The Right to Language Assistance in Healthcare: Kelly Grzech on Our Lives with Shannon Fisher
Manage episode 314317616 series 3164754
Certified Medical Interpreter Kelly Grzech talks to Shannon about the right of all non-English speaking patients to a medical interpreter. A misunderstanding between doctor and patient can have dire, even fatal, consequences, which can be avoided by using a medical interpreter. It doesn't matter if a patient is a citizen, undocumented immigrant, or traveler from abroad; all non-English speaking patients have a right to medical interpretation. Sadly, many undocumented people avoid seeking healthcare for fear of deportation because this right is not widely known. The right to language assistance is guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act, Section 1557, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI.
Our Lives with Shannon Fisher explores personal, political, and societal perspectives of the American experience. The show delves deeply into the worlds of writers, artists, celebrities, and community leaders and offers listeners food for thought on ways to better themselves and the world around them. Follow Shannon on Twitter: @MsShannonFisher.
#KellyGrech #MedicalRights #MedicalInterpreter #ACA #TitleVI #CivilRightsAct #AffordableCareAct #AuthorsOnTheAir #Radio #Podcast #ShannonFisher #MsShannonFisher #LanguageServices #ESL
127 episode