Last summer, something monumental happened. One of Uncuffed's founding producers, Greg Eskridge, came home after more than 30 years in prison. In this episode we’ll bring you back to that emotional day last summer when he walked out of the San Quentin gates, free at last. Our work in prisons is supported by the California Arts Council, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, independent foundations, and donations from listeners like you. Learn more, sign up for Uncuffed news, and support the program at Follow us @WeAreUncuffed on Instagram and Facebook Transcripts are available within a week of the episode coming out at…
Podcast ini membahas tentang apapun yang bisa dibahas :)
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Berusaha selalu bahagia dan membahagiakan. Enjoy!
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berapa kali gue ngomong apaya
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Cerita PDKT tergajelas
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Ternyata di masa sekarang masih banyak yang mikir bahwa pendidikan itu gak penting, duh sedih :(
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Oke ini segment baru sorry banget kalo kurang berkualitas karena sekali take dan di sini gue sangat menggebu-gebu ingin mengeluarkan semua yang tertahan di pikiran gue. Oiya nama channel YouTube yang gue maksud adalah Aulya Nurulita dan Novia Nur Ismi. Enjoy!
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I really don't know what it is.
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