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show episodes
A gathering place for enduring ideas in youth work that just won’t go away. After decades on the front lines of youth work and therapy, Michael recognized a significant gap in the sector—a lack of a dedicated, practical framework. This realization led him to develop ’The Solutions Toolkit,’ a program designed specifically for youth workers. Built around an ’Absorb & Practice’ model, the toolkit enables skill-building on the job, with modules broken down into practical, bite-sized units. Thes ...
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Reimagining Youth Work

Torie Weiston-Serdan

The Reimagining Youth Work podcast is an exciting, new, and thoughtful exploration of how our world is impacting young people, what adults can do to re-think their work with young people, and how we can all work together to re-make the systems that serve young people. The podcast is hosted by veteran educator, mentoring expert, and executive director of the Youth Mentoring Action Network (YMAN), Dr. Torie Weiston-Serdan. The podcast is recorded in both audio and video formats. Like the work ...
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Youth Work State of Mind Podcast from the Blackburn Diocese Board of Education is for anyone who works as a leader, volunteer, church leader or is interested in Christian Youth Ministry. Each episode has helpful discussion along all aspects of youth ministry with the help of special guests and has some fun along the way with some lighthearted games. If that sounds like your thing, then please do listen, subscribe, and share the podcast with those who will find it helpful, and you can connect ...
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Welcome to The Youth Workshop Podcast. The Youth Workshop is a youth ministry organisation dedicated to helping youth leaders and pastors navigate the rough terrain that is youth ministry and committed to equipping and growing the next generation of leaders through events, resources and mentoring. On this podcast you will hear interviews and conversation with the most innovative and creative youth experts from around the world. If you are ready to take your youth ministry to the next level, ...
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show series
After the last episode, I've been thinking deeply. So many people asked me when I was going to write that book about weight loss that I discussed in the previous episode. Well, here we are in 2025, and I did much more than that: I wrote the book, and I'm currently giving away 100,000 copies on a pay-what-you-want basis. I also have a course coming …
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What happens when you bring together 12 clinically obese individuals and a team of experts to tackle weight loss and save lives? ANNOUNCEMENT So many people asked me when I was going to write that book about weight loss that I discussed in this episode. Well, here we are in 2025, and I did much more than that: I wrote the book, and I'm currently gi…
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Ever witnessed a young person repeat a self-destructive behavior that seems to defy all logic? I know I have. And today, I'm diving into a story I’ve never shared before — not just about the young people I’ve worked with, but about my own inexplicable, self-destructive behavior as a kid. If you're wondering why young people sometimes act against th…
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Welcome to The Action Factory Podcast, and it’s great to be back! After a long hiatus due to moving house, I want to talk about how we might save our council a few million pounds. My name is Michael Dawson, and I developed a universal, principle-based framework for youth work teams. During the design of the Solutions Toolkit, I’m often asked about …
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to the Action Factory Podcast, I'm Michael Dawson, the creator of the Solutions Toolkit, the first framework designed for those working with young people in care environments. In today's episode, we delve into the real, raw experience of the admission process into care — not the procedures and rules, but what it actually feels like for a yo…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Different generations have different ideas about their future. Alena Tomanová from the Slovak organisation Youthwatch will tell us about Futures Literacy or "literacy for the future". It is a concept and a tool that helps young people prepare for what the future brings. Futures Literacy develops the skills that are important for the future. For exa…
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Dnes pozorujeme enormný nárast porúch duševného zdravia najmä medzi mladými ľuďmi. Situáciu ešte zhoršila pandémia COVID-19, kedy mladí ľudia často zostávali nepovšimnutí a zatvorení doma. Riaditeľka Centra voľného času v Starej Ľubovni, Marta Hanečáková nám porozpráva o projekte, ktorého cieľom bolo pracovať s mladými ľuďmi, ktorí ostávajú doma a …
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Rôzne generácie majú rôzne predstavy o svojej budúcnosti. Alena Tomanová z organizácie Youthwatch nám porozpráva o tzv. Futures Literacy alebo „gramotnosti pre budúcnosť“. Ide o koncept a nástroj, ktorý pomáha mladým ľuďom pripraviť sa na to, čo nás v budúcnosti čaká. Gramotnosť pre budúcnosť rozvíja vlastnosti, ktoré sú pre budúcnosť dôležité. Nap…
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Ako netradične vzdelávať mladých ľudí o tom, prečo je demokracia taká dôležitá? A čo tak nechať ich samých, aby si prežili to, čo naši rodičia a starí rodičia počas rokov 1948 – 1989? Alexandra Kurišová z organizácie Youthwatch nám porozpráva, ako môžu mladí ľudia na vlastnej koži prežiť nespravodlivosť a zažiť pocity, aké to je fungovať ako bežný …
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Zamysleli ste sa už nad tým, ako vnímajú svet ľudia s autizmom? Ako ho vidia, počujú, či cítia? Teraz to môžete zažiť. Mikuláš Štubňa z občianskeho združenia Spoločnosť na pomoc osobám s autizmom (SPOSA) nám porozpráva, ako funguje simulátor autizmu a čo všetko s ním môžeme zažiť. Budeme hovoriť aj o tom ako využívať virtuálnu realitu nielen na záb…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Is prayer the centre of your youth ministry? How can we create a culture of prayer with a group of young people? These are the questions being asked and answered in the latest episode of the Youth Work State of Mind Podcast. Joining Ben and Dave on the podcast is Josh Green, Youth Director of 24/7 Prayer and heads up Wildfires to tackle these quest…
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Missä nykyään on nuorten reviirit? Reilu kymmenen vuotta sitten tehtiin havainto, että nuoret eivät enää liikkuneet kaupunkien kaduilla, vaan viettivät aikaa ABC-liikenneasemilla ja kauppakeskuksissa. Tästä sai alkunsa Nuortenpalvelun kauppakeskuksiin ja huoltoasemille suuntautunut hanke, jossa nuoria kohdattiin uusissa ympäristöissä. Tämän podcast…
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Onko digitaalinen pelaaminen uhka vai mahdollisuus? Kaikki pelaavat, mutta kuinka pelaamista voidaan hyödyntää nuorisotyössä. Tässä podcastissa keskustellaan pelaamisesta positiivisessa hengessä§. Haasteltavana meillä on tänään asiantuntija Nina-Elise Koivumäki. Keskustelemme digitaalisesta pelaamisesta, pelikulttuurista sekä päättyvästä Game over …
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In this episode, we had a conversation with Mark Postema, an EduScrum trainer who also teaches English and Physics. Edu what? You might say. EduScrum is a framework that comprises tools and ceremonies aimed at creating a user-centered learning experience. It involves learners and a facilitator working together to achieve this goal, with the framewo…
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Hello dear listeners, In this episode, we had the privilege of speaking with Vika Matuzaitė, a non-formal education trainer and facilitator, who enlightened us about the concept of Queer Youth and how youth workers can support Queer young people. In today’s world, there can be significant confusion surrounding this topic, where gender, identity, an…
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Talking Youth Work – Nuorisotyö tänään podcast-sarjan tuotanto käynnistyi jo päättyneessä FutureLabs -hankkeessa, jonka aikana tuotimme yli 30 englanninkielistä podcastia nuorisotyön uusista tuulista ympäri Eurooppaa ja ihmisistä näiden innovaatioiden takana. Tämän podcastin on tuottanut Erasmus+ -rahoitteinen EduLabs -jatkohanke. Jatkamme sarjaa k…
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Dear listeners, In this edition, we had the pleasure of conversing with Jan Lai, an expert in international youth mobility, non-formal education, youth work, digital literacy, and online learning. Jan is a passionate and restless soul who enjoys a good challenge. During our chat, Jan shared how he initiated an esports* team with a group of young pe…
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Hello dear listeners, In this episode, we talked to Snežana Bačlija Knoch, an educational consultant in the European youth field and a facilitator of learning for nearly two decades. She loves to create encouraging and inviting learning environments, facilitate action-oriented value-based learning, and experiment with (and sometimes create) differe…
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Olá caros ouvintes, Desta vez falámos com Ana Rita Camará, Animadora Sociocultural, que nos veio falar do desenvolvimento de ferramentas pedagógicas, particularmente sobre a criação de jogos pedagógicos para contextos de Educação Não Formal. A Ana Rita desenvolve e produz jogos na empresa Produções Fixe na Vila da Marmeleira, no distrito de Santaré…
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Hello dear listeners, This time our conversation was with Michael Kimming, an intercultural trainer, coach, online instructor and facilitator. Michael and other colleagues published an eBook called “How to Talk About War – Facilitating Learning in the Face of Crisis”, which became the topic of our conversation. Michael was facilitating a workshop w…
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A nossa convidada deste episódio é Heloísa Pugliese. Professora de formação, é hoje tutora pedagógica no projeto Teach for Portugal, e alguém que decidiu explorar as possibilidades das aprendizagens fora do contexto formal em que trabalhou durante anos. Quando dava aulas, entendeu que os contextos de cada criança são diferentes, o que exige que a e…
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Hello dear listeners, In this episode, we talked with Paul Kloosterman, a youth worker and author of several publications for youth workers and facilitators. We heard Paul’s story of how he got involved in youth work, but the main topic of our talk was Self-Directed Learning. As the name implies, self-directed learning it’s a process where individu…
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Olá queridos ouvintes, Este episódio faz parte de uma série especial do podcast “Talking Youth Work” adaptada para o público de língua portuguesa e intitulada “Vamos Falar do Trabalho com Jovens”. O podcast é produzido pelo projeto EduLabs e financiado pelo programa Erasmus+. Nesta série, falaremos sobre novas abordagens no trabalho com jovens e va…
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Talking Youth Work – Nuorisotyö tänään podcast-sarjan tuotanto käynnistyi jo päättyneessä FutureLabs -hankkeessa, jonka aikana tuotimme yli 30 englanninkielistä podcastia nuorisotyön uusista tuulista ympäri Eurooppaa ja ihmisistä näiden innovaatioiden takana. Tämän podcastin on tuottanut Erasmus+ -rahoitteinen EduLabs-jatkohanke. Jatkamme sarjaa ke…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Hello dear listeners, After more than a year, Talking Youth Work is back. We did miss you. A lot! We hope you are doing well and are curious to learn about Youth Work with our guests. This time we spoke with Niels Floor, a pioneer of the concept of Learning Experience Design. Niels is a designer himself, and he brought the curiosity and problem-sol…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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Welcome to another Action Factory Podcast with me, Michael Dawson. Before we begin this episode, here's a quick reminder: Don't miss my 30-minute webinar 'The BIG 4 in Youth Work.' You'll also get two powerful tools and my popular 'Brief Therapy Toolkit' eBook—already a hit with nearly 40,000 youth workers. Click below to subscribe and watch!" WATC…
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