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Vikerraadio saatesarjas kohtuvad pealtnäha kaugete valdkondade või arusaamade esindajad. Saatesari on eetris üle pühapäeviti kell 15.05. Saatesarjas "Teise mätta otsast" kohtuvad pealtnäha kaugete valdkondade või arusaamade esindajad.Saatesari viib iga kord kokku kaks inimest, kelle dialoogis sünnivad uued maailma mõtestamise võimalused. Kuigi arusaamad ja arvamused võivad erineda, leidub siiski ühisosa, mis neid ühe laua taha toob. Saatejuht-toimetajad on Airika Harrik ja Maria Kruusement. ...
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Want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and make it work for you? Learn more about my patented program, Your ADHD Brain is A-OK Academy here : programs.tracyotsuka.com/signup * I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn’t truly brilliant at something! This podcast, with nearly 7 million downloads, is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your br ...
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OTs Gone Rogue

Melissa LaPointe

The OTs Gone Rogue podcast is hosted by Melissa LaPointe. Join her as she interviews therapists from around the globe about the trials and tribulations of thinking outside the box and going rogue. Tune in to hear stories about overcoming adversity and thinking outside the box in how OTs are monetizing their knowledge and expertise.
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OTs In Pelvic Health

Lindsey Vestal

Welcome to the OTs In Pelvic Health Podcast! This show is for occupational therapists who want to become, thrive and excel as pelvic health OTs. Learn from Lindsey Vestal, a Pelvic Health OT for over 10 years and founder the first NYC pelvic health OT practice - The Functional Pelvis. Inside each episode, Lindsey shares what it takes to succeed as a pelvic health OT. From lessons learned, to overcoming imposter syndrome, to continuing education, to treatment ideas, to different populations, ...
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Stacy Ike is a TV host, actress and entrepreneur currently based in Los Angeles. OTS Tuesdays is a weekly dose of entertainment, inspiration and Stacy's way to unapologetically push the narrative Fight for Your Fairytale, encouraging other dreamers and creatives through her journey to believe in themselves wholeheartedly and to continually grow past their fears to be the best version of themselves. You can catch up with Stacy at StacyIke.com, or on Instagram and Twitter @onetakestace.
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This show is for the Occupational Therapy Entrepreneur who wants to grow and scale their business. We know that OTs lead with service, but what about the financial reward? Yep, we are breaking down those barriers and discussing money! Let’s find out exactly how OT business owners get paid, what they spend their business budgets on, their income and impact goals and how you too can grow a profitable OT business and GET PAID.
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The Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists is the professional membership association for occupational therapists in Ontario, Canada. In this OSOT podcast series, we discuss everything that new occupational therapy graduates need to know to transition into the workforce successfully. This series was created and is hosted by Lindsay Rideout, a second year occupational therapy student from the University Toronto.
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show series
Learn more about Level 1 Functional Pelvic Health Practitioner program Get certified in pelvic health from the OT lens here Grab your free AOTA approved Pelvic Health CEU course here. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Pelvic OTPs United - Lindsey's off-line interactive community for $39 a m…
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Mladá Boleslav (ots) - › Abfall als Ressource: Škoda Auto erforscht neue Wege, um energieintensives Recycling durch direkte Wiederverwertung zu ersetzen und damit entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette CO2-Emissionen zu senken › Projekt ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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Essen, Düsseldorf, Pulheim, Ratingen, Mönchengladbach, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Neuss, Sim-merath, Hannover, Weert/Niederlande (ots) - Staatsanwaltschaft Düsseldorf und Zollfahndung Essen Schlag gegen internationale illegale Zigarettenproduktion - ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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Frankfurt am Main / Kroatien (ots) - Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Zollfahndungsamtes Frankfurt am Main und der Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main vom 20.03.2025 Im Rahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Staatsanwaltschaft und ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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Genf (ots) - Wie wirkt sich die Mundgesundheit auf das psychische Wohlbefinden aus? Anlässlich des Welttags der Mundgesundheit (World Oral Health Day – WOHD) möchte der Weltverband der Zahnärzte (FDI) diese Frage mit einem eingängigen neuen ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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Want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and make it work for you? Learn more about my patented program, Your ADHD Brain is A-OK Academy here: programs.tracyotsuka.com/signup ___________ Rejection stings, but what if you could flip it into your greatest advantage? Alice Draper, founder of Hustling Writers and host of My Rejection Story, knows that…
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Uue koalitsiooni kõige olulisemad eesmärgid on majanduse kasvatamine ja julgeoleku tugevdamine. Kas ajal, mil üha rohkem raha tuleb panna julgeolekusse, hinnad tõusevad ning inimeste säästud vähenevad, on üldse võimalik oodata majanduses häid uudiseid? Räägime sellest Postimehe otsesaates SEB jaepanganduse valdkonna juhi ja juhatuse liikme Ainar Le…
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Düsseldorf, Essen, Rheinland, Städteregion Aachen, Niedersachsen (ots) - In Düsseldorf wurde heute in den frühen Morgenstunden durch die Zollfahndung Essen eine mutmaßlich illegale Zigarettenproduktionsstätte industriellen Ausmaßes ausgehoben ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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München (ots) - Jan-Ole Gersters vielschichtiger Thriller wurde soeben in vier Kategorien für den Deutschen Filmpreis nominiert! ISLANDS geht am 9. Mai in der Kategorie "Bester Film" ins Lola-Rennen, Hauptdarsteller Sam Riley wurde für die "Beste ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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München (ots) - Wir laden Sie herzlich zur German Dealer Championship 2025 in die Spielbank Bad Wiessee ein. Vom 2. bis 3. April 2025 werden in der Spielbank Bad Wiessee die besten Croupièren / die besten Croupiers Deutschlands ermittelt. Nach der ...Oleh Presseportal.de
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Want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and make it work for you? Learn more about my patented program, Your ADHD Brain is A-OK Academy here: programs.tracyotsuka.com/signup __ Some people are naturally organized. Cassandra Aarssen is not one of them. A self-proclaimed “super slob” turned organizing expert, Cas spent years struggling with clutter…
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