Pastor Lloyd Pulley of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge studies through the Bible, verse by verse.
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we’re introduced to a father whose son was sick and near death. It doesn’t get much worse than that, I think we’d agree! But he did the right thing, in taking him to Jesus. Pastor Lloyd Pulley will suggest that’s the wisest thing we can do as parents- taking our kids to Christ!…
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Personal and Relational Evangelism Part 2 b
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25:53God can and wants to use us to share His great message of salvation. And if you’re saved, you have a wonderful testimony to tell others about. Today, pastor Lloyd will urge us to share the great things God has done for us, with a sense of urgency. We’ll be in John chapter four, where a woman from Samaria did just that.…
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Personal and Relational Evangelism Part 2 a
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25:53Today as we continue in chapter four, we’ll see the reaction Jesus got from His disciples when they saw Him talking to the woman at the well of Samaria. Talking to a Samaritan woman was a big no-no in those days. It just goes to show you that bigotry and prejudice are nothing new - they’ve been around a long time!…
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Personal And Relational Evangelism Part 1 b
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25:53Nothing goes unnoticed with God. He sees all of our actions, and that should make us compel to please Him through our behavior all the more. Our study in John chapter four will continue today, so please stay with us because we’re going to rejoin a familiar and touching scene - the Lord’s encounter with the woman at the well.…
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Personal and Relational Evangelism Part 1 a
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25:53Today we take you to John chapter four, where Jesus has a divine appointment with a woman from Samaria. Now this woman, like many people today, was trying to fill a need in her life with things that were not going to last. She’s about to learn that only Christ can bring satisfaction and meet her innermost needs. Join us, as we continue to see who J…
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The virtue of humility was exemplified in the man John the Baptist. We take you to John chapter three today on Bridging the Gap, and receive a wonderful lesson we’d do well to apply to our lives and ministry.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Without the sun, our planet would die. The sun is the center of our solar system and gives us light. Now the moon on the other hand, doesn’t have its own light. It merely reflects the light of the sun. In our time together today you could say that John the Baptist was like the moon and Jesus like the sun. Without the sun, the moon wouldn’t shine. J…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the gospel of John today and one of the most famous of all chapters, chapter three. Do you know what it means to be “born again”? It’s a pretty common term in Christian circles, yet many simply don’t understand what the Lord meant by that. Nicodemus needed some clarification, and perhaps you do too!…
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In the gospel of John chapter three, we’re introduced to a man who had a knowledge of Jesus that required a response! So he went to Jesus for answers. And that’s certainly the right place to go. Let’s join pastor Lloyd in John chapter three, for a message centered around New Birth.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is currently taking us through a study of John’s gospel and today we’ll be finishing up chapter two. Jesus had just cleared out the Temple Courts and He made this interesting statement: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the Temple building. He was talking about his own body…
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As we continue our study of John’s Gospel today, we come across some people who were taking advantage of others and doing so in the house of God. They were pretending to be religious and this upset Jesus greatly. And very sadly this sort of thing is still happening in our world today, so let’s make sure we don’t get caught up in it ourselves.…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we find Jesus and His disciples at a wedding, and something miraculous is about to take place. Jesus’ mother points at Jesus and tells the servants to, “Just do whatever He tells you to do”. Well said. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is taking us through John, and today we continue in chapter two, and the account of Jesus’ first reco…
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If you’ve been a Christian for some time, no doubt a well meaning friend has pointed to John chapter two, as though it’s giving permission for them to drink. But is that really the intent of the passage, or have we totally missed the point? Let’s find out together, and join Pastor Lloyd Pulley for this illuminating study framed around John two, ver…
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Today, Jesus meets and recruits several men to be His first disciples, including Andrew and Simon Peter and a fellow named Phillip. Phillip was touched by God, and the first thing he wanted to do is tell his friends! Pastor Lloyd Pulley will suggest that this is the sort of witness we’re to be. We’re finishing up John chapter one today.…
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In a court of law few things are more influential to a jury than an eye witness! It can make or break a case! And of course it’s important to establish the credibility of the witness too, and not just take their word for it. Well John the Baptist serves as an important witness of Jesus Christ. He’s about to tell us, “I have seen and have borne witn…
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When it comes to ministry, we need to realize, hopefully sooner rather than later, it’s all about Jesus, and not ourselves! And our lives and ministry must be fueled by the Spirit of God if they’re going to be effective. That comes to our attention through the passage before us today in John one, verses fourteen through eighteen.…
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When John the Baptist entered the scene, just before Christ, he had those questioning who he was. We’ll see John’s reply today on Bridging the Gap as we dive back into our study of John’s Gospel. We aim to cover verses fourteen through eighteen of chapter one.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Today we are reminded that Jesus came to be the light of the world. Now, what does that mean? The debate goes on, but we will turn to God’s word today top determine why Jesus is the light of the world.Oleh Llolyd Pulley
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We don’t have to look far in our society to see that people are denying that there is a personal God, and in lieu of that, they have formed their own personal beliefs. Pastor Lloyd Pulley will address this problem today, and point us to the solution. We’ll be in the Gospel of John once again today, and we’ll be highlighting verses six through thirt…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the beginning stages of a detailed examination of the Gospel of John, and today he’ll point us to the ultimate truth in life - Jesus Christ. So what is the source of truth? That’s a question being tossed around from Universities, to talk shows and churches all across the land. The answer without question is Jesus! And John…
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On today’s program, we begin an in-depth study of John’s gospel. When asked what a good book in the bible to read for a new believer, many bible scholars recommend the gospel of John. It offers a first hand account of the life of Jesus. Interestingly, John does not give an account of the birth of Jesus, but as Jesus began His ministry, John was rig…
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Today we bring you the final segment in pastor Lloyd’s series titled “Essential Christianity”. In Romans chapter eight, verses thirty-one through thirty-nine, Paul writes eloquently and powerfully about what we have in Christ Jesus. Stand by to be inspired! These are some of the most glorious words anywhere in scripture!…
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Our final study in Lloyd’s series “Essential Christianity”, begins today. If you’re a movie buff, you’re familiar with epics like Gone with the Wind, Star Wars and the like. Movie makers always save something special for the big finale, don’t they? Today we’ll be looking at Romans chapter eight, verses thirty-one through thirty-nine and some of the…
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The Holy Spirit Aided Purpose Of God Part 2
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25:53Today on Bridging the Gap, pastor Lloyd Pulley tackles the question of our predestination as sinners saved by Grace through Jesus Christ. Does God know ahead of time who will say yes and who will say no to His Son? Romans chapter eight, verses twenty-six through thirty is our scripture text.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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The Holy Spirit Aided Purpose of God part 1
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25:53We’ve taken the last several weeks to carefully go through a study of Romans chapters five through eight, titled “Essential Christianity”, and today we find ourselves in chapter eight, verses twenty-six through thirty. God will cause all things to work together for good if we love God, but does that mean we can go to Him as if He were a catalog sto…
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Awaiting In Hope The Redemption Of Our Body Part 2
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25:54Today on Bridging the Gap, Pastor Lloyd Pulley continues our study in Romans chapter eight as we look at the future, and what we have to eagerly look forward to. TV? Computers? Nothing of the sort! How about eternal perfection with Jesus Christ?Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Awaiting in Hope the Redemption of Our Body part 1
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25:53Today on Bridging the Gap, we continue our study in Romans chapter eight as we look at verses eighteen through twenty five. Paul tells us that all creation will be freed from the bondage of our current limitations. What exactly does that mean? Join us in Romans chapter eight.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Do you know someone who, when they became a born again Christian thought that all of their problems would suddenly disappear? Perhaps you fall into this category. It’s a common mistake. Today as Lloyd continues our study through Romans chapter eight, we’ll again be reminded that suffering and persecution are both commonplace occurrences in the life…
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Romans is one of the truly great books in all the Bible. Theologians have spent many happy hours dissecting and digesting the awesome truths found in these verses. Chapter eight is especially rich with promises for us. Today we’ll concentrate our study on verse sixteen through eighteen, where we are told that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the be…
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No Debt to Flesh, Alive in the Spirit part 2
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25:53When we’re in the midst of a fiery trial it’s sometimes hard to see its value, but as we’ll see today in Romans, God wants to use these experiences in our lives to mold and shape us to be more like Christ. We’re His adopted children!Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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No Condemnation For Those In Christ! Part 2
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25:53We’re studying Romans chapter eight, and today we’ll make a return visit to the first four verses. This is a wonderful chapter in that it reminds us that through Jesus Christ, we have nothing to fear as far as our eternal future is concerned. He paid the price for us on the cross and no matter how badly we foul things up, He’s there waiting for us.…
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No Condemnation for Those in Christ! part 1
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25:53Pastor Lloyd has titled our current series “Essential Christianity”, because the fundamentals of our Christian faith is what this wonderful chapter is all about. We’ll find out today that chapter eight of Romans is particularly significant for believers in Jesus Christ...and extremely encouraging I might add. We’ll be examining our “No Condemnation…
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Expectation: “God Comes Down” Part 2
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25:53I’m sure you’ve noticed the way Christmas has changed over the past several decades. What happened? Pastor Lloyd brings us back to the real meaning of Christmas today, and I can’t think of anything we need to be reminded of more, can you?Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Expectation: “God Comes Down” part 1
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25:53Christmas is truly a wonderful day, isn’t it? It’s the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, God in human form, who came to this earth with one task to perform - to die for our sins so we wouldn’t have to! He is a wonderful counselor! That’s the true meaning of Christmas, and the subject of today’s message.…
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Understanding the Struggle in Our Souls part 2
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25:53We aim to complete Romans chapter seven today. Those of you who joined us last time may recall that we discussed the Christian’s lifelong battle with sin. Once we enter the body of Christ, we gain a desire to live for and please God, but the old sinful nature doesn’t completely disappear... creating a certain tension. Today, pastor Lloyd shows us h…
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Understanding the Struggle in Our Souls part 1
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25:53The apostle Paul provides nuggets of wisdom throughout the book of Romans that we would all do well to heed! When we come to Christ, does that mean all of a sudden we stop sinning? No, but while we’re certainly not sinless, we will sin less than before we met our Savior.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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The Law, A Mirror Into The Soul Part 2
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25:53Those of you who joined us last time may recall that we discussed the Christian’s lifelong battle with sin. Once we enter the body of Christ, we gain a desire to live for and please God, but the old sinful nature doesn’t completely disappear.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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The Law, A Mirror into the Soul part 1
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25:53If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ll be able to identify firsthand with the battle we’re about to discuss here today. Once Christ enters our life, we gain a desire to live for God. Along with that remains a desire to live for sin and pleasure. It’s a constant battle in every Christian’s life!…
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We’re currently studying Romans chapters five through eight, in a series titled “Essential Christianity”, and we find ourselves today in chapter seven, concentrating on the first six verses. There are thousands laws in the books and occasionally one will sneak its way in, and the public can’t help but wonder what it’s purpose is. The law of God doe…
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On today’s program, Pastor Lloyd Pulley will begin a study of Romans chapter seven, which depicts man’s struggle with sin. We try to do the right thing, but we can’t seem to conquer our sin. That’s why Jesus Christ died on the cross! HE conquered sin and delivered us from the law.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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From Slavery to Sin to Fruit unto God part 2
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25:53Today on Bridging the Gap, Pastor Lloyd Pulley will show us that there is such a situation where slavery is a good thing! When we become slaves to righteousness through Jesus Christ! We’re studying Romans chapter six right now, so turn there in your Bible and join us.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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From Slavery to Sin to Fruit unto God part 1a
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25:53Our study of Romans chapters five through eight resumes on this broadcast. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is once again in the sixth chapter, and we’ll be concentrating on verses eleven through fourteen. Pastor Lloyd has titled this message “From Slavery to Sin to Fruit unto God”.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Do you ever stop and consider your life and try to figure out what’s the guiding force that you follow? That’s an important question, because way too may people today are allowing g their fleshly desires to rule them. It’s a disastrous way to live. Letting the grace of God reign over your life is what being a Christian is all about.…
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If we continue to sin even after becoming Christians, why bother becoming one? That question will be answered today on Bridging the Gap, as we continue pastor Lloyd Pulley’s series titled “Essential Christianity”, with a stop in Romans six.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Our current series is titled “Essential Christianity”, and our scripture focus is on Romans chapters five through eight. In chapter six, we see that we can either be yielded to sin or yielded to God. There is no middle ground, and the choice is ours.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley has been leading us in a series called “Essential Christianity”, as we look at Romans chapters five through eight. After completing chapter five last time, we begin a study in chapter six today, so open your bible and join us, for a message titled “Dead to Sin, Alive unto God”.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Our series titled “Essential Christianity”, resumes today, as we take a final look at Romans chapter five. This section of God’s word has been studied, analyzed and preached millions of times over the last two thousand years, because it contains some of the most encouraging worlds in all of scripture. It deals with God’s wonderful grace - a grace t…
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Recently, we’ve identified quite a number of benefits that go along with being a Christian. From peace with God, access to God, and hope in God, to joy in the midst of suffering. Today, pastor Lloyd will remind us of the difference between the law and grace - and how the grace of God should reign in the life of a Christian.…
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The freedom we enjoy as Christians should be a source of great joy. Freedom from what, you ask? Condemnation, for one thing. We call ourselves born-again Christians, but we still have a sin nature that is lethal without the saving blood of Jesus Christ.Oleh Lloyd Pulley
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Being justified in Christ carries with it many blessings, one of which is freedom. How we choose to exercise that freedom speaks volumes about our character and walk with the Lord. That freedom is not a get-out-of-jail-free card for sinful behavior. Join us now in Romans five, as pastor Lloyd gets us started with today’s message from his series cal…
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