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Look, the world is in a rough place right now. Russia and Ukraine, inflation’s out of hand, no one really has any idea what’s going on with corona… And in the face of all that, lots of people are experiencing income loss, lack of sales, and all the shitty side effects that come with an unstable economy. So if you’re waking up terrified at 4am, wond…
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There are SO many ideas and tactics waiting for your shop online. One quick scroll down google could give you a to-do list for MONTHS. Today’s episode is one where we dive into the never-ending task list – there will always be MORE ideas. What happens to a normal shop when you start trying to apply everything you hear? Is this the key to enlightenm…
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When we survey our top online sellers (those making $5000/month or more…) we find some really shocking differences you DEFINITELY need to hear. The biggest one?? Not one of them is active on social media right now. It’s all part of the larger trend where you create a business that doesn’t RUN you – you RUN IT! Listen in to learn how you can apply t…
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Are you sabotaging your own profit? Let’s test you and find out… Have you thought any of these sentences recently? I can’t do that UNTIL I have more money… I can’t hire help UNTIL my business is making $100k a year… I can’t put my shop on vacation UNTIL I make more… I can’t have another kid UNTIL my business is stable... UNTIL is *utter bullshit*. …
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In today’s episode, my head coach CHRIS is joining me to talk about what it’s REALLY like to work for yourself from home…Will it ever look the way you thought it would? Or will you wind up SLAVE-DRIVING yourself into the ground? We talk about why everyone seems to get overwhelmed working from home (almost instantly) and what you can do to turn it a…
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Have you hit a plateau? Are you doing everything you’re supposed to, but still not seeing growth? Did your monthly income used to make you proud, but now it’s just “meh”? Today’s episode is all about reinvigorating your sales with a magic strategy you’ve seen pretty much everywhere before. But I bet you never thought you could do it for your own pr…
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Customers talk to you with their wallet..but wtf are they trying to say?? These *secret* messages hold the key to how you can double or triple your income this year, and all you have to do is follow the roadmap customers ALREADY made for you! Let’s figure out what secret messages are lurking in your shop in today’s episode. Looking for help growing…
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Ahhh inflation is coming for us and it’s TERRIFYING!! What do we do as online sellers when everything is more expensive?? How can we apply STRATEGY to a world that’s rapidly changing right in front of us? How do we prevent our shops from crashing when there’s a limit to what we can charge for certain items? Looking for help growing your online shop…
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Do you know who you’re selling to? Or did you just find a product someone else was selling, create your own version…then assume it would all just work out? Well if you don’t know who your target customer is, you’re losing hundreds of dollars…PER DAY. Get help with your shop here - --- Send in a voice message: https://podcast…
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Have you noticed that when you google “how to grow my shop” the answers are pretty much all the same? They tell you to “post on social media” and “add lots of products” oh – and “don’t forget an email list!” That’s all fine except for one thing: that advice doesn’t work. None of it is DETAILED enough to actually get you any kind of results. Learn h…
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What are online sellers doing to make big sales in 2022? Is it Etsy? Amazon? Tik Tok…Or is there something else entirely that you’re missing?? In today’s episode, we’re gonna cover the ONE simple thing you need to make serious progress (and profit) with your online shop this year. Tell us about your shop here if you'd like help - https://www.ufphub…
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What if you sold on Etsy but didn't see results for TEN years? Listen to a veteran Etsy seller as she tells you what you REALLY need to get sales on Etsy. -------------------------------------- Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for free here: Want to BE …
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In today's selling on Etsy podcast let's talk TOOLS for success. Wanna plug your shop into software and get instant sales advice? Sale Samurai does exactly that! -------------------------------------- Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for free here: https://www.birchpleas…
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This Etsy podcast covers the DOWN side of working for yourself online...What is the ONE thing all sellers seem to forget once they leave the workplace? Hint: It's costing you THOUSANDS in lost revenue each year! -------------------------------------- Want an Etsy tip that’s pr…
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Most Etsy sellers torture themselves with overwhelm to the point of not getting much done at all. If you've freaked out about something REAL SMALL lately ("Oh. My. God. Why won't this cabinet close??!? I swear to god, the house is falling over...") Then you know the kind of stress I'm talking about. I want to dive into this because it's something I…
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Why is a store like yours making WAY more sales on Etsy?? In today's podcast about selling on Etsy, we're gonna talk about what your competition is REALLY doing behind your back. -------------------------------------- Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for free here: https://…
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With so many Etsy shops failing, how can you climb out of the FAIL hole, and actually make progress? In this Etsy podcast, see how to fix the ONE THING that makes everything else effortless. See how it's done in today's podcast about selling on Etsy. -------------------------------------- Wa…
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Sellers ALWAYS have some "magical" *THING* that makes their Etsy shop explode... And it seems like most of them are just fluffy BS that do a whole lot of NOTHING. But once in a while, you get a DIAMOND in the rough. Here's a HINT: If the seller giving advice uses the same tactic to increase their sales TWICE, it's probably a winner! Listen to see w…
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Are your Etsy photos good enough? If just a few sales every month is all you need, then they probably are. But if you want to boost your Etsy sales, then your photos can ALWAYS improve. See what happens when you edit your photos in today's podcast about selling on Etsy. -------------------------------------…
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Want Etsy traffic from the top 3 search engines? Imagine how easy life would be if your Etsy sales just FLOWED because you had non-stop traffic that you only had to tend to occasionally (!!!) See how it's done in today's podcast about selling on Etsy. ----------------------------------…
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Secret Sauce Tip: Create More Etsy Listings if you want sales that don't stop. I know, I know. Creating more Etsy listings sounds too simple to work, but hear me out here. No, wait, actually: Hear Jessica out. Her point is fundamental, powerful, and *full of possibility.* What she po…
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Working with other Etsy sellers IS actually a great way to make more sales. Ready to stop competing with everyone else on Etsy? Learn how one Etsy seller created a GROUP of competitors who all skyrocketed their sales TOGETHER. *GASP* is this a real thing?? Do Ets…
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Rachelle Reminds Me that I Can ALWAYS Push Past My Upper Limit… I am really enjoying these Etsy seller “lessons learned” episodes! But, when I first heard this one I thought… “Yeah, so that’s obvious.” Then I stopped. Because listening a second time it dawned on me that Rachelle (the Ets…
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SASHA’S TIP: Use Google Analytics To Fix One Thing At A Time Most Etsy sellers are terrified of Google Analytics…There is so much stuff behind that login that seems like PURE GOBBLEDYGOOK. That’s OK. Really, it is. In this episode, Sasha’s going to help you out with that little proble…
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JILL’S ADVICE: This is How You Boost Etsy Traffic Using Pinterest Video Pins We all need a little video in our lives, right? But you haven’t seen much of it on Pinterest — until now. Pinterest is rolling out video pins and today’s Etsy seller, Jill, is making the most of them. On this e…
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Sharon’s Story: This is how you Make Etsy Work Faster When You Have NO Time Etsy feels like a time-sucking MONSTER sometimes…But the truth is it doesn’t matter if you are a busy, work-at-home Mom / Dad / Half alive lump… You can STILL get your Etsy to-do's done in very little time. Sharon…
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Etsy Reviews. For some of us the word sends shivers up our spines. Because it’s like waiting to hear whether you’ll be executed or not… And those great reviews are wonderful. The bad ones - soul-crushing. This episode features Etsy seller Brandi, who has only been on Etsy for a year……
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Today’s Seller Explains the ONE THING It Takes To Succeed on Etsy…(and it's simpler than you think). You might feel like Etsy is taking TOO MUCH TIME…But just if you STOP doing every single thing at once, you can make *REAL* progress! This episode is an unpacking of that statement, straig…
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Want some Super-Selling Best-Practices from a Shop with 11,000+ sales? Want to make those sales that we long for?? But how do you do it? Is there a magic button you can push? Sort of. But it’s not always an EASY button. It can be FUN tho 😉 (Who doesn’t like pressing buttons!!) In this e…
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Ready to Get OUT Of Etsy Organization HELL with Kathy? I am so super excited about what’s coming your way on this episode. I had a brain-child, a brain-storm, a brain-explosion (in a good way) …🤯🤯🤯 And realized that if anyone would know what it’s like out there in the Etsy-o-s…
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Etsy Ad Hacks To Increase Your Sales It’s easy to watch your money slip away while trying to dial in your Etsy ads… This episode I’m sharing some insights from my Etsy Tribe members who are telling us what’s working with Etsy ads and what isn’t. Etsy ads are not some “formulaic thing” …
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How You Can Massively Benefit From Conversations With Non-Etsy People For many Etsy sellers it doesn’t make sense to spend a lot of time talking with the people who would NEVER buy anything from their Etsy store. But I’ve found it can be amazingly helpful. Wait, what?? You might be li…
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You know that thing where you’re like *where the hell do I even start* -- that overwhelm you feel every morning is REAL. And you don’t deserve to be buried under to-do lists. This is your ONE and only life. And it’s time that we legitimately ELIMINATE that thing where you’re tied to …
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Has Your Etsy Shop Got You In Overwhelm Mode? Actually being a productive human being kinda SUCKS. There, I said it. No one tells you that *GETTING SHIT DONE* requires you to kick your own ass and drain all the joy out of life while you work 14 hours a day… Let's talk about how to get OUT…
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Make Your Etsy Holiday Shipping And Packing Headaches Go Away I’ve been there. Sitting in the floor, boxes and bubble wrap and packaging tape and products all around me. And it never ends… This episode of the podcast outlines lessons learned when it comes to Etsy packaging, shipping, long…
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How To Avoid Going Into Etsy Basic Bitch Mode This Christmas… By now you are likely into full on Christmas-mode with your Etsy shop. It’s here my friends. It’s HERE!! To keep you from losing your mind, plotting to murder your customers, or literally KEELING OVER from stress, I decided to …
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What To Do When Your Etsy Profit Is Not High Enough… Once you’ve calculated the amount of profit you’re actually making on your Etsy products, you might come to a terrible realization: YOU NEED TO SELL HUNDREDS OF PRODUCTS EACH DAY TO MAKE A PROFIT! That’s *NOT* a pleasant place to be. It’s HARD ENOUGH to make a sale a day… Never mind making HUNDRE…
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If Your Etsy Shop isn’t making money…Then nothing works! Almost every Etsy seller I’ve met reaches a point in their business where they feel like they should be making way more money than they are. Here's how you fix it. Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for …
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Don’t Be An Etsy Financial Disaster Like I Was… I started my Etsy business, in part, because I was a financial disaster. I didn’t know how to adult when it came to ANYTHING money… I was in a dead end job that SUUUCKED. But I couldn’t quit because I desperately needed the *meager* income that crappy job gave me each month. Can you relate? https://ww…
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Meet Pinterest: The BEST Source of Etsy Traffic. Yes, we all want MAD CRAZY traffic on Etsy. DUH! But that traffic can be amplified, boosted, and it DOESN’T even have to COME from Etsy! In my experience, Pinterest is the best source of Etsy traffic. See how to get Etsy traffic from Pinterest here.…
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OLD Wedding Sellers on Etsy be like: “I sell wedding dresses and veils”… NEW Wedding Sellers on Etsy be like: “I customize it and slap the *wedding* tag on it!” For today’s episode we’ll dive into the QUIRKS of selling Wedding and Party items on Etsy. What new and unusual items are selling MOST in this super popular category?? What SEO trends are K…
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Over the next TWO months I’m gonna do something I’ve never done before. We’ll go through each niche on Etsy, one at a time…and I’ll tell you *EXACTLY* what’s working in each category NOW. You might be like, “BUT I don’t SELL in every category! So how the hell will this help ME???!?” If you want to make MORE $$ on a regular basis, and sell more… As …
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What should you do when you’ve DONE EVERYTHING on Etsy and nothing is working?? Meaning your shop looks great, things are on point, you followed all the instructions and… You’re STILL not seeing any results! THEN WHAT?? Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for fr…
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When you're selling on Etsy, you probably looked up once or twice and thought "oh CRAP, I forgot to add items for this holiday that's happening in a week..." So instead of “trying” to remember when you need to create new items… I’m only gonna discuss the holidays you need to care about NOW. And we'll get your Etsy holiday marketing plan on point, r…
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Ever wonder how some Etsy sellers create BESTSELLER after BESTSELLER?? They seem to know the magic FRIGGIN’ formula for awesome…And its a secret that no one will share with you! Let's change that right now. Want an Etsy tip that’s proven to work every week? Sign up for free here: https:…
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Wanna be a fly on the wall while I call my Etsy Assistant today? If you didn’t know, my little brother, Scott, actually runs my Etsy shop day-to-day. If you’ve ever sent us a convo, or asked a question, he’s the person you’ll be talking to. His job is to make sure everything runs smoothly — from customer service to shipping, he deals with all the b…
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Etsy photos are like the pain-in-the-ass that just keeps on giving. Learn how to take Etsy photos that make your items fly off the shelves in today's episode! The rest of the Etsy disasters series is for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. See what we're doing over the next three weeks. These episodes ar…
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Wanna learn about the BIGGEST Etsy disasters?? We’re talking about MONSTER mistakes (that are *super duper common*)… These puppies will literally block your sales, send customers running for the hills, and clog up your entire business. In today’s podcast episode, we’re getting started with Etsy Disaster #1: What happens when you DON’T do your resea…
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ERMAGERD bad reviews SUUUCK so much…You’re literally floating along all like, “crafts are fun!” and then BAM!! 💥 A bad review comes along and RUINS your life. In today’s podcast, I wanted to share the WORST review I ever got…and how it actually drove me to THERAPY. (Yes, really). Want an Etsy …
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