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The release of The Valley brought the introduction of Clot, which was designed to put the brakes on fast advance. Probably no deck was as ready to incorporate this card as the juggernaut that had become Prepaid Kate. The bulk of this episode will be focused on the infamous Stimhack thread that discusses this archetype, catching us up on its develop…
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Similar to the Runner side, the Corp side of The Valley also contained some groundbreaking cards. While not quite as meta-shaking or -defining, the new Jinteki identity that arrived did present some new game mechanisms. We'll take an extensive look at that ID, plus a roundup of all the other Corp cards in the pack, including the others that have re…
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The Valley is the first Data Pack in the SanSan Cycle, which is the fourth and final cycle of the Fantasy Flight Games' run of Android: Netrunner that is included in the Reboot Project. It was highly anticipated at the time, thanks to a long-awaited tool that promised to slow down fast-advance strategies. We'll cover that card and the rest of the R…
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For the second installment based on the Runner side of Order and Chaos, we'll take an approach similar to what we did a couple episodes back with Corp: presenting different decks. In this case, there are just two decks, and they're both out of just one of the identities: MaxX. Similar to last time, both decks are by well-known members of the Netrun…
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The featured faction for the Runner side of Order and Chaos was Anarch. We'll cover the changes made by the Reboot Project -- including a couple of nerfs -- with particular focus on cards like Eater and Edward Kim ... and probably too much attention paid to Sacrificial Clone. Presented in eight segments: Title card: Eater 1:15 Satellite Uplink: Ord…
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For the second installment based on the Corp side of Order and Chaos, we present three different decks: one for each of the new identities. These were all posted on NetrunnerDB by content creators around the time of this expansion's release. We'll examine the development of a Titan Transnational fast advance deck from CodeMarvelous, a taxing horizo…
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Order and Chaos was the third deluxe expansion released by Fantasy Flight Games for Android: Netrunner. The Corp side focus of this expansion was the Weyland Consortium, and in this episode we'll review the adjustments that the Reboot Project has made to that portion of the expansion (which includes a nerf to Titan Transnational) as well as examini…
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The release of The Source ended a drought of nine consecutive releases with no bioroid ice. This prompted Nagnazul to develop a deck in the largely-ignored and maligned Haas-Bioroid identity Stronger Together. In addition to revisiting that article, we'll also present a recent discussion from the Reboot Discord server about how to deal with the cor…
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A packed episode, kicked off with a post from El-ad Amir about deckbuilding and an FFG interview with developer Dan Clark about the Runners in the original core set, then followed by an examination of the Runner portion of the final pack in the Lunar Cycle, and concluding with a reading of the sixth and final part of the story about Nasir Meidan's …
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After dusting off some archived memories, we dive into the sixth and final release from the Lunar Cycle: The Source. We have quite a bit to say about one of the two cards that was nerfed, as well as a card that wasn't adjusted for Reboot due to other cards not being part of the Project and assorted buffs. Plus we'll put a bow on the reading of Part…
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The two major segments in this episode are a reading of an interview with Lukas Litzsinger posted a little over ten years ago about competition and the near-term future of the game from back then plus an in-depth look at an Anarch resource denial deck from near the end of the Lunar Cycle. Presented in four segments: Title card: Data Leak Reversal 2…
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One of the more important icebreakers was released as part of All That Remains, the fifth Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle. As Chaos Theory says, "Its bytes are worse than its bark." We'll also examine the notable Reboot nerf to the Criminal identity Leela Patel and the several buffs to Runner cards in this pack. Presented in nine segments: Title card:…
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The fifth Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle definitely brings some sets of cards. For the Corps, we see a set of 3/1 agendas, the final morph ice, some more zodiac ice, and the third main grail ice, along with some of the usual useful tools. We'll also discuss briefly why the rez cost of ice is so finely tuned, and take a look at some of the flavor on H…
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Before moving onto the next Data Pack, we'll take another long look at the 2014 World Championship for Netrunner through the eyes of Dan D'Argenio (aka "mediohxcore"), the eventual world champion. Presented in three segments: Title card: Tinkering 3:40 Experiential Data: Mediohxcore’s 2014 World Championship Report: 1st Place Corp deck | Runner dec…
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Up and Over (the most recent Data Pack added to the 2.1 group) was also the last Data Pack released before the 2014 World Championship for Netrunner. In this episode we'll cover the tournament report provided by spags, who finished top seed in the preliminary rounds of that tournament. Presented in four segments: Title card: Bernice Mai Participant…
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We'll examine the Runner side of Up and Over, the fourth Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle, spending entirely too much time discussing cards that aren't good -- I'm looking at you, Angel Arena -- while also analyzing how best to build around Switchblade in Andromeda. Plus, we'll finish our review of TheBigBoy's classic set of articles on improving as a …
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Moving into the second half of the Lunar Cycle, Up and Over provides some powerful cards that see play in a number of decks. We'll explore what cards like Architect and Blue Sun are and why they're good, plus also providing a portion of a strategy article from TheBigBoy about how much ice to include in a Corp deck. Presented in eight segments: Titl…
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After the release of Honor & Profit, Jinteki received sufficient tools to make a shell-game, net-damage deck successful. We'll look at the deck that archetype that Chris Hinkes popularized in his win at the Cambridge, Massachusetts, regional in the summer of 2014 ... which was subsequently piloted by Minh Tran to a runner-up finish at Worlds in 201…
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Most of the stealth options are available for Runners upon reaching First Contact, and we'll analyze those cards and the other changes made by the Reboot Project to this third Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle. In addition, we'll take a look at representation in Netrunner through the new Anarch identity in this pack: Quetzal. Presented in eight segments…
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We are now reaching the halfway point of the Lunar Cycle, and in this episode we'll examine the Corp side of the third Data Pack: First Contact. We'll also cover the first in a series of Anonymous Tip segments designed to help intermediate players improve, plus explore a detour in the development of Prepaid Kate. Presented in seven segments: Title …
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Fresh off the presses are the notes for a new balance patch going into effect, mostly targeting booster cards. We'll also take a brief look at Notorious Daily Quester, a Silhouette regional-winning deck, and continue our exploration of Prepaid Kate. Presented in four segments: Title card: Trojan Stable 2:00 Breaking New…
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The Corps weren't the only ones to get currents, as each Runner faction also receives one in The Spaces Between, which we will explore in this episode. We'll also discuss just how good Cache and D4vid are, plus cover some of the basic -- yet complex -- interactions that can arise when dealing with priority in a paid-ability window. Presented in ten…
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A brand new subtype is introduced to the game in the second Data Pack of the Lunar Cycle: current. These operations and events have a longer-lasting effect than others of the same type, and we'll explore current operations along with the rest of the Corp side of The Spaces Between. We'll also look at some suggestions for how to deal with agenda flo…
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An important archetype that arrived on the Netrunner scene near the end of the Spin Cycle was a taxing Haas-Bioroid deck with fewer-than-usual agendas. The popularized version of it was presented by user Nordrunner and was dubbed "The Red Coats." We will look at the discussion revolving around this deck ... while also still making time to check in …
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This week's episode revolves largely around two extended pieces of analysis. One is from SimonMoon, a high-level player in the latter-FFG period, and the other is an extensive writeup of a successful Shaper deck with Nasir Meidan. Presented in four segments: Title card: Legwork 2:00 Archived Memories: Where the Wild Agendas Are Cards: Jackson Howar…
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Climbing alongside the last episode is the Runner side of the first Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle (Upstalk). We'll see how some of these somewhat-underwhelming cards have been made a little more palatable by the Reboot Project. We'll also get some comments from Klerik and TheBigBoy about why Netrunner isn't as combotastic as other card games, plus c…
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Like an elevator car ascending arrow-straight out of The Root at Volcán Cayambe, we head Upstalk in the first pack of the third cycle of cards in Android: Netrunner to examine the buffs (and one nerf) that the Reboot Project makes to the Corp cards, and look closely at the five pieces of ice included. This comes after some bits of news -- including…
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The second part of our coverage of the second deluxe expansion -- Honor and Profit -- continues with an examination of the Runner cards. Before that, we'll hit previews of the rest of the new cards from Equity and Eternity, the fourth Reboot booster. Presented in nine segments: Title card: Legwork 1:45 Breaking News: Summer championships and Reboot…
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The second deluxe expansion for Netrunner -- Honor and Profit -- kicks off the second half of the Reboot cardpool. We'll cover the changes to the Corp cards in this episode (which include two nerfs), examining some of the buffs, new ice, and new economy options. We'll also look at seven new cards from Equity and Eternity, the fourth Reboot booster,…
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Spoiler season has started for the Reboot Project and its upcoming booster pack, Equity and Eternity. In addition to all the spoilers that have already been revealed in the Discord server, we'll present an exclusive one here. We'll also start a new series examining the Runner deck known as "Prepaid Kate." Presented in six segments: Title card: Cart…
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Poised just before the release of the fourth booster pack for Reboot, we present an interview with the main driving force behind the project: Abram Jopp, better known as TheBigBoy. This wide-ranging, show-long episode covers his early days in Netrunner, the genesis of Reboot, and a handful of somewhat-more-random questions. Title card: Imp "Best ca…
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Though this should be the episode where we launch into Honor & Profit, we have something special on tap for episode 50, and I didn't want to break up the H&P flow. Instead we will run a modern classic article about analyzing ice, by SimonMoon from late-era FFG. Presented in three segments: Title card: Tollbooth 3:15 Anonymous Tip: Game commentary b…
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Our discussion of the Corp side of Double Time continues into this episode as we discuss the five new pieces of ice introduced in this pack. Then we move on to a retrospective analysis of the Corp double operations in the Spin Cycle, as well as the different ways to acquire, lose, dodge, and use bad publicity. Presented in four segments: Title card…
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In his top 50 countdown of best cards in the Reboot cardpool, TheBigBoy ranked Caprice Nisei as #2, behind only Jackson Howard. Double Time, the final pack in the Spin Cycle, brings Caprice into the cardpool, so we'll spend some time discussing how she works and why she's so good. Presented in five segments: Title card: Witness Tampering 2:15 Anony…
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On the Reboot Project main page is this comment: "Once you get to around the end of Spin Cycle, every faction should feel viable." Well, we have arrived at the end of the Spin Cycle, the halfway point of the FFG portion of the Reboot Project cardpool. After some relevant feedback from the Reboot community on the last episode, we dive into the Runne…
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The preconstructed decks are one of the cornerstones of the Reboot Project. With the introduction of Fear and Loathing to the 2.1 cardpool, one of the Corporation preconstructed decks is (almost) fully viable: TWIY Psychographics. So in this episode, we examine every card choice in this deck and go into detail on how to pilot it. As if that weren't…
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The pack review of Fear and Loathing continues in this episode with the Corp side. Though the Runner side was somewhat underwhelming, the Corp side is ... well, not overwhelming ... but a nice degree of whelming. Presented in six segments: Title card: Wraparound 1:30 Satellite Uplink: Fear and Loathing, Corp side Blue Level Clearance | Strongbox | …
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Fear and Loathing has arrived for the 2.1 group, and we'll cover the sort-of-underwhelming Runner side of that pack. The back half of the episode will be a discussion and examination of the also sort-of-underwhelming (but fun!) Professor. Presented in seven segments: Title card: Blackguard 2:10 Satellite Uplink: Fear and Loathing, Runner side Black…
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After covering the top 10 cards for both Runner and Corp within the purview of the Reboot Project, we'll spend the bulk of the episode discussing the concept of fast advance: what it is, how it's changed in Reboot, and how it differs from rush -- including an article from world champion Dan D'Argenio. Presented in six segments: Title card: SanSan C…
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This past weekend was the 2024 Reboot Spring Championship, won by Zailey; we'll discuss her winning decks in this episode. Then, after another check-in with the top 50 countdown (now entering the top 20), we'll cover some of the powerful Corp cards that arrived as part of True Colors. Presented in nine segments: Title card: Sweeps Week 1:40 Breakin…
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True Colors, the 4th Data Pack of the Spin Cycle, arrives for the 2.1 group, and this week we look into the Runner side of the set. The first quarter of the episode is a little more timely, though, with a preview of the 4th booster pack for Reboot and another set of 10 cards for each side in TheBigBoy's countdown of the top 50 cards in Reboot (up t…
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This week's episode goes completely off-format as we bring you a two-part article written by OrangeDevil (a high-level player on OCTGN in the early days of the game) wherein we get to see a play-by-play analysis and commentary of a game of Netrunner. Title card: Knight Game 1 Gabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional vs. Weyland Consortium: Buildin…
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This week's episode is largely devoted to the Corp side of Mala Tempora, especially focusing on the one nerf in the pack to Accelerated Diagnostics and the reasons behind it. We'll also peek at the next ten entries in TheBigBoy's top 50 countdown of FFG cards in Reboot. Presented in seven segments: Title card: Accelerated Diagnostics 1:40 Anonymous…
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Going off-format a bit this time around (and postponing the Corp side of Mala Tempora until the next episode), we devote about half the episode to an article examining the Andromeda decks from 2013 Worlds. We'll also pick up the next section of TheBigBoy's top 50 countdowns, and check out the latest patch notes for Reboot. Presented in five segment…
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With the arrival of the third Data Pack in the Spin Cycle, this second cycle of expansions is half complete! After poring over the new Runner cards available, we'll give over half the episode to a concept that caused a big stir during the original release of the game by looking an article by Steven Wooley of Team Covenant about what makes Anarchs A…
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After a couple of small housekeeping segments, we turn over the majority of this episode to the seminal article "Playing the Opening" from the prolific Alex Rockwell, a discussion of specific gameplay approaches in the first few turns of a game of Netrunner, largely focused on what the Runner wants to try to do, but with plenty of lessons and advic…
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A handful of cards from Style and Slander (the third Reboot Booster) have been hit with the nerf hammer; we'll cover those along with the other cards that have received some slight adjustments ... including an improved Akiko. Then, after a brief detour through 2013 Worlds -- with more to come later -- we dive into the Corp side of Second Thoughts. …
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Second Thoughts is the second Data Pack in the Spin Cycle, the second cycle of the FFG version of Netrunner. This episode looks at the Runner side of the cards in this pack, including one that couldn't be salvaged by the Reboot Project. We'll also share a brief article that tries to remove some of the fear of running early. Presented in six segment…
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Style and Slander has been released, and we'll cover the final set of spoilers for this third booster for the Reboot Project. Then the majority of the episode is turned over to multiple segments presenting, analyzing, and discussing the Supermodernism deck and its Reboot Project descendant. Presented in nine segments: Title card: Geothermal Frackin…
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In addition to some more spoilers for the upcoming third Booster for Reboot -- Style and Slander -- we will cover the other half of Opening Moves with the Corporation cards, including more than you ever wanted to hear about Jackson Howard. Presented in ten segments: Title card: Jackson Howard 1:30 Precognition: Style and Slander (part 2 -- NBN) 5:4…
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