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When we set out to Win the Day, often we are faced with daily challenges, and some of those come in the forms of our fears. Fears can be big, or small, but fear has the ability to cripple us if we don’t learn to overcome it, and we do that by taking one step at a time. Something we need to realize is that You have to take the FIRST STEP of faith, a…
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Life happens every day, and we have to choose. Do we accept life as tough, or do we see it through a lens of victory? If we want to see change in our lives, we have to take a step and change our story. God is always working and moving, so do we give Him the reigns and let Him steer, or focus on the bad and become subject to our situation?…
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Jesus and Peter gave us an amazing example to follow by looking at several interactions between them when it comes to discipling someone. There is not one single way to make a disciple but there are specific things we must do if our disciples will become disciple makers themselves. Today we will be learning what to do once you’ve found someone to d…
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God has intentionally placed us around the people in our lives to share with them about Him. John 4 shows how Jesus did this in his encounter with the woman at the well, with truth and grace. We have the ability through Jesus to be equipped and empowered to take next steps with the people they have been praying for, and show them the truth about th…
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The first habit of a disciple maker is a vibrant prayer life. Whether you are a prayer warrior already or you struggle to keep your mind focused while blessing the meal, God will meet you where you’re at. Disciple Making is a spiritual activity that the devil doesn’t like and our greatest weapons are the Word of God and prayer. Today we will learn …
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Jesus shared clearly in the parable of the soils that there is only one soil you want to be on. As Jesus followers, we want to be on the fruitful & good soil but honestly, we better identify with the thorns. We will look at how this isn’t just a “next best” option for life, but rather that the two soils are the difference between death and life for…
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A faith in Jesus that does not result in action is worthless. The Bible seems to suggest that true faith is demonstrated by our deeds. A powerful example of faith in the scriptures is that of the Centurion in Luke 7. This man asks for Jesus to come to His house because he believes Jesus is the only hope of healing for his servant. The centurion’s f…
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The early church shared a deep sense of fellowship around their belief in the risen Christ. They supported each other’s faith based on their shared love for Jesus and their commitment to living out His teachings. They shared with anyone who had a need, spent time reading the scripture, and fellowshipped together. This spirit of community was what a…
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One of the greatest obstacles to growing in our faith is the inability to fully accept the forgiveness of God. Our past mistakes, shortcomings, and failures too often hold us back from all that God has for us. God invites us to live with a future focus. Rather than dwelling on the past, we are called to live with eager anticipation for what lies ah…
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Easter morning revealed an empty tomb because Jesus had risen from the grave. The two women who first made the discovery had a choice to make. Do they trust the good news or do they ignore the evidence in front of them? The resurrection of Jesus was good news that changed the lives of the disciples and by their impact, the world. We have the same c…
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When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the people were excited! They so desperately wanted their savior to come and rescue them, but what they weren’t expecting is where he would start. He didn’t storm the palace and kick out the romans, in fact, he went to His own temple and started with His own people there. The people wanted a regime cha…
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The only imitation we should be striving for in our life is to imitate Jesus. This means we look like Him in how He loved others. This love was unbelievable to those on the receiving end. This love was unconditional and not based on performance. This love was self-sacrificial and not selfish. The only urge we should give into is the urge to be more…
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The world has certain patterns to it that do not lead to a full life. Greed, anger, jealousy, materialism, and dishonesty are just a few of them. Paul instructs us in the book of Romans to no longer conform or blend in with the ways of the world, but instead we are to live as transformed people. Transformation doesn’t happen by accident; it is an i…
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Jesus was busy. But he was never in a hurry. He had counted the cost of his time, and knew exactly what he should do in order to fulfill his mission on earth. We can do the same by budgeting our time, and protecting it based on our priorities. However, we should always remember that our verdict is sealed regardless of our productivity. God doesn’t …
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If you’ve ever felt unequipped or unsure of yourself or your call from God, you’re certainly not alone. All throughout scripture God calls people who make excuses, feel insecure, don’t like themselves, ore don’t believe they’re the right person for the job. And guess what, he proved time and time again that His call on their lives and ours is ON pu…
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We live in a “hustle” culture. If you want to get more done, the world will often tell you to “work harder,” “burn the midnight oil,” or “sleep when you’re dead.” But the biblically-based, scientifically-verified truth is that rest is a counterintuitive key to being wildly productive. In order to do more, most of us need to do less and rest more.…
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When Jesus came to earth, he temporarily traded in his Godly omnipresence and accepted the unipresence of being a human being. He could only be in one place at a time. He had to prioritize the many good things pulling at his attention because he was laser-focused on “finishing the work the Father gave him.” We can apply these principles of prioriti…
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As we look to the life of Christ for principles of time management, we notice that Jesus always ensured his “yes” was “yes,” from the smallest to the biggest commitments. He also fought to block out noise and create room for silence, stillness, and reflection, which we see all throughout the Gospels as he retreated to “lonely places.”…
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Time is something that if not managed well can easily feel like gets away from us very quickly. Have you even tried to manage your time, but feel like you just don’t have enough of it? How do we make sure that we are accomplishing our every day life tasks, as well as preparing ourselves for the work God has for us when there just doesn’t seem to be…
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At just the right time, Jesus came into the world. He came to free us from the crushing weight of the law. We could never be good enough to earn salvation, so Jesus lived a perfect life on our behalf. Why? Because of love. God wanted us to be a part of his family. Out of love, he adopted us through the work of Christ. We are now the sons and daught…
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The circumstances of life have a way of robbing us of joy. Disappointment, frustration, and loss can suck the very life from us; however, Jesus’s birth reminds us that, no matter how hard life is, we don’t have to go through it alone. God has come to us full of grace and truth, and that should bring us joy. We can trust that Jesus’s presence with u…
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The announcement of Jesus’s birth was delivered to shepherds who lived on the fringe of society, in the fields, watching their sheep by night. If a king were born to the world, you would expect these shepherds to be the last ones to know about it. Yet, the heavenly angels told them that peace was coming to the earth for those on whom God’s favor re…
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The prophet Isaiah writes one of the most classic of all Old Testament prophecies about the coming birth of Christ. The passage he writes is born of gloom and darkness. The world had felt the full weight of sin, and it had wreaked havoc on all of creation. What Isaiah offered in chapter nine was something the Jewish people needed more than anything…
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Mission accomplished; we have done the task God called us to do…now what? What if God does something that we weren’t expecting? Or worse…what if He does something that we absolutely disagree with? When God acts and we aren’t happy with Him, that actually speaks a lot to our heart and how we may be off from aligning ourselves with God’s will and God…
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Every one of us matter to God. Even when we run from or resist Him, His pursuing love keeps coming to win us back to Him. For people of the 2nd chance, the focus is not on what it IS, but what it CAN be…God’s grace changes everything, and in Jonah 3 we see Jonah’s 2nd chance, Nineveh’s 2nd chance, and ultimately OUR 2nd chance!…
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Sometimes in life we find ourselves in some REALLY hot water from a decision we have made. All our choices have a consequence, and we have a good loving father who lovingly disciplines us to bring us back to Him. How we react when disciplined is key! Do we receive it, grow from it, and let it shape and mold us? Or do we reject it and keep running? …
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Our actions have a lot to do with not just what happens to us, but also with what happens to others around us. Storms in life can hit us from all angles, and our minds and attitudes play out in our actions, which lead in either running to Jesus, or away from Him. If Jesus commanded you to go love someone that you despised, what would you think? How…
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What if you mess up, and feel like you are unable to do what God has asked? You need another chance, but you feel like you lost your opportunity to do it because you ran from His call? The good news is that we serve a God who not only cares about the work He asks you do you, but He cares about you! So much so, that He always gives another chance.…
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The commands of Jesus that we have studied up until this week are meaningless if we don’t understand the repercussions of them. Namely, Jesus wants us to follow Him and do things His way so that we can be sent into the world, now that He is back in heaven. He has left us His Holy Spirit to guide us into the broken world around us. Therefore, if we …
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It is often said that knowing Jesus can happen in a single moment with a single prayer, while following Jesus happens over the course of a lifetime. Jesus uses His words strategically throughout His ministry, calling people of all different backgrounds and lifestyles to follow Him. Our task this week is to answer the question: what happens when we …
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In a world full of expectations and demands, Christian’s can tend to get caught up in the logistics of expecting God show up or hearing from Him. The reality is, we have a hard enough time figuring out the best way to hear from God and can get so crippled by those logistics that we miss it altogether. How does God speak? When does He speak? Why can…
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After we have learned what it truly means to deny ourselves, Jesus calls us to take up our cross. While this is a command that brings back the image of Jesus carrying His own cross, He wants us to apply this metaphorically to our lives. Taking up our cross means that the road ahead will be difficult at times. Will we walk away when it gets too toug…
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Jesus often gives commands that seem backwards from anything we hear elsewhere in the world around us. As part of His famous 3-step command to living life, Jesus first says that we must be people who deny ourselves. This doesn’t mean that we mope around in life having no fun. Instead, Jesus is calling us to give up our old ways of doing things and …
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All throughout history we deal with sickness, injury, and death. Through various situations we pray and either see God heal, doctors heal, or ultimate healing where people pass from this world and into the presence of Jesus. How do we process through these times when it feels like our prayers aren’t answered, or we feel like God isn’t healing the w…
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Our life is full of appointments. Some we look forward to, others we avoid or are late to on purpose. What do we do when we are dreading an appointment? To the Dr? To the Dentist? What about when we have an appointment with God and we REALLY don’t like what is currently happening in life. Will be listen to his prescription and look for His will, or…
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There is no amount of sin in our lives that can separate us from the love of God. If we are willing to confess, He is willing to forgive. We can live pure lives because God promises us forgiveness through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our part is to repent and believe, that is the message we are given throughout the New Testame…
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It’s sweet to know that when we find life to be overwhelming, God has offered rest for us. When we find ourselves weary and burdened, sometimes it’s because we have taken on a yoke or a way of living that comes from the world rather than from God. Living to please others can be crushing, but finding God is already pleased with us offers us rest.…
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Giving, something that some churches never talk about or maybe talk about too much. Sometimes we can feel like we are being manipulated into giving money, or maybe we even thing tithing is only an Old Testament principle? Money talks, and something it says is “Give Me.” Scripture speaks a lot of giving, and even says that THIS is the area to test G…
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“In God We Trust” is printed on all American currency…paper and coin. We see it, we read it, but do we actually LIVE by it? Trusting money can seem easier and more convenient, but it may not always lead us in the way that God directs in scripture. How do we differentiate trusting God vs Trusting the almighty dollar, and what is the difference betwe…
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Are you uncertain how to know God’s voice. “Is that thought from God or not? Is that the Holy Spirit or just an impression, or idea of my own? How can I know when God is speaking to me? Acts chapters 10 and 11 is full of the amazing story of how Simon Peter, the former Jewish fisherman - now a disciple/apostle of Jesus – is directed by God to take …
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