Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The Buck-Up is your weekly antidote to the times. The Buck-Up is a high-energy, up-beat, natural anti-depressant as Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo break down the absurdities of modern life. Because who doesn’t love a Buck-Up?
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Long tall cowboys More possums in a pool Going deep on Meghan Markle/Sussex Nath wants real teeth Text from Dad @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Kate doesn't like demons The bad review The worst chocolate bar A sugar diet Katy Perry going to space Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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High trust society Let's celebrate cash Good things happen to bad people Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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No one likes homemade pizza Possums in the pool The courtesy crop Nath scam watch Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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BONUS: The original Flash Bus segment!
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7:16The original Flash Bus from 2009 on Nova 100 - featuring Kate Langbroek, Dave Hughes and Ed Kavalee. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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The radio segment you couldn't do today.
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52:45The glory days of radio Billionaires are as mean as cat shit What are you pretending to enjoy The best YouTube clip ever Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Can you wear too much leopard print?
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41:16No bra today Nath is croc shamed Never have Hopes and dreams NY resolutions Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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4 hours at Sydney airport A deep dive on Blake Lively Does a cool blanket really work? Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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The first annoying noise of 2025 No one cleans their pussy A big New Years Eve for Nath Text from mum, or dad. @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Kate has a huge gap. Who doesn't love an xmas movie. Questions to ask at xmas lunch. True crime has ruined snorkelling. @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Kate and Nath's late night adventure
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57:01Yeezy or easy? Kate's intrusive body suit My dog is a diva Drunk at a party @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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The Buck-Up Live in Melbourne Cold water swimming What happened at the Presets? Work husband vs home husband Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Schoolies shenanigans Leap year maths Kate smells meaty How to live longer @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Ladies, this is how you meet a man!
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45:44The insult we don't say enough Martha Stewart is a mean girl Kate meets her cooker match How to live longer @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Ice ice baby Kate's confession to Hughesy We love Martha Stewart The secret to a long life Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Kate went to a no phones allowed party
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48:33Everyone loves battered fish A safari tent and a party Supermarket shadow labour The traits of a common person Have more sex Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for priv…
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Kate is a Honky Tonk woman The king of fruit Nath did something for the first time How to find a hotel lift Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy…
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SXSW LIVE SHOW: Who is the worst person in the world?
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39:00A crush on Elon Musk Did man really land on the moon? Shadow labour at the movies Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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An hour of judgement The Beckhams Dutch compliments Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Doea anyone look good pashing? Ellen DeGeneres review. I don't want to resent you. Censored by the bank. Text from mum. Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy i…
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Is someone on The Buck-Up a sociopath?
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44:33Has Nath been negging Kate? Weak core, strong bladder The great jam scam Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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How Kate and Nath got injured in bed
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45:26Nath is a frenemy Karma is a cat We need a celebrity to love Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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This is what that botox doctor said
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42:15Back on the Kahlua Someone has a lazy eye Skunk fantasy The moon has feminine energy Good things can happen on buses Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See fo…
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Is it creepy to compliment a stranger's scent?
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40:11Too many Bella's Dirty smelly dog person Pubes just turn up in places People in comfortable clothes Doona vs blanket Is it creepy to tell someone they smell good? Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning…
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Things that happened in Kate's childhood Cheating on the 40hr famine Boomers make the world great Mistaken identity Rove and Nath Pop up butcher's shop Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See omnys…
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Kate's very modern bra Who steals flowers from a shrine? Cold as a witch's tit Text from mum See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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A surprise celebrity Kate looks like a dog person Birth order Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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The full story behind Kate's awkward moment at the Logies. Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Kate's on the Kahlua again Failing upwards Movie rant Toilet signs Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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A stolen kidney Sad sack Sam Shadow labour in Vietnam Text from Mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Buckhead feedback Who drinks a miniature? Too many Loyalty cards The most ridiculous argument Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Book club anxiety Mad for a dress up party An old doctor with a magnifying glass Water bottle apology Text from mum See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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The roast potato chat everyone has been asking for. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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My husband has dabbled Fire on the pole Rawdogs on a flight Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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The call is coming from inside the house Blue tongue call 000 Below Deck surprise Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Diagnosis scoliosis Someone's giving off a pillows vibes More shadow labor Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Buckwits vs Buckheads One leg longer than the other Voicemail entrapment Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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We love tradies There are no snakes in NZ The rug war Are parties over? Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Someone is getting veneers I was like a beast of burden Eulogy to the air fryer Text from mum Check us out on instagram @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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It's six o'clock somewhere in the world. We've got mail. Things that are embarrassing but shouldn't be. My chemist nearly gagged at seeing my ganglion. Check us out on instagram @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did a…
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Some harsh feedback Don't yuck my yum. How we meet? Am I having a heart attack? Message from mum. Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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I get instrument vibes from you. Why do girls persist with school friendships? Cooker Katie and her gold. Balding men. Old school letter writing. Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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Mushrooms are having a moment. Shadow labour. Where have all the public toilets gone? My top's stuck in my pants and I really need the toilet 😬 Gossip is good for you. Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. See for privacy information.…
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'Bonus episode treat!' Mum's Holiday Hat 👒
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37:20Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. Happy anniversary. Movie lotto. ASMR tingles. Celebrities are better people than us. See mum's holiday hat on insta @thebuckuppodcast See for privacy information.…
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Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. The Germans love a colonic. Cooking a crumpet with an iron. Excuse me officer I'm an extrovert. Another text message from mum. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. I haven't seen fine print clearly for years. I'm calling bullshit on apple cider vinegar A letter from cousin Larry. The old boomer couple at the Airbnb. See for privacy information.…
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Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. Kylie in Las Vergas. I'm an empath. A succulent Chinese meal. What's going on with the veneers? See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning. Is facial blindness a real thing? Who gets scammed twice? Cancel me! I think Elon's my leave pass. See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Bucking you up today: Offending Timothy Chalamet Kangaroos 🔥 A rando text from mum Swedish death cleaning See for privacy information.Oleh Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
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Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The Buck-Up is your weekly antidote to the times. The Buck-Up is a high-energy, up-beat, natural anti-depressant as Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo break down the absurdities of modern life. Because who doesn’t love a Buck-Up? See fo…
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