Preaching and teaching audio from Faith Covenant Presbyterian (PCA) which exists to glorify God in the Flathead and Montana community.
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Indonesian Translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifatul Masih
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Hai! Selamat mendengarkan rekaman saat Level Up Class.
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Shaykh Mustafa Abu Rayyan explains the tafsir of Surah al-Baqarah. Recorded at Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre.
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Podcast ini adalah kumpulan seminar dan khotbah yang ada di Gereja Kristus Yesus Greenville. Kami rindu berbagi kisah dan kasih Allah kepada setiap orang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi website (, instagram (@gkygreenville), ataupun channel Youtube kami (GKY Greenville)
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on January 31st, 2025 (audio)Oleh
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SourceOleh Rev. Lloyd Pierson Ph.D.
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I’ve quoted this before, but from rabbi Jacob Milner in his commentary on Leviticus, Words fall from our lips like the dead leaves of autumn, but rituals endure with repetition. They are visual and participatory. They embed themselves in memory at a young age, reinforced with each enactment. When a ritual fails because it either lacks content or is…
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GI Davit CongOleh GI Davit Cong
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The Eucharist, which is simply the Greek word for giving thanks, the breaking of bread, love feast. All these have been names used for this central Christian sacrament. And yet with such lofty names, it seems so strange that within the Christian church, it is so divisive at so many levels. We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on January 24th, 2025 (audio)Oleh
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GI Hanny PangestuOleh GI Hanny Pangestu
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Pdt Yakub SusabdaOleh Pdt Yakub Susabda
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It’s a delight to bring God’s word to you this morning. In preparation of reading his word, let us pray for this. This comes out of Psalm 119, the section titled Lamed. Let us pray. Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens, and your faithfulness endures to all generations. You have established the earth, and it stands fast. Lord, b…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on January 17th, 2025 (audio)Oleh
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KD- Prayers: A Closer Look To Oneself
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35:33Pdt GlennordyOleh Pdt Glennordy
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GI Ridwan TangkilisanOleh GI Ridwan Tangkilisan
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Quest. I had many more questions about baptism, and I thought it would be wise to address them in another sermon. And generally, don’t say this, but it would be worth your while to listen to the first one. We’re going to cover a new ground this morning, and that one I gave the Old Testament underpinnings the baptism as well as a discussion of infan…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on January 10th, 2025 (audio)Oleh
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KD- Intim Dengan Allah di Dalam Doa
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35:33Pdt Natanel PratamaOleh Pdt Natanel Pratama
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Pdt Riko TanOleh Pdt Riko Tan
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Fultz kinds of sermon. I recognize one sermon will not cover all of your questions. If you look around, we are a congregation from newborns to 90 with people of all kinds of church backgrounds. Some have thought about these issues in a deep and serious way, and others, this may be brand new. So all I have to say, extend charity, not just to me, to …
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KU - Kekuatan Baru di Tahun yang Baru
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41:38Pdt Kong Sung ILOleh Pdt Kong Sung IL
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Join me as we pray for the reading of God’s word. Father, we give you all thanks and praise for you have brought us through this advent season in which while we were preparing for your first coming, your incarnation, the word became flesh and dwelt among us. Lord, we were also to be training our thoughts on your second coming. And Lord, we thank yo…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on December 27th, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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GI Okky ChandraOleh GI Okky Chandra
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Last week, we looked at the Messiah’s message pronounced in Isaiah 61. And today, we are considering the temptations Jesus endured as part of his preparation for his Ministry of Redemption. We look through the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Living God, we ask that you would help us to hear your Holy word that we truly under…
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GI Davit CongOleh GI Davit Cong
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Look to the reading of God’s word, if you please join me in prayer. Father God, indeed, you are the source of all light, and by your word, you give light to our souls. We ask then that you would pour out upon us a spirit of wisdom and understanding. That being taught by you in holy scriptures, our hearts, minds will be open to know all that pertain…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on December 13th, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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Pdt Yohanes AdrieOleh Pdt Yohanes Adrie
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GI Astri SinagaOleh GI Astri Sinaga
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We’re given to us in Genesis 3:15, all the way to the birth of John the Baptist. And today we’re going to see the Messiah is the King in the line of David, as well as the Messiah is the Prophet like Moses. The shadows of the Old find the reality in the light of Christ. We look to the reading of God’s word. If you please join me in prayer. Father of…
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Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar; Treaty of Hudaibiyah
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44:36Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on December 6th, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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Pdt Rickstofen RickyOleh Pdt Rickstofen Ricky
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Pdt Riko TanOleh Pdt Riko Tan
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See, there are multiple scriptures this morning in your bulletin we’re looking through. We consider advent, and we remind ourselves that advent is not simply a countdown to Christmas. It is not a reenactment. It is first and foremost, a celebration and a reminder of the person and work of Jesus Christ in his full gospel power and glory. His first c…
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KD- Gospel - Centered - Thanksgiving
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33:34Pdt SurifOleh Pdt Surif
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Pdt Casthelia KartikaOleh Pdt Casthelia Kartika
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It’s an X and an R. It looks like a P, but this is the word for Christ. The first two letters is C-H. Even you see the symbol here, the IHS. It’s Latin taken from Greek, and it’s just the first three letters of Jesus and the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The church has used colors from the beginning because the Lord has instruct…
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Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar; Treaty of Hudaibiyah
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18:37Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on November 22nd, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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KU - Berlindung Di Bawah Sayap Tuhan
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41:03GI Sui ThieOleh GI Sui Thie
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As a church intern, I saw something firsthand. A family had taken on a high niche child. I can’t remember if it was a foster adoption, something to that degree. The wife particularly had asked, maybe demanded a lot of help from others in the church. Several families had come together and brought meals. They arranged for extra care, and they really …
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on November 15th, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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KD-Understanding God's Design And Purpose
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34:05GI Inawaty TeddyOleh GI Inawaty Teddy
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GI Andrey ThunggalOleh GI Andrey Thunggal
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So today’s a topical message, looking at a component of biblical Anthropology. It’s a fancy way of saying we’re going to talk about our feelings today. It applies to everyone who’s still breathing. Sometimes we think of these types of conversations and it’s like, Oh, not one of those. But again, the reason for it is this affects all of us. There’s …
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Financial Sacrifice & Seeking the Pleasure of Allah: Launch of Tehrik Jadid Year 2024
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56:22Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on November 8th, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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GI BudiyantoOleh GI Budiyanto
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KD-Seeking Our Deepest Contentment in Christ
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30:40Pdt GlennordyOleh Pdt Glennordy
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Pdt Riko TanOleh Pdt Riko Tan
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Pdt Yakub SusabdaOleh Pdt Yakub Susabda
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Giving Obedience to the Only Wise God
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27:21Psalm 1:19. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we ask that you would remember your word to us, your servants, and that it would be that in which you have made us hope. That it would be a comfort in our affliction, that your promises would give us life. That when we think of your rules from of old, that we would take comfort, O Lord. Lord, that your stat…
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Indonesian translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on November 1st, 2024 (audio)Oleh
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