Listen to sermons from Christ City Church, Washington, DC.
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This week in our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Mathew Watson preaches on Acts 13:1-3 and the diverse group of leaders raised up in the early church by the Holy Spirit.
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In this week of our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Andrea Ackermann preaches on Acts 12:1-25 and the contrast between the power of empire rulers and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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This week in our series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Justin Fung preaches on Acts 11:19-30 and how the early church jumped into action in response to injustice and suffering.
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Acts of the Spirit: Acts 11:1-18
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1:26:13In our sermon series on Acts, Pastor Matthew Watson preaches onActs 11:1-18 and moving forward in the new things God is doing, even when others around us are trying to go back to the way things used to be.
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This week in our series, Acts of the Spirit, Rev. Dr. Leroy Barber preaches on Acts 10:23-48 and the work of radical hospitality and inclusion the Spirit is calling us to. Rev. Dr. Leroy Barber has dedicated 30 years to living and working towards what Dr. King called “the beloved community," ministering in multiple communities and capacities. Leroy…
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This week, in our series, "Acts of the Spirit", Pastor Lisa Rodriguez Watson preaches on Acts 10:1-23 and God working to expand the Kin(g)dom.
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In our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Andrea Ackermann preaches on Acts 9:32-43 and reflects on where God is at work in the little details of life.
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In our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Justin Fung preaches on Acts 9:10-31 and Saul's journey from the persecutor of the Church to being integrated into the faith community.
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Continuing our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on Acts 9:9-1 and Saul/Paul's dramatic change of heart and mind.
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In the fourth week of Advent, Pastor Andrea Ackermann preaches on John 1:14 and God's love made known in the incarnation.
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In the third week of our Advent series, God With Us, Pastor Justin Fung preaches on John 1:12-13 and the experience of joy with God.
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In our second week of Advent, Pastor Lisa Rodriguez-Watson preaches on John 1:9-11 and experiencing God's peace in the chaos of life.
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In the first week of our Advent series, "God with Us", Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on John 1:1-5 and holding onto hope in the darkness.
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This week in our sermon series in Acts, Pastor Andrea Ackermann preaches on Acts 8:26-40 and the ever-expanding kingdom of God. Resources mentioned:
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This week, in our sermon series on the book of Acts, Pastor Lisa Rodriguez Watson preaches on Acts 8:1-25 and the work of the Holy Spirit among the scattered saints.
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This week in our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Justin Fung talks about Stephen, the martyr, in Acts 6:8-7:60.
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This week in our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, guest preacher Rich Rivera talks about the groundbreaking work of the Holy Spirit in the imperfect and messy ministry of the early church in Acts 6:1-7. Born and raised in New York City, Rich Rivera has dedicated over 22 years to urban ministry and church planting. He honed his skills through Rede…
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This week in our series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on Acts 5:12-42 and an unconventional life rooted in the movements of the Spirit.
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In our sermon series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Andrea Ackermann preaches on Acts 5:1-11 and God's life-giving presence in the Body of Christ.
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In this week of our series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on Acts 4:23-31 and on offering prayers of praise and petition in light of God's promises.
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This week in our sermon series on Acts, Pastor Justin Fung preaches on Acts 3:1-4:22 and doing the will of God in the name of Jesus. RESOURCES Bible Project, “How the Holy Spirit Works in the Bible.” Justin B. Fung, Learning to Live, “The Holy Spirit.”…
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This week in our Acts series, Rev. Dr. Eun K. Strawser preaches on the work of the Holy Spirit through community.Rev. Dr. Eun K. Strawser is the co-vocational lead pastor of Ma Ke Alo o (which means "Presence" in Hawaiian), missional communities multiplying in Honolulu, HI, a community physician, and previously an executive leader at the V3 Movemen…
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This week in our Acts series, Pastor Lisa Rodriguez-Watson preaches on Acts 2:14-41 and the work of the Holy Spirit through promises, power, and practice. As we study the book of Acts, we’ll ask: What does the Spirit look, sound, and feel like? What are the signs of the Spirit's movement? And where might the Spirit be leading us today?…
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In week two of this series, Acts of the Spirit, Pastor Matthew Watson guides us through Acts 2:1-13 and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
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In this series through the book of Acts, we’ll explore the powerful and transformative role of the Holy Spirit in the early church and how that connects to our lives today. We hope to deepen our understanding of how the Spirit worked in the world after Jesus’ ascension and, in turn, gain insight into how the Spirit moves now, always pointing us to …
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In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on Psalm 133, a…
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In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. This week, Pastor Matthew Watson preaches on P…
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In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. In week four of this series, Pastor Matthew Wat…
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In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. In week three of this series, Pastor Andrea Ack…
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In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. In week two of this series, Pastor Lisa Rodrigu…
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Pilgrim Songs: A Psalm for Vulnerability
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34:46In this series, we will walk through the Psalms of ascent and consider the truths these ancient songs may have for us as we engage in our own summer of pilgrimage. We will consider our own joys and sorrows, our own disappointment with God and God’s people, our own hope for forgiveness and deliverance. Pastor Matthew Watson begins this series in Psa…
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As we enter a summer of change and sojourn, let us enter knowing that God is with us, ahead of us, and for us. Let us journey together this summer, individually and collectively knowing that God has a plan and purpose for us. Pastor Matthew Watson starts off this series discussing the faith of those who followed God into the unknown according to He…
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Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. On Pentecost Sunday, the last Sunday of this series, Pastor Justin Fung talks about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. [Acts 2:1-8, 37-47]
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Strengthening the Core: Mission Part 2
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38:53Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. In week four of our current series, three panelists talked about mission. [Acts 2:42-47]
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Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. In week five of our series, guest preacher, Rich Rivera, speaks about a mission-minded life according to Acts 2:42-47 Born and raised in New York City, Rich has dedicated over 22 years to urban ministry and church planting. …
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Strengthening the Core: Community Part 2
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41:48Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. In week four of our current series, three panelists talked about community. [Acts 2:42-47]
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Strengthening the Core: Community Part 1
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30:52Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. In week three of this series, guest preacher, Ken Wytsma, talks about community and individualism. [Matthew 28:1-20]
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Strengthening the Core: Worship Part 2
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30:53Worship, Community, and Mission have often been referred to as the three pillars that mark the spiritual lives of the church. In week two of our current series, Pastor Matthew Watson interviews three panelists from Christ City Church in a discussion about worship. [Romans 11:36-12:1]
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Kicking off a new series around Christ City Church's core practices (Worship, Community, and Mission), Pastor Matthew Watson points us to the early church's example and what worship looks like for us today. [Acts 2:42-47] -- Resources: - Sacred Pathways Survey: - Typing Test:…
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On Easter Sunday, Pastor Justin Fung concludes our journey through Learning to Live, inviting us to remember the promise of new life. [Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20]
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Learning to Live: For the Sake of the World
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36:14This week in our Learning to Live series, Pastor Matthew Watson reminds us that we are a sent people whose mission is to embody the presence of God. [John 20:19-23]
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This week in our Learning to Live series, Pastor Justin Fung looks at what it means to be the Church. [1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-12]
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This week in our Learning to Live series, Kiry Murray preaches on the Bible as a lamp for our feet and a light for our path according to Psalm 119:105. They recognize that Scripture has been used to harm and point us toward the hope that Scripture can also be used to heal. Kiry Murray (They/Them) is an intern at Christ City and a Seminary student a…
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Learning to Live: Overcoming & Enduring
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33:24This week in our Learning to Live series, Pastor Justin Fung talks about overcoming and enduring through life's journey in community and with God. [Psalm 23]
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This week in our Learning to Live series, Pastor Lisa Rodriguez Watson explores one of our core practices for spiritual growth: prayer—what it is and how it can help us become more like Jesus. [Luke 11:1-13] -- Follow along with Learning to Live at
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Learning to Live: How to Live a Full Life
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31:06Pastor Matthew Watson continues in week 6 of Learning to Live, a church-wide curriculum written for Christ City that we'll be journeying through over the next several weeks, exploring together what it means to follow Jesus and seek the kingdom of God. [1 Timothy 4:7-16]--Follow along with Learning to Live at…
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Pastor Justin Fung gives an Ash Wednesday Homily on transformative fasting according to Isaiah 58.
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Learning to Live: Who You're Becoming
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28:10Pastor Andrea Ackermann continues in week 5 of Learning to Live, a church-wide curriculum written for Christ City that we'll be journeying through over the next several weeks, exploring together what it means to follow Jesus and seek the kingdom of God. [2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Ephesians 2:8; Galatians 5:22-23]--Follow along with Learning to Live at…
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Pastor Justin Fung continues in week 4 of Learning to Live, a church-wide curriculum written for Christ City that we'll be journeying through over the next several weeks, exploring together what it means to follow Jesus and seek the kingdom of God. [John 3:16-17]--Follow along with Learning to Live at a Christ City small gro…
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Pastor Matthew Watson, along with Dr. Daniel Harris, continues in week 3 of Learning to Live, a church-wide curriculum written for Christ City that we'll be journeying through over the next 12 weeks, exploring together what it means to follow Jesus and seek the kingdom of God. [Psalm 139] Follow along with Learning to Live at: . …
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