Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.
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- This month will see the preliminary climax of the power struggle between the government and the Supreme Court in Israel. Will the court lead the nation towards a breakdown of the entire democratic system, or will its judges use the sense of their predecessors and open up for an orderly way to solve the crisis? - PA-leader Mahmoud Abbas has once a…
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Israel is experiencing the worst year in terms of terror attacks since 2005. Why is this happening and what can be done? In these days, we mark thirty years since the signing of the Oslo Accords. We offer a brief evaluation of what must be considered a huge failure. A new report reveals shocking material on how the Palestinian Authority erases Jews…
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Following a short update from our work, these are issues discussed: - September is going to be busy in Israel: Important deliberations will be held by the Supreme Court, demonstrations are likely to continue, and the Jewish holidays with focus on repentance and reconciliation will frame the daily routines from the middle of the month. - With this r…
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A brief but important update on the development on the judicial reform in Israel and the internal divisions it has created. The coming days are crucial - I encourage you to pray!Oleh Israel Next
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This episode deal with the following topics: 1. The Israeli army’s operation in Jenin has been criticized in our media. But it was an extraordinary example of just and moral warfare. 2. The anti-government demonstrations in Israel seem to lose direction – and have lost some of the popularity 3. Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to strengthen the Pales…
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Hamas is slowly turning Judea and Samaria into a powerful base of terror – but Israel has the power to stop them. The question is if they can allow themselves to do so. In the court cases against Prime Minister Netanyahu, the bribery accusation seems less and less credible. In area after area in Israel law and order is not upheld as it should. Neta…
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Tens of thousands of Israelis rejoice over the unification of Jerusalem – but not everyone is happy with the Jerusalem march. Netanyahu struggles with his coalition in budget issues, but is likely to come through this time as well. Mahmoud Abbas gets more extreme as more and more nations are pushed off by his rhetoric. And an inscribed curse found …
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Israel is once again forced to defend its citizens against rocket terror. Operation Shield and Arrow is targeting Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and has delivered a serious blow to that organization. We talk about why it started, how it develops, and where it is likely to lead. We also talk about the lack of interest in Arabs dying in …
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1. A soothing unity resurfaced on Memorial and Independence Day among Israelis. 2. Yesterday, maybe the largest ever right-wing demonstration took place in support of the judicial reform. 3. Netanyahu might be looking for a plea deal in the court cases against him. 4. After news in short, this week’s Torah portion deals with what it is to be holy, …
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Following a short update of Israel Next activities these first four months of 2023, we give an update on the status of the reform of the justice system. We also talk about the fact that more and more Israelis are pushing for a compromise. Then we mark the fact that Israel celebrates its 25th anniversary on Wednesday. Finally, our news in short and …
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As Israel is preparing for the celebration of Passover, the tension within society has been put on hold. Following an extremely dramatic week, opposition and coalition are now finally talking to each other. Hopefully, it will lead to results. In a related comment, I reflect on the way modern persons gather information, in Israel as well as here in …
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As the demonstrations against the law reform continue into the third month, and the division among the people only deepen, Prime Minister Netanyahu finally took the reins of the process on Thursday. But still, there is no obvious solution to the situation. Meanwhile, the Knesset approved a law that annulled part of the Disengagement plan from 2005;…
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The controversy surrounding the law reform continues, but there are also small signs of a softening of positions. Meanwhile, foreign states interfere in Israeli politics by flooding the Supreme Court with hundreds of cases annually. In Nablus/Shechem, Israeli soldiers were confronted by a terror-army and a fierce street battle killing at least ten …
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As preparations for the law reform are continuing, those who oppose it use increasingly dubious methods. The terrorism in Jerusalem causes the National security minister to overreact while the government provides the traditional answer to terror; strengthening Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. At the same time the Defense Minister orders the…
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• A proposed juridical reform that would give more power to the ruling coalition is causing strong divisions inside Israel. Is the reform needed and should it be done differently? • Israel has sent 450 persons to help victims of the earthquake in Turkey – It is the decidedly largest and most professional of all aid-groups, but the demand and the su…
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Benjamin Netanyahu is in the final stages of forming his government, but it is already criticized for constituting a threat to democracy by the opposition. A poll in the Palestinian Authority shows a worrying increase in support for terror, and a the death of a 16-year old girl, most likely shot by mistake by an Israeli soldier during a firefight, …
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Benjamin Netanyahu er i sluttfasen av å danne sin regjering, men den blir allerede kritisert av opposisjonen for å utgjøre en trussel mot demokratiet. En meningsmåling i Det palestinske selvstyret viser en bekymringsfull økning i støtten til terror, og døden til en 16 år gammel jente, mest sannsynlig skutt ved en feiltakelse av en israelsk soldat u…
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Benjamin Netanyahu har ingen enkel oppgave med å sette sammen koalisjonen sin, men han vil kanskje slite enda mer for å holde den sammen når den først er dannet. Etter valget har terrorangrepene økt og samtidig blir lederen av den palestinske selvstyremyndigheten Mahmoud Abbas stadig mer irrelevant. Fokus har vært på IDF-soldater den siste uken ett…
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Benjamin Netanyahu has no easy task in putting together his coalition, but he may be struggling even more to keep it together once it has been formed. After the elections, terror attacks have increased and at the same time Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Focus have been on IDF soldiers the last week a…
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Benjamin Netanyahu is working intensely to form a government, but meeting stiff demands from his coalition partners. Meanwhile, inside and outside Israel, scare mongers wisp up threat scenarios of an extremist government. And a settler that in self-defense killed a Palestinian Arab goes free. This week’s Torah portion is about Abraham as a father.…
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Benjamin Netanyahu jobber intenst med å danne en regjering, men møter harde krav fra koalisjonspartnerne. I mellomtiden, i og utenfor Israel, pisker dommedagsprofeter opp trusselscenarier om en ekstremistisk regjering. Og en nybygger som i selvforsvar drepte en palestinsk araber går fri. Denne ukens Toralesing handler om Abraham som vår far.…
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In this shortened version of Inside Out, we offer a summary and analysis of the Israeli elections.Oleh Israel Next
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I denne forkortede versjonen av Inside Out gir vi en oppsummering og analyse av det israelske valget.Oleh Israel Next
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In a somewhat compressed edition of Inside Out we talk about the maritime deal with Lebanon, give an election update, and an update on the wave of terror. Australia has withdrawn its support for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, three Israeli Arabs have been caught in spying for Hamas, and, nothing new under the sun; the UN has issued another scathing…
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I en noe komprimert utgave av Inside Out snakker vi om den maritime avtalen med Libanon, gir en valgoppdatering og en oppdatering om terrorbølgen. Australia har trukket tilbake sin støtte til Jerusalem som Israels hovedstad; tre israelske arabere har blitt tatt i å spionere for Hamas, og ingenting nytt under solen; FN har utstedt nok en kritisk rap…
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Israel is prepared for both defensive and offensive warfare against a possible Hizbollah attack following the breakdown in negotiation with Lebanon on the maritime border. In the Jordan Valley, agricultural terrorists destroyed for tens of millions on Yom Kippur. Prime Minister, and former journalist, Yair Lapid comes with dangerous statements that…
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Israel er forberedt på både defensiv og offensiv krigføring om Hizbollah angriper etter sammenbruddet i forhandlingene med Libanon angående den maritime grensen. I Jordandalen ødela landbruksterrorister for titalls millioner på Yom Kippur. Statsminister, og tidligere journalist, Yair Lapid, har kommet med farlige uttalelser som angriper ytringsfrih…
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Jenin, the old-new terror city continues to deliver death and destruction. The PA accuses Israel of the death of a seven-year-old boy. Are they trying to create another Muhammed al-Dura? Israel’s Central Election Committee calls for banning the Arab party, Balad, from running in the upcoming elections. American Jews are becoming outcasts at US univ…
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Jenin, den ny-gamle terrorbyen fortsetter å levere død og ødeleggelse. PA anklager Israel for døden til en syv år gammel gutt; et forsøk på å skape en ny Muhammed al-Dura? Israels sentrale valgkomité vil forby det arabiske partiet Balad fra å stille ved det kommende valget. Amerikanske jøder blir utstøtt ved amerikanske universiteter ettersom flere…
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Israel on the highest terror alert as holidays are starting. In New York, Prime Minister Yair Lapid revives the failed two-state solution, and receives applause from the White House. A school strike in East Jerusalem sets their anti-Israeli curriculum in focus. As the borders of Russia are packed with people wanting to get out, Israel is preparing …
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Israel er i høyeste terrorberedskap nå som høytidene starter. I New York gjenoppliver statsminister Yair Lapid den mislykkede tostatsløsningen, og mottar applaus fra Det hvite hus. En skolestreik i Øst-Jerusalem setter deres anti-israelske læreplan i fokus. Mens grensene til Russland er fulle av folk som ønsker å komme seg ut, forbereder Israel seg…
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An Israeli soldier is killed by terrorists as a more serious conflict seems increasingly inevitable. A new report reveals the extent of the Israeli Arab riots inside Israel in May last year. The party lists for the next elections are now final, and new polls show progress for the left wing. News in brief and the weekly Torah portion, with focus on …
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En israelsk soldat ble drept av terrorister, og en opptrapping av konflikten virker stadig mer uunngåelig. En ny rapport avslører omfanget av de israelsk-arabiske opptøyene i selve Israel i mai i fjor. Partilistene for neste valg er nå fastlagt og nye meningsmålinger viser fremgang for venstresiden. Nyheter i korte trekk og den ukentlige Torah-dele…
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Major terror attacks are averted as Israel is battling an intensive wave of terror emanating from Judea and Samaria. The IDF says its soldiers are likely responsible for the death of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh – and now the US is demanding changes in Israel’s rules of engagement. Appointment of a committee head causes huge debate, and the Supreme…
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Putar nanti
Putar nanti
54:24Store terrorangrep avverges mens Israel kjemper mot en intensiv bølge av terror fra Judea og Samaria. IDF sier at deres soldater sannsynligvis er ansvarlige for dødsfallet til journalisten Shireen Abu Aqleh – og nå krever USA endringer i Israels regler for ildgivning. Utnevnelse av en komitéleder forårsaker stor debatt, og Høyesterett griper inn. D…
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A new generation of terrorists are rising in Judea and Samaria, and the IDF has decided not to let them take over. This happens as the Palestinian Authority is loosing power and a leader struggle, that can turn very ugly, is gearing up. In Syria, Iran is trying harder, and Israel is responding – leaving Syria both vulnerable and increasingly impati…
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En ny generasjon terrorister reiser seg i Judea og Samaria, og IDF har besluttet å stoppe dem. Dette skjer ettersom de palestinske myndighetene mister makten og en lederkamp, som kan bli veldig stygg, girer opp i PA. I Syria prøver Iran stadig hardere, og Israel svarer – og etterlater Syria både sårbart og stadig mer utålmodig. Likud bruker valgkam…
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Mossad Chief says the US is set to sign an agreement with Iran when they know the latter is lying. What may be the consequences? Meanwhile, Hizbollah is threatening with war unless Lebanon gets its demands fulfilled in the maritime dispute with Israel. Is there a connection to the nuclear deal with Iran? In Israel, schools may not start up as they …
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Mossad-sjefen sier at USA er innstilt på å signere en avtale med Iran selv om de vet at sistnevnte lyver. Hva kan konsekvensene bli? I mellomtiden truer Hizbollah med krig med mindre Libanon får sine krav oppfylt i den maritime konflikten med Israel. Er det en forbindelse til atomavtalen med Iran? I Israel kan det hende at skoler ikke starter opp s…
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Jewish worshippers visiting Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus are attacked – again. Israelis disagree on how to solve that challenge. Mahmoud Abbas causes a stir after claiming the Palestinian Arabs have experienced fifty Holocausts. The International community is enraged over Israel’s razzia against human rights organizations Israel says are serving as fron…
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Jøder som besøker Josefs grav i Nablus blir angrepet av terrorister – igjen. Israelerne er uenige om hvordan de skal løse den utfordringen. Mahmoud Abbas vekker kontrovers etter å ha hevdet at de palestinske araberne har opplevd femti Holocaust. Det internasjonale samfunnet er rasende over Israels razzia mot menneskerettighetsorganisasjoner Israel …
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And Israel Next Podcast is back! As the peak of summer has passed and elections in Israel are less than 80 days away, the parties are shifting into campaign mode. What is the current status and are these elections likely to lead to a stable government? We also evaluate the latest conflict with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the media coverage it rec…
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Og Israel Next Podcast er tilbake! Etter at høysesongen av sommeren har passert og valget i Israel er mindre enn 80 dager unna, går partiene over i valgkampmodus. Hva er dagens status, og er det sannsynlig at disse valgene vil føre til en stabil regjering? Vi evaluerer også den siste konflikten med palestinsk islamsk jihad og mediedekningen den fik…
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Hamas threatens with war due to the waving of Israeli flags in the Old City – Israel not likely to back down as they did last year. The court-ordered evacuation of the Chomesh settlement may topple the government already on Sunday. Once again the Israeli courts cannot solve the Gordian knot; are Jews allowed to pray on the Temple Mount? And the CNN…
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Hamas truer med krig på grunn av vifting av israelske flagg i Gamlebyen – Israel vil sannsynligvis ikke trekke seg slik de gjorde i fjor. Den rettsbeordrede evakueringen av Chomeshbosetningen kan velte regjeringen, allerede på søndag. Nok en gang kan ikke de israelske domstolene løse den gordiske knuten; har jøder lov til å be på Tempelhøyden? Og C…
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Preliminary investigations make it seem increasingly likely that an IDF bullet shot and killed Shireen Abu Aqleh. Yet another coalition member leaves the already shaky government. Israel needs to affirm its sovereignty in the eastern parts of Jerusalem or risk losing it. In Lebanon Hizb’Allah loses power in the election, but not in real life. Thous…
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Foreløpige undersøkelser gjør det stadig mer sannsynlig at det var en IDF-kule som drepte journalisten Shireen Abu Aqleh. Nok et koalisjonsmedlem forlater den allerede vaklende regjeringen. Israel må bekrefte sin suverenitet i de østlige delene av Jerusalem eller risikere å miste bydelen. I Libanon minsket Hizb'Allah sin innflytelse etter valget, m…
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The Palestinian Authority is fanning the flames of hatred and delegitimization of Israel after the tragic death of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh. But they refuse a proper investigation. Meanwhile, the wave of terror continues and Israelis are feeling a general insecurity. Politically, the government’s increasing dependency on non-Zionist Arab partie…
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Det palestinske selvstyret blåser opp under flammene av hat og delegitimering av Israel etter journalisten Shireen Abu Aqlehs tragiske død. Men de nekter samtidig en skikkelig etterforskning. I mellomtiden fortsetter terrorbølgen, og israelere føler en allmen usikkerhet i hele landet. Politisk blir regjeringens økende avhengighet av ikke-sionistisk…
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Israelis relaxing in the park are hunted down with murderous monsters with axes. The unbelievably gruesome murders of three Israelis in Elad last night has shaken a country that sadly is all too familiar with terror. Hope of a solution and a common future struggles to survive in the flood wave of hatred coming from substantial parts of the Palestin…
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