The newest sermons from Reformation Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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When God Tears Churches to the Ground: Dealing With a Leprous House
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1:16:10Leprosy in the Bible was a picture of sin. And God uses it many times throughout the Old and New Testament to help us to think about different types of sin and the redeeming work of Christ.Recently we did a podcast on reading the Old Testament and how we should think abut the types and shadows whose substance has come in Christ. Leprosy, which was …
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How do we handle conflict biblically and not let our anger boil over into ungodliness and works of the flesh? How do we fight for unity and peace even in the midst of argument so that our marriages, family, and churches are not torn apart by sin and division?Oleh Cole Shinall
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The Holiness of the Offerings
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1:22:33God continues to give restrictions to the priests, because it is not about them. It is about the holy things of God and profaning His name. When things are dedicated to the Lord, they are not to be defiled by uncleanness because that profanes the name of the Lord. The priest that is caught doing that is to be cut off from His people, meaning that i…
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In the 1960s, less than 4% of bodies were cremated. Now, it is about 2 out of 3 and by 2040, it is expected to be around 80%. Much of that is driven by the rising cost of funerals, since the burial plot is expensive and you can send a significant amount of money on a nice casket. On average, a cremation probably costs half of the cost of a burial. …
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John 17:20-26 Why is it so important for a church to fight for unity? Jesus prays that we would be one that the world would believe that the Father sent Him. What does Christian unity look like and why is it essential for a healthy, vibrant church?Oleh Cole Shinall
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Interpreting Types and Shadows: Old Testament Hermeneutics
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1:18:51How you read the Old Testament impacts how you read all of God's word. It frames the questions that shape our understanding of God and His purposes. What was the purpose of the garden? Why did God choose, separate, and protect the nation of Israel? What is the church? Who is Jesus Christ and the nature of his atonement? It frames all of these and a…
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They Shall be Holy to Their God
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1:27:26As we go back to Leviticus, we need to remember that the Levitical priesthood and High Priest were to teach us about Christian priesthood and the effectual High Priest of the order of Melchizedek, Jesus Christ. After Leviticus 19 talking about how individuals needed to be holy and Leviticus 20 talking about how the society had to enforce holiness, …
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John 17:11-19 What does Jesus pray for the Church and in His prayer what does He want us as the Church to strive for and be?Oleh Cole Shinall
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Credobaptists and Paedobaptists differing views of baptism have real-world implications over how they view their children and their relationship to the church. Presbyterians (paedobaptists) hold that baptized children are part of the church, with the church having authority over and membership responsibility toward the child. Baptists (credobaptist…
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In this passage, the writer is connecting the heavenly Jerusalem with the promise in Haggai that once more God will shake not only earth, but also heaven. When God descended to Mt. Sinai with the giving of the law, the earth shook. Through entering into covenant, Israel became the people of God. The law that had been written only on fallen conscien…
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John 17:6-10 All who trusting Christ are God's own chosen and precious people purchased by Christ and free in Him.Oleh Cole Shinall
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A hundred years ago in America most wives considered themselves to be homemakers with very few working outside the home. Now about 57% percent of them do. What should we think about this shift in the fabric of the American home, and more importantly what does God's word have to say about it. Throughout history, there have been societies that have b…
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In considering the last passage in Hebrews 12, it is referencing Haggai and understanding the reference will provide more insight for that passage next week. In Chapter 1 of Haggai, God had rebuked Israel for not having rebuilt the temple since they came back to Jerusalem around sixteen years before. They had started, but the opposition used King A…
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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John 17:4-6 In eternity past the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit covenanted together as the One Triune God to glorify His name and save the elect.Oleh Cole Shinall
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Should All Christians Prophesy?
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1:14:07Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14, that we are to pursue love and to be zealous for spiritual gifts especially that we may prophesy. We are not just to sit back and wait for God to bestow them on us. It is part of pursuing love and edifying one another. And if prophecy is about love and edification, then it cannot be primarily about telling the future.…
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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After talking about how without holiness no one will see God, the author of Hebrews then explains the picture of the feasts in Jewish law. They are these times where all the circumcised must gather three times a year at Mt. Zion to be the picture of the gathering at heavenly Mt. Zion. All of national Israel was to gather and make sacrifices so that…
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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Why Oaths of Office Matter to God
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1:15:37People often think that what made America unique was its separation of powers and system of checks and balances, but those ideas were not really new at the time or unique to America. What actually was unique was having the Constitution as a single written document that formed the structure and scope of powers of the government and having every offi…
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Without Holiness No One Will See God
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1:14:13Because of God's discipline is for our good, so we become partakers of His holiness, we need to run the race with endurance. When discouragement comes in a race, you drop your hands and your knees become week. When we see the discipline of the Lord, our response should be the opposite. We should see it as coming from His hand for our good and that …
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Without Holiness No One Will See God
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1:11:56At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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John 17:1-3 Who is God? What is Man? What is the Ultimate Purpose of Life? These are the Big Questions and how you answer them is key to the joy of your soul, and the only way to have true joy and the hunger and thirst of our soul's satisfied is if we find our joy in knowing and worshiping the only true God through Jesus Christ. …
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Can Reformed Baptists Be Reformed?
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1:09:03Can Baptists actually be Reformed? To answer that, we probably have to answer another question, "What does it mean to be Reformed in the first place? Is it a tradition, a specific set of beliefs, or something else entirely? There are a lot of online debates and discussions about whether Baptists can be Reformed or not. And while some of those debat…
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Oleh Dan Horn
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After being encouraged to not despise the chastening of the Lord, in this week's passage we hear of the purpose of that chastening. While the best human father chastens according to his wisdom and understanding, he will always fall short. That is not true with God. God knows with perfect and complete knowledge exactly how to train His children. He …
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Oleh Dan Horn
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John 16:25-33 With the last words of His farewell address to the Disciples the night before His crucifixion, Jesus gives us a great promise and a great hope. Words to encourage us and help us persevere no matter what we might face in the world.Oleh Cole Shinall
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When Should a Pastor Be Permanently Removed?
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1:20:47Does the Bible teach that there are sins serious enough that a pastor should be permanently removed and never be able to serve as a pastor again? Frequently, when an elder or a pastor falls into sin, people immediately start to say that they hope he can repent, so he can resume his ministry. This is often because the pastor was particularly gifted …
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Who the Lord Loves, He Chastens
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1:18:26At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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John 16:16-24 Through the Death and Resurrection of Christ we have the fullness of joy and peace with God in Eternal Life.Oleh Cole Shinall
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Was Luigi Mangione Right in God's Eyes?
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1:22:26Both Daniel Penny and Luigi Mangione were in the news recently due to associated murder charges. Both men claimed they were trying to stop evil. Both men claim their use of force was justified. The public is also divided, with some claiming one or both of them a hero and many others strongly believing the opposite.But for those of us who believe in…
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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How do you read the Word of God for the most spiritual profit? The Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword and at work in the Believer. How do we read it to make it most effective for our spiritual life?Oleh Cole Shinall
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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Jimmy Carter’s Legacy: Was He a Christian President?
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1:39:20Jimmy Carter was one of the most outspokenly Christian presidents of the modern age, but was he an accurate representative of Christianity in the public sphere? His view of Christianity was that his beliefs should not impact his decisions or inform his policies, a view that many professing Christians shared at the time. In this episode, we examine …
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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How do you read the Bible to grow in your love and faith in Jesus Christ?Oleh Cole Shinall
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At Reformation Baptist Church we stream the audio of the service for those who regularly attend who are unable to attend due to sickness or travel. We encourage everyone else to attend a church in your area.Oleh Dan Horn
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Just as God had warned them in Leviticus 18 about sexual perversion, God is now repeating many of the same things, but giving the society responsibility to enforce it. It is not enough to be a holy people to teach against perversion. The society must testify to the significance of the perversion and the effect of that perversion on the whole societ…
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Today we look at God's gift of peace, our Savior, in Luke 2:13-14.Oleh Chad Lee
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Does the Church or State have Authority Over Marriage?
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1:09:52Who has authority over marriage? When a man and a woman are married, the official often says something like, "by the power vested in me by…". But what does that mean and it is even remotely Biblical? Does the civil government have any authority over marriage? What about the church? And do people need to get married in a church by an ordained minist…
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God Will Set His Face Against
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1:19:25God had been telling them the things that they needed to do individually to be a holy people. Now He started telling them how they collectively needed to constrain sin if they want to be a holy people. He started by telling them that they needed to put to death anyone in their land, whether stranger or Israelites, that gave his offspring to Molech.…
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John 16:12-15 The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God and the only sure and certain rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience. The Holy Spirit inspired Scripture and illuminates Scripture today to guide us in all truth and lead us to know and live out God's Word.Oleh Cole Shinall
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Don’t Baptize Your Babies: The Problems Caused by Paedobaptism
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1:10:05One of the most hotly debated topics in Protestant circles is the doctrine of infant baptism, the practice of baptizing the infant children of professing believers. As we are unapologetically baptists, we disagree with this practice and believe that it goes against scripture and causes many problems in the church. In this episode, we look at some o…
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After warning about not practicing witchcraft, warning about rising before the elderly and those with authority doesn't seem on the same level, but it does show the significance of showing honor. Sorcery is about exalting yourself, while showing respect to whom respect is due is about humbling yourself. It is easy to forget that it is the meek who …
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John 16:4-15 The Holy Spirit dwells in the believer to glorify Christ and bear witness to His person and work as our Prophet, Priest, and King.Oleh Cole Shinall
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Benny Hinn is Going to Hell - Why Is Anyone Following Him?
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1:12:35Benny Hinn is a false teacher that has millions of global followers. And while in the US, he is more likely to be seen as a false teacher, in Nigeria, as in many other parts of the world, there are many who are deceived by him and his teaching. But why is this?In this episode we want to look at how Benny Hinn sells himself and his heresies to make …
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Oleh Dan Horn
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