping pests out of your home, and we'll also share some personal stories from listeners about their own pest control experiences. Whether you're dealing with ants, termites, spiders, or anything in between, Pest Control Granbury has you co ...
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Welcome to Pessimistic at Best, a podcast for those with a penchant for frequent frustrations, personal gripes, unpopular opinions, honest observations, and the like. Hosted by Sam, your resident Pessimistic Patty, this weekly show dares to ask the question—have we tried listening to women? Each week, Sam sits down with a guest to explore the good, the bad, and the ugly. A surprisingly good country album by your favorite pop artist, a bad bang trim you gave yourself during a manic episode, a ...
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Pest Control

Pest Control Pod

Pest Control is an actual-play horror tabletop show from AltHaven. Join Keeper Sam R, and players William, Jonas, and Sam D as they get lost in fantastical worlds featuring compelling characters, engaging story, and thrilling twists! Season 1, "Fate", originally ran in 2019 as a livestream on the AltHaven (formerly Queuetimes) main YouTube channel. It uses the Monster of the Week game system. It follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United St ...
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Pestrý podcast

Štúdio Štúrova

PP podcast - Plaváková a Prostredník o rovnosti a spravodlivosti z parlamentu Podcast o témach rovnosti a spravodlivosti priamo z parlamentu vám prináša poslankyňa Lucia Plaváková a poslanec Ondrej Prostredník z klubu Progresívne Slovensko. Záleží nám na spoločnosti, ktorá je rešpektujúca, prijíma všetkých ľudí v ich rozmanitosti a zabezpečuje im rovnosť. Vážime si spravodlivosť a demokraciu postavenú na ochrane ľudských práv. A chceme spolu s našimi hosťami a hostkami zdieľať s vami naše po ...
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Röda Pesten Rollspelspodd

Röda Pesten Rollspelspodd

En pandemi hade brutit ut. Människor var villrådiga. Ingen visste vad de skulle göra och alla vände sig till fel personer. Det var inte röda pesten. Röda Pesten var något helt annat. Det är det fortfarande. Kom och drabbas av pesten du också. Kom och lyssna på oss.
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Claudia Gutjahr-Almaguer und Mirko Gutjahr

Die Pest in 7 Episoden. Ein Ausstellungspodcast (nicht nur) zur Sonderausstellung ”Pest - eine Seuche verändert die Welt” in Wittenberg
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The Pestle: In-depth Movie Talk, No Fluff | Film Review | Spoilers

Wes Evans: Actor, Filmmaker, Director, Writer; Todd Sapio: Actor, Producer, Musician, Athlete

Cinema lovers unite! Two actors and filmmakers decided to cut through all the fluff and start a movie podcast where they actually discuss the film and not a million other things you don’t care about. Covering the obvious (did you like the movie?) while diving a little deeper (what is Interstellar really about? is there a bootstrap paradox?) we are having an in-depth conversation about movies and see if they hold up to scrutiny, and maybe even inform us about life or moviemaking itself. Becau ...
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Lásd a várost úgy, ahogy még sosem láttad! Történetek Budapest érdekes utcáiról, házairól, környékeiről és lakóiról. Várostörténet, építészet, életmód - jó helyek, ahova érdemes elmenni.
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"My Time is Real" - First comes Family, then comes business! Founder & photographer of JOSEPH & SIW Photography. Started Joseph Pessar Consulting. Managing director at Mitt Bryllup AS. I embraces the big idea, loud music, and dreams that are about the path not just the end game! Oh, and love coffee with a touch milk, fresh baked bread & RESPECTFULLY, challenging the authority.
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Expect interviews with high-profile guests from Westminster and beyond, commentary from our political friends - and analysis of the news stories that affect us all. This podcast features the best interviews and political commentary from Wednesday night’s Peston show.
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Conexão Pessoas

Conexão Pessoas

Um podcast de entrevistas, onde o entrevistado fala sobre sua vida e no final indica uma pessoa de seu círculo social que gostaria que entrevistássemos. Assim seguimos neste ciclo sem fim
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Het Pestlab

Rutger Verhoeff & Jordi Welschen

In Het Pestlab gaan ervaringsdeskundigen Rutger Verhoeff en Jordi Welschen op onderzoek uit naar alles wat met pesten te maken heeft. Maar vooral hoe je na een pestverleden weer vol goede moed en positiviteit in het leven kunt staan!
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I will be talking about my acting, petsitting, and wine selling. I want to keep this upbeat and positive. Also if anybody is having troubles with anxiety with stress, please reach out to me and I will help you the best way I can. If you have any questions, you can reach me at
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2 Pesewas

2 Pesewas Ghana

2 Pesewas is a Ghanaian podcast hosted by Edi and Peaches. Each week, the ladies discuss a range of issues from lowbrow to high: Hot button headlines, music to discover and love, and things that make you say WTF?! Unapologetically honest, incisive, and humorous, there’s never a dull moment. 2 Pesewas broadcasts from Tema, Ghana ❤
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show series
O processo de integração da UE fez-se sempre sem uma grande aposta na dimensão securitária. Agora que a segurança dos europeus perante uma ameaça russa passou a prioridade, o desenvolvimento de tecnologias para a guerra apresenta défices “muito consideráveis”. Neste episódio, a jornalista Ana França fala com Bruno de Oliveira Martins, investigador …
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Karl Robertson -Managing Director HF Pest & Bird Enviromental | Leading Pest & Bird Prevention Expert. How to get into pest control? Areas of Bird work. How to get into falconry work? Advice on starting up a pest control business. Pest control careers! & much more! CPD is available with The British pest regis…
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We dig through Steven Soderbergh’s “Black Bag” and discuss: Cinematography, practical lighting; Story & Writing, story engine, subplots; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “A success, to me, is the ability to keep working. That’s success. It has nothing to do with money; it’s the ability to keep getting things made, period.“ – Steven Soderb…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) I recently found myself feeling insecure about my Hydro during a Zoom call full of Stanleys and decided enough is enough! Screw your trendy water bottle! Unless you're still chewing on your Camelbak straw, like seriously, it's time to move on. James and I hit the podcast to celebrate mixing metals,…
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In this episode we chat with Adam Holt, owner of Name Dat Bug Consulting services about the benefits of having a BCE on staff or on retainer. Don't forget to join our Coast 2 Coast Linkedin group. Also please leave us a review here so we can continue to grow and serve our industry. Coast 2 Coast Linkedin Group:…
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In this eye-opening episode, pest control veteran Matthew Reacher reveals insider strategies to slash your pest insurance costs in Granbury while maintaining comprehensive coverage for your home or business. Learn the little-known qualifications, prevention techniques, and timing factors that insurance companies use to determine rates, plus discove…
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We recognize Scarlett Nolen, President of Truly Nolen of America, in our 2025 Women in Pest Control series! Her leadership and dedication to the industry are inspiring. Thanks to Nisus Corporation and Target Specialty Products for making this series possible. Learn more about Nisus and Target Specialty Products https://www.tar…
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Join veteran pest control expert Matthew Reacher as he shares his proven 7-day blueprint for successfully obtaining your pest control certification in Granbury, TX and surrounding areas. In this episode, Matthew breaks down the essential study materials, practical techniques, and insider tips that helped hundreds of his students pass their certific…
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Pest perspectives EP 07 - Tales from the crawl space podcast with Jack & Brad! Summary In this engaging conversation, Shaun Muller hosts Jack and Brad from 'Tales from the Crawl Space' to discuss their experiences in the pest control industry. They share insights on their favorite pests, the differences in pest control practices across regions, and…
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In this episode of Tech Talk, a Mortar & Pestle production, Erin Michael, Director of Member Engagement, is joined by Holli LeMond, Key Account Manager at PCCA, as they discuss her journey into compounding from an early passion for chemistry to becoming a pharmacy technician.Oleh PCCA - The Leader in Compounding Pharmacy
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Quer saber quais são os segredos do turismo português? O Presidente da República cruzou-se por acaso na BTL com o jornalista Pedro Santos Guerreiro e explica tudo neste episódio de As Pessoas Não São Números, que dá relevo especial ao crescimento dos dos turistas provenientes dos EUA. Veja o episódio na íntegra no vídeo em cima. See…
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Os portugueses gastam cerca de 65 milhões de euros por dia em apostas. Algum desse dinheiro é canalizado para o desporto, com muitas diferenças nas verbas atribuídas a cada modalidade. See for privacy information.Oleh TVI
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We dissect Bong Joon Ho’s “Mickey 17” and discuss: Story & Writing, Mickey’s metaphor, creepers; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “We don’t own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.“ – Steve Irwin Notes & References: Arcadia (wiki) – refers to a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature Darius Khon…
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In this episode we have Marcus Scruggs onto the show again to give his take on the question of "Do office or technical team members have a more difficult job?". Don't forget to join our Coast 2 Coast Linkedin group. Also please leave us a review here so we can continue to grow and serve our industry. Coast 2 Coast Linkedin Group: https://www.linked…
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Kendall Hines is the founder and CEO of Clicki: Clicki is the simplest way to automate referral programs for service businesses. The Pest Control Millionaire Podcast is all about helping small business owners scale their lawn and pest companies by talking to experts in the service industry. For business coaching and mentorsh…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) Picture this: The year is 2025 and you're making the active choice to jump back on the reading train after it dawns on you that you've forgotten how to do anything besides watch TV. Sound familiar? If so, you're safe here! Grace and I take to the podcast to celebrate Chelsea Handler's new book, I'l…
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In this game-changing episode, industry veteran Matthew Reacher reveals proven strategies that helped Granbury pest control businesses multiply their job bookings by 500% without increasing marketing costs. Learn actionable techniques for leveraging local SEO, customer referral systems, and strategic partnerships that you can implement today to dra…
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The 2025 Women in Pest Control series proudly recognizesNanette Rota, Owner of Praying Nantis Pest Control in Myrtle Beach. Thanks to Nisus Corporation and Target SpecialtyProducts for making this series possible. Learn more about Nisus and Target Specialty Products…
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Os gronelandeses escolheram o independentismo moderado em eleições disputadas sob a ameaça americana de tomar a nação insular. Em simultâneo, decorrem negociações com empresa de Musk para levar internet às zonas mais remotas. Filipe Santos Costa, investigador do Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais (IPRI-NOVA) na área de Estudos de Segura…
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In this eye-opening episode, pest control veteran Matthew Reacher reveals five game-changing secrets about pest bonds that could save you thousands in property damage and treatment costs. Learn how these little-known pest prevention strategies not only protect your home's value but also create an impenetrable barrier against common Texas pests like…
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Severa Gjurin je javnosti znana predvsem kot pevka in likovna ustvarjalka, z novim albumom »Pomlad« pa se prvič izpostavlja tudi kot kantavtorica in producentka. V deseterico pesmi na plošči ujame razmišljanja o dvojini in življenju, ob tem pa se namesto klasičnega pripovedovanja zgodb raje osredotoči na ilustriranje samih občutij. Melodija vokala …
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In this engaging conversation, Victoria Hall shares her journey in the pest control industry, discussing her personal challenges, triumphs, and the importance of women in this traditionally male-dominated field. She emphasizes the need for more women in pest control and reflects on her experiences, including her relationships and professional growt…
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We bet big on Steven Soderbergh’s “Ocean’s Eleven” and discuss: Cinematography, subtlety, and bounce lighting; Story & Writing, heist rules, problems and solutions, rule of repeats; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you.“ – Frank Sinatra Notes & References: Correction:…
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In this week's episode we have on a special guest, Wyatt Chambers, owner of SWARM Pest Control Marketing. We discuss some practical ways that small business owners can leverage google and other marketing avenues to bring in leads and grow their companies. Don't forget to join our Coast 2 Coast Linkedin group. Also please leave us a review here so w…
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Estados Unidos assumiram a condução de um processo que visa pôr fim à guerra iniciada com a invasão russa, em 2022. Em que termos será isso possível e como se assegura a paz? De que forma o alinhamento da Casa Branca de Donald Trump com o Kremlin moldará o seu desfecho? Conversa com duas jornalistas que têm coberto um conflito que dura há mais de t…
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The 2025 Women in Pest Control series proudly recognizes Dr. Dini Miller, Professor of Urban Pest Management at Virginia Tech University. Thanks to Nisus Corporation and Target SpecialtyProducts for making this series possible. Learn more about Nisus ⁠ ⁠ and Target Specialty Products ⁠⁠…
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Join pest control expert Matthew Reacher as he reveals insider strategies to significantly reduce your pest insurance premiums in Granbury without compromising coverage quality. In this eye-opening episode, discover proven preventive measures, property upgrades, and policy adjustments that can save homeowners hundreds of dollars annually while main…
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In this episode of Pest Perspectives, Shaun Muller interviews John Sage, who shares his extensive career journey from engineering to pest control. John discusses his early career in the British Merchant Navy, his transition into pest control, and his experiences with the Pest Force franchise. He also delves into the importance of drainage work, the…
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In this eye-opening episode, host Matthew Reacher breaks down the crucial mistakes that caused five experienced pest control technicians to fail their Granbury certification exams, revealing common pitfalls that even seasoned professionals can encounter. Drawing from his decades of industry expertise, Reacher provides actionable insights on proper …
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Na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija letos znova pripravljamo Festival slovenskega šansona. Šanson v slovenskem prostoru nima veliko prostora, zato ga s tem festivalom načrtno spodbujamo, saj gre za močno sporočilne skladbe, ki so zaradi svoje kompleksnosti nekoliko zahtevnejše, a prinašajo višjo kakovost glasbe, besedil in izvedbe kot večina popularn…
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In this episode of a Mortar and Pestle, Michael Strouse, firefighter for the Department of Defense, and Robyn Crow, RPh, Lead Pharmacist at Clarks RX Pharmacy, joins host Mike De Lisio and co-host Sebastian Denison, RPh, FAARM (Candidate) to discuss how compounding saved Micheals life.Oleh PCCA - The Leader in Compounding Pharmacy
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Kamila Brzozowska - wedding plannerka i expert z 12-letnim doświadczenie w organizacji wesel i ślubów. Edukuje i wspiera osoby wchodzące w branżę ślubną oraz prowadzi swój podcast na yt i spoti Pogadajmy o Ślubie. Zapraszam! ☕️Fajnie się słuchało? Chodź na kawę: BuyCoffee Podziękowania dla Wspierających Odcinek: Dom Produkcyjny - ⁠Paradox Media⁠ Ye…
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We rush towards Céline Sciamma’s “Portrait of a Lady on Fire” and discuss: Cinematography, broad lighting and portraits; Story & Writing, layers, freezing time, power of groups, Celine’s writing process; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of r…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) Have you ever been out to eat when your waiter suddenly goes missing, only to reappear on stage, mic in hand, bringing down the house? It's like, sure you wanted another martini, but ultimately you're happy they're having their moment! Owen and I take to the podcast to celebrate servers with secret…
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In this week's episode Andy, Holly, and Gabe discuss some of the drama that can happen between office and field staff and how to sort through and lead your teams well despite them holding very different roles within the company. Don't forget to join our Coast 2 Coast Linkedin group. Also please leave us a review here so we can continue to grow and …
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Join pest control veteran Matthew Reacher as he breaks down the exact steps to fast-track your pest control license in just three weeks, including study strategies, exam preparation tips, and common pitfalls to avoid. In this episode, Matthew shares his proven blueprint that has helped dozens of aspiring technicians successfully navigate Texas lice…
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Os conservadores da CDU e os sociais-democratas da SPD já iniciaram negociações para formarem a grande coligação que vai governar a Alemanha. Oiça aqui o mais recente episódio do podcast O Mundo A Seus Pés com Patrícia Daehnhardt, investigadora no Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. A União Democrata-Crist…
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Join pest control veteran Matthew Reacher as he reveals his proven 48-hour blueprint for completely transforming your pest-infested home into a safe, bug-free sanctuary. In this action-packed episode, you'll discover the exact step-by-step methods professionals use to eliminate common household pests, along with crucial preventive measures that kee…
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