The Good News Podcast is your thrice weekly reminder that not all news is bad.
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Listen to our pastors' messages right here!
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Good News Reflections
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Rechtspopulismus, Naturkatastrophen, Terrorismus: Bad News sind gut für das Geschäft. Deswegen schätzen wir die Weltlage oft düsterer ein, als sie wirklich ist. Die COSMO Daily Good News legen den Fokus auf die guten Nachrichten. Denn die Welt ist besser, als die meisten Menschen denken.
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Weekly sermons from GNCNYC
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Good News For Lefties (and America!) - Daily News for Democracy
Beowulf Rochlen - A democracy advocate, daily news content creator, positive progressive, proponent of democratic principles, and all around lefty.
Positive, daily news for progressives and democracy! Democrats, Leftists, liberals, and democratic socialists welcome. A respite from troubling headlines in difficult times. Sure, read the bad news, but then listen to us! Send good news tips to or 202-656-6271 Become a supporter of this podcast:
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A daily devotional podcast of Good News to brighten your day. A Scripture reading and a spiritual song followed by some observations about the day's Scripture reading. From Good News Today with Jim Dearman and Mark Teske.
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Everyday ideas for learning about and living out the way of Jesus in your progressive Christian family.
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She used to be a TV news gal who shared ALL the news. Now, as a mom and small business woman, Nina B. Clarke brings you only the good news each week on Nina’s Got Good News!
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Good News Today is the first magazine-format program of its kind among churches of Christ and seen on 28 television stations every week. Jim Dearman and Mark Teske host the program with commentary, guests, and answers to your Bible questions. Overseen by the elders of the Dunlap church of Christ in Dunlap, Tennessee.
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The official podcast of Greg Fritz.
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Weltaufgang - der Good News Podcast ist deine Extradosis Motivation und Inspiration. Host und Good News Magazin Gründer Florian Vitello spricht mit außergewöhnlichen Persönlichkeiten, die sich für das Gute einsetzen, über Gott und die (Um)Welt.
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This morning drive programme offers you everything you need to start your day with Good News! Die program bied alles wat jy nodig het om jou dag met Goeie Nuus te begin!
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Robert Brzezinski recaps and shares commentary of the GOOD news from around the world.
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This Audio Podcast focuses on the every day heart beat of life. We chat about life’s highs low’s, secrets and everything in between remembering the good news is in everyday and finding our way to express that through meaningful application and creative expression in the life we have been given.
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Good News, Kindness, Inspiring People, From – the #1 Source for Good News since 1997
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A podcast created by a retired Homicide detective who's tired of all the negativity and hatred pushed by the media. Instead of promoting divisiveness and anger, this podcast promotes good news and people standing together in unity.
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One hour of solid, Catholic conversation for your Monday afternoon. Focuses on issues pertinent to North Texas Catholics. Hosted live by Dave Palmer, Steve Kellmeyer, and David Rodriguez.
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Podcasts from Orwell Bible Church, sharing the Good News from God's Word for the Grand Valley
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Good News Baptist Church is a local church in Chesapeake, Virginia. We desire to share challenging preaching and teaching that is both Biblical and practical. All the messages you hear were first shared from the pulpit at Good News. For more information about the ministry of Good News Baptist Church, visit
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エクスペリエンス・デザイナーの石川由佳子と都市デザイナーの杉田真理子が「都市」に関するさまざまなトピックをざっくばらんに話す番組です。 . \\世界中の都市のグッドなニュースから、自分たちの手で都市の暮らしを豊かにするアイディアを探求しよう// 「世界人口の50%が暮らす「都市」ってどんな場所?」「世界の都市の今ホットなトピックって?」「今私たちが暮らす街を、もっと住みやすく、楽しくするアイデアは?」etc... . 🖐️Follow Us / 私たちの日々のあれこれ投稿してます! Yukako Ishikawa Mariko Sugita . 🎤いろんな都市から毎月インスタライブやってます! Good News for Cities . 🌏Our Company / 都市の未来を考える会社! for Cities https://www.instagram ...
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Good News Church adheres to historical Christianity and agrees with ancient confessions such as the Apostle’s Creed. We believe that the Bible is primarily about the ”good news” that even though we are sinners, Jesus Christ came to live the perfect life that we could never live, and then die the death that we all deserve, so that by believing in his life, death, and resurrection we could be in a right relationship with God. That also explains why we chose the name.
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One of the media outreach ministries of Good News Church is its radio broadcast. The broadcast is syndicated to live radio in several states of the US, as well as uploaded online to our app, website, and podcast and shared around the world. The focus of the radio ministry is to help equip Christians in their daily walk with the Lord, by covering topics including marriage and family, forgiveness, faith, healing, and evangelism. Though Bible teaching and guest interviews with Christian leaders ...
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Welcome to The Good News From The Gardens Podcast. I am Pastor Steve Winsor, of Nativity Lutheran Church and School in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Each week I will be sharing a message grounded in faith, hope and love of God from our Sunday worship service right here via this podcast. I hope you consider subscribing and sharing this message with others.
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Good News Church is located in the growing suburb of Yukon near the western border of Oklahoma City. We are an interdenominational church welcoming people from a cross section of church backgrounds. Our mission is to reach, to teach, and to equip our generation with God's Word. We offer ministries for all ages to help people to grow in their Christian faith.
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Socrates Charos is a Greek-American minister based in Clearwater, Florida. He is nationally and internationally known to walk in signs and wonders with countless testimonies including 16 people raised from the dead and 23 people who were raised from a comatose state. Bishop Socrates is the founder of the Church From All Nations, a ministry of healing with power & power by the Lord Jesus.
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Did you know that “good news” and “cancer” could go together? The truth is, patients and their families have never had more reasons for hope and optimism than they do right now. A decade of transformational breakthroughs in treatment and prevention have saved millions of lives, and that’s just the beginning. In every episode of The Good News About Cancer, Dr. Charles Ryan and Dr. Alicia Morgans speak to the doctors, researchers, and advocates who are improving outcomes and charting new paths ...
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"Latest Good News" is a refreshing podcast for those seeking a break from the often overwhelming cycle of bad news. Each issue is packed with inspiring stories, positive trends, and significant breakthroughs that celebrate the good in the world
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Start your day with a dose of encouragement and truth in just 15 minutes! Join pastor, author, and teacher Jeremiah Johnson as he shares the good news of God’s unfailing love for you and His incredible plans for your future. Jeremiah’s life is a testament to the power of God’s redeeming love. Once a depressed, drug-addicted, homeless atheist, Jeremiah’s life was transformed forever when he encountered Jesus at a field party in the summer of 1996. Jesus set him free from addiction and despair ...
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Positive messages about life; let’s turn everything negative into a positive!
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Forgiveness Cover art photo provided by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash:
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In a world full of despair and hopelessness, the Good News podcast is out to tell listeners that all hope is not lost.
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Good News Girl Podcast delivers relevant, positive, practical and truth based wisdom.
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Positive outlloook!
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Where Jesus is Alive and Miracles Still Happen Today!
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Messages from the Berry Baptist Church and Singers around the area of Berry, Ky. 41003
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God’s Word preached in the reformed tradition, to bring good news, challenge, and grace.
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Bienvenidos al podcast de Good News Network, el podcast del cambio positivo, donde hablaremos acerca de la salud y bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual de las personas así como acciones y retos que puedes tomar para una vida más feliz.
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Podcast by Good News Everyone!
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Der Futurama Podcast ohne Futurama.
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Let‘s hear some good news! God‘s Word, the Bible, has all kinds of good news for you.
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JESUS CHRIST saved this present world from all sin.
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Welcome to Good News Community Church podcast led by Pastor Zipho Mashologu. To learn more visit our website at or download the GNCC App. Let's do life together, we love you!
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We are a company of Believers who follow Jesus.
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We start off with Dr. Chuck Day joining us every Monday morning. He is Associate Pastor at Lewende Woord and he is taking a Deeper Look at the book of Ruth. Good News TimeOleh Wynand & Janine
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Democracy in Nebraska, Tax Credits For Families, Democrats Fight In The Heartland, and Transgender Rights
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17:27From a town hall meeting exemplifying democracy in Nebraska to groundbreaking bipartisan tax credits for families, we explore the stories that uplift and inspire. We also highlight the Fighting Oligarchy Tour featuring Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and celebrate a significant court ruling in Ohio that protects transgender rights. Tun…
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Rediscovering Authentic Connections in a Digital Era
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13:42In this episode of "Good News in the Morning," Jeremiah Johnson delves into the importance of healthy relationships and genuine connections. Exploring how modern distractions like smartphones and social media can lead to relational disconnect, he emphasizes the need to return to foundational, love-based interactions. With insights drawn from biblic…
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Drohnen unterstützen Sherpas am Mount Everest
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1:50Lokale Guides zeigen Bergsteigerinnen und Bergsteigern den Weg, prüfen die Sicherheit der Route und transportieren Nahrung, Ausrüstung und Kleidung. Am Mount Everest werden jetzt auch Drohnen für diese Arbeiten eingesetzt.Oleh Daily Good News
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To love others we must first understand that we are loved by God. Reflect more on the topic of this podcast with GNM’s video "With God's Whole Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website at Subscribe to…
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The Little Podcast of Good News coming weekly, starting April 1!Oleh littleboxofgoodnews
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Oleh Jim Dearman
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This is Pastor Tom Arnould welcoming you to the Good News Radio Broadcast. In the New Testament book of Philemon, we see the great effort the Apostle Paul invested in restoring the life of a prisoner named Onesimus. Paul had a deep concern not only for the masses he encountered, but also for the individuals that crossed his path.…
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Good News Reflection for Friday 21, 2025
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4:37God is bigger and more powerful than any disaster and sinful interference, more loving than any loss. Reflect more on the topic of this podcast with GNM’s "Prayer for God's Guidance" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website at Subscribe to receive the…
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Big dams get lots of attention (looking at you Hoover!) but smaller dams can have a big impact on a fish and other wildlife. Read more about these dams here ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★Oleh The Good News Podcast
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Mark 9 and John 9 both reveal powerful truths about healing—one focused on faith and the other on divine purpose. In Mark 9, a desperate father cries out, “I believe; help my unbelief!” showing that even imperfect faith can invite God’s power. In John 9, Jesus heals a man born blind, teaching that some struggles exist not because of sin but to disp…
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A Scenic View of the Old Testament part 9
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1:08:23Dr. Walter YohoOleh Good News Baptist Church
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18:12◉今回の内容 米作り/生きた知恵/生活の知恵/電気の生活網 【for Cities Week 2025 Chiang Mai 】 Open Call /先行登録スタート📣 for Cities Week 2025 Chiang Mai 🇹🇭都市体験のデザインスタジオ for Cities が贈る、世界を舞台にした学びと実践のプログラム「for Cities Week 2025」の開催が決定!今回の舞台は、豊かな伝統文化と新しいクリエイティブシーンが共存する魅力的な都市、タイ・チェンマイです。 申し込みはこちらから!…
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Preventing Cancer by Understanding Inherited Risks
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22:20We all receive genes from our parents, but what happens when our family carries genetic variants that are known to cause cancer? Chuck talks with Dr. Pamela Munster about the specialty clinic she runs at the University of California, San Francisco, for those who have cancers that arise from genetic variants. She also shares her unique experience of…
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The Good News - Monday March 17, 2025
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59:59Recorded on Monday March 17, 2025Oleh Guadalupe Radio Network
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This message was given by Pastor Dan Greenfield during Orwell Bible Church's morning service, March 16, 2025. Here Pastor Greenfield walks through the historical event referred to in Hebrews 3:7-19, Israel's unbelief and the Lord's consequent judgment on them. You can download this outline to follow along and take notes.…
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The story of Mary and Martha is often painted as a story where one does right and one does wrong. We know that life is often more complicated than that. We know that faith is embodied through being present and taking action—and everything in between. Knowing this, like Mary and Martha, let us draw near […]…
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Episode 792: The Author and Finisher of Our Faith
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28:31Episode 792: The Author and Finisher of Our Faith - Jesus did not just die as a martyr. He wasn't just dying for a cause; He actually became our substitute! Learn more on this episode of Good News with Greg Fritz.
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Part 8 of "How To Handle Relational Drama, Ephesians 4:25-32. A sermon on how and how not to communicate with one another.Oleh Good News Church of Ocala
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Pastor Fred KimOleh Pastor Fred Kim
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Devotional Time - Ephesians 3:10-11 Repairing our Understanding - The Purpose of the Church Sound Words - Everyday Religion Fabric of Family - Watching Services from Home with Kee Ford Have a Bible Question - What's the difference between Christianity and religion?Oleh Barry Gilreath, Jr., Mark Teske, Troy Spradlin
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...And Now the GOOD NEWS March 14th 2025
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30:15New Thought Media Network shares GOOD NEWS from around the globe! Every Friday at 5pm (Mountain)/7pm (Eastern) Join the conversation as we broadcast LIVE! We take a look at a collection of inspiring stories highlighted from uplifting sources! This week Rev. Dr Robert Brzeziski covers stories from; & If you …
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God Moves…into the Desert | Luke 4:1-13
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16:50God Moves…into the Desert | Luke 4:1-13 Jesus is in the wilderness being tested, or is it tempted, by the devil. Both are used in translations. But tested and tempted are not as interchangeable as you would think. “Tested” identifies with an individual’s ability to contend with something pushed upon them, wherein “tempted” identifies with an indivi…
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The Wounded Blue - An Interview with Lt. Randy Sutton
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33:42Welcome back to the podcast, I’m Jamie Baynes. About a week ago, I got an email from a woman who said that she listened to a recent podcast of mine, El-Amin’s first one, and she thought that Lt. Randy Sutton, a retired Lt. from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department would be a great guest for my podcast. I’m always looking for more guests, so…
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Episode #124 - Celebrating Women in Business with our Female Founders Panel
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56:05On this week’s episode of Nina’s Got Good News, host Nina B. Clarke anchors our first Female Founders Panel.These are our Good News VIP Guests:—Kim Nichols, MD, FAAD is a Harvard-trained, board-certified, celebrity dermatologist that treats both cosmetic and medical skincare concerns. Dr. Nichols is the Founding Director of NicholsMD of Greenwich.V…
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The power of PROPHESY | Good News with SOCRATES Ep 25
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19:33In this episode of Good News with Socrates, we explore the power of prophecy and the importance of speaking life into our circumstances. Socrates shares insights on how prophecy operates in the biblical sense, emphasizing that while all believers can speak words of encouragement and edification, the office of the prophet is a unique calling from Go…
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Practicing Christianity Practically
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14:24Discipleship is how we practice Christianity and keep ourselves and others accountable to the lessons taught to us by God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit in this Podcast I put in place some practical steps to exploring John 14:6 in our everyday lives.Oleh Palesa Morgan-Kambule
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Die Changemaker von Kanthari: Veränderung kommt von innen
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48:21Sabriye Tenberken und Paul Kronenberg Sabriye Tenberken und Paul Kronenberg, die Gründer von Kanthari haben eine Überzeugung: Veränderung muss von innen heraus kommen. Menschen, die selbst besondere Herausforderungen meistern mussten, können für diese Herausforderungen am besten Lösungen finden. Mit ihren Ideen können sie dann anderen Menschen in ä…
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