Listen to sermons from Rocky Creek in Greenville, SC.
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Even in a storm’s aftermath, if we’ve been given another day, we’ve also been offered another opportunity. We must prioritize remembering God for His faithfulness and our neighbors for their needs.Oleh Travis Agnew
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God called His people to repent of their selfish ways, but He called for more than a somber acknowledgment. They distinguished their repentance through their call for equal sacrifices.Oleh Travis Agnew
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God’s people put their comfort over His concerns. We must constantly evaluate if misplaced priorities have taken us.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Global Missions: From Sporadic to Strategic
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51:42While it is encouraging to take mission trips to multiple places, focusing more on fewer initiatives can be more effective. Moving missions from sporadic to strategic creates pipelines to engage the unreached.Oleh Taylor Wolfe
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Church Planting: From Members to Mobilizers
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44:41As individual local churches seek to increase their membership, it becomes easy to overlook the larger context. We need intentional people mobilized for church planting and replanting to reach our city and beyond.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Family Ministry: From Programs to Parents
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50:07In recent decades, churches have created programs to do what God has called parents to do. We must align the efforts between the home and the church to disciple the next generation well.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Ministry Service: From Obligations to Opportunities
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44:46While guilt or pressure can be successful motivators to get us to serve, we ought to minister to others in line with our giftings and passions. In those meaningful positions, those obligations turn into opportunities.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Gospel Groups: From Rosters to Relationships
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46:42Being involved in the life of a church requires more than having your name on the roster of a group. Discover how to move from being a name on a list to developing relationships that further your discipleship.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Mentoring Discipleship: From Information to Imitation
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48:33If we simplify discipleship to mere information transfer, we miss much of what is necessary for transformation. We all need mentoring relationships worth imitating as we seek to follow Jesus.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Personal Growth: From Decisions to Disciples
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44:26We often minimize Christianity to a momentary decision, but if we are following Jesus, we should still be moving. A disciple of Jesus continues to pursue thorough spiritual maturity.Oleh Travis Agnew
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God does not intend us to navigate the challenging paths of this life alone. If we are to endure, we must commit to standing firm but doing so together.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Just as humanity awaited a Savior to come once before, we now anticipate the return of Christ to usher in His eternal glory. God and sinners will finally and completely be reconciled.Oleh Travis Agnew
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God has a plan to lift us up, but Satan has another plan to take us down. We must learn the path of humility to continue firm in the faith, undeterred by our enemy’s plans.Oleh Alex Gore
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God gathers His people together because He knows sheep need a shepherd. In His wisdom, He calls leaders to imitate the chief Shepherd so they can serve as examples to the entire flock.Oleh Travis Agnew
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While the tendency is to respond to suffering with complaints, Scripture encourages us to rejoice instead. Suffering is unavoidable, but our response is supposed to be unusually hopeful.Oleh Travis Agnew
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None of us know when Jesus will return, but we know the time is approaching. As it draws near, discover the proactive priorities Christians should keep.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Our culture seems shocked and annoyed if Christians don’t join or support expressions of wild living. It is better to suffer for refusing temptation than it will be for those who embrace defiance.Oleh Travis Agnew
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In one of the most unique biblical passages, Peter explains that the Spirit of Christ has warned generations to repent. Only through Jesus’ sacrifice can we be saved beneath the cleansing flood.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Christian Civility Among Political Insanity
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42:38In a super-charged political society, our confidence is not in parties, platforms, or persons, but our hope is in Jesus. Prioritize your gospel witness in a hostile culture as you keep a clear conscience.Oleh Travis Agnew
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The immoral culture of today’s world puts pressure on us to put our selfish desires first. Scripture gives us clear instructions to respond to what is right and righteous if we desire to see better days.Oleh Young Ghun
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When marital expectations are unmet, we often blame our spouses instead of looking to ourselves for any needed changes. Discover who your spouse needs you to be and make any adjustments necessary for a healthier marriage.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Our jobs will be difficult, but we don’t have to make them extra complex by misaligned behavior. Look to Christ as the guide for responding to challenging work environments.Oleh Travis Agnew
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No matter how a government treats Christians, Scripture commands us to respond in God-honoring ways. God has made His will very clear regarding how we should respond to civil authorities.Oleh Travis Agnew
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If this world is not our home, we cannot give ourselves to every available temptation. The war against hypocrisy is important so that we don’t hinder others from seeing Jesus.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Our culture recently debated if a church’s services should be deemed essential during times of emergency. We realize a church’s necessity through the Scripture and our experiences.Oleh Travis Agnew
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The Do's and Don'ts of Spiritual Growth
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39:48To see consistent spiritual growth, we must be careful to avoid interpersonal drama and pursue biblical truth. A failure to do either will cause spiritual stagnation.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Secret and Sacred Agents of the Kingdom
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48:32Many people stifle their discipleship due to complex relationships in a church or mounting questions regarding the Bible. Discover how you can handle both and not wander away from the faith.Oleh Jerry McCorkle
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Since the gospel has transformed us, our lifestyles should alter significantly. God’s perfect holiness empowers and expects our personal holiness.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Peter realized that Jesus fulfilled all Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah. Looking back over the Scriptures, we realize that the gospel was always God’s original plan.Oleh Travis Agnew
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1 Peter 1:6-9 – No matter how challenging our circumstances may become, all of the suffering in this world is temporary. Once we understand its limit, we can better see God’s refining process.Oleh Travis Agnew
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1 Peter 1:1-5 – Peter addressed his fellow disciples as exiles with the reality that this world is not our home. Given that fact, our hope must be in something beyond this life.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Through the meaningless troubles of life, we can find a clear purpose in Solomon’s final lesson. The purpose of life comes into focus when we do the two simple things prescribed.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8 – We grow older daily, which positions us closer to our final day than ever before. Age well by presently preparing for your future state.Oleh Travis Agnew
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While limited to how much wisdom we can possess, we should use well what insight God grants us. God’s wisdom can help us avoid doing stupid stuff that causes pain to ourselves and others.Oleh Travis Agnew
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None of us can escape that our lives will end, but we can do something about how we take advantage of the opportunities given. Don’t overlook God’s gifts along the way.Oleh Travis Agnew
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When we see the ungodly flourish and the godly struggle, we might question God’s standard of fairness. Part of trusting God is acknowledging that we may not understand why certain things happen.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Life Doesn't Have to Be That Complicated
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46:18Ecclesiastes 7:1-29 – We often complicate our lives by making unwise choices. This world promises us trouble, but we don’t have to add more to it by refusing to live according to God’s ways.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12 – Without contentment, we will protect our possessions with unhealthy perspectives. The treasures of this life are gifts from God as long as they don’t replace Him.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Ambitiously Rich and Relationally Poor
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48:06You can have all this world has to offer and no one to share it with due to how you align your priorities. Ensure your life has the margin to grow relationally with God and others.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Power Corrupts and Injustice Continues
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44:36As long as people have authority over others, injustice will be rampant. Political and financial influences govern our society, and these structures reveal how people often take advantage of others.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Temporal Experiences and Eternal Realities
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37:55Time doesn’t slow down, and experiences don’t linger. We will encounter many transitions throughout our lives, but we must prepare for our eternal state, which will not change.Oleh Taylor Wolfe
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No Amount of Stuff Will Ever Satisfy
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43:03We can experience pleasures, obtain possessions, and intensify pursuits, and still feel empty inside. Even if we have all this world tries to offer, we will not find satisfaction here.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 – Even when King Solomon had everything, he felt it was all for nothing. No matter how personally successful you are, you will reach a place where you question the meaning of life’s pursuits.Oleh Travis Agnew
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We cannot settle for a human intermediary to regulate our relationship with God. Jesus has invited us to know Him and to abide with HIm closely.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Life is short, eternity is long, and each of us will spend somewhere forever. We can confidently trust Jesus because He has prepared a place in heaven for His followers.Oleh Travis Agnew
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John 10:1-10 – Jesus is aware of the dangers of untrustworthy spiritual figures. He watches over our souls and protects us from those whose only interest in our spiritual conditions is themselves.Oleh Travis Agnew
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In a world full of darkness, Jesus claimed to be the light that each of us needs. His illumination provides insight into who He is and clarity about where we should go.Oleh Travis Agnew
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For people who desired another heavenly handout, Jesus offered Himself as the only thing to sustain us. Only through Christ can you be truly satisfied.Oleh Travis Agnew
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John 11:17-44 – Outside of Lazarus’ tomb, it appeared as if death had claimed another victim. Jesus proved His power over death through resurrection and now invites us to come alive.Oleh Travis Agnew
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Jesus refused to flee when our endangered souls were in dire need. We marvel at the Good Shepherd who laid His life down for us on the cross to save us from our sinful wanderings.Oleh Travis Agnew
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