The Cold War, Prohibition, the Gold Rush, the Space Race. Every part of your life - the words you speak, the ideas you share - can be traced to our history, but how well do you really know the stories that made America? We'll take you to the events, the times and the people that shaped our nation. And we'll show you how our history affected them, their families and affects you today. Hosted by Lindsay Graham (not the Senator). From Wondery, the network behind American Scandal, Tides of Histo ...
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NPR's weekly news quiz hosted by Peter Sagal. Have a laugh and test your knowledge with today's funniest comedians and a celebrity guest. Hate free content? Try a subscription to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!+. Your subscription supports public radio and unlocks fun bonus episodes along with sponsor-free listening. Learn more at
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Podcasts del programa Versió RAC1 - Televisió
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Time Tellers, hosted by Renee and Dan, explores stories and events that have shaped the USA
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Podcasts del programa El món a RAC1 - Televisió
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Hosted by Caitlin Van Mol, this podcast is about people who have been through something they almost didn’t come back from but lived to tell the tale.
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Apu azért iszik, mert te sírsz! - Puzsér Róbert, Farkas Attila Márton
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De Basket Magazin vun der Télé, mat Analyse vun de Matcher, Youth Corner, Portaiten a Reportagen
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God has given His children the principles to enjoy a life of His victory, freedom, restoration and purpose for their lives on earth as it is in heaven. Discover God's truth to maximize your potential in Him and experience His best for your life! For helpful resources visit us online at
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No os engañamos, esto es un pódcast sobre televisión. Aquí podréis encontrar historias de la tele de ayer, hoy y hasta de mañana. Hay nostalgia, sí, pero también análisis y reflexión. Porque, aquí, Todo es tele.
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Most celebrity feuds start with a diss. But what happens between that first diss and the scandalous story that hits the internet? From Wondery, this is Diss and Tell, a weekly podcast that unpacks the most iconic celebrity feuds in pop culture history. We explore the juicy rumors, the explosive accusations, the conflicting opinions and tell it all. Comedians and hosts Sydney Battle and Matt Bellassai get the gossip and register the receipts. Getting to the bottom of the drama is our true cal ...
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Podcast sobre información irrelevante, humor decepcionante y muestra como nunca debe comportarse el ser humano.
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The Good Liars, Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, jump into the big stories of the day, talk about their past experiences, unpack their most recent pranks and interviews, and welcome guests from the world of comedy and politics. For bonus content visit
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Comedian Katherine Ryan can’t help telling everybody everything. Candid chat, pettiness, phone calls, and some serious stuff too - straight from the nation’s sweetheart. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Joygasms for your ears
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Insight and speculation surrounding UFOs and paranormal phenomena from high strangeness researchers KLAɄЅ and GΔRRΞTT.
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¿Qué queremos? ¿Que estamos haciendo? ¿Hacia a dónde vamos?
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The weekly podcast of ever popular author, lecturer, film producer and historian, the inimitable Rabbi Hanoch Teller, takes an intelligent and thought-provoking look at the early struggle to establish the State of Israel. Through analysis of key events of the past, insight is acquired on the present. Every fourth week is devoted to the fundamentals to becoming a morally sensitive, dignified individual; enhancing personal character has never been so uplifting. Teller From Jerusalem is ear can ...
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Az én podcastom A Te Podcastod - Szűcs Viktor személyes podcast műsora, ahol van idő beszélgetni. Kérlek, kövess be itt és az Instagramon is: @atepodcastod Elgondolkodtató témák, nem mindennapi vendégek és olyan beszélgetések, amelyek útravalóként szolgálhatnak szó szerint és átvitt értelemben is.
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A new podcast series from Money20/20 that features insightful interviews with banking C-suite from around the world, highlighting their unique experience and story.
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Two Comic Book Men and an Impractical Joker. Uncensored.
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¡El cantautorismo vive! ¡Y ha llegado para quedarse!
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Gulf News
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Podcast do G1 Bahia aborda e explica temas relevantes, além de contar histórias e apresentar personagens que se destacam no estado.
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Welcome to The Fairy Tellers podcast! We explore what myths, legends, folklore, fables, and fairy tales say about cultures both then and now. So grab a hot cup of cocoa and a comfy seat while we retell you a thing.
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A weekly Pacific magazine programme featuring New Zealand and regional Pacific news, issues, information and music.
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Watch the Telluride Local News Powered by The Local News Network. Catch up with the community in Telluride, Colorado.
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Periodistico con la conducción de Pablo Fabregat y Gonzalo Delgado.
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A weekly podcast featuring opinionated international content industry business leaders and journalists joining Boom! PR's Justin Crosby to discuss the week's top industry news stories. In each episode we discuss key business developments around the world and look forward to the big moments in the week ahead. New episode every Thursday.
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Hi, I’m Russ Tellup, a Trauma-Informed Somatic Coach and Level 1 Brainspotting practitioner. In my podcast "Trauma Talks," I dive into the neuroscience of trauma, exploring somatic healing practices, Polyvagal Theory, and IFS (Internal Family Systems) parts work. I also occasionally address the complexities of narcissistic abuse, offering insights and tools for healing. Join me each week as we navigate the journey of recovery, resilience, and self-discovery together.
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A political commentary podcast with Ken Pullin and Dave Roberts.
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History lectures by Samuel Biagetti, a historian (and antique dealer) with a Phd in early American history; my dissertation was on Freemasonry in the 1700s. I focus on the historical myths and distortions, from "the Middle Ages" to "Race," that people use to rationalize the world in which we live. More info at Please see my Patreon page,, if you want to keep the lectures coming, and to hear the patron-only materials.
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An indepth look at documentaries that explores the subject matter on a deeper level and examines what was left out.
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Tell Me Your Ghost Story is a paranormal variety show - from interviews with people who have experienced the supernatural firsthand, to paranormal show and movie reviews, to field trip reports from haunted locations, to deep dives into the weirdest of topics, and lots of scary places in between. Host Kassie Askin isn’t trying to answer any of life’s biggest questions - instead, she strives to ask more questions and lean into the idea that some parts of reality are beyond our current understa ...
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Herzlich Willkommen beim Tele-Hørst, dem Film-Podcast von Andi, Max und Stu. Nur echt mit so 'nem komischen durchgestrichenen skandinavischen 'O'. In jeder Folge bespricht das Trio Infernale drei Filme zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
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Showcasing the latest developments in the realm of academic and professional research and literature, about the Middle East and global affairs. We discuss Israeli, Arab and Palestinian society, the Jewish world, the Middle East and its conflicts, and issues of global and public affairs with scholars, writers and deep-thinkers.
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Podcast sin filtros para cuestionarnos todo, filosofar, divertirnos y recordar que… ¡Te vas a morir!
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Beim Tele-Stammtisch geht es immer wieder um das gleiche: Comics! Andi besuch dafür diverse Veranstaltungen, führt Interviews, moderiert Talks aller Art und begrüßt Szenevertreter*innen jeden Bekanntheitsgrades. Ein Podcast wie er im (Comic-) Buche steht!
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True crime and tales of bad behavior. From two girls who've been friends for so long, one of them is probably imaginary.
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Podcast by Eva Fridh, Martin von Knorring. Vi provar te och förmedlar kunskap om denna ädla dryck.
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No Te Ofendas/ Ep 117:"¿El hijo de Shakira es o no es?"
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43:56- En este episodio, el admin y LVQNTLRZ hablan sobre el video del hijo de Shakira en el que se muestra muy mjm y sobre si es rajuñao´o no. Y a su vez, sobre que harìamos nosotros como padres al ver que nuestro hijo tiene comportamientos mjm. Disfrutenlo!
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Entendiendo la insuficiencia cardíaca | 41
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14:31Recuerda, la prevención es la mejor medicina. Un estilo de vida saludable, que incluya una dieta equilibrada, ejercicio regular y manejo del estrés, es fundamental para cuidar tu corazón. Si tienes algún padecimiento cardiológico o antecedentes familiares, no dudes en agendar una consulta en mi página web: Puedo ayuda…
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Te doy una canción. 20 de Marzo de 2025. Ismael Serrano, ayer y hoy
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1:52:22Audiencia, seguimos con programas repetidos y esta semana os dejamos un homenaje a Ismael Serrano que emitimos el 16 de marzo de 2023. Entonces, Ismael cumplía 49 años. Hoy ya tiene 51 y nos mola igual, o más. Este es un recorrido por canciones que van desde las muy antiguas (algunas de las que ni el propio Ismael se acordará) hasta las casi última…
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Puzsér Róbert és Farkas Attila Márton beszélgetése az Ingában.
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Vi provar grönt Nepal Everest från Kahls Kaffe och svart Nepal Kanyam GFOP från The Tea Centre of Stockholm.Oleh Eva Fridh, Martin von Knorring
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Tagata o te Moana for 15 March 2025
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30:18Halo oketa! This week on Tagata o te Moana: The dangers of not providing enough police to regions in PNG, A Bougainville leaders group say they want to be independent by September 2027, Deep sea mining campaigners in the Cooks are accused of using charity to win people over and Tokelau prepares to celebrate a century of its relationship with New Ze…
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Eu Te Explico #128: pioneirismo e desafios das mulheres no comando de forças de segurança na Bahia
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40:00Participam do episódio Heloísa Campos de Brito, delegada-geral da Polícia Civil; Ana Cecília Cardoso Bandeira, diretora-geral do DPT-BA; e a tenente-coronel da PM-BA Roseli de Santana.Oleh G1
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#031 - A hosszú, egészséges és boldog élet titkai - Dr. Bene Ágnes
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59:05Japánban, Hongkongban és Monacoban élnek legtovább az emberek, legalábbis ők versenyeznek az első helyért különböző mérések szerint a várható 85-90 évükkel. Vannak elszórtan még ennél is magasabb várható életkorral rendelkező közösségek szétszórva a világon, ahol kiugróan magas a 100 év felettiek száma. Mi a titkuk? Hogyan éljünk mi is hosszú, egés…
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Imagina esto. Un momento, una posibilidad, un universo alterno donde no necesitas nada. Ya está: lograste todo lo que “necesitabas”. Igual y escuchando este audio logras sentir ese momento que tanto deseas.Oleh Diego Dreyfus
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The Good Liars are hung over and talking about Pete Hegseth and company’s war planning on Signal, 23andMe’s sale, and some advice for anyone not wanting to be held by ICE. GET A BONUS EPISODE ON HEROHERO: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST: Apple Podcasts:…
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In this episode, we dive into the bizarre belief system of transhumanism, its effects on modern society, and the potential impact on the current discussion surrounding UFOs and the disclosure movement.
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Radiant Shadows: The Legacy of Madame Curie and the Radium Girls
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25:39Welcome to a captivating episode of Time Tellers, where the echoes of history speak to us with profound lessons. Join us as we embark on a gripping journey through time, exploring the illustrious yet tragic legacy of Madame Marie Curie, a trailblazer in the world of science. From her humble beginnings amidst political oppression in Poland to her gr…
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Continuando con el cuarto de baño, Seba Manito habló hoy del inodoro. Historia, opciones y debates íntimos.
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Pablo habló del documental “Triunfo: Jesse Owens y los juegos de Berlín”, sobre el atleta afroamericano que ganó cuatro medallas en los juegos organizados por el nazismo.
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No Te Ofendas/ Ep 116: Hipertrofiando con Santi Perez (Santigymrat) AKA ELVIS TROFIA
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1:03:46- NTO tiene nuevo episodio y que mejor manera de hacerlo una vez más con Santi Perez AKA Elvis Trofia. Un ep lleno de comedia, personaje y con un lado de Santi Perez que no se ha visto en algun otro episodio. Disfrutenlo!
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History Daily: The Death of Queen Elizabeth I
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18:08March 24, 1603. After a reign of 44 years, Queen Elizabeth I of England dies, bringing the Tudor dynasty to an end. You can listen ad-free in the Wondery or Amazon Music app. Or for all that and more, go to History Daily is a co-production of Airship and Noiser. Go to for more history, daily. See Privacy Policy at h…
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En el espacio de Quality Travel nos visitó Santiago Paz, de la Fundación Real Madrid en Uruguay, para hablar del viaje para niños y adolescentes a entrenar, conocer y competir en Madrid.
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Gonza salió a vivir la vida, en un fin de semana desbordante de actividades en Montevideo, a contramano de Pablo y Majo.
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Ep. 363 Eric Cumbee sits in for the deported Ken. He and Dave discuss Theodore Hamby’s legal troubles, Brandon Beach, airline mishaps, Connor Mcgreggor, Gwinnett can’t comply, stealing soldiers’ pay, and Kemp’s Tort Reform bill.
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Feeders/gainers, Broadway, Sage’s prom, AI, Impractical Jokers, midlife crisis, office temperature reason revealed!Oleh Tell 'em Steve-Dave!
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De Basket-Magazin vun der Télé mat Analyse vun de Matcher, Youth Corner, Portraiten a Reportagen.Oleh RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg
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#113 Speranza Wilde and the Evil Eye
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1:23:33In this episode, Geoff and Katrina talk about some of the work of Lady Jane "Speranza" Wilde. An Irish nationalist who was gathering the lore of the folk, Lady Jane Wilde believed that the heart of the Irish culture could be found in its myths, legends, and superstitions. Katrina discusses some of what can be found in Lady Wilde's folklore collecti…
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This week, we're live in Orlando with special guest Moe Wagner and panelists Eugene Cordero, Alonzo Bodden, and Paula Poundstone Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy
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This week, we're Telling Everybody Everything about the histology report from last week's mole removal. Kanye has been very vocal online this week and while we thought his hate speech was perhaps just a very 'Kanye' art form, we actually think he might be full crazy now. Kim K spoke on a recent episode of Keeping Up about returning her 18 karat rin…
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Kingdom Alignment; Keys to Stay on Focus
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Maxi Guerra recomendó la novela boliviana “Seúl, San Pablo” de Gabriel Mamani Magne, como previa literaria al partido de Uruguay en El Alto.
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