Join Transformation Coach and All Around Life-Hacker, Ashlie Pappas for daily short and easy, guided meditations to enrich and deepen your spiritual journey in recovery. These meditations are specifically tailored to help you deepen your connection with your higher power and strengthen your sobriety, lasting under 9 minutes. You will find peace of mind, less stress, and a new perspective – all in less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee! Just a heads up, these meditations include ...
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A short, easy meditation to help you get into a mindset of gratitude - A definite necessity, especially in 2020!Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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Taking steps forward when you have no idea how things will turn out can be scary for anyone, but in recovery it can be paralyzing. This short visualization meditation will allow you to trust in the journey, even when you can't see what's in front of you.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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This short guided meditation will allow you to let go of the need to give your opinions and unsolicited advice, yet share your experience when it can be truly helpful and necessary.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, easy meditation that will aid you in walking through fear and embracing faith; strengthening your recovery and your relationship with you Higher Power.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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It is easy to become isolated, even more so for us in recovery. This short, easy meditation will allow you to release feelings of loneliness and embrace peace, as well as interconnectedness. If you are currently cut off from your recovery community during these times of quarantine, feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I will hel…
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A short, easy guided meditation that will allow you to fearlessly take responsibility for yourself. You will make space for humility that will create a solid foundation for your recovery along with spiritual and emotional growth. Make sure to subscribe to Naturally Recovered to receive the latest episodes as they are released. Thanks for listening!…
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A quick and easy guided meditation to strengthen the relationship between yourself and your higher power. It will make it easier to walk with faith while feeling connected and grounded.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, guided meditation that will inspire you to utilize the tools of self-appraisal, prayer, and meditation to ensure a ongoing path of recovery.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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This short, guided meditation will allow you to shift your perspective and change the way you view the world around you as well as yourself.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short guided meditation that will allow you to create internal space to receive divine guidance throughout your day. You'll be inspired to embrace your own personal consistency, celebrating the victory of progress and spiritual connection. A brand new season of Naturally RecoveredOleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to let go of every piece of yourself that doesn't align with your highest purpose and surrender your defects to your Higher Power.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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84 - Shedding the Weight of Your Secrets
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8:32A short, visualization to help you release guilt and shame associated with secrets that you've kept, strengthening your recovery and allowing you to move forward in growth.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A visualization meditation that will allow you to let go of the old belief that you are unworthy and embrace the light and miracle that you truly are.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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82 - Healing Through Clearing Away Wreckage
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8:08A short, guided meditation that will allow you to move beyond your past, allowing the healing process and forgiveness to begin.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, guided meditation that will aid in your ability to find a balance between trust and self-preservation.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to let go of self-deprecating thoughts and enable you to embrace your gifts, talents, and freedoms moving forward.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short meditation based off of the St. Francis Prayer. You will experience a new dimension in your meditation practice and a shift in mindset to one conducive to lasting recovery.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short meditation that will allow you to let go of instant gratification and trust the process with hope.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short meditation that will allow you to let go of the outcome and be present in the moment. It will allow you to find peace and open you to new experiences that would be otherwise lost.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short and easy meditation that will inspire you to share what you've found in recovery, finding freedom and deep fulfillment.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, guided meditation that will help you to find space between your initial reactions and the action that follows, allowing you to act with grace and dignity.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A short, visualization meditation that will help you to keep faith during difficult times, allowing you to see the miracles in every step of the process. Due to technical difficulties and delayed episode release time today, the 10 Week Summer Transformation promo code: 7years will be valid through 5/30, midnight CDT for an extra $100 off the pre-sa…
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A short, visualization meditation that will allow you to let go of the defects, habits, and behaviors that are harmful or troublesome. You'll find release, ease, and stronger recovery. Today is the final day to get $100 off pre-sale pricing on the 10 Week Summer Transformation with promo code: 7years at…
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to become aware of your path and the whispered guidance of your Higher Power, breaking recurring cycles and preventing unnecessary suffering. Only a couple days left to get pre-sale pricing and an additional $100 off the 10 Week Summer Transformation with promo code: 7years at https://naturallyrecovere…
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This short, guided meditation will allow you to get out of your own way of joy, happiness, and freedom, taking responsibility for old ideas and behaviors that kept you from happiness and surrendering them. You can still get $100 off the Pre-Sale pricing for the 10 Week Summer Transformation with promo code: 7years at…
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to refocus on allowing your Higher Power into your life and embracing spiritual growth. Putting your recovery and spiritual wellness first, allowing the rest to fall into line. Get an extra $100 off Pre-Sale pricing on the 10 Weeks of Summer Transformation with promo code: 7years at https://naturallyre…
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This short visualization meditation will allow you to let go of any past negative attachments you've associated with intimacy and shift to allowing intimacy align with your values and beliefs, honoring yourself through self-respect and right motives. Get $100 off pre-sale pricing for the 10 Week Summer Transformation with promo code: 7years at http…
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A short meditation that will help you to practice meeting your own needs without the guilt of being selfish. You'll find oneness with your Higher Power and peace in honoring your boundaries. Get an additional $100 off the 10 Week Summer Transformation with promo code 7years at…
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A short meditation that will help to shift your mindset to one of gratitude, shining a positive light on all that you see and experience each day. As a listener of Naturally Recovered, you can take advantage of the exclusive pre-sale price for the 10 Week Summer Transformation at The transformation begins with…
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66 - Staying in the Moment - Centering Recovery Meditation
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8:58A short meditation you can use anytime you need a little help taking it a day at a time, an hour at a time, or even a moment at a time.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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65 - Freedom Through Humility - Recovery Meditation
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8:49A short, guided meditation that will aid you in letting go of judgment, tendencies to look at the world in comparison, and your ego. You'll deepen both your recovery and your relationship with your Higher Power.Oleh Ashlie Pappas
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A gentle, visualization meditation that will help you to surrender your shortcomings and defects to your Higher Power, understanding that you cannot remove them alone. You'll feel a new level of peace and faith in your recovery. #defects #shortcomings #recovery #sober #sobriety #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #overeating #12steps #shortmeditat…
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A short meditation that will allow you to strengthen your recovery and enjoy peace through embracing forgiveness and letting go of the weight of resentment. #faith #resentment #forgiveness #shortmeditation #guidedmeditation #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #overeating #12steps…
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A short guided meditation that will allow you to make peace while seeing the lessons and miracles in each moment... even in tragedy. You'll become open to a deeper level of trust in your Higher Power. #recovery #tragedy #sobriety #sober #faith #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #shortmeditation
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to accept yourself as you are and make peace with all of yourself, including parts that you may have felt shame and guilt about. #selfacceptance #faith #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #12steps #shortmeditation
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A short meditation that will allow you to let go of intolerance and arrogance, shifting to a place of love and unity. #recovery #sober #sobriety #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #tolerance #love #shortmeditation #guidedmeditation
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This short, guided meditation will allow you to make peace with your past, no longer dragging it around with you. #sobriety #sober #recovery #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #overeating #lettinggo #personalgrowth #shortmeditation #meditation
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to surrender your struggles in your addiction, finding a renewed freedom and lightness while you continue along the journey of recovery. #recovery #sobriety #sober #addiction #alcoholism #codependece #overeating #mindset #surrender #shortmeditation #meditation…
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to let go of the things you --think-- will make you happy and become open to each moment, finding joy in each one. #joy #beingpresent #sober #sobriety #recovery #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #overeating #void #shortmeditation #meditation
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to slow down and experience the moment, letting go of impatience. #patience #impatience #grounding #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #12steps #shortmeditation #guidedmeditation
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to grow in your recovery as you become more open and willing to trust in your Higher Power, yourself, and others. #trust #faith #recovery #sober #sobriety #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #shortmeditation #meditation
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This short meditation will allow you to show others how to respect you through strengthening your own self-respect. #respect #respectable #self-respect #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholic #addict #codependent #shortmeditation #meditation
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A short meditation that will allow you to detach from your feelings, recognizing them as being temporary. #feelings #emotionalsobriety #emotions #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #alcoholic #codependent #shortmeditation #meditaiton
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A short meditation that will allow you to let go of your defenses, becoming open to loving feedback and suggestion as you walk the path of recovery. #lettinggo #openness #suggestion #objective #direction #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #alcoholic #codependent #shortmeditation #meditaiton…
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to find the balance as embrace a life of honesty in recovery. #honesty #boundaries #filter #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #alcoholic #codependent #shortmeditation #meditaiton
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Ashlie shares one of the most profound things she's learned in recovery and shares it with you through meditation, allow you to let go of any excuses, situations, or circumstances that may be blocking your path of recovery. #recovery #sober #sobriety #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #12steps #blocks #excuses #empowerment #action #shortmeditatio…
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A short, guided meditation that will allow you to be fully present in any situation, accepting the peaks and valleys that life brings. #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholism #addiction #codependence #overeating #emotionalsobriety #challenges #depression #anxiety
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48 - Breaking the Chains of Your Secrets
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8:42This visualization meditation will help you to let go of the weight of your secrets by taking their power away. You'll feel the weight lifted from your chest and be able to face the world without shame or guilt. #addiction #alcoholism #12step #recovery #sobriety #sober #fear #secrets #honesty #dishonesty #faith #codependence #guilt #shame #anxiety …
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This short, visualization meditation will help you to solidify the foundation of your recovery, keeping it as the base that everything else is built upon by keeping your recovery as a priority. #foundation #priorities #sober #sobriety #recovery #alcoholic #alcoholism #addict #addiction #coda #codependent #12steps…
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Part 3 of a 3 Part Meditation Series - This short meditation will allow you to share your love and compassion with others. It is a powerful and simple meditation that can be performed anytime, anywhere. Make sure to tune in to Episode 44 and 45 which will build upon each meditation in succession - Go to to get the entir…
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