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Studentradioen i Bergen

TimeOut! er sportsprogrammet som vil diskutere alle store idrettseventer som skjer gjennom våren. Med god innsikt i det meste som skjer idrettsverden vil gutta i studio diskutere de store prestasjonene og enorme skuffelsene som vil komme i et vidt spekter av idretter. Det finnes ingen idrett TimeOut ikke vil ta opp i studio, og vi vil selvsagt gi deg muligheten til å se oss prøve alt fra amerikansk fotball til fekting!
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Dyn Timeout

Dyn Basketball

Dyn Timeout ist Basketball, Basketball, Basketball. Jeden Dienstag sagen wir ein sportliches Willkommen und haben für euch die Easy Credit BBL im Fokus und Basketball Deutschland und Europa im Blick. Wir haben Gäste. Wir haben O-Töne. Wir haben Meinungen und wir haben Analysen im Gepäck. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, gibt es von uns auch News, Transfers, Gerüchte und die entsprechenden Einordnungen dazu. Wir sind eure Hosts: Robert Heusel, Rupert Fabig und Florian von Stackelberg und ihr hör ...
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Full Timeout

Full Timeout

Sports fanatic that graduated from Iowa State University in Speech Communications. Current broadcaster and varsity tennis coach. Favorite Teams- Glenwood Rams, Iowa State Cyclones, Chicago Bulls, Minnesota Wild, Oakland Raiders, Minnesota Twins
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De gode – og ukjente – historiene fra Norges store håndballprofiler. Et annerledes portrett i en timeout fra hverdagen for kjente og kjære håndballnavn. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Timeout with Guru

Timeout with Guru

Podcast นี้จะช่วยให้คุณมองเห็นว่า ในมุมมองที่ต่างออกไปในแต่ละด้าน ต่อสถานการณ์ที่แตกต่างนั้น มีหลักการ หรือวิธีการนำความรู้มาประยุกต์ใช้ให้ได้ผลในชีวิตจริงได้อย่างไร การที่เรามี Time Out หรือขอเวลานอก ก็เหมือนกับการที่เราเดินออกมาจากตรงนั้น แล้วเราได้เจอกับคนที่เป็นกูรู หรือ ผู้รู้ หรือ คนที่เชี่ยวชาญเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่ง ซึ่งเวลาที่เราได้ไปคุยกับเขา บางทีมุมมอง และวิธีคิดของเขา ก็อาจจะสามารถแบ่งปันมุมมอง ไอเดีย หรือจุดประกายอะไรบางอย่างให้เราได้
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Timeout Lounge

Timeout Lounge

We are just a couple of regular guys talking sports, conspiracies, girls, current events, and all things nerd! We may agree or agree to disagree on various topics, but that’s the point of this podcast to engage in the art of conversation. So if your bored at work or in the car on your commute, take a Timeout with us and step into the Lounge.
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The Timeout

Gmoney 80

Welcome to The Timeout Podcast. We are very excited about making this podcast and making you laugh. During our podcasts we will be talking about many things including sports, gaming, and crazy humorous stories etc... We hope you enjoy and share this podcast around.
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Timeout with Patty C

Patrick Connolly

Thought provoking topics brought to you by Patty C and his "Cracker Jack Think Tank" ** All old episodes are being archived on our Anchor Site called New Timeout with Patty C. The links are below. We will be posting all new episodes here too, so there will be 2 RSS feeds to choose from. Anchor Wedsite- https://anchor.fm/patrick-connolly8 Anchor RSS feed - https://anchor.fm/s/81895144/podcast/rss
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Hi, hello, and welcome. It’s time to take a timeout. In this podcast I’m going to openly explore the struggles of growing up and enduring hardships throughout life. This podcast is strictly [NSFW]. It will likely feature topics ranging from depression to thoughts of self harm. I hope to direct this podcast mainly towards the youth of today, but anyone is welcome to listen in.
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Out of Timeouts

Out Of Timeouts

Out of Timeouts is a Southwest Iowa sports podcast co-hosted by Carter Eckl and Kaleb Carter, who now lives in Northern Illinois. Every episode is designed to be around 15-30 minutes and will update you on all your Southwestern/South Central Iowa, Northern Illinois and definitely all your other sports fixes. Other sports content discussed as well. Find our workings online as well at: www.crestonnews.com www.daily-chronicle.com
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Welcome to "Timeout With Tade" official podcast where meaningful conversations take center stage ! Join us as we embark on an exhilarating journey through the realms of inspiration, knowledge, and personal growth. Hosted by the ever curious and insightful Tade, this podcast is your go-to source for engaging in discussion with fascinating guests from all walks of life. Timeout With Tade unearths the wisdom and experiences that shape the world. Each episode offers a refreshing timeout here. Le ...
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Need to take a timeout for some sports and life talk? Jesse Williams has you covered. He brings you the latest from the NBA, the NFL, college hoops and football, and even some MLB. Usually a weekly pod, he covers all the latest sports news and topics, without the political lens or the corporate filter. If you like entertaining, good, tasteful sports content, this is the podcast for you! Twitter @JWILLsportsguy
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Paranormal TimeOut

Alex and Ashley

Alex and Ashley have a huge passion for the paranormal. Alex is an empath and has seen spirits since she was a little girl. Ashley is more of a skeptic. Together they try to find out what is really going on. Is a place actually haunted or is it all folklore and urban legend? On the podcast you will hear our Investigations of haunted locations along with YOUR ghost stories and famous ghost stories around the world! Join us every Wednesday!
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Timeout with Ti

ABPN: The Almighty Baller Podcast Network

Timeout with Ti is a basketball-themed podcast that includes a conversation about the NBA with host Ti Windisch and one great guest per episode.
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Ever wonder what happened to Jimmy Butler going through life and his Journey to the NBA, were here to talk about it today. You will be surprised about what happened to Jimmy Butler growing up. Did you know he was homeless at the age of 11! I know that's crazy, well you can learn more about when you go on this podcast. I hope you guys like this podcast.
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Welcome to TV TimeOut, the official podcast of Under The Rim 3x3, produced by Hoppers Media. In each episode, we dive into the latest news from the FIBA 3x3 professional circuit, offering in-depth analysis, commentary on major tournaments, and exclusive interviews with key personalities from the 3x3 basketball world. If you’re passionate about this fast-growing sport, don’t miss our conversations with players, coaches, and experts who are shaping the future of 3x3 basketball on a global scale.
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show series
Zwei Standorte, zwei Trainer, der Lauf der Dinge: Frankfurt und Berlin haben ihre Trainer von ihren jeweiligen Aufgaben entbunden und wir hören bei den Verantwortlichen nach weshalb: Der Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter Gunnar Wöbke erklärt die Entscheidung bei den Frankfurt Skyliners, der Sportdirektor von ALBA, Himar Ojeda, die in Berlin. Dazu gi…
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Kent State's Rob Senderoff joins the podcast to discuss his coaching methods, focusing on practice planning and drill strategies that boost player comprehension. He shares his approach to providing impactful feedback during practice sessions. Coach Senderoff also delivers valuable insights and advice tailored for younger coaches aiming to build suc…
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Denne sendingen er en hyllest til alle sporty og modige kvinner der ute. Yasmin har vært på GRLshred arrangement på Voss, og sammen prater gjengen i studio om kvinner i skisporten og ekstremsport. Vi får også høre fra arrangørene av og noen av de kule kvinnene som møtte opp og deltok på GRLshred. Gi oss en lytt for å høre Yasmin intervjue selveste …
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Tyler Coston is the creator of the Lock Left Defensive System. On this episode, he answers questions submitted by coaches via social media. Get the Lock Left Defensive Course Join the free basketball coaches SAVI community This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. …
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Der Basketball-Wahnsinn geht los: Die March Madness steht auf dem Programm! Wir haben Bryce Taylor zu Gast, früherer Spieler von Bayern, ALBA, Bamberg und vielen anderen BBL-Teams. Von ihm erfahren wir, wie es sich als Assistenzcoach in der G-League lebt, was seine Aufgaben sind, wie er die BBL sieht und verfolgt und wie es sich anfühlt im NCAA Tou…
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I denne sendingen prates det om et stort mangfold av sport og sportshendelser. Endelig får vi prate om motorsport igjen, selv om det fortsatt ventes i spenning på at formel 1 starter opp. En annen tilbakevender denne uken er spalten Anine tester, og denne gangen har vår kjære Anine testa buldring. Ingen sports-podkast i disse tider er vel komplett …
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SAVI Coaching's Mark Cascio is back to share a basketball postseason assessment checklist to jumpstart your plans for next season. Get your 7-day free trial with SAVI Coaching! Sign up now!!! Listen to "Postseason Player Evaluations" with Coach Cascio. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" an…
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Das letzte Saisondrittel geht los und viele sind sich einig, der FC Bayern hat die stärkste Mannschaft. Aber: Wer ist eigentlich die Nummer 2 dahinter in der BBL? Das besprechen wir mit Karim Jallow von ratiopharm ulm, der dazu eine klare Meinung hat. Mit ihm sprechen wir auch über die Nationalmannschaft, seinen auslaufenden Vertrag in Ulm und auch…
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Vi er tilbake med nok en epiosode. Vi skal oppdatere deg om hvordan det har gått med både ski VM, fotballtinget og fotballcupen. Vi er så heldig å ha med tidligere medlem av TimeOut, Gaute Laeskogen, som skal ta oss med på en idrettsreise til Tyskland. I studio: Marius Thomassen, Anine Fredstad og Gaute Laeskogen Produsent: Alfhild Beate Voulab Ans…
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Matt Langel is the head men's basketball coach for the Colgate Raiders. Langel is a 5x Patriot League Coach of the Year award winner. In this episode, he breaks down the Raiders 4-out, 1-in offense. More from Coach Langel: 4-Out 1-In Dribble Hand-Off Motion Offense Matt Langel: My Favorite Drills for Basketball Practice NABC On the Court Open Pract…
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Mario Dugandzic ist Co-Trainer der New Zealand Breakers. Dort ist er coacht an der Seite von Ex-Bayern-Star Petteri Koponen. Wir sprechen mit ihm über seinen besonderen Weg im deutschen Basketball, Jugend-Basketball, die Nationalmannschaft und seine Erlebnisse in der jüngst abgelaufenen Saison in der Australisch-Neuseeländischen Basketballliga NBL,…
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Timeout er tilbake med en ny episode. Etter forrige ukes reklamepause har vi nå funent våre idrettsvalentines. Vi prater om Superbowl, eller var det egt Superbowl? vi er litt usikker etter mye reklamepause. Bli også kjent med vårt nye medlem Håkon. I studio: Marius Thomassen, Anine Fredstad, Lina Halvorsen Hvamstad, Yasmine Kaldestad og Håkon Øverh…
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Missouri Tigers assistant coach, Kyle Smithpeters, provides an inside look at the team's player and team skill development. He shares a variety of small-sided games for both offense and defense. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and CT…
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Wer darauf getippt hätte, der wäre reich: Der Syntainics MBC ist Deutscher Pokalsieger 2025! Wir schauen noch einmal ganz genau auf dieses Wochenende, sportlich aber auch Off-Court. Danach gibt's die Auflösung des DYN-Allstars und dann sprechen wir über das TOP 4 der DBBL mit Svenja Brunckhorst und Anton Hefele. Hier geht's zu MVP-Wahl DBBL TOP 4 T…
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LSU's Coach Bob Starkey is back on the podcast. This time, he dives into preparations for the postseason - the mindset, activities, and preparation needed for a Championship run. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and CT models.…
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Das VIMODROM TOP FOUR um den BBL Pokal in Weißenfels steht an und wir sprechen mit einem, der weiß wie man Pokale gewinnt: Dyn-Kommentator Stefan Koch schätzt die Halbfinals für uns ein. Dazu gibt's den 20. Spieltag in der BBL und ein paar Grundsatzdiskussionen. MVP of the Month: https://www.easycredit-bbl.de/mvpofthemonth AGBs zum Gewinnspiel: htt…
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Hele gjengen er samlet igjen og vi prater om masse rart. Vi får innslag av nisjesporter, hobbyhorsing og E-sport, en liten fotball rant og oppdatering på Yasmin sitt kne. Følg med mens Anine er programleder for første gang! I studio: Yasmin Kaldestad, Marius Thomassen; Anine Fredstad og Lina Halvorsen Hvamstad Produsent: Alfhild Beate Vuolab Ansvar…
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In this film session episode, Indiana State assistant coach, Tim Jonhson, breaks down cutting strategies within the Sycamores conceptual offense. He shares terminology, reads, and more for elite cutting. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Sta…
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NIL: 3 Buchstaben die für eine große Veränderung des weltweiten Spielermarktes stehen. Das wird auch die BBL betreffen. Inwiefern? Das besprechen wir mit Yassin Idbihi, Ex-Nationalspieler und mittlerweile NBA-Scout für die Charlotte Hornets. Dazu bekommt ihr den BBL-Spieltag präsentiert und den MVP of the Month im Januar. https://www.easycredit-bbl…
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TimeOut er tilbake i studio for første gang i det nye året! Vi jatter om oss selv, fotball, formel 1, sport på tv og ski. Følg med i praten mens Yasmin prøver seg som programleder for første gang! I studio: Yasmin Kaldestad, Marius Thomassen og Lina Halvorsen Hvamstad Produsent: Alfhild Beate Vuolab Ansvarlig redaktør: Sofie Larsen Nesdal…
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Answering coaches' questions in this coaches mailbag episode with SAVI Coaching's Mark Cascio. Topics include tips for transition offense, ideas for lowering turnovers, strategies for junk defenses, timeout management suggestions, and ways to talk with players wanting more playing time. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting …
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Wie viele Minuten bekommen Deutsche U22-Spieler in der BBL? Und wie viele im Vergleich zu anderen Ligen? Ist das ein Alarmzeichen oder ein positiver Trend? Wie das an einem der Top-Nachwuchs-Standorte gedeutet wird, das erzählt uns der Sportdirektor von RASTA Vechta, Gerrit Kersten-Thiele. Dazu haben wir den Spieltag für euch und wir haben ein inkl…
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Coach Lennie Acuff shares insights for coaching conceptual offense with this A Quick Timeout film session. He provides insights or half-court offense, transition offense, and attacking zone defenses. Watch the film breakdown This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr…
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Wir haben die BBL-Coaches und Kapitäne gefragt... Und sie haben geantwortet! Wer ist der "Most clutch Player", wer hat seine "Breakout Season"? Welches Team überrascht bisher am meisten? UNd wer ist bisher der MVP? Wir besprechen die Ergebnisse und geben euch unsere Meinung dazu. Danke an dieser Stelle an Daniel Hain und Gerrit Langenstein für die …
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Radius Athletics' Randy Sherman and A Quick Timeout podcast's Tony Miller discuss midseason adjustments for basketball teams, including practice suggestions, player personnel, and systems of play. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and …
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Die Telekom Baskets Bonn sind in deiner Saison mit Ups und Downs - wie sich das anfühlt, worin die Gründe dafür liegen, was in der Kabine der Baskets besprochen wurde und welche Verletzungen Till Pape bei Mitspielern verarzten würde: All das erzählt er uns. Dazu der Spieltag und der Blick auf die Nachverpflichtungen der vergangenen Wochen. MVP of t…
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Das Spiel der Läufe... man kennt's. Das gilt nicht nur im Kleinen, sondern auch im Großen: Wie fühlt sich das an, als Spieler in einem Winning-Streak einer Mannschaft zu sein? Das haben wir mit Benny Schröder von den Basketball Löwen Braunschweig besprochen. Und er hat uns noch sehr viel mehr erzählt, über das College und die "neuen" Gehaltsregelun…
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Kevin McGuff, head coach for the Ohio State Buckeyes women's basketball team, explains how one NBA team's offensive system led to the development of the Buckeye's 5-Out offense. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and CT models.…
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Das Jahr 2024 war ein Basketball-Jahr das das Wort WOW verdient hat. IM Guten wie im Schlechten. Wir sprechen über unsere persönlichen WOWs des Jahres. UNd davor gibt es ein BBL-Roundup der Weihnachtstage. Einen guten Rutsch wünscht die Podcast-Crew von Dyn Timeout und einen guten Start ins neue (Basketball-) Jahr. 00:00 Intro 06:52 BBL-Roundup übe…
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Join the Timeout with Patty C Podcast Crew as we partake in our Christmas Special! We answer questions all about the Christmas Holiday including how to overcome "Santa-phobia" . Listen as we give gifts to everyone on Gilligan's Island, talk abut our favorite Christmas songs and the ones we hate! Then we take Santa and Mrs. Claus in the time machine…
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Radius Athletics' Randy Sherman and A Quick Timeout's Tony Miller break down coaching decisions for special situations and prepping your team for the close-game scenarios. Click to watch and see resources referred to in this episode This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off o…
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Ein Geschenk für euch - und ehrlich gesagt auch eines für uns: Als Special zu Weihnachten hat sich Tibor Pleiß ausführlich Zeit genommen, um mit uns über Basketball, Fotographie, das Leben im Allgemeinen und noch viel mehr zu sprechen. Frohe Weihnachten allerseits! MVP of the Month, präsentiert von easyCredit: https://www.easycredit-bbl.de/mvpofthe…
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Chad Warner, associate head coach for the Furman Paladins, gives a film session on the Paladins' adapted Princeton Offense using early season practice film. Teaching points, cues, and drills to improve your offense. Click to watch Coach Warner's film breakdown of the Paladin's practice This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting M…
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Die BBL riskiert es: Das Pokal TOP FOUR steigt ab spätestens 2027 in Düsseldorf. "Spätestens"? Was es damit auf sich hat und wo die BBL Chancen und Risiken sieht, das beantwortet und der Geschäftsführer der BBL, Dr. Stefan Holz. Dazu gibt es den Spieltag aufgerollt und wir sprechen mit dem DYN Allstar über das Rätsel und seinen Klub. MVP of the Mon…
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Tony Rack, associate head coach for the Winthrop Eagles, provides strategies for ball screen reads, shooting drills, and culture development. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and CT models. Thanks to our partners, GameChanger! The one…
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Das TOP FOUR im BBL Pokal steht! Was war im Viertelfinale los und wie kann ALBA aus der Krise kommen? Diese Fragen versuchen wir zu klären, dazu sprechen wir mit Moritz Krimmer von den Bamberg Baskets über den Halbfinal-Einzug und die Stimmung in Bamberg. Und dann gibt's noch einen Blick hinter die Kulisse mit Daniel Pinschower, der Redakteur der n…
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Det er juleferie og kanskje den siste episoden av TimeOut for sesongen :( Vi går i gjennom sesongens høydepunkt og skryter litt av oss selv for innsatsen vi har lagt inn. I tilleg får Marius prøvd seg på å intervjue på engelsk med en hemmelig gjest. I studio: Marie Sundve, Marius Thomassen, Yasmin Kaldestad og Anine Fredstad Produsent: Gaute Laesko…
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Steve Smiley, head basketball coach for the Northern Colorado Bears, shares practice plans for creating competitive practices. More Resources All Access Basketball Practice with Steve Smiley Open Practice with Steve Smiley: Mastering High-Speed, Efficient Practices - Focus on Possessions, Offense & Defense and Skills Steve Smiley's Favorite Drills …
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Join us as we discuss the how to help people with Zoo-phobia, discuss what Thanksgiving means to us, talk about Thanksgiving food and the Zen to the day. Plus listen to the Cracker Jack crew talk about their favorite Reggae artists, new and upcoming artists to listen to, and what Gilligan Island Character would love Reggae music the most!…
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Die BBL hat wieder Fahrt aufgenommen und wir sprechen über die Team bei denen aktuell der Baum brennt. Dazu gibt's den MVP den Monats und Basti Hartmann, eine deutsche Hoffnung im College-Basketball im Interview. https://www.easycredit-bbl.de/mvpofthemonth 00:00 Intro und Montagsspiel 02:30 Analyse Spieltag 01:00:58 Interview Basti Hartmann Learn m…
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Welcome to Season 4, Episode 4. In this episode, Gloria and I have a heartfelt conversation about offering genuine support to friends navigating life's toughest seasons. We dive deep into understanding how to be present, offer comfort, and provide strength, especially when they’re dealing with the heavy weight of grief. Thank you so much for listen…
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SAVI Coaching's Mark Cascio provides 6 ideas to improve your team's offense this early part of the season. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, All-Star, and CT models. A Quick Timeout is brought to you by Ballogy. A mobile app created by coaches f…
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Die langerwarteten Budgets der Bundesligisten sind draußen und... was sollen wir sagen?! Wir ordnen sie ein und sprechen darüber. Der neue Head of Sports and Finance der easyCredit BBL, Robert Wintermantel ist zu Gast, die Nationalmannschaft selbstverständlich ein Thema und auch der Frauen-Basketball - mit Nationalspielerin und Neu-Madrilenin Fried…
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Yasmin er tilbake, og gir en update på både kneet og utlandsturen. For å skaffe en ny vinner, er det Marius som holder quiz denne gangen. Vi har også en gladnyhet å dele fra bryte-verdenen og Marie og Lina får snakke om politikken rundt F1. I studio: Marie Sundve, Line Halvorsen, Marius Thomassen og Yasmin Kaldestad Produsent: Gaute Laeskogen Ansva…
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Karl Smesko, newly hired head coach for the WNBA's Atlanta Dream, dives into the topic of coaching advantage basketball. He shares core principles, teaching cues and practice ideas for coaching modern offense. This episode is sponsored by the Dr. Dish Basketball Shooting Machine. Mention "Quick Timeout" and receive $300 off on the Dr. Dish Rebel, A…
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Die Basketball Bundesliga geht in die wohlverdiente Länderspielpause, wir bleiben am Ball: Wie lief das vergangene Wochenende, welche Erkenntnisse haben die ersten neun Spieltage gebracht? Dazu beantworten wir eure Fragen und lösen den DYN-Allstar auf. Den MVP des Monats besprechen wir ebenfalls. https://www.easycredit-bbl.de/mvpofthemonth 00:00 In…
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Welcome to Season 4, Episode 3. In this episode, my mum and I dive into the art of overcoming comparison and embracing contentment in a world where discontent seems to be the norm. Thank you so much for listening to this episode, please share with others. I love you. Follow the host @praiseshaguy on all social media platforms Follow @timeoutwithpra…
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Vi har besøk i studio idag! Maia forteller om rumpeldunk, og hvordan det var å ha Anine på trening. Vi går gjennom noen nyheter som har skjedd denne uken. Marius forteller oss også om enda en absurd sport; Sjakk-boksing. I studio: Marie Sundve, Marius Thomassen og Anine Fredstad Produsent: Gaute Laeskogen Ansvarlig redaktør: Sofie Larsen Nesdal…
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