Bishop and General Overseer of Life-Pool Chapel Churches International, Pastor, Author, Speaker, and a Content Developer in the subjects of Leadership, startups incubation, Talentprenurship, and Psycho-spiritual analysis.
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Anything that does not stay in its purpose loses its power. Purpose is the MAIN pillar of prosperity. Listen and learn about this powerful pillar and start your journey of prosperity
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The devil's favorite dish is greed. This is the door through which he creeps into your life and justifies the poverty he inflicts. Learn how to deal with this silent killer and be blessed.
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To be rich you have to be spiritual. Two qualities create an abiding presence for the Spirit of wealth. Listen, learn, and be blessed.
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If there was no greed in the world, there would be no sin. The devil appeals to the greedy. Listen and be blessed
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Everywhere there is wealth there is a wisdom that was applied. To be wealthy you must embrace wisdom. Listen and be blessed.
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The greatest seduction for Christians is confidence in the flesh. This is what Apostle Paul counted as rubbish. Grow your confidence in trusting God. Be blessed
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The Mind of Christ makes kings and rulers. It is this mind that can access the hidden wisdom of God. Listen, learn, and be blessed.
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Do you know that the WORD of God believed is greater than a prayer said? All things are upheld by the Word of His Power. Listen and be blessed.
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Did you know that MIRACLES are your right as a child of God? Did you know that Miracles are worked? Listen and learn how to condition your life for perpetual miracles and be blessed.
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Did you know that King David measured his success by how EXCELLENT he made the name of the LORD? He ensured that power, wealth, honor, majesty, glory, victory, and praise were ascribed to the name of the Lord everywhere It was mentioned. Listen and learn how to make the name of the Lord excellent. Be blessed.…
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The WORD OF GOD is not profitable if not believed. It must be mixed with FAITH. It must become a BURDEN. Listen and learn the secret that activates the life of Abundance. Be blessed
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The switch that turns on the POWER of God is His WORD. Listen and learn how to wield the power of God for victorious living. Be blessed
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36:31“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you..." Isaiah 60:1-2 THE WORD OF GOD CANNOT BE CHAINED! SHINE IN 2025 IN JESUS NAME
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The WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal but are Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Listen and learn about these weapons and how through them you can live a victorious life
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Did you know that GRACE is a protocol breaker? Grace turned us into Priests and Kings. Listen and learn about the grace we have received through Jesus Christ, and what we should do with it.
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Did you know that Kings operate by making decrees? As a child of God, you become a King by the coming of the Holy Spirit. Listen and learn how to operate as the King God called you to be
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Did you know that the fulfillment of your prophecy is dependent on your ALIGNMENT to God? Listen and learn what you must do to ensure you get to your prophetic destiny. Be blessed
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Did you know that your words create your reality? Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Listen and learn how to frame your world according to what God has called it. Be blessed.
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Did you know that God never designed man to be small? Only beginnings are small. He created us for dominion. Small things are despised. Listen and learn why as a believer you must strive to be BIG. Be blessed
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Did you know that TRUTH is not just something you know it is something you become? Listen to this powerful teaching and learn the secret of an abundant life. Be blessed
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Did you know that work was designed by God to bring man to the fulfillment of any desire he/she has? "The hand of the diligent will rule". Listen to this powerful teaching on dominion and be blessed
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To do great things you must change your paradigm. Your mind responds to the world around you based on how it is conditioned. Listen and learn how to condition your mind for abundance.
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Did you know that without Mentorship, great potential remains unactualized? Listen and learn why Mentorship is important to visionaries. Be blessed
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1:29:56As a man Thinketh so is he. As a man imagines so shall he become. Learn how EL SHADDAI, brings man to abundance through the power of imagination and be blessed.
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Passion only benefits those with a Vision. VISION is the power that God gives man to be purposeful. Listen to this powerful teaching and be blessed.
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Did you know that God wants you to know HIM as EL SHADDAI. Listen and Know the God of more than enough. Be blessed
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Know the difference between JIREH and ELSHEDDAI and the journey of Abraham as GOD takes him from FAITH TO INCREASE. Be blessed
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Do you know why Jesus wept? Do you know what Jesus deeply desires for His friends? Listen and learn what God loves to see in his children and be blessed.
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Did you know that when love meets faith it becomes trust? It is easy to love God but can God trust you? LisListen and learn what God seeks in man and be blessed.
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Did you know JOY is superior to knowing? Faith requires JOY in obedience when the outcome is not certain. Listen and learn how to have certainty through faith where there is no certainty. Be blessed
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Did you know that your life ought to be a wonder if you have Faith? God has given us Faith to live in what eyes have not seen and ears have not heard. Listen and be blessed as the Bishop teaches on the wonders of faith.
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Did you know that the Hallmark of someone who has had a spiritual experience is the end of FEAR? When God wants to use a man He must first instruct him not to FEAR. Learn how to walk with this Mental retention of the presence of God. Be blessed
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Did you know that a mind controlled by fear is easily controlled by material things? Listen and Learn the power of FAITH in your financial freedom. Be blessed
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Did you know that for a gift to work, it needs an environment of POWER, LOVE and A SOUND MIND? FEAR is the main enemy that keeps people from progress. Listen to this Powerful teaching as the Biahop Unmasks The Spirit of FEAR.
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Did you know that FEAR cannot co-exist with FAITH? Did you know that the test of your Faith comes immediately after you have received the word? Listen and learn the secret of how to live a victorious life through Faith. Be blessed
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Did you know that winning begins when the plan fails? Listen to this powerful teaching on the winning mind and be blessed.
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Did you know that faith needs an environment to thrive? Just like any living thing requires a conducive ecosystem to sustain its life and reach its full potential, faith also needs the right environment to flourish. Discover the conditions that allow faith to work, and be blessed.
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Did you know that The Life of Faith is a Fight? Did you know that the life of Faith is a race? It is a life that requires endurance to win a good fight. Listen and be blessed as the Bishop teaches on what it takes to win by FAITH.
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Did you know that FAITH is a DECISION? Did you know that God is only moved by two things, by compassion or in response to FAITH? You must decide to take up the shield of FAITH, you must decide to LIVE by FAITH. Listen and learn how to get results through the SPIRIT OF FAITH
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Did you know that a spirit has an identity, a personality, and characteristics that manifest as thoughts and perceptions influencing behavior? Listen and learn how to LIVE in the victory that comes from THE SPIRIT OF FAITH
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Did you know that to advance in life there are doors that you need to enter? And knowing how to walk into rooms is very significant to your progress. Listen and learn how to prepare for, walk into, and maximize the great and effective doors that open to you to attain your God-given vision. Be blessed…
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Did you know that your perception predicates your reality? Did you know that FAITH is a SPIRIT that is either given life or killed in your mind? Listen and Learn how to birth and manifest FAITH REALITIES and be blessed.
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Did you know that Faith cannot work without the Author of Faith our Lord Jesus Christ? Did you know that if the Author changes so does the outcome? Listen and Learn why you MUST live by FAITH. Be blessed
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1:38:48As a Christian, you are expected to show your FAITH by your WORKS. Listen and learn how, with FAITH a person can direct the POWER OF GOD. Be blessed.
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Did you know that to be effective in Ministry, there must be separation? This separation happens in the church by the Holy Spirit. Listen and Learn the importance of waiting for God's Spirit to Separate before you are deployed and be blessed
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An image in a mirror is a true reflection of the object. Does your life reflect the true Image of GOD that you were created in? This true form is realized by Having Faith in GOD. Listen and learn how you can PREVAIL THROUGH FAITH.
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All the qualities that you possess are useless in the absence of STRENGTH. Listen and learn how to have and increase strength to live a productive and victorious life.
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Did you know that when you operate by FAITH you are operating in the God class, where you don't ask you condition with your words the results you expect? Listen to this powerful teaching on Faith and be blessed
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Did you know that there is a substance, that must be in you to make the Name of JESUS have power on your tongue? Listen and be blessed as the Bishop teaches on what it takes to be PRINCES IN LIFE.
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A City is where divergent ideas come together to thrive, but one can lose their aim and goal in the city because of the many distractions. Be warned of the deceptions and lies that are perpetuated in the city that rob people of purpose and destiny. Listen and be blessed
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