An educational podcast to inspire and help learners know more and astronomy and other space stuff each podcast is about 10 min + depending on information and how I present it in my own unique style please subscribe and get extra long episodes more Patreon link for lots of space goodies
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JAXA's Space Education Center provides two types of Podcast: the "Seven Wonders Series," compiled of seven one-minute interviews in multiple languages, and the "JAXA Space and Astronautical Science Podcast series," which features fun and informative long-form interviews to scientists and other key JAXA staff in English. The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of JAXA as an organization.
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Send us a text a longer deeper look into Venus Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a longer better looking to Mercury Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a longer deeper look in the the sun for better understanding and fun Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a look into the life cycle of stars Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a longer looking in to stars Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text new season begins here longer better information and more fun Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text an over view of the 1st season everything so far Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an over view of everything so far and a big thankyouOleh Andy
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Send us a text a list of some of the moons in our solar system Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a more in-depth look at moons of our solar systemOleh Andy
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Send us a text a look at the edge of the solar system and beyond Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an in depth look into the edge of the solar systemOleh Andy
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comets, asteroids and other small rocks
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21:04Send us a text a look into asteroids and meteoroids and meteors and meteorites a fun topic for all Support the showOleh Andy
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🔒 comets, asteroids and other small rocks
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20:12Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a look into space small space rocks including their namesOleh Andy
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Send us a text an intro top dwarf planets in Kepler belt Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a deeper look into dwarf planets in the Kepler beltOleh Andy
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Send us a text A look in to the last large planet Neptune a fun educational podcast Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text A longer in-depth look into last large planet NeptuneOleh Andy
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Send us a text a look into this weird wonderful mysterious planet Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text A look into the weird wonderful world of UranusOleh Andy
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Send us a text a brief fun look at Saturn's 5 top moons fun for all Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an in depth look at 5 moons of SaturnOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an in depth look in to 6th planet SaturnOleh Andy
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Send us a text a brief look into Saturn Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an in-depth look into Jupiter's mains moons and some details on othersOleh Andy
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Send us a text a look into Jupiter's biggest moons Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a detailed look into the king of planets JupiterOleh Andy
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Send us a text a look in to Jupiter the king of planets Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a short fun intro to the Sun Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a more detailed look in to Earth and the moon hope you enjoy Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text an intro to the solar system and alien space talk Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text an intro to planet earth and its future more details history in next episode Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text an insight to mars our future home Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a short talk about Venus educational and fun by Support the showOleh Andy
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Send us a text a free episode all about mercury fun for all Support the showOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text an insight into mars in detail to help inspire future learners into steam and space careersOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text more detailed look in to Earth and the formation of the Moon please enjoyOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a look into all things Earth more science in next episodeOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a more detailed look into Venus 20 min of knowledge and everything we know about Venus in one place please enjoyOleh Andy
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a longer version all about the sun fun for all
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Subscriber-only episode Send us a text a longer information podcast all about Mercury
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🔒 intro in-depth solar system to alien space talk
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25:04Subscriber-only episode Send us a text intro to solar system presented by Andy space4alleducation.comOleh Andy
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The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets
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The Seven Wonders of Planetary Defense
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9:02The Seven Wonders of Planetary Defense
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The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets Ep7 How far is the closest exoplanet to us
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0:43Il più vicino è un esopianeta che orbita intorno alla stella Proxima Centauri.La luce, che è la cosa più veloce nell’universo, impiega 4 anni ad arrivare aProxima Centari. I nostri razzi viaggiano molto più lentamente della luce equindi, con la tecnologia di oggi, impiegheremmo 135,000 ad arrivare aProxima Centauri. Abbiamo bisogno di razzi più vel…
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The Seven Wonders Patrick Ep7 Planetary Defense Research
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1:08Le risque d’impact d’astéroïde est en fait un sujet fascinant. Pas tellementangoissant, puisque pour l’instant nous n’avons aucune menace, maisfascinant, parce qu’il porte sur des objets qui sont absolument excitants pourles scientifiques : ils évoluent dans un environnement qui est très différentde celui de la Terre et qui défie encore notre intui…
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The Seven Wonders Patrick Ep6 Planetary Defense Communication
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1:20Comme tous les sujets qui portent sur une menace, la communication estextrêmement importante. On peut dire très vite n’importe quoi et il faut faireattention à ce que le public comprenne ce que l’on dit et puisse comprendresi la menace est réelle ou pas. Tout ça n’est pas facile, donc nous nousentrainons à communiquer avec le public cette notion de…
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The Seven Wonders Patrick Ep5 Planetary Defense Coordinated International Response
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1:28Le risque d’impact d’astéroïde est un problème qui concerne le monde entier.Pour l’aborder, il faut avoir une réponse internationale coordonnée à ceproblème. C’est pour cela que l’on a mis en place, sous l’égide de l’ONU,des groupes de travail qui s’intéressent à définir une réponse coordonnée.Si un objet nous arrive dessus, qui va monter la missio…
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The Seven Wonders Patrick Ep4 Planetary Defense Avoidance
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1:28Se protéger de l’impact d’un astéroïde nécessite que l’on puisse faire en sorteque si un objet nous arrive dessus il évite la Terre. Pour ça, il faut définir destechniques qui permettent de dévier la trajectoire d’un astéroïde qui nousarrive dessus. Il y a plusieurs méthodes qui marchent sur le papier, certainessont d’ailleurs très élégantes, mais …
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The Seven Wonders Patrick Ep3 Planetary Defense Protection
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1:19Pour se proteger du risque d’impact, comme on dit il vaut « mieux connaitreson ennemi ». Meme si les asteroides sont plutot nos amis, mais comme iciils nous menacent on va les considerer comme un ennemi. Pour le connaitreil faut le caracteriser, c’est-a-dire comprendre quelles sont les proprietesphysiques qui constituent ces objets. Est-ce que ce s…
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